Quality Management and Control

Quality Management and Control

SLMC has a continuous commitment to delivering the highest quality care by addressing crucial
issues, such as patient safety, technology, and expanding services to meet community needs. As
the nurse administrator, you determine an audit of elderly patient readmissions would be helpful
data to be gathered. Discuss some of the specific information you would include on this tool and
how specifically you would proceed with this project and your rationale for including them in the
tool. Whom would collect the data?
After reading about Deming’s 14 Total Quality Management principles, state one management
principle you would apply to assist in delivering the highest quality care?

Employee Rights and Discipline

Employee Rights and Discipline

1. Read Ch. 13
2. Read case study 1 in chapter 13 called Discharged for off-duty behavior.
3. Use Ch. 13 and Case study 1 to answer the questions in case study 1 NO OUTSIDE

Target Corporation-Strategic Direction

Target Corporation-Strategic Direction

The company I have chosen for this assignment is Target Corporation.
Assignment 5 – Target Corporation – Strategic Direction
The Strategic Direction assignment is the fifth part of your project.
Part A
Construct a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) matrix. You can locate a
SWOT matrix through information literacy (Best resource is Google the word: SWOT Matrix. You
will find alot of variations – choose one and enter your Organizations information. and Next,
complete the following two matrices (examples of these Matrices will sent to you in the Content
area.) Include 5 factors in each of the four sections. Be detailed in the descriptions. You must duplicate the format of these (2) two matrices and apply your Organizations related items.
Part B
Construct a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix with products or services for each quadrant
associated with your Fortune 500 company and provide a written analysis of the findings to
support your position of the location on the BCG matrix.
Part C
Construct an Internal-External (IE) Matrix with the calculations from your past IFE matrix and
EFE matrix. If your matrix was incorrect or incomplete, you will need to complete these two
matrices prior to constructing your IE Matrix. Provide a written analysis of the findings to support
your IE matrix.
Resource Information: Based on the three matrices created, you will need to develop a detailed
qualitative written analysis of each of the three matrices. (You should include any term, figures,
or calculations in your written section to support your analysis to enrich the information.) identify
what kind of strategic direction (e.g. aggressive, grow and build) the firm should follow and
potential specific strategies the firm should pursue within this strategic direction (e.g. M&A, new product development). *Please make sure that you include all aspects of the instructions
including strategic direction etc.
Your assignment should be in APA format. Title Page, Table of Content, Body of Written Analysis,
Reference Page and Appendix section. Please use the templates in the course content. Submit
the APA format in one (1) Word document. Cite all sources used in the assignment.

Whole Foods Company/ SWOT Analysis

Whole Foods Company/ SWOT Analysis

Select 1 global company from Business Source Complete: SWOT Analyses to use for the next 5
weeks (this will sometimes be referred to as “your company”).
Create a chart or outline that conveys the following information:
Whole Foods
A brief history of company
At least 3 milestones from the company’s history
3 resources (in addition to Business Source Complete) where you can locate company
information in future weeks. This may include company websites, current employees, journals,
Define 1 new unique business opportunity the company can do to increase their competitive
Identify a function of management that is needed for this opportunity.

What Makes ____ the Best Place to Work and Why?

What Makes ____ the Best Place to Work and Why?

What Makes ____ the Best Place to Work and Why?
Choose one company (other than Google, Facebook, or Verizon) that you believe would be an ideal company to work for based on working conditions, salary, opportunity for advancement, and work involved. Use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library for your research.

Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:

Evaluate the fundamental driving forces that shape the organizational environment of the selected company. Be sure to address competing in a global marketplace, workforce diversity, ethics and morality, and technological innovation.
Examine the organization’s specific practices or policies and the influence of these practices on individual and organizational outcomes.
Determine which practices related to work attitudes in U.S. organizations are most strongly affected by diversity and how those effects could be addressed.
Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Evaluate the forces that shape the organizational environmejvznt of a given company.

Management Skills Application Exercise

Management Skills Application Exercise

After reading Chapter 17, you will be able to answer the following question on p. 593 in one-page (single-space):

Use the tools described in this chapter to write a plan that will help you set goals, plans on how to achievethem (e.g., achieve an A average in all of my core concentration courses and A– in all courses I am taking).Also account for personal time and other activities you are involved in and goals that you have for these,such as keeping physically fit, etc. Ensure that you are specific in the delineation of your plan. For example, address your official goals, enumerate them using a goal hierarchy, and develop a strategic plan (along with contingencies) for accomplishing these goals.
Be sure to use proper English grammar and high verbiage in addition to check your spelling before submitting your work. Be sure to reference the rubric to see how your assignmejvznt will be graded.

Chapter 17-https://openstax.org/books/principles-management@10.2/pages/14-3-process-theories-of-motivation

Servant vs Transformational Leadership in the Military

Servant vs Transformational Leadership in the Military

Attached is my topic proposal for my final paper. Please write complete the bibliography for this. The sources have not been identified yet, This paper will be mutiple steps and require the same writer

Submit the first three (3) sources you plan to use for this portion of the annotated bibliography assignment.
Each annotation should not be more than 150 words, or approximately one paragraph. An annotated bibliography requires you to summarize complex articljvzes in a few succinct lines.

Create a Code of Ethics Plan

Create a Code of Ethics Plan

imagine that you were hired as the police chief for the Small Town police department. Small Town is a community of about 2,000 citizens in a rural area. Your police department consists of 20 sworn officers and 10 civilian support personnel.
Talking to the citizens and assessing the citizen complaints and internal affairs files, you discover several ethical violations.
While on duty, police officers attend to personal business such as shopping and dropping and picking up kids from school, resulting in longer response times to 911 calls.
During lunchtime, patrol vehicles are parked at the same restaurant because the owner provides free lunches to police.
An anonymous caller reported that Officer Frank racially profiles all minorities driving on Main Street on Friday nights. He stops only vehicles driven by Hispanics and African Americans, and then searches their vehicles without probable cause.
Officers can work additional security details at the local high school football games. You examine the shift schedule and notice that Officers Hall and Jones signed up and are being paid for the detail at the high school football game, while also being paid for their regular patrol shift, thus double dipping on pay.
You learn that the two narcotics officers are taking bribes from the local drug dealer to avoid patrolling the area when the drug deals are being made.
Using your critical thinking and knowledge from this course, you present solutions to solve these problems and to transform the agency into an ethical law enforcement agency.
Design a 10 to 12-page action plan to implement the Code of Ethics. These elements are required for the action plan for the code of ethics:
Ensure all personnel is aware of the Code of Ethics and the consequences of violations.
Incorporate enforcement methods for violations of the Code of Ethics.
Create a breach of violation of the code of ethics letter. Choose one of the unethical behaviors listed in the scenario as an example.
Improve ethics training provided to the officers. Provide two options for ethics training, and then explain why you chose that type of training.
Generate an assessment to measure the officer’s ethical behavior in the future.
References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources APA 7th Edition (Cited using the newest format)

Individual Report Assessment Marketing Paper

Individual Report Assessment Marketing Paper
The Individual Report is designed to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their
understanding of consumer behaviour theories and the application of these theories in
developing marketing strategies. Students are required to analyse adverts from a range of
sources and apply a range of consumer behaviour theoretical concepts to three consumer
behaviour topics below.

Topic 1 – Perceptual Theory: Use the perceptual process to discuss how marketers use
areas such perceptual attention, symbolism and interpretation in constructing their
messages. Give a range of appropriate examples.
Topic 2 – Learning Theory: Use (1) stimulus-response models such as classical
conditioning; instrumental conditioning and (2) cognitive learning theory to discuss how
learning theory underpins communication & branding theory. Provide a range of appropriate

Topic 3 – Motivation Theory: Use content theories of motivation; such as Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs and/or McClelland’s “Three Needs Theory” to show how the company
has targeted various segments with their products. Give a range of appropriate examples.
Topic 4 – Consumer Lifestyle theory: Use psychographic lifestyle models such as VALS 2
to illustrate how the company has used psychographics & lifestyle as a segmentation tool.
Provide a range of appropriate examples.

Why is culture so important to international managers

Why is culture so important to international managers

“Culture has an impact on organizations because cultural norms, values and roles are embedded in the way organizations develop [and] patterns of behaviour occur.”  (Sekaran 1983)

Each culture operates according to its own ‘internal dynamic’ – principles, conventions, values, traditions, beliefs, laws etc.

Each company operates according to its own ethos, philosophy, mission and vision – its own policies, procedures, practices, regulations, conventions etc.

Each individual operates according to his or her own code of conduct – beliefs, values, behaviours etc.

Management and Leadership Review

Management and Leadership Review

Using the below feedback that has been given throughout the term, please write a concept paper. The concept paper is similar to a mini-proposal that one would do for a dissertation/project proposal. The paper should include the following elements: general and specific problem statement, a research question, a selected design, and an appropriate method.

The total submission must be at least 500 words to accurately reflect the problem and the proposed research question. Remember, there must be context, so these items should not be listed merely in bullet form. This assignment requires a title page and a reference page (abstract not required). There should be a minimum of four references, but will likely contain more.

The 5 Key Factors That I Noticed in The
Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K. L. Text Were:

1. The Dignity that Work Provides:

As Keller and Alsdorf discuss, it is agreeable that the purpose of work is a result of God’s instructions. I agree with this text because the word of God requires Christians to adhere to His callings, and in this case, the calling is our work (Keller, 2016).

2. Work as a Service:

I disagree with Keller and Alsdorf concept that people should focus on making great qualities of income to serve God. Although money and other belongings can be powerful to distribute great causes, they cannot be the only benefits that one can receive from work.

3. Work Sometimes Makes us Selfish:

As indicated by (Keller 2016), I agree that work becomes selfish in some cases, and it can only be used to make a name for people instead of God. Besides, people should choose God’s will instead of their own.

4. Work Reveals our Idols:

I agree with Keller and Alsdorf on the opinion that when we work towards success and earthly satisfaction without considering our partnership with God, it is a form of idol-worshipping (Keller & Alsdorf, 2016).

5. The Design of Work:

As indicated by Keller and Alsdorf, work is supposed to be significant because it is a part of God’s divine plan. Additionally, God rested on the seventh day to show limits to work.

Agreement and Disagreement:

I agree with Keller and Alsdorf that the results of theorizing and practicing work have born fruits for leadership services. However, I can’t entirely agree with some aspects of Keller and Alsdorf’s text, especially in the concept that people should focus on making great qualities of income to serve God (Keller, 2016).

Biblical Worldview Component:

In the case that a biblical worldview component was incorporated into my research design, my research approach would change. My research would have a qualitative view of the Bible’s influence on employees’ productivity and morale (Hah, 2019).


Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K. L. (2016). Every Profitable Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Creation. Penguin Books.

McGhee, P. (2019, July 16). Integrating Christian Spirituality at Work: Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches. Mdpi. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/10/7/433/htm.


What makes a good problem if it is for a case study?

With the increase in online marketing, one will conduct “a case study” at least once before deciding the best product or vendor to use. In other words, a case study is a research method mostly applied in the life and social sciences to examine a smaller unit and later using the results to generalize on a larger unit. Roberta Heale and Alison Twycross define case study as an intensive research methodology about a unit, group of people, or persons to generalize over several other units (Twycross, 2018, p. 7). These units, as mentioned, could be a particular unit of products, a person, a group of people such as men, women, males, females, leaders, organization CEO, among others. Now that we understand what a case study is, what makes a problem suitable to use a case study?

There several characteristics of a problem that make it a perfect fit for using a case study. The problem affects a larger unit of the targeted company. For example, an issue affecting college students in the United States is most likely involving students in Europe and Asia. Another characteristic is that the problem is a specific phenomenon arising from a particular entity (Gerring, 2004, p. 342). The problem or research question should present several forms in which they can be answered. In other words, it has multiple variables, which can be used to find the solution (LANE, 2018, p. 1504). Lastly, the problem presents multiple dimensions or cases to consider. For instance, using the given example above, the research could instead focus on how course complexity affects college students’ performance.

What makes a good problem if it is for consulting?

Consulting is the act of providing external advice to a person, a group, an organization, or institution or a range of topics such as operations, management, strategy, technology to help the advised party make a better and more profound decision based on the problem at hand (DropOutClub LLC, 2016). The first characteristic is that the existing problem has existed before, or at least there has been an attempt to address the issue. The problem presents sufficient scientific merit to answer (LANE, 2018, p. 1504). For example, for most Startup companies, capital is a major issue often requiring consultation. In other words, there is a known solution to the problem. Secondly, the question presents conflicting issues, and the whole purpose of the consultation is to decide on the best course of action (Keller & Alsdorf, 2012). For instance, a company wanting to purchase a new machine may consult with a financial expert to help in making the decision. In this case, the problem could be production and thus, acquiring the new machine will increase production on the one hand and is also likely to incur additional operation costs on the other hand.

Annotated Bibliography

DropOutClub LLC. (2016). Consulting 101. Retrieved from. https://s3.amazonaws.com/dropoutclub-prod/resources/DOC_Resources_Career_Consulting101.pdf

The source is a presentation that focuses on various elements in business consultation. The source provide the definition, key roles of a consultant and various strategies that can be applied in diverse projects.

Gerring, J. (2004). What is a Case Study and What is it Good for? American Political Science Review, 98(2), 341-354. Retrieved from 10.1017/S0003055404001182

The source defines what a case study is, provide characteristics of a case study, the two most used types, as well as the advantages and limitations of using a case study for political science research.

Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K. L. (2012). Every good endeavor: connecting your work to God’s work. Every good endeavor: connecting your work to God’s work: Dutton.

The book provide concrete information, examples, and illustrations which define and demonstrate the key elements of consultation, it application and value from a faith-based perspective.

LANE, S. (2018). The best evidence comes from the right study design, not just randomised trials. BJOG : an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 125(12), 1504. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-0528.15197

The source provides several references and examples illustrating how, when, and why one should choose to use a case study. The source also provide rich information on defining and structuring a research problem to fit within the boundaries of the chosen research method.

Twycross, R. H. (2018). What is a case study? Evidence-Based Nursing, 7-8.

The source defines what a case study is, provide characteristics of a case study, the two most used types, as well as the advantages and limitations of using a case study in nursing practice.


Describe the three designs and when is it appropriate to use each design?

In order to properly conduct research one must understand the different methodologies. There are a variety of designs that can be used. The researcher must understand and determine which method is appropriate for the type of research being conducted. Three prominent types of designs are fixed, flexible, and mixed. One way to determine which method to use is design thinking. Design thinking requires a little creativity, fosters innovation, and provides new approaches in the area of research. Design thinking contains distinct characteristics and practices. These characteristics when pooled with current methods create a unique research method (Micheli, et al., 2019). Research design is the framework that has been created to seek answers to research questions. Fixed designs would be appropriate to use in collecting quantitative data. One such method for this would be when conducting a survey. Surveys have a fixed set of response categories and such would need a fixed method to determine the outcome. Flexible designs would be appropriate to use in collecting qualitative data, such as, conducting inductive research. Inductive research requires the researcher to collect data, observe it, and formulate a hypothesis on what the data is telling them. Flexible designs are best utilized in real life situations. Mixed designs are appropriate to use when the need for research cannot be put into either of the fixed or flexible design categories or when the research requires the integration of both qualitative data and quantitative data.


Fixed design

Fixed designs focus primarily on aggregate results and have properties that relate to a group setting and have basic tendencies. The design does not focus on the individual accomplishments of the research but rather on the averages of the group being researched. Fixed designs are used to collect quantitative data (Robson and McCartan, 2016). In a fixed design the intent of the research is rigid and can’t be changed. Fixed designs also take time to set up and can be part of a pilot research set. Fixed design research is carefully pre-planned and focuses mainly on variables that can be measured and compared.


Flexible design

Flexible designs focus on qualitative data Flexible design is developed to get researchers to think outside the box and practice critical thinking skills. In flexible designs direct observation is used to collect data. The researcher collects the data through either field visits or direct witnessing of the event or activities of the research subject along with the participants behaviors. The researcher then records the observations through note taking. From here the researcher analyzes the data gathered and comes up with a hypothesis or theory to determine the results of that data. The researcher then presents their findings to the appropriate parties. Flexible designs allow for more freedom during the data collection process. It can be used in the research of culture and other scenarios that the variable being researched is not able to be measured using a quantitative method. One example of flexible research is grounded theory. Grounded theory is a systematic process that works to develop a process to interpret and action about a substantive topic. Flexible designs have no predetermined variables and can evolve over time.


Mixed design

The mixed methods design is a method of conducting research that involves collecting, analyzing and integrating quantitative data such as experiments and qualitative data such as focus groups to use in research. The purpose statements of mixed methods contain the overall intent of the study, information about both the quantitative and qualitative strands of the study, and a rationale of incorporating both strands to study the research problem. This design is established to get researchers to think completely outside the box. The trademark of mixed methods is the combination (i.e., mixing) of quantitative and qualitative data to produce research conclusions significantly better than using either a fixed or flexible design approach could unaccompanied. An essential characteristic of the mixed design is the arduous use of both quantitative and qualitative methods (Guetterman, et al., 2019).


How are the designs similar?

The three designs are similar in that they share the common feature of having one or more points in the research process. Data is collected in each design, such as, numbers, words, and/or gestures. This is done in different ways and for different purposes but the objective remains the same across all designs. Researchers can use all three designs to have an impact on the modification of professional norms by the research they conduct in order to allow a greater range of studies and findings to be supported.


How are the designs different?


A major difference between quantitative and qualitative research methods is that quantitative methods take more effort during the beginning research phase while qualitative methods take more effort during the final phase. Quantitative methods call for survey preparation, testing, validation, sample identification, and a myriad of procedures. In contrast, qualitative methods allow more flexibility during the beginning phase of the process.


What specific methods are related to each of these designs?


Fixed designs incorporate quantitative research methods. This can be anything from survey interviewing with the testing of a hypothesis across a variety of variables in a deductive manner, using standardized procedures for questions and answers in an objective manner, and can apply the results to a wider range of people or settings to experimental interventions, which creates a preplanned change if needed and test results. Experimental interventions rely on procedures that are easily replicated by other researchers and concentrates on key variables by controlling other factors.


Flexible designs incorporate qualitative research methods. This can be anything from participant observation, which starts with a base of observations in order to generate a theory. It also concentrates on the meaning of observations and studies events as they occur to qualitative interviewing, which allows interview topics to emerge during a conversation, listens to the perspectives and interpretations of others, and can collect detail and depth on a range of factors related to the topic being studied.


Mixed designs incorporate and combine the strengths of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Mixed methods pursue the combinations of purposes that do not fit within the boundaries of traditional qualitative or quantitative research and requires more detail on why this type of research design was chosen. Mixed method design is used when more explicit arguments are required to convince other researchers that the goals of the research are worth it and that this design produces good sound results.




Annotated Bibliography


Guetterman, T. C., Babchuk, W. A., Howell Smith, M. C., & Stevens, J. (2019). Contemporary approaches to mixed Methods–Grounded theory research: A field-based analysis. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 13(2), 179-195. doi:10.1177/1558689817710877


The authors of this article aim to systematically examine how mixed Methods–Grounded theory applies to research and attempt to procedural guidelines. The authors noted that during their literature review they discovered that most publications provide little methodological detail regarding grounded theory, mixed methods, and their integration. They also found that most literature neglected to incorporate theoretical development in their research and that most followed a convergent mixed methods design. The authors contribute to discussions with regards to the implementation of MM-GT and how it can or should be used to more fully realize the potential of this approach. This article is of value because it provides an analysis of mixed methods-ground theory that has not been explored before. The limitations of this article is that it was written from one perspective and could potentially bias future research using this method. There should be another analysis done in this area from a different perspective. This article is somewhat effective in its investigation of research and the methods used to conduct research. This article only studied literature that was written on this method and did not actually conduct an experiment or the research method in a real world setting. The evidence in this article lacked effectiveness as it is a simple review of published material on the subject and can’t be proven or disproven as no real research was actually conducted. I would be able to utilize this article as a reference of the understanding of MM-GT but not be able to properly utilize it as a source to conduct actual research.


Micheli, P., Wilner, S. J. S., Bhatti, S. H., Mura, M., & Beverland, M. B. (2019). Doing design thinking: Conceptual review, synthesis, and research agenda: Doing design thinking. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(2), 124-148. doi:10.1111/jpim.12466


The authors of this article attempt to shed light on existing knowledge of design thinking and the concept of it. They conducted a systematic review of literature that has been written about design thinking to identify methods of research. Their research contributes three principals to design and innovation management theory and practice. Based on their review of literature the authors were able to recommend topics of relevance that would benefit from further study and research. They conducted their analysis in order to advance and promote a theoretical understanding of design thinking and test its applications. The authors provided suggestions in order to advance the ability of scholars and managers by laying out the advantages of design thinking. This article is of value because it provides an in depth analysis of design thinking literature and expands on it. The limitations of this article is that it was written from one perspective and could potentially bias future research using this method. There should be another analysis done in this area from a different perspective. This article is somewhat effective in its investigation of research and the methods used to conduct research. This article only studied literature that was written on this method and did not actually conduct an experiment or the research method in a real world setting. The evidence in this article lacked effectiveness as it is a simple review of published material on the subject and can’t be proven or disproven as no real research was actually conducted. I would be able to utilize this article as a reference of the understanding of design thinking but not be able to properly utilize it as a source to conduct actual research.


Robson, C. & McCartan, K. (2016). Real world research (4th ed.) Hoboken: New Jersey


The author of this book discusses how to conduct real world research and what industries would benefit from it. The author attempts to provide guidance to researchers and helps them find ways to fund their research. The author focuses mainly on projects in this book and what social methods of research can be used in them. He provides the foundation of what good research questions are and instructs that working out how you get answers to these questions shapes the design of the research. These answers are the key part of the findings. This book is of value because it provides researchers guidance on how to formulate research properly in order to get the best value out of it. The limitations of this book are that with ever changing technology some of the material has become obsolete and although it can be used as a guide it is lacking in up to date research methods that are now being utilized in the field. This book is very effective in its investigation of research and the methods used to conduct research. The evidence in this book has been proven very effective as many researchers have cited it as a source used in creating their own research criteria and methods. I would be able to utilize this book as a basis for the design of research that I would conduct if needed.


Description of Data Collection Methods

There are four primary data collection methods, with each having unique characteristics, hence being suitable for different research designs. Surveys, where questions in the form of questionnaires are posed to respondents requiring them to respond, are examples of data collection methods (Ponto, 2015).

Interviews, where one on one questions are asked to the respondent face-to-face, telephone calls, or e-mails is another data collection method (DeJonckheere & Vaughn, 2019). Interviews seek to get personal opinions from respondents by engaging them in detailed conversations while recording their responses and views.

Test and scales, where quantitative data is subjected to various measures to obtain results, is another example (Boateng et al., 2018). Numerical data is collected and measured by tests to get the required results that are not biased. This method deals only with just numbers.

Observation, where the researcher conducts a keen study on a participant so obtain detailed descriptive data, is also another example (Gilmartin-Thomas et al., 2018). Observations are done so that detailed information is captured by critical studying of the subject of the study.


Surveys are preferable in research studies that require large amounts of data and studies that cover a large geographical area. Experimental research designs prefer using surveys (Robson& McCartan, 2016).

Interviews are appropriate in studies that require detailed information from people and personal thoughts. Experimental research designs that require detailed data prefer interviews. Interviews often result in deep conversations that result in understanding deep thoughts and personal feelings (Robson& McCartan, 2016).

Tests and scales are commonly utilized in numerical studies. Quantitative research designs use this method as most of the findings are relatively numerical and not qualitative (Robson& McCartan, 2016).

Observations are used in studies that require watching of participants and then recording the features seen by just looking. Research designs geared towards explaining a phenomenon the way it is often use this method as it primarily relies on the physical examination of the subject under study (Robson& McCartan, 2016).

Annotated Bibliography

Boateng, G. O., Neilands, T. B., Frongillo, E. A., Melgar-Quiñonez, H. R., & Young, S. L. (2018). Best Practices for Developing and Validating Scales for Health, Social, and Behavioral Research: A Primer. Frontiers in Public Health, 6.

This article discusses about test and scale data collection method. It in summary states that this method is suitable in quantitative studies.

DeJonckheere, M., & Vaughn, L. M. (2019). Semistructured interviewing in primary care research: a balance of relationship and rigour. Family Medicine and Community Health, 7(2), e000057.

This article discusses interviews at length. It states that interviews are best suited in researches that require deeper connection to participants and collection of large voluminous data.

Gilmartin-Thomas, J. F., Liew, D., & Hopper, I. (2018). Observational studies and their utility for practice. Australian Prescriber, 41(3), 82–85.

This article focuses on observational studies. It states that observation is appropriate in studies that are qualitative in nature.

Ponto, J. (2015). Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research. Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology, 6(2), 168–171.

This article illustrates the importance of using surveys. It discusses the efficiency of surveys as a data collection method.

Robson, C., & McCartan, K. (2016). Real world research. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons.

Authors of this book conduct a detailed discussion on real world research. They discuss the various research methods and how they are used in different research studies.

To Reward or Not to Reward

To Reward or Not to Reward

For this work, begin by reading Punished by Rewards? A Conversation with Alfie Kohn by Ron Brandt, a commentary by educational philosopher, Alfie Kohn.

Punished by Rewards?: A Conversation with Alfie Kohn

Kohn has written extensively on the negative impact certain kinds of rewards can have on student motivation and learning. After reading his article, develop a main response in which you:

* Provide your reactions to his ideas

* Explain how implementing his ideas would impact students, teachers and the structure of classrooms.

Address all questions, clearly and adequately detailed.

NO OUTSIDE SOURCES other than the articles provided.

Lean Operations Essay

Lean Operations Essay

Please describe the Hilton Worldwide in general and what it does.
Please use “eliminate waste” to analyze the Hilton.
Please use “remove variability” to analyze the Hilton.
Please use “improve throughput” to analyze the Hilton.
How can these three principles (eliminate waste, remove variability, and improve throughput) of lean help Hilton balance cost and quality?
Please explain on a tactical level.

Overview of Organization/Problem

Overview of Organization/Problem

Please read instruction in detail. My chosen organization will be Salvation Army. I have also attached Final Paper instruction for a guide. Only Part 1 has to be completed. Must be 2-3 pages and utilize academic voice. The text book source must be included and is as follows: Mello, J. A. (2019). Strategic human resource management (5th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com

Global Marketing Assignment

Global Marketing Assignment

The purpose of your Course Project is to demonstrate your understanding, comprehension, and mastery of the following concepts:

Identify and recognize Marketing issues in business.
Explain the role of values in Marketing and ethical decision making
Use Marketing terminology
CHOOSE current readings/articles that are directly related to your topic from a credible source. write a 500-word synopsis summarizing the reading and describing how it applies in a practical, professional context to Business Ethics.
1. Cover Page

2. Table of Contents

3. Ten (10) Finalized Written 500-word Summaries

4. Properly formatted APA References page including link to article