Organizational culture and communication essay

Organizational culture and communication essay

Create a detailed outline for your research paper. The detailed outline should have an outline for the following:

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Findings
  • Recommendations
  • Conclusion

Make sure that you map the references from the annotated bibliography to the sections.

It is expected that each section will be about half page to a page.

This assignment needs to follow APA guidelines.

Remember to put all your references and citations in appropriate APA format.

Complete Change Plan Lewin Change Model Kotter Change Model

Complete Change Plan Lewin Change Model Kotter Change Model

Develop a Complete Change Plan for a change initiative that you want to make happen. Use facts from the case study scenario that your team selected in Week 4. The team may add no more than three facts or characters, or a combination of facts or characters to the case study to assist in fleshing out the development of the Complete Change Plan.

Use your team’s top selected strategy for the change initiative as well as the statement of the need for change and your vision for the change developed in Week 4.

Write a 1,800- to 2,250-word detailed Complete Change Plan.

The Complete Change Plan will be broken into the following four parts:

The Action Steps

What are the critical steps that must be accomplished? Arrange your action steps in sequence. Can some be done simultaneously? What activities cannot begin or should not start until others are completed? What timelines should you observe?

It is often useful to begin at the end of the project and work your way backward.

Who needs to become committed to the project? Where are key players at on the adoption continuum? Are they even aware of the change? If aware, are they interested or have they moved beyond that stage to either desiring action or having already adopted? What will it take to move them along the continuum in the direction of adoption? Use the AIDA Continuum chart and include this chart in your plan. What is the commitment to the adoption of those who have reached the adopter stage? That is, are they at the “let it happen” stage, the “help it happen” stage, or the “make it happen” stage? Use the Responsibility Chart and include this chart in your plan. Who will do what, where, when, and how? Often a responsibility chart can be useful to track these things.

Contingency Planning

What are the critical decision points? Who makes those decisions? What should be done if the decision or event does not go as planned? What plans can be made to account for these contingencies? If you can, draw a decision tree of the action plan and lay out the decision-event sequence.

Measurement of Change

How will it be determined that the goal or change project has been successfully implemented?

At times, success will be obvious (e.g., a new system in place).

At other times, success will be more difficult to measure (e.g., attitudes toward the adoption and acceptance of a new system).

What intermediate signals will indicate that progress is being made? What is the first step or sequence of steps?

Transition Strategy

Formulate a transition strategy that includes a communications proposal.

How will the transition be managed?

Who will make the innumerable decisions required to handle the details?

Who will provide information to those affected?

How will the change be communicated to organizational members? Use organizational change terminology consistent with what is used in your text.

Use a minimum of four sources in addition to Organizational Change text.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Reflections on American Indian Identity discuss a paradigm of Indian identity

Reflections on American Indian Identity discuss a paradigm of Indian identity

  • Horse in, “Reflections on American Indian Identity” discusses a paradigm of Indian identity. He writes, “For Indians, I believe this consciousness is influenced in at least five ways:
  1. How well one is grounded in the native language and culture;
  2. Whether one’s genealogical heritage as an Indian is valid;
  3. Whether one embraces a general philosophy or worldview that derives from distinctly Indian ways, that is, old traditions;
  4. The degree to which one thinks of him or herself in a certain way, that is, one’s own idea of self as an Indian person; and
  5. Whether one is officially recognized as a member of a tribe by the government of that tribe.”

Complete Change Plan Lewin Change Model Kotter Change Model

Complete Change Plan Lewin Change Model Kotter Change Model

Develop a Complete Change Plan for a change initiative that you want to make happen. Use facts from the case study scenario that your team selected in Week 4. The team may add no more than three facts or characters, or a combination of facts or characters to the case study to assist in fleshing out the development of the Complete Change Plan.

Use your team’s top selected strategy for the change initiative as well as the statement of the need for change and your vision for the change developed in Week 4.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word detailed Complete Change Plan. The Complete Change Plan will be broken into the following four parts:

The Action Steps

What are the critical steps that must be accomplished? Arrange your action steps in sequence. Can some be done simultaneously? What activities cannot begin or should not start until others are completed? What timelines should you observe?

It is often useful to begin at the end of the project and work your way backward.

Who needs to become committed to the project?

Where are key players at on the adoption continuum?

Are they even aware of the change? If aware, are they interested or have they moved beyond that stage to either desiring action or having already adopted?

What will it take to move them along the continuum in the direction of adoption?

Use the AIDA Continuum chart and include this chart in your plan.

What is the commitment to the adoption of those who have reached the adopter stage? That is, are they at the “let it happen” stage, the “help it happen” stage, or the “make it happen” stage?

Use the Responsibility Chart and include this chart in your plan.

Who will do what, where, when, and how? Often a responsibility chart can be useful to track these things. Contingency Planning What are the critical decision points?

Who makes those decisions?

What should be done if the decision or event does not go as planned?

What plans can be made to account for these contingencies? If you can, draw a decision tree of the action plan and lay out the decision-event sequence.

Measurement of Change How will it be determined that the goal or change project has been successfully implemented? At times, success will be obvious (e.g., a new system in place).

At other times, success will be more difficult to measure (e.g., attitudes toward the adoption and acceptance of a new system).

What intermediate signals will indicate that progress is being made?

What is the first step or sequence of steps?

Transition Strategy Formulate a transition strategy that includes a communications proposal.

How will the transition be managed?

Who will make the innumerable decisions required to handle the details?

Who will provide information to those affected?

How will the change be communicated to organizational members? Use organizational change terminology consistent with what is used in your text.

Use a minimum of four sources in addition to Organizational Change text.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Motivational Interview

Motivational Interview

Reflect on yourself and assess your own changes. Describe a time when you had to make a behavioral change. How did you do it? Do you now recognize the stages through which you progressed?

  • How do you think you would be able to determine what stage a patient is in (as related to change)?”
  • How would you move a patient from one stage to the next? (you can start anywhere on the continuum)
  • What would you modify (add or subtract) from the self-study materials to make them more useful to you.

Transformational Authentic and Servant Leadership Theories

Transformational Authentic and Servant Leadership Theories

For each discussion board forum, complete the module reading assignment from the Northouse textbook, then select 2 concepts of interest to you and research the concepts in peer-reviewed journals.

Submit a thread of at least 500 words examining the relationship between the selected concepts and leadership. Then use the Merida text and other sources to provide biblical application of the concepts. Support your thread by citing at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Your thread must be in current APA edition format and must include a reference list.


Personal Leadership Philosophy Essay

Personal Leadership Philosophy Essay

As a leader, it is important to have a leadership philosophy that you can share with the people you lead. For this assignment, you are going to reflect on this course and create a leadership philosophy to share with the people you lead/might lead in the future.


This assignment has two parts:

PART 1: Write a 1-2 page personal leadership philosophy that you would share with your staff. A personal leadership philosophy should include an explanation of the core values you live by, what you can expect of the people you lead, what they can expect of you, and how you will evaluate their performance.

PART 2: For the second part of this assignment, respond to the following (each response should be at least 1-page in length):

(1 page)-Describe three types of leadership traits/theories we have discussed in this course.

(1 Page)-Assess and describe the leadership attributes of a famous leader in history that you admire. Relate that leader’s characteristics and traits to leadership models and theories we have discussed in the course.

(1 Page)-Can leadership be taught? Explain your answer.

(1 Page)- Imagine you are a chief operations officer at a large hospital that strives to be a high-reliability organization and you are leading the search to hire a senior healthcare administrator to manage a large department in the hospital that previously had poor leadership, morale is currently low, and performance and quality of care are suffering.

What skills, traits, attitudes, and experiences would you look for in a candidate? Explain your answer.

Your paper should include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page, per 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual.

At least 5 scholarly sources are required for Part 2 of this assignment.

Operations Strategy and Competitiveness

Operations Strategy and Competitiveness

DQ Week 2 – Operations Strategy and Competitiveness Research a company of interest in the service or manufacturing industries and answer the following questions.

Usually, the company website is the best place to start.

Q1. Discuss your selected company’s mission statement, target markets, and specifics of their product and service offerings.

Q2. How does their operations function support their business strategies?

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Essay

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Essay

Paper Instructions

Write a 5-7 page (not including title and reference page) paper surrounding the topic of emotional intelligence and its role in organizational effectiveness. Consider discussing emotional intelligence and other leadership qualities and skills needed to lead change in an organization.


For this assignment, begin by watching the following TedxUCIrvine talk, The Power of Emotional Intelligence:

After you watch the video, take the Emotional Intelligence Test here:

Now that you have watched the video and finished the Emotional Intelligence Test, use the following prompts as a guide to complete this assignment:

Reflect on Dr. Travis Bradberry’s discussion about Emotional Intelligence (EI).

What were 2-3 key things you took away from the discussion

Review the results of your Emotional Intelligence Test and assess the key strengths and weaknesses of your results as they relate to the five components of EI.

Consider summarizing each of the five components and relate them back to your results in your paper.

Explain the role of EI in leading change in an organization.

Consider describing other key traits and characteristics of an effective change leader.

Your paper should include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page, per 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual. Use of headers to direct reader attention is encouraged. The use of at least three scholarly sources is required

Assessment of Personal Communication Style Reflection on Communication in Health Practice

Assessment of Personal Communication Style Reflection on Communication in Health Practice

Word Length: 1500 words (this can exclude your reference list)

Use the template linked below to assess your own communication style.  Then, reflect about the following:

  1. What are the positive aspects of your communication style?
  2. What are some examples of how your strengths have benefited you in your communication with others?  How do you think these strengths will be beneficial when working as a health practitioner?
  3. What can you do to strengthen these characteristics?  What can you do to develop new strengths that you will need as a health practitioner?
  4. What are some of the aspects of your dominant style that may be potential trouble spots in one-to-one and team work communication?
  5. What can you do to control or avoid those potential trouble spots?
  6. Which communication styles do you communicate with most effectively, and why?
  7. Which communication styles do you communicate with least effectively, and why?
  8. What specific challenges do you face, or need to be mindful of, in your everyday communication?
  9. What can you do to overcome these challenges now that you understand the importance of communication style?
  10. Why is an awareness of personal communication style vitally important when working in health care?  (Consider for example, issues of patient safety, team work, caring for vulnerable people who are sick, in pain or dying, breaking bad news and working with patients across the lifespan and from different cultural groups).

Write an essay comprising the following:

Title page with your name, student number, unit code, unit title, assignment number and title, submission date and your word count;

An Introduction, describing the context for the assignment (role of professional communication, your personal communication as a health professional, self-reflection as a component of professional practice; cite 2 – 3 key references here) and then clearly stating what you will be writing about;

Assessment of Personal Communication Style, reporting the results of your self-assessment in words, accompanied by an appropriate graph or table.  Remember to acknowledge the source of the assessment tool you have used;

 Reflection on Communication in Health Practice, comprising your reflection on the points listed above.  Use appropriate subheadings to provide structure and focus. DO NOT use the reflection questions above as subheadings;

Conclusion, demonstrating how you have addressed the key points of the assignment question;

APA formatted list of References, the sources you have cited in your essay.

Throughout your essay, it is essential to include APA-formatted in-text citations (references) to the academic literature to substantiate your analysis of your strengths and areas for development as a future health practitioner.  It is fine to use your text book as one of your sources but you are also expected to search for 5 – 10 peer reviewed, scholarly articles (not your Moodle learning guide, newspaper articles, Wikipedia or popular internet sources) to support your writing.








Marking Criteria Fail (0-9) Pass (10-12) Credit (13-14) Distinction (15-16) High Distinction (17-20) Mark
Self-assessment of communication style

·         Brief descriptive report

related to

·         Graph or table

No or inadequate description; instrument not referenced;

No or inadequate graph or table;

Description not related to graph or table

Basic description not linked or poorly linked to basic graph or table; instrument inaccurately referenced Sound description linked to labelled graph or table; instrument accurately referenced Detailed, succinct description well linked to accurately labelled graph or table; instrument accurately referenced, additional examples (references) used. Comprehensive, succinct description with detailed links to accurately labelled graph or table; instrument accurately referenced; additional references (examples) used.  



Reflection (analysis) on your own communication style

·         Strengths (points 1 & 2)

·         Limitations, challenges (points 4 & 8)

·         Interaction with other styles of communication (points 6 & 7)

Inadequate reflection on personal communication style with main points missed or not discussed Basic reflection on personal communication style, mainly  descriptive with little or no analysis Sound reflection on personal communication style with some analysis and examples Detailed reflection on personal communication style with good analysis that is well linked to examples Comprehensive reflection on personal communication style with critical analysis that is very well linked to examples  


Reflection (analysis) of any negative aspects of your communication style

·         Developing new strengths (point 3)

·         Improving and controlling ‘trouble spots’ (point 5)

·         Overcoming challenges (point 9)


Inadequate reflection on communication style development & improvement needs with main points missed, not discussed or wrongly identified Basic reflection on communication style development & improvement needs which is purely descriptive with little or no analysis Sound reflection on communication style development & improvement needs with some analysis and substantiation from practice examples (or personal experience) and/or the literature Detailed reflection on personal communication style development & improvement needs including examples from practice (or personal experience) that are well linked to relevant substantiating literature Comprehensive reflection on personal communication style development & improvement needs including examples from practice (or personal experience) that are very well linked to relevant substantiating literature  





Reflection (analysis) on why awareness of communication style is important when working in health care

(point 10)

Inadequate reflection on the importance of personal communication style in healthcare settings Basic reflection on the importance of personal communication style in healthcare settings Sound reflection on the importance of personal communication in style healthcare settings with some analysis and substantiation from practice examples and/or literature Detailed reflection on the importance of personal communication style in healthcare settings with good analysis including practice examples with links to substantiating literature Comprehensive reflection on the importance of personal communication style in healthcare settings with critical analysis that is very well linked to practice examples and substantiating literature  





Standard of academic writing and referencing

Note: remember that written communication is also a very important aspect of communication in health

Poorly written with many grammatical errors, no or inadequate referencing; poor structure,  introduction and/or conclusion Soundly written with basic referencing and or a number of referencing errors or gaps; adequate essay structure Well written and well supported with references, some referencing errors or gaps; sound essay structure, introduction, conclusion Very well written and strongly referenced, few or no referencing errors; good introduction, conclusion, sentence and paragraph structure Extremely well written and comprehensively and accurately referenced; very good introduction, conclusion, sentence and paragraph structure  






Marked by                                                                               Date                                                                                                                                                       TOTAL       /100



Kotter Organizational Change Management Essay

Kotter Organizational Change Management Essay

The Task
You have just being promoted to head a new division or department of your organisation wherein the
performance over the past 3 years based on the Balance Scorecard metrics had been less than average
compared to other department or division in your organisation.
The top management had directed you to spearhead and bring about the desired changes to improve
the department’s overall performance based on measurement using the Balance Scorecard.
Changes in various areas will need to be identified and managing and leading a successful change
management is critical.
1. Detail the types of changes required for your department or division after having undertaken a
problem identification.
2. Identify who are the main stakeholders and change agents you need to work with to successfully
affect the change initiatives you are planning and strategizing?
3. What change model or models will you find appropriate to be used in your change initiatives?
4. What strategies will you use to overcome resistance to change that you are planning to introduce?
You should use the web, media, books and journals, library and other resources to write the
assignment in a Management Report format. Where applicable and relevant, you are also encouraged
to conduct fieldwork and interviews of the organization or individuals to collect relevant information
for your report.

Instructions for the Management Report:
Your report (not exceeding 4000 words) should incorporate the following:
(a) Executive Summary ( 5%)
200-300 words, not to be included in the word count.
(b) Introduction ( 10%)
You should clearly identify the selected organisational change programme or initiative to be
investigated and providing the background as to why it was introduced ( its objectives), the nature or
types of change involved.
(c) Main Body( 65%)
You should identify suitable theories, frameworks or models to use in the report and be organised
under appropriate sub-headings on the requirements listed as follows:
1. Detail the types of changes required
2. Identify who are the main stakeholders and change agents
3. What change model or models will you find appropriate to be used
4. What strategies will you use to overcome resistance to change
(d) Conclusion( 10%)
Direct the end of your report to the Group CEO to convince him of your findings and
(e) Citations and References( 10%)
Harvard-style reference system with in-text and end text referencing list.
Have a minimum of 10 references.

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics 25 pages term paper

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics 25 pages term paper

Paper Instructions:

  • A short informative title containing the major key words. The title should not contain abbreviations
  • The full names of the authors with institutional affiliations where the work was conducted, with a footnote for the author’s present address if different from where the work was conducted;
  • Acknowledgments;
  • Abstract; 250 words
  • Up to seven keywords;
  • Main body: formatted as introduction, materials & methods, results, discussion,
  • conclusion
  • References;
  • Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes);
  • Figures: Figure legends must be added beneath each individual image during upload AND as a complete list in the text.

Pepsi Cola War Assignment

Pepsi Cola War Assignment

Cola war continue Coke and Pepsi in 2010
In this case study assignment, you will be analyzing the Cola Wars case study in your Harvard Coursepack. The case study is a classic one that Porter refers to illustrate the benefits of the Five Forces analysis. We use case studies in this course because of the managerial lesson that transcends time rather than “newness”.
1. Read the case study twice. Once to get a broad understanding of the issues. The second time for evidence to help understand the five forces.
2. Write a 1-page response to the question in the syllabus,
Why, historically, has the soft drink industry been so profitable?
Note, the question has identified a particular industry and a time-period for you. The soft drink industry is the concentrate producers (CP). The period of time for your analysis is from 2000 to prior to 2010 when soft drinks were at their most profitable.
Name each of the five forces in your analysis and address the key questions for each of the forces for full points.
Write your answers in full sentences so that I can follow your reasoning.

Ethics application HOB elevation

Ethics application HOB elevation


Provide a brief outline of the project describing in everyday, jargon-free language the key aspects of the research (e.g., who will be participating, what information will be collected and by what means, what participants will be required to do, etc.) and the key research aims. (300 words max.)


State the aims, key research questions, and significance of the project. Also provide a brief description of the relevance of your proposed project to current research, supported by the literature. (500 words max.)


Provide an outline of the proposed method, including details of data collection techniques, tasks participants will be asked to do, the estimated time commitment involved, and how data will be analysed. (500 words max).


Participant Details

Describe your proposed recruitment strategy to source target participants. Provide the number and age range, giving a justification of your proposed sample size. (100 words)


This section raises the issue of your duty of care toward research participants. To what risks are participants subjected? What will you do should an emergency occur, or should a participant become upset or distressed? What is your risk management strategy?
Refer National Statement: Section 2.1 Risk and Benefit

Identify as far as possible all potential risks to participants (e.g., physical, psychological, social, legal, economic) associated with the proposed research. Explain what risk management procedures will be put in place, along with contact details of an appropriately qualified organisation for participant reference in case of distress, eg: Lifeline (200 words)


Please check that the following documents are included in your application by writing in the box below (300 words)

Are the following research tools are included in this application? Yes No N/A
Questionnaire Draft
Interview Questions Draft