HR Compensation Portfolio

HR Compensation Portfolio

Signature Assignment – HRM 667 ______________________________________________________

   Prepare a Compensation Portfolio

All students must complete a “signature” assignment that is a standard component of all HRM-667 sections. Exceptional  You achieve this through a combination of research and practical application of compensation concepts relating to extrinsic and intrinsic rewards as elements for shaping work-related behaviors that an organization deems as most valuable for achievement of its strategic advantage and objectives.  If you have recently completed HRM 637, you are likely already familiar with the signature assignment approach to exploring HR concepts through development of an integrated application.

In HRM 667 you will combine concepts through discussion of current research on reward, motivation, and performance appraisal, coupled with practical application of these ideas through evaluation of specific jobs and comparison of these jobs within a defined industry and market salary and benefits survey that lead to assessing benefits relevant to the employee population and organizational structure, and formulating a compensation system based upon merit, knowledge, and skill acquisition.

Mechanics of a traditional paper, such as introduction, discussion of research findings, a summarization and conclusion of the specific topic together with a reflection on the impact of the assignment and its influence on your own personal, academic, and/or professional development appear in the final product, along with such practical elements as a job analysis identifying compensable factors, tying those factors to a pay scheme that attempts to incentivize the desired work behaviors and attitudes consistent with the company’s strategic goals.

The purpose of this Preparation Guide is to provide you with some general direction concerning the content, process, and structure of your signature assignment. In the sections below, helpful information is proffered that will prove valuable with respect to facilitating your completion of a course project reflective of the high standards of quality work and personal learning that should be the aim of each participant in the course.

Step 1:             Select an organization to feature in your portfolio

Step 2:             Select a position or job series in the organization to analyze and evaluate for compensation

Step 3:             Prepare a portfolio of the planning, analysis, and data collection to develop a compensation plan for the job(s) 

Include the following in your job portfolio:

  • Contextual influences affecting the compensation (Chapters 1-2)
  • Job analysis of select position(s)/series (Chapter   6)
  • The underlying bases for a pay system for the job and context (Chapters 3,4,5)
  • Job evaluation plan for determining internal relationships             (Chapter   6)
  • Determine an external market and conduct a market survey (Chapters 7)
  • Identify bases for incentivizing pay and performance (Chapters 5 & 8)

Begin by selecting an organization to feature in your portfolio

(e.g., Nike; Google; Southwest Airlines, etc.)

Select a position or job series within the organization to analyze

(e.g., production assistant, maintenance, sales associate, engineer, etc.)

Your portfolio will begin with a brief background of the organization, including its mission and vision. (Part 1 Due Week 2)

Your portfolio will proceed with the internal and external motivators relating to this kind of work and the relationship of this job to the overall goals / strategies / values of the organization. (e.g., Nike needs to save money in production and boost sales so will incentivize employee behaviors that lead to desired outcomes; Google needs to foster intense creativity so in addition to high pay, provides extensive and uncommon benefits such as 24-hour cafeteria services for free). (Part 2a – Due Week 3)

Begin by providing the formal definition of job analysis for reward evaluation as described in the text. Discuss your decision to conduct a job evaluation analysis and the factors that will need to be considered.  Describe the process of collecting information about the job and the relative evaluation factors.  Prepare a Job Description of the select position (see, Rubric).  The job analysis, evaluation questionnaire(s), evaluation factors and reward schemes will become appendices in your final report. (Part 2b – Due Week 3)

Develop an evaluation plan utilizing the theories discussed in the text, including identification of an appropriate external market and benchmarks for salary comparison data and analysis. (Part 3 – Due Week 4)

Written Performance Standards (see also, Rubric)

Structure and Organization

  • Clarity of Introduction
  • Overview of Topic
  • Quality of Writing
  • Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Format

Development of Main Points

  • Clearly Describes + Emphasizes Key Ideas
  • Illustrates Main Points with Examples
  • Quality of Writing and Adequacy of Analysis

Concluding Summary

  • Summarizes Key Ideas
  • Quality of Writing and Adequacy of Summation/Conclusion

While your job portfolio is divided into specific parts as outlined above and in the rubric on page 3, the paper should flow from one section to the next in a seamless fashion, providing the reader with a view of the entire HR process relating to compensation including basis for pay, incentives, intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, pay relative to the market and competing firms, and gaining competitive advantage from the overall reward system.







Project Management Cost Estimation PERT estimating formula

Project Management Cost Estimation PERT estimating formula

Group Deliverables (Part 1)
Now that you have had the opportunity to discuss your project and somewhat build your WBS in the group discussion area and offline, use MS project software to complete the following:
Creating your WBS in MS Project. Using MS Project, enter all the WBS deliverables/outputs, activities, and tasks into a new MS Project file and save it with your group name and course #.
Sequence your activities. Now that you have defined your activities, ensure that they are listed in the order that they should be completed. If one activity is dependent on another, be sure to list that dependency in the “Predecessor” column.
Activity estimation. Assign an initial work effort to each of the activities from the WBS.
Provide an estimation framework for the WBS. This should be approximate. You’re allowed to make assumptions as long you’re being realistic.
The framework should be estimated in days.
Duration estimation. Now that you have defined the WBS activities, sequenced them in a logical order and defined the dependency relationships between them, and estimated resources, add the activity duration for all activities then add a start date to each task. The finish date should automatically populate. If you have a conflict, review your predecessor relationships. Remember, you do not need to add anything to the summary tasks (the deliverable/output). The summary tasks will update automatically as soon as you link the activities to them. They
summarize the duration and start/finish date for that entire deliverable. The screen shot below should provide you with an example of how your work will look before submitting this assignment. Many more examples are available in the Project Management Homepage in the Learning Center.
Assign resources. In the resource name column in your MS Project file, add a resource name to each task. You may use hypothetical names or your group’s names.
Once the work is finalized, submit your estimation framework to your group by adding the finished file to the Small Group area so that everyone has a chance to review the final product. Ideally, the group should select a group leader to manage the group’s communication and polish the final work. The group leader should be the one submitting the assignment.
Group Activity (Part 2)
Now that the finished product has been dropped into the group discussion area, each group member should once again review the finished WBS file and provide your insight.
Update the WBS file, if the group agreed changes needed to be made, and individually save the MS Project file on your personal computers
because you might need to use it to complete IP4 on your own.
Group Deliverables (Part 2)
Based on your group deliverable (Part 1)

Apply the standard PERT estimating formula and calculate the expected estimate (Te) for each activity.
Download and use this table to complete the estimates.
Explain the purpose behind the PERT calculations.

PEST Anlaysis PESTLE Analysis PESTEL Analysis

PEST Anlaysis PESTLE Analysis PESTEL Analysis

Task Outline:

This task requires you to prepare a simplified report on the current and emerging nature of the business environment. This report be based on three Portfolio of P.E.S.T. issues that you have identified as influencing shaping the business (macro) environment. The Portfolio will be your collection of three articles that have been reported in reputable newspapers, business and trade publications, or similar reputable and respected publications (refer to examples below).

  • Journal articles must NOT be used as a current business environment issue for analysis.
  • No duplication of topics are allowed, i.e., no two articles on the same issue can be analysed. Nor can the one issue (e.g. COVID-19) be analysed twice.
  • The articles in this portfolio MUST have been published in the mainstream news media from 1st June 2020 until 31st August 2020.

Examples of Reputable Business News Sources

You are required to collect 3 articles from quality news sources, such as those outlined below, that identify changes in the business (macro) environment that have affected the way an industry operates.

The changes identified in the business environment must be clearly related to one or more of the P.E.S.T. factors (political/ economic/ social/ technological).

You should access relevant business environment articles from current, credible, local, and international business sources, such as:

The use of recently published academic journal articles is acceptable as a support reference (i.e. citation) source only.

It is your responsibility to determine whether a business news article is worthy of PE.S.T. analysis. To assist you in making this determination, ask yourself the following question: Is the business issue I am planning to report on significantly impacting the entire industry? If not, you may need to find another business news issue. Remember, you are analyzing the impact of the issue on the specific industry, not the company or institution affected by the issue.

It is also your responsibility to determine if the source of your news item (that you are analyzing) is reputable or credible (HINT: Research is your friend).

The business news articles selected do not have to be related to each other, and therefore, should be analysed as individual (i.e. independent) issues. The news articles are part of your reference list for this task along with any additional resources you cite in your analysis. The articles sources for analysis must have originally been published in English.

Your analysis must demonstrate your understanding of why it is essential for business to monitor and adapt to the business (macro) environment(s) they operate in. Your report will compliment your conceptual understanding with an in-depth analysis of the implications your Portfolio of PEST issues may have in terms of future strategy development and/or the operational and investment decisions that business will make into the future – both the short-term and the long- term. Therefore, the focus of this task, is a demonstration that you have understood how to apply the P.E.S.T. framework to an issue impacting the broader business environment, rather than your opinion on the issue being analysed.

Your Portfolio of P.E.S.T. Issues report must include your own meaningful insights that are based on your own synthesis of the important macro/industry level issues, and your own analysis not purely descriptions. Simply agreeing with an author’s opinion on the issue is not original thought, nor is it your own original analysis. In simple terms, your report must address a ‘so-what’ question to what you have identified and analysed is happening in the wider business environment. In other words – the report is designed to help you to understand the impact of the issue on the broader (macro) business environment. Accordingly, not all P.E.S.T. factors are necessarily relevant for every one of the five issues identified for analysis in this report. For example, if there is no political impact related to the business issue you have identified, do not analyze the political impact. As importantly, the PEST framework is not a predictive tool. Do not apply the PEST framework to analyse how the focal news issue will affect the future of the business environment.

In summary, you are analysing the specific impacts, of a specific business issue, on a specific (one) industry.

Marking guide:

Issue *3 (25%*3 = 75%)

  • All appropriate PEST factors were identified, appropriately applied and analyzed with relevant insights provided.
  • The issue analyzed was understood in great depth relative to its impact on the business environment.
  • The analysis was supported with relevant research references.

Proper organization, professional presentation and APA formatting (10%)

  • Analysis demonstrates a superior level of organisation of content in a clear and logical way.
  • Report presentation is extremely professional.
  • You fully reference your material using the APA referencing system correctly.

A minimum of 15 relevant references were provided (10%)

Word limit (5%)


Project Charter

Project Charter

For this Course Project, you may choose a project that is of interest to you.  When selecting a project, avoid picking one that is either too big or too small. For example, do not decide to build a new stadium for your local sports team (too big) or to plant your summer garden (too small). Projects may vary from a few hundred thousand dollars to a few million dollars. Projects should last somewhere between 6 months and 2 years. Be sure your selection is an actual project and not routine work. Pick a project with which you have some experience and familiarity. Do not pick a topic, such as a construction project, unless you understand construction well.

Some successful project ideas.

  • The opening of a coffee shop-This will be my project Idea

Note: A project to build a house is NOT acceptable as it is too large a project.

After you obtain approval for your project idea, you will complete your project charter, which is due this week. The following are Important sections to be included in your project charter.

  • Project Title/Name: ELITE COFFEE BREW
  • What will the project be known as? PROJECT STAY AWAKE
  • What shall we call it? Each project is normally given a unique name.
  • Project Description/Mission/Purpose: What is your project going to accomplish? How does this project relate to overall goals and objectives of the company? It is part of a program or larger project?
  • Statement of Work: What will this project create? What is the product of the project? At a high level, how do you plan on doing the work of the project? What are the high-level deliverables for this project?
  • Objectives: What objectives, if any, of the company is this project designed to meet?
  • Business Need: Why should we do this project? What will be gained, changed, or modified? Is there a financial or business reason to do this project? This area should contain any feasibility studies, NPV, PI, PB, or PBD used to advance the project.
  • Project Manager and Stakeholders: Who will lead this project? Who are the major stakeholders?
  • Milestones: What are the key milestone dates associated with the project?
  • Budget: What is the order-of-magnitude budget for this project?
  • User Acceptance Criteria/Quality: What are the minimum success criteria as defined by the key stakeholders?
  • High Level Assumptions: What are the assumptions on which the project is based?
  • High Level Constraints: What are the major limiting factors that affect the project?
  • Exclusions and Boundaries: What are the boundaries of the project? What is to be included and what is to be excluded from the project?
  • Major Risks: What are the major risks affecting the project?
  • Sociocultural Factors: Describes the issues pertinent to your project such as political issues, technical issues, ethical issues, and other sociocultural factors.


WritingPublic Administration Policy Analysis Report

WritingPublic Administration Policy Analysis Report

In most instances, you will not have the final say on which policy approach will be adopted by an
organization. That choice usually falls to elected officials or to department heads. In this final
policy analysis paper, you assume the position of a mid-level or senior-level public administrator
who is tasked with identifying a specific problem tied to an organization’s mission, developing
and weighing alternative approaches for addressing the problem, then providing insights into
how to determine if a proposed alternative is successful at some later date.
In this course, you have examined a problem in detail, from differing perspectives, during varied discussions and assignments. In this final policy analysis paper, you are tying all those threads
together into a single, cohesive paper.
In your final paper:
Identify a specific problem that a public organization must address and analyze it, providing
examples of the potential consequences to the community if the problem is left unaddressed.
Discuss how that problem is tied to the organizational mission.
Identify various factors that might influence the development and continuation of this problem in
the community.
Identify and evaluate at least three alternatives that might be used to eliminate or minimize this
problem in this community, using a cost-benefit analysis. One of the alternatives must be the
status quo.
Evaluate the identified alternatives in terms of the potential staffing, funding, logistical support,
and authority the public agency will need to implement each of the identified alternatives.
Analyze how each of the proposed alternatives will meet the needs of the community, including
diverse groups within the community.
Analyze the importance of conducting the policy analysis in an ethical manner, ensuring that all
efforts of the organization are directed at mission attainment.
Analyze metrics that might be used to determine success for each of the alternatives if it is
implemented in the future.
Assignment Requirements

Resources: Your ideas must be supported with recent, scholarly sources that are properly cited
and referenced in APA style.
Number of pages: Your assignment should be at least 15 pages, double-spaced, excluding the
cover page, abstract (if included), and references.
APA style and format: All materials must be submitted in APA style and format (see Faculty
Expectations for further information on APA).
Remember, adherence to APA requires that all statements of objective fact that are not
considered common knowledge must be supported by a credible source (using both a citation
and a reference).
Font: Times New Roman 12-point.
Introduction and Conclusion: Remember to include both an introductory paragraph and a
paragraph of conclusions. This is a fundamental requirement of proper, standard American
Important: Earlier courseroom activities, including discussions and assignments, were designed
to help in the development of this final policy analysis paper. You are free to integrate materials
from those earlier discussions and assignments into this final paper. However, do not simply cut
and paste materials in their entirety. The final paper must be a standalone project on its own,
which means you can integrate the materials as needed, but the organization and flow must
represent that of a single research paper.

Leadership Issues in Nursing Essay

Leadership, Management and Current Professional Issues in Nursing

Select and arrange to interview a nurse leader. This may be a nurse leader from your work, a hospital, an educator, a friend, but the nurse must hold a leadership position.

Possible interview questions, but you may create your own:

When was the activity completed?

  • Name of the person interviewed? Job title and job description based upon interview questions.
  • What was the reason for selecting this nurse leader for the interview?
  • What were the objectives of the interview? (you should write objectives if you are interviewing a leader and share them at the beginning of the interview)
  • What is the nurse leader’s leadership style?
  • What are some of your leadership strengths and weaknesses?
  • Has there been a situation during your career when you made a communication error? If so, how did you resolve it?
  • How would you resolve a conflict with a coworker, patient, or physician?
  • How do you manage stress at work?
  • What do you believe is the role of leadership in fostering a health workplace?
  • How does critical thinking influence decision-making observed during the activity or for the person interviewed? (you will have to prepare for this by looking up critical thinking skills)
  • How is teamwork and collaboration fostered?

What essential communication skills did you use during the interview? Provide a specific example?


How does the nurse leader’s position impact nursing practice?

This is an APA formatted paper.

Have the nurse leader sign a copy of this rubric verifying the time and date of the interview.


Employee Relations Essay

Employee Relations Essay

Paper Instructions
please cite 5 scholarly references three peer-reviewed journal articles for research to support
contentions (and given credit with in-text citations and in the reference listing (in APA format).
Using specific examples, no plagiarism, no grammar errors, very detailed information, straight to
the point.
You will need to write a comprehensive APA Analysis paper utilizing all the knowledge you have
gained in HRM 508. Please make sure to implement topics from unit 8, the reading section, and
the attend section into your final paper for the entire course.

For your Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1300- 1500 words in the
narrative) in which the questions below are addressed. Base the response on scholarly sources;
do not simply restate the material in the text and Attend lecture. Remember to use the third
person. Cite a minimum of four scholarly (peer reviewed) articles (at least one minimum for each
question below). Do not use websites other than the library databases. Cite the sources in APA
format with in-text citations, as appropriate. Include a single labeled reference list at the end of
the narrative. Please remember that meeting the minimum will not earn full credit.
If you need support on how to formulate your APA Analysis paper, you may refer to your APA
Template under the Resource tab or contact the CPS Librarians. Please refer to your grading
rubric for guidance. Upon completion you will click on the Dropbox tab to submit your paper for
Read Case Study 6-2, Classification of a Bargaining Subject, in your text.
Consider the following in your paper:
1.) Why or why not this is a mandatory bargaining subject.
2.) What legal considerations regarding employee privacy in general could affect the situation.
3.) What other means could management use to prevent thefts besides the cameras?

Chapters Topic 1Walsh (W) 1 & 2
Employee Status 2
W 3, 4, 6
Discrimination, Testing 3
W 5, 9, 10
Background Checks, Accommodation 4
W 12, 17 Wages, Privacy 5
W 1, 18 Termination 6
H, J, W 1, 3

H, J, W 4, 5
Union-Management Rights
H, J, W 6
Walsh, D. J. (2016). Employment law for human resource practice. Cengage Learning.
Holley, W. H., et al. (2012). The labor relations process. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage

Brand Management and Strategy

Brand Management and Strategy

The guideline ( the Assignment should consist the following)
• Cover Page (including Topic, name, Professor’s name, etc.)
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Conclusions
• Abstract
• Key Words
• Research Questions (3 questions you are trying to find out answers for in your article)
• Table of Contents
• References List
• examples within the essay
• “Institute Thesis Writing Manual” will be used as format

Training for the Recruitment Essay

Training for the Recruitment Essay

Topic: Training for the Recruitment 

Students will conduct an analysis on the current state of the training program and address the current training needs analysis process.  Reference should be made to Institution, task, and person analysis.  Analysis should reference sources of information for analysis, methods, and challenges encountered.

The body of the paper will be 3-4 pages.  This does not include extraneous pages like title page, reference page, appendices.  APA formatting standards are required.  A minimum of 5 scholarly resources need to be used.  An example of a scholarly resource can be an interview with an HR professional or a peer reviewed article from a Park University Library Journal Database.  Course materials and personal experience do not count.  A formal third person tone is required.

Supplemental information (e.g. worksheets that are currently being used) can be presented in Appendices but do not count toward the body of the paper.

Note:  Recommendations should not be made at this point – This is an analysis of current standing.  Keep in mind however, if an organization doesn’t conduct a needs analysis, the paper doesn’t end at that point.  Student needs to include a discussion of the different methods that could be used.


Organizational Behavior Essay

Organizational Behavior Essay

Topic: Organizational Behavior

Paper Instructions

a. Explain why it is important to study organizational behavior.

b. What is the difference between objective knowledge and skill development?

c. In addition to basic enabling skills, the Department of Labor has identified five essential functional skills necessary to be successful in the workplace now and in the future. Briefly identify and discuss these skills.

Managing Dynamics

Managing Dynamics

Managing Dynamic Environments

Faculty Information
Faculty contact information and office hours can be found on the faculty profile page.
Course Description and Outcomes
Course Description:
This course examines planned organizational change and the role of change agents in the development and
execution of change plans to achieve meaningful, useful organizational change. It evaluates how employee
productivity and morale can be affected when an organization makes significant changes that impact the
organizational culture. The major components of the change process are applied from both the employer
perspective and the employee perspective. Additional topics explored are the important role of leadership in the
change management process along with the development of team spirit and communication in pursuit of task
and organizational clarity.
Learners will develop the necessary skills to navigate organizational change and will also learn how to become
adept at accepting change. They will develop and enhance their skills as change agents while discovering how
they can become stronger leaders by recognizing their role in the change management process. Finally, they will
examine ways in which they can advance their careers by becoming change agents.
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Assess the multiple paths used to implement change in an organization.
2. Recognize that change is a process rather than an event.
3. Evaluate the various employee behavioral changes that take place in response to change.
4. Analyze organizational cultures and their role in hindering and implementing change.
5. Illustrate how dynamic competitive environments prompt organizational leaders to alter their change
6. Recognize that while companies cannot always control the need for change, they can proactively
manage the change process.
7. Formulate how to guide an organization through the change process by creating dissatisfaction with the
status quo.
Participation & Attendance
Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success. If for some reason you
would like to withdraw from the course, please contact your college at Saudi Electronic University.
Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget
your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having problems
with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your instructor know as soon as
If you have technical issues, contact SEU Technical Support.

Strategic Plan Appraisal Instructions

Strategic Plan Appraisal Instructions

Write a 4–5 page critical appraisal of an organization’s strategic plan from the perspective of a nurse executive, taking into consideration the organization’s mission, vision, and other contextual factors.

A strategic plan is constructed from a clear, well-articulated vision and a comprehensive environmental scan. An analysis of the internal and external environments provides a clear picture of the current state and the potential hurdles to overcome in reaching the desired future state. Leaders can then establish goals and objectives that are specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, timely, and rewarding.

Strategic objectives balance short-term and long-term opportunities and consider the needs of all key stakeholders. From the objectives flow the strategies and tactics for achieving the goals. Building skill in strategic planning positions the DNP nurse as one who makes things happen.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to critically examine an organization’s strategic plan. An understanding of the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities is crucial to departmental strategic planning that aligns with, and supports, organizational priorities.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze organizational priorities at the system level.
    • Analyze an organization’s strategic plan.
    • Evaluate the validity of data and analytical strategies used to develop organizational priorities.
    • Explain how input from stakeholders might have been elicited and incorporated into the development of strategic priorities.
    • Create a balanced scorecard for an organization.
  • Competency 5: Address assessment purpose in effective written or multimedia presentations, incorporating appropriate evidence and communicating in a form and style consistent with applicable professional and academic standards.
    • Articulate meaning relevant to the main topic, scope, and purpose of the prompt.
    • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.


For Assessments 2, 3, and 4, you will appraise an organizational strategic plan, develop a departmental strategic plan, and propose a quality improvement initiative, respectively. The choice of health care setting as the context for this work is up to you. You may choose the organization in which you currently work, an organization in which you worked previously, or an organization about which you would like to learn more. You will use this health care organization, and a department or division within the organization, as the basis for the remaining assessments in this course.

After choosing your organization, obtain a copy of the organization’s strategic plan. Most large health systems post their strategic plans, visions, and missions on the Internet.


Write a critical appraisal of the organization’s strategic plan. Identify strategic priorities and orient yourself to the key performance indicators (KPI) the organization uses to drive quality.

Note: Lessons learned from your appraisal will inform your work in Assessments 3 and 4.

Appraisal Format and Length

Format your document using APA style.

  • Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]. An APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] is also provided to help you in writing and formatting your appraisal. Be sure to include:
    • A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
    • A running head on all pages.
    • Appropriate section headings.
  • Your appraisal should be 4–5 pages in length, excluding the title page and references page.
  • Use the following section headings to ensure thorough content coverage and flow.
    • Strategic Plan Analysis.
    • Validity of Data and Analytical Strategies.
    • Stakeholder Input.
    • Balanced Scorecard Perspective.


The following tasks correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

  • Analyze an organization’s strategic plan.
    • Approach your analysis from a systems perspective.
    • What priorities appear to take precedence?
    • How well do the priorities align with the mission and vision of the organization?
  • Evaluate the validity of data and analytical strategies used to develop organizational priorities.
    • What data was most likely used to develop key performance indicators (KPIs)?
      • For example: patient satisfaction data, 30-day readmission data, other internal performance indicators or external regulatory measures.
    • What was the source of the data?
      • For example: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), internal data, public health data, financial data.
    • Explain how input from stakeholders might have been elicited and incorporated into the development of strategic priorities.
      • For example, strategic priorities can be developed by the board of directors, elicited from employee focus or patient advocacy groups, or derived from a combination of these approaches.
      • You may need to interview an organizational stakeholder for this information. If this information is unavailable to you, identify the stakeholders you would approach for their inputs.
    • Create a balanced scorecard for an organization.
      • Use four standard balanced scorecard domains: 1) financial, 2) customer, 3) internal processes, and 4) learning and growth.
      • Are the organization’s strategic priorities balanced, or do one or more priorities receive more emphasis than the others?
    • Articulate meaning relevant to the main topic, scope, and purpose of the prompt.
      • Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
      • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards.
      • Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your appraisal.
    • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.


  • Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.
    • Chapter 11, “Organizations as Political Arenas and Political Agents,” pages 217–234.
      • This chapter identifies the influence stakeholders have on agenda setting and goal planning within complex organizational ecosystems and will help you identify the role stakeholders play in the development of a strategic plan.
    • Clack, L., & Woeppel, J. (2018). Data analytics drives strategic planning in healthcare. Journal of AHIMA 89(6), 42–43.
      • Organizations use data and analytics to develop strategic priorities. This article will help you understand how data is used in strategic planning.
    • Fry, A., & Baum, N. (2016). A roadmap for strategic planning in the healthcare practice. The Journal of Medical Practice Management, 32(2), 146–149.
      • This article outlines criteria for the creation of a strategic plan and provides an example of how the plan may be implemented in a medical practice or hospital.


Quality Improvement Proposal

Quality Improvement Proposal

Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice. In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, describe the problem or issue and propose a quality improvement initiative based on evidence-based practice. Apply “The Road to Evidence-Based Practice” process, illustrated in Chapter 4 of your textbook, to create your proposal.

Include the following:

1) Provide an overview of the problem and the setting in which the problem or issue occurs.

2) Explain why a quality improvement initiative is needed in this area and the expected outcome.

3) Discuss how the results of previous research demonstrate support for the quality improvement initiative and its projected outcomes. Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years, not included in the course materials or textbook, that establish evidence in support of the quality improvement proposed.

4) Discuss steps necessary to implement the quality improvement initiative. Provide evidence and rationale to support your answer.

5) Explain how the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated to determine whether there was improvement.

6) Support your explanation by identifying the variables, hypothesis test, and statistical test that you would need to prove that the quality improvement initiative succeeded.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Tesla Energy Product Line Solar Panels for Vehicles

Tesla Energy Product Line Solar Panels for Vehicles

Company: Tesla Category

Energy Product Line

Alternative Energies Product Item

Solar panels for vehicles

Seek Tesla ‘s new market opportunity, solar car panels. Use more market data. This is information that publically available and contains key insights on industry data, trends and strategy.