Consumer behavior essay

Consumer behavior essay

In Chapter 1 we learned that as part of consumer behavior one “needs to obtain information about specific consumers of interest.” For this posting, let us approach things from a consumer perspective and choose a new product that you have recently purchased. Write about 1) the approach(es) that made you choose this product, 2) the research strategies you used before you bought it. 3) Were you satisfied with the product? 4) Do you think your research was useful? Why or why not? You need to address all four points to receive credit. This should be brief and not more than 1 paragraph with a maximum of 250 words.



Memo to Employees Case Study Acme Manufacturing

Memo to Employees Case Study Acme Manufacturing

Assignment Description
Please review the following scenario and place yourself in the position of the new Human Resource Manager for Acme Manufacturing. Once you understand the circumstances of the problems in this organization, please respond to the questions that the General Manager has posed.
Scenario: You just started work as the new Human Resources Manager for Acme Manufacturing, a Fortune 1,000 company. The job was vacant for 6 months prior to your hiring. You have wondered about this, especially since reading about employee harassment incidents and fights recently in the news.
The General Manager (GM) calls you into his office the minute you arrive. He shuts the door after saying a quick word of welcome and begins to tell you about an incident that happened last week that needs your immediate attention. The company’s manufacturing operation runs three shifts of production workers so that the plant is operating 24/7. Over the past 6 months, hostilities have arisen between employees on the third and first shifts. What started out as jeering and criticisms by the first shift, claiming they have to clean up the mess and complete all of the work left undone by the third shift, has escalated to physical confrontations and altercations. Although the GM says that aggressive bantering back and forth is common for shift workers in manufacturing, he admits that he is worried about further violent escalation. The GM says he needs your help.
Where do you think that this evaluation should begin? In your reply, explain your reasoning.
• Explain the different levels of disciplinary actions that will be used for the Acme Manufacturing Company. Your reply should include the levels of discipline and 1 example of a disciplinary action for each level.
• How would you determine the disciplinary action appropriate for the employees involved in this scenario? Your response should include your reasoning.
• Why would you draft policies and procedures associated with disciplinary actions for the workplace? Provide a minimum of 2 reasons in your response.
• How would you ensure that the entire workforce is trained on these new policies and procedures? Provide 1 example in your response.
Write a 3-page memo to the GM that provides your responses to his questions above. Be sure to cite 3 verifiable references used in proper APA format. No books


Solving Organizational Problems Case of Employee Benfits at HealthCo

Solving Organizational Problems Case of Employee Benfits at HealthCo


Cases analysis prove valuable in this course for several reasons.

First, cases provide you with experience of organizational problems that you probably have not had the opportunity to experience firsthand. In a relatively short period of time, you will have the chance to appreciate and analyze the problems faced by many different organizations and to understand how managers tried to deal with them.

Second, the knowledge you have gained is made clearer when it is applied to case studies. The theory and concepts help reveal what is going on in the organizations studied and allow you to evaluate the solutions. It is important to remember, after all, that no one knows what the right answer is. All that managers can do is make the best guess. In fact, managers say repeatedly that they are happy if they are right only half the time in solving problems. Management is an uncertain game, and using cases to see how theory can be put into practice is one way of improving your skills of diagnostic investigation.

Third, case studies provide you with the opportunity to participate in class and to gain experience in presenting your ideas to others. Your classmates may have analyzed the issues differently from you, and they will want you to argue your points before they will accept your conclusions, so be prepared for debate. This is how decisions are made in the actual organizational world.

In general, you need to consider three sets of concerns as you analyze a case: Also, try to organize your answers by what, why, and how.

  • What: Identify the essential issues described in the case. Issues represent current or emerging problems faced by individuals and groups in the organization. Keep in mind there are many issues in any given case, but not all of them are equally important. Focusing on urgent and important issues will probably serve you well.
  • Why: What are the causes/factors producing the situation described in the case? What seems to be causing the key problems? Do the problems share a cause, or are they related in some other way? The linkages you make among causes/factors in the case are important. You may want to list, draw, or somehow represent the factors you see as important. You might find a visual representation helpful in capturing the core dynamics. The goal is to discern how and why the situation arose in the first place.
  • How: What course of action would you adopt if you were involved in this situation? Why? Your solution should address the underlying causes of the issues. How would you implement your suggested actions? What potential failure points do you need to anticipate? What is the downside of your solution? How would you monitor progress toward full implementation? You want to be as concrete and realistic as possible.

Case Analysis Discussion Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts
Overall Case Analysis


10 pts


addresses all the items (what, why and how); demonstrates exceptional understanding of the case; all the relevant concepts and theories are correctly identified, and fully support the analysis; provides creative and effective solution(s) to the case.


8 pts


addresses all of the items (what, why, and how); demonstrates considerable understanding of the case; most of relevant concepts and theories are identified to support the analysis; provides sound solution(s) to the case.


6 pts


addresses all of the key issues (what, why, and how); demonstrates some understanding of the case; most relevant concepts and theories are identified, but only partially support the analysis; provides workable solution(s).


5 pts


missing one or more of the items (what, why, and how); lack of understanding of the case; unable to identify relevant concepts and theories to support the analysis; fails to provide workable solution(s).





Leadership Manifesto Create Leadership Manifesto Leadership Philosophy

Leadership Manifesto Create Leadership Manifesto Leadership Philosophy

Throughout the course we will learned about multiple aspects of leaders’ roles within an organization. Leaders/managers are planners, motivators, and analysts in companies across the world. You have demonstrated content knowledge in quizzes and you’ve applied the theories we’ve discussed to real-world case studies. Now it’s time to use what you’ve learned to plan for your future as a leader.

This paper should include 3 sections as described below:

  1. Leadership Philosophy:

The purpose of this section is to argue a position about what good leadership is and what good leaders do. In your argument, be sure to reference theories about leadership (using solid research) and feel free to discuss your experience working as or for a leader and how those workplace experiences helped you form your personal leadership philosophy.

  1. Self-SWOT:

The purpose of this section is to evaluate your own strengths based upon the characteristics you explained in the Leadership Philosophy section. This self-SWOT should ask the following questions:  Everyone should be able to identify weaknesses and threats in their own management style, so be honest.


  1. Leadership/Management Action Plan:

The purpose of this section is to show how you will grow from where you are today into the type of manager you described in Part 1: Leadership Philosophy through an Action Plan. What are some specific activities and/or experiences that will help you develop weaker areas and maximize areas of strength before you complete the degree program? Who are some mentors you can identify who will help you develop? How will you use the control process and incorporate feedback data to continually improve your management technique as you grow throughout the next few semesters? Develop at least three action points in your action Plan.


  • You can incorporate examples and real-world experiences to illustrate your points succinctly.
  • Be sure to provide references for quoted or paraphrased information in APA style.
  • be clear, direct, and concise. You must also use correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word choice.
  • Use section headers to mark the transition between sections.



Read the case, Customer-360, in Chapter 3 of the book. Answer the following questions:
1. Based on your understanding of both Laura and Chris, how would you characterize the communication style of each?
2. What, if any, preparations and style flexing should Laura make to better relate to and communicate with Chris?
3. Who all might be involved in the buying decision for Lifestyle Furniture with regard to Laura’s offering? For each, explain why and how.
4. Explain at least two needs that might be met by Lifestyle Furniture by purchasing the software offered by Customer-360.

Motivation and Emotion

Motivation and Emotion

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to analyze a real-world, peer-reviewed psychology journal article. You should find an article containing research that examines motivation, emotion, and social psychology.
Begin by visiting the CSU Online Library to locate and choose a journal article in which motivation and emotion are viewed under the lens of social psychology. The article must be peer-reviewed and should be no older than 7 years.
A good place to start your search is the PsycARTICLES database or the Academic Search Complete database. You can access these databases from the Databases box on the library homepage.
For assistance in locating your article, you may find the following tutorial How to Find Journal Articles helpful. Additionally, you may find this How to Search in PsycARTICLES document useful.
Once you have chosen your article, you will write an article critique that addresses the following elements.
Explain the research methodology that was used in the study.
Discuss social factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others.
Indicate how behaviors and motivation are impacted by the presence of others.
Indicate the structures of the brain that are involved in emotion and motivation.
Examine the article’s generalizability to various areas of psychology.
In addition, your article critique should clearly identify the article’s premise and present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. You should present your own informed and substantiated opinion on the article’s content. You must use at least one source in addition to your chosen article to support your analysis and opinion.
Your article critique must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. All sources used must be properly cited. Your article critique, including all references, must be formatted in APA style.

Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics

One and half pages of the essay should be on the explanation of concepts and only half page should be on examples. No direct quotations

Cost Accounting 301- Fall 2020- Please note the following carefully.
Your essay should be;
 Single spaced
 Font: Times New Roman 12
 At least two pages excluding the references
One and half pages of your essay should be on the explanation of
concepts and only half page should be on examples.
 No direct quotations
 No copying from other sources (your grade will be zero for copying from
other sources)
 Everything must be in your own words
 Do not write name, title or anything on the top of your page
 Your name must be mentioned at the end of the paper
 Include references at the end of your paper
 Please use Word Document
 Use standard margin
 Explain and justify your arguments and answers
Assignment # 1 Due on Sunday, September 27, 2020 before midnight. Please
submit your assignment on D2L under “Assignments” link.
Use Chapter One Learning Objective 7(pages 16, 17, 18, and 19) and other sources to complete
this assignment.
Note: In case you don’t have the text book yet, I have posted Learning Objective 7 on D2L under
“Content” and then “Assignments”
Topic for the first assignment;
Professional Ethics
Give a good explanation of professional ethics. Do some research and give at least two examples
of real life scenarios of companies engaging in unethical behavior and the consequences of their
actions. Please provide references.
Note: The main goal of this assignment is for you to have some understanding of management
accountants’ ethical responsibilities and the standards that they have to follow. Please spend more time
on reading and explaining the Learning Objective 7 of chapter 1. Let me know if you have any questions.

Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection

What does restorative justice look like? Briefly surf the internet for how restorative justice is being done across the country.

Choose one site that details how restorative justice is being done in a specific locale, community, or institution.

Copy and paste the link here and add a sentence or two explaining how restorative justice is being done specific to the site you provide. There is no word or paragraph minimum.

Consider this as if it is a blog of your personal thoughts. Please do not attach any document- type your response directly into the text box.

SWOT Analysis Professional and Personal Situation

SWOT Analysis Professional and Personal Situation

Describe how a SWOT analysis can be applied to your professional and personal situation. What benefits would you realize from this analysis?

opic: Describe how a SWOT analysis can be applied to your professional and personal situation. What benefits would you realize from this analysis?

Information on SWOT analysis is the attached file called Kinicki from Pages 12-14.

There’s also another attached file on SWOT analysis examples.


STAR Method review business processes end to end Procure to Pay P2P Order to Cash O2C

STAR Method review business processes end to end Procure to Pay P2P Order to Cash O2C

Paper Instructions

Financial Controller role requires:

Financial Controls & Compliance

  • Ensure compliance with the Internal Controls over Financial Reporting, Novartis Financial Controls Manual (NFCM) and SOX 404 requirements
  • Execute end to end process walkthroughs and gain deep understanding during the reviews to ensure proper control design and segregation of duties
  • Support in-country FCC/FSC to identify root causes of control deficiencies
  • Recommend remediation actions and track for timely closure, support these activities as appropriate
  • Consult with the respective functions, when required, to deliver integrated and aligned across respective functions solution / advice to the management
  • Provide/initiate training on compliance requirements to controls owners.

Business processes

  • Understand business processes; review process documentation and have a good understanding of key risks and mitigating controls.
  • Review implementation of standard processes as defined in the Finance Core.
  • Review extent of harmonization of processes and controls.
  • Identify root causes of problems and recommend controls or business process improvements.
  • Reporting packages and accounts reconciliations review
  • Ensure compliance with IFRS and Novartis Accounting Manual (NAM) through execution of reviews of the reporting packages of the units to ensure that they are free from material misstatements. Improve and ensure the quality of account reconciliations via reviews.

Internal & External Audits

  • Support for internal and external audits, if required
  • Support for remediation of agreed actions.

People Management

  • Live the Novartis Values and Behaviour (Innovation, Quality, Collaboration, Performance, Courage and Integrity).
  • Role model a leadership style which is inclusive, proactive, result-oriented and customer-focused attitude, while driving continuous improvement and change.
  • Identify and manage guest reviewers to deliver a high-quality reviews, drive a high degree of collaboration across the organization.
  • Liaison/coordination with stakeholders including in-country FC&C team, CFOs, IA, ext. Audit and Corporate Financial Compliance (CFC).


  • Drive cooperation and alignment with in-country team.
  • Ensure to be up-to-date on periodical changes on compliance requirements.
  • Lead and coordinate ad hoc projects or tasks of FCC RAM Global team.

Project Management using MS Project

Project Management using MS Project 

Paper Instructions 

Discussion Points (you may respond to the discussion with PowerPoint presentations, YouTube videos and concept maps in addition to written text):

  • Explain how you can use Microsoft Project to perform Earned Value Analysis. Which have you seen?
  • Describe some of the ways you can optimize a project plan.
  • Explain how Microsoft Project enables you to track dependencies across multiple projects and establish resource pools.
  • Critique what might be some downsides to one program manager tracking several projects.
  • What if one of them is yours?


Course, M.O. A. (2017). Microsoft Project 2016. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from


Risk Management Plan ****Report Format****

Risk Management Plan ****Report Format****

Paper Instructions
Students prepare a risk management plan in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 31000 for one of the case studies investigated in previous assessment tasks.

Students need to:

  • define the system boundaries carefully
  • establish the context clearly in accordance with the standard
  • clearly state the risk tolerability criteria employed
  • show evidence of consideration of alternatives for risk management
  • include a discussion
  • consider aspects beyond the texts and lecture material (i.e. value-added discussion)

15 Pages

Harvard Referebce style

10 sources

Critical Thinking Organizational Culture/Socialization

Critical Thinking Organizational Culture/Socialization

Application Question #2 (5 points)

Using your own words, fully describe the meaning of ” organizational culture” and discuss why organizational culture is important to the success of an organization.  In your response, also list and fully describe the four levels of Organizational Culture.  Conclude your response by defining the process of organizational socialization and suggesting at least one strategy for promoting effective organizational socialization of new employees.  Please include justification/support explaining the rationale for your response.  Your response should be original, reflecting critical thought and should not simply restate information from the textbook or other outside sources.

Current Class course textbook used:

Griffin, R. W., Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M.  (2019).  Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations (13th edition).  Boston, MA: Cengage

 Application Questions grading Criteria

The following criteria will be utilized in assigning grades to the Application Question responses:

  1. Response received/posted by the deadline
  2. The response reflects a clear understanding of the question.  This includes specifically addressing each element of the question and also providing justification/support for assertions made throughout the response.  A minimum of one outside/academic source (i.e., journal article) should be used as support/justification and should be cited in the response.
  3. The response reflects critical thinking and original ideas, not answers directly out of the textbook or another outside source.  Again, responses should also include justification/support.
  4. The response has an appropriate length (a minimum of 350 words) (see sample Application Question response which is located in the “Discussions” tab of the Canvas course shell for an example of what I am looking for with regard to content, format, etc. with Application Question responses).
  5. The response is well written, reflecting clarity of thought, as well as correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
  6. The response appropriately cites (i.e., using APA guidelines) any outside sources, including the course text, that were used in formulating the response

Application Questions example format:

Sample Application Question Response for MSM 6610-Theories of Organizational Behavior

The following example is intended to provide you with some insight regarding my expectations and the types of things I am looking for related to your responses to Application Questions in the course.

Sample Question:

Use your own words to describe Organizational Learning.  Also, please suggest three to five strategies that organizations/leaders might use to improve Organizational Learning in a particular company. Please justify your response by stating the “why” or rationale behind your response.  Your response should be original, reflecting critical thought and should not simply restate information from the textbook or other outside sources.

Sample Response:

Organizational learning describes the ways that organizations obtain knowledge and information, as well as use that knowledge and information to operate, adapt, and function on an ongoing basis.  An important component of organizational learning is the collective knowledge that exists amongst all employees in an organization (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2003).  There is tremendous value in the knowledge and experiences of employees that can be helpful in guiding organizational decisions.  There are several ways that organizations/leaders might be able to improve overall learning in an organization.  Three specific examples are listed below:

  1. Leaders could create a “best practices” web site or portal where employees could post information or knowledge related to a newly discovered, novel or best way to do a particular process.  Justification:  A website would promote more timely access to the information by other employees throughout the company, which is becoming more important in our increasingly global workplace.
  2. Organizations could provide ongoing professional/personal development opportunities for employees to attend training sessions/seminars that would expose them to information, knowledge, and expertise related to their organization.  Justification:  Providing training and personal development sends a strong message to employees that they are valued by the organization.  Further, it is likely that employees receiving this training would be exposed to new ideas and insights that will help them be more productive/proficient in their respective jobs.
  3. Organizations could provide some type of incentive or reward system for employees that gain new knowledge, skills, and certifications.  Justification:  By providing some type of incentive or reward, organizations are reinforcing the value of continual learning and growth.  While monetary incentives might be quite effective, there are other types of non-monetary incentives that might also be useful.  For example, an organization might have an annual awards ceremony to publicly recognize employees who have attended training, learned new skills, or obtained new certifications.  This, in turn, will likely embed the value of learning within the culture of the organization.


Schermerhorn, J. R., Hunt, J. G., & Osborn, R. N.  (2003).  Organizational Behavior (8th Ed.).  Hoboken, N. J.; John Wiley & Sons.