Strategic Directions (Markets Products Services) and Methods of Expansion

Strategic Directions (Markets Products Services) and Methods of Expansion

Assignment Outline

• Executive Summary

• Introduction (Company & industry background, key challenges faced by the selected company)

• External environmental analysis for identifying opportunities and threats: Macro (PEST or PESTEL) & Micro (5 Forces Framework for analysing industry structure and the nature of competition)

• Internal environmental analysis for identifying strengths and weaknesses: VRIO or value chain analysis

• Identification of Competitive Strategies (Bowman’s Clock or Porter’s Generic Strategies)

• Strategic directions (Markets, Products, Services) & methods of expansion

• In-text citations and list of references using Harvard Referencing

Details of Assessment

You are the newly appointed strategic consultant at Grocer Lidl. The board of directors have decided to expand the business to the ‘Asian Market’ and they have asked you to prepare a report suggesting the best strategic direction for the firm to grow internationally particularly and strategies that will help them to create a competitive advantage and achieve their strategic objectives. You need to consider effectively scanning both the internal and external environment of Lidl in order to help them explore new opportunities in the Asian market.

Note: To narrow down your report you can choose any Asian country of your choice.

Background Dating back to 1930’s, a small, independent grocery wholesaler was born in Germany (Lidl,2017). Fast track to today Lidl is one of the largest grocery retailers in Europe. The first Lidl stores were opened in 1973, and by the 1980s Lidl was a household name in Germany. During the 1990s Lidl started branching outside of Germany and today the grocer can be found across Europe. In 1994, Lidl opened its first retail shop in the UK, just two decades later, they now have over 600 stores with a simple vision of providing ‘high quality at low prices’. However, for better understanding of the organisation you are required to research the given organisation including its challenges and strategic management approach to expand in the Asian Market.

• Applying the knowledge of relevant strategic management frameworks, you need to •

Carry out the external analysis

• Address the internal analysis

• Identify key issues, evaluate alternatives and make conclusions based on thorough analysis

Internal environmental analysis strengths and weaknesses VRIO or value chain analysis

Internal environmental analysis strengths and weaknesses VRIO or value chain analysis

Assignment Outline

• Executive Summary

• Introduction (Company & industry background, key challenges faced by the selected company)

• External environmental analysis for identifying opportunities and threats: Macro (PEST or PESTEL) & Micro (5 Forces Framework for analysing industry structure and the nature of competition)

• Internal environmental analysis for identifying strengths and weaknesses: VRIO or value chain analysis

• Identification of Competitive Strategies (Bowman’s Clock or Porter’s Generic Strategies)

• Strategic directions (Markets, Products, Services) & methods of expansion

• In-text citations and list of references using Harvard Referencing

Details of Assessment

You are the newly appointed strategic consultant at Grocer Lidl. The board of directors have decided to expand the business to the ‘Asian Market’ and they have asked you to prepare a report suggesting the best strategic direction for the firm to grow internationally particularly and strategies that will help them to create a competitive advantage and achieve their strategic objectives. You need to consider effectively scanning both the internal and external environment of Lidl in order to help them explore new opportunities in the Asian market.

Note: To narrow down your report you can choose any Asian country of your choice.

Background Dating back to 1930’s, a small, independent grocery wholesaler was born in Germany (Lidl,2017). Fast track to today Lidl is one of the largest grocery retailers in Europe. The first Lidl stores were opened in 1973, and by the 1980s Lidl was a household name in Germany. During the 1990s Lidl started branching outside of Germany and today the grocer can be found across Europe. In 1994, Lidl opened its first retail shop in the UK, just two decades later, they now have over 600 stores with a simple vision of providing ‘high quality at low prices’. However, for better understanding of the organisation you are required to research the given organisation including its challenges and strategic management approach to expand in the Asian Market.

• Applying the knowledge of relevant strategic management frameworks, you need to •

Carry out the external analysis

• Address the internal analysis

• Identify key issues, evaluate alternatives and make conclusions based on thorough analysis

Value Proposition Hotel Industry Evolved to Change Guest Behavior

Value Proposition Hotel Industry Evolved to Change Guest Behavior

Access the following resource by clicking the link below:

North Americans feel better about hotels than ever. The goodwill is unlikely to last: Future reservations (2016, July 18). The Economist. Retrieved from

Based on the article and this unit’s other reading assignments, examine how value proposition in the hotel industry has evolved to change guest behavior across generations. Provide examples that support your analysis.

Your essay must include an introduction, be at least three pages in length, and be double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used, including the article, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

Marketing Myopia by Theodore Levitt Assignment

Marketing Myopia by Theodore Levitt Assignment

Read Marketing Myopia, an article written in 1960 by Theodore Levitt and published in the Harvard Business Review.  Read, reread, and consider the ideas advanced by the author.  Do you agree?  Disagree?  Are his ideas relevant today?  What are the strengths and weaknesses of his arguments?  The goal of this assignment is for you to critically assess the ideas advanced by the author using your own knowledge and experience to justify your position.

Clarity of argument while having a focused, concise presentation is key to your success in this assignment. The main themes put forward by the author should be addressed, providing a critical analysis of the hypothesis and the data used to support it.

The critique should include an introductory paragraph briefly summarizing the article and a concluding paragraph briefly summarizing the student’s position on the value/accuracy/relevance of the article. This assignment should draw on materials from the assigned readings and discussion materials, in addition to external materials, your past learnings, and your experiences.

These criteria must be met when submitting your article critique:

  • The report must be 1-2 double-spaced typewritten pages. It should be free of spelling errors, be grammatically correct, written in full-sentences, and contain full words (no shorthand, emoticons, etc.).
  • All materials must be referenced using APA style. Efforts to reference academic sources located through the library is encouraged.

Market Research Assignment

Market Research Assignment

I need some sample job duties for Market Research Specialist edited to be more specific for a paper roll company I work for.

5 or 6 of these needs to be edited.

Example of 1 I did:  To study & analyze the buying behavior of consumers, dealers, retailers towards AZ Paper brand as compared with similar product of other companies, thus understand the consumer acceptance of products.

–          Prepare reports of findings, illustrating data graphically and translating complex findings into written text.

–          Collect and analyze data on customer demographics, preferences, needs, and buying habits to identify potential markets and factors affecting product demand.

–          Conduct research on consumer opinions and marketing strategies, collaborating with marketing professionals, statisticians, pollsters, and other professionals.

–          Measure and assess customer and employee satisfaction.

–          Devise and evaluate methods and procedures for collecting data, such as surveys, opinion polls, or questionnaires, or arrange to obtain existing data.

–          Measure effectiveness of marketing, advertising, and communications programs and strategies.

–          Seek and provide information to help companies determine their position in the marketplace.

–          Forecast and track marketing and sales trends, analyzing collected data.

–          Gather data on competitors and analyze their prices, sales, and method of marketing and distribution.

–          Monitor industry statistics and follow trends in trade literature.

Integrated Marketing Communications Essay

Integrated Marketing Communications Essay

The concept of integrated marketing communications describes the most prevalent promotional activity in the marketplace today. Consumers are multifaceted, and businesses know that the use of one promotional mix tool alone is no longer adequate. Include both of the following points in your discussion:

  1. Discuss a popular national product or service that is using integrated marketing communications effectively.
  2. Include specific examples of its promotional activities from the different promotional mix categories.

200 word minimum

Customer-perceived Value Total Customer Satisfaction Valuable Functions Brands

Customer-perceived Value Total Customer Satisfaction Valuable Functions Brands

Marketing Management

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Respond to the items below.

1.      Explain customer-perceived value.

2.      Explain total customer satisfaction.

3.      What valuable functions can brands perform for a firm?

4.      Given that the power of a brand resides in the minds of consumers and how it changes their response to marketing, there are two basic approaches to measuring brand equity. Briefly, describe each of these approaches.

5.      Incorporating the concepts discussed in this assignment, answer the following: How does a loyal brand community support the positioning and branding of a small business? Provide an example to support your explanation.

Form Function Right Price Fair Price

Form Function Right Price Fair Price

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Respond to the items below.

Part A: With Products, Is It Form or Function?

The “form versus function” debate applies in many arenas, including marketing. Some marketers believe that product performance is the end all and be all. Other marketers maintain that the looks, feel, and other design elements of products are what really make the difference.

Take a position: Product functionality is the key to brand success versus product design is the key to brand success.

Part B: Is the Right Price a Fair Price?

Prices are often set to satisfy demand or to reflect the premium that consumers are willing to pay for a product or service. Some critics shudder, however, at the thought of $2 bottles of water, $150 running shoes, and $500 concert tickets.

Take a position: Prices should reflect the value that consumers are willing to pay versus prices should primarily just reflect the cost involved in making a product or service.

Impact of Disruptive Business Models

Impact of Disruptive Business Models

Purpose: To demonstrate knowledge and analysis of business models through analysis, research and critical thinking skills.

Value:            Weight: 15%

See Calendar for due date

Support all statements and opinions with facts and evidence

Answer the questions being asked to the best of your ability

Late assignments will be penalized 1.5 marks/day

Cite all sources with APA formatting Failure or neglect to cite sources by providing the name of the author,

article and date will result in a diminished grade

Expected word count: 500-700 words


Choose 1 Internet business that has disrupted a conventional business model. Examples and Uber, Lyft, Netflix, Airbnb,

Amazon or refer to the course textbook for further examples.

a) Describe the business model in detail. Ensure that you use resources from the course textbook or the business model canvas. (5 marks)

b) Compare and explain how the conventional business model has been disrupted. Consider revenue models, resources, key partners,

value created etc. (9 marks)

Provide an introduction and a conclusion (1 marks)

Provide support for your thoughts and opinions through research. Cite your sources.

SWOT PESTEL Perceptual Map

SWOT PESTEL Perceptual Map

I need help with the following questions, 10 references and word limit of 1500 words

SWOT, PESTEL, Perceptual Map must be created as well.

  1. Did Amazon succeed in China? What did it learn?
  2. Did Amazon make sensible choice in its emerging markets entry strategies? Consider location, entry mode, and timing.
  3. Considering the competitive landscape in China, India, and Latin America, how can home-grown firms best defend and win against large multinational entrants?
  4. Should Amazon enter additional emerging market immediately? If so, why and where? If not, why not and where should it focus be?
  5. how sustainable is amazon’s simultaneous pursuit of geographic, horizontal, and vertical expansion?

Marketing Myopia Essay

Marketing Myopia Essay

As discussed in the Unit I Lesson, the marketing concept consists of elements that concern market segmentation and how it relates to target markets. Also, recall that promotion is used to reach those target markets.

In this essay, define the marketing concept and summarize its relationship to marketing myopia. Give an example of marketing myopia that you have seen.

  • Your essay must include an introduction.
  • You must also reference at least one journal article from the CSU Online Library and one article from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least two sources.
  • Your essay must be at least three pages in length and double-spaced—not counting the title and reference pages.
  • All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

See the CSU Success Center’s video for helpful information about writing essays. Click here to view the video.

Microsoft Strategic Focus Essay

Microsoft Strategic Focus Essay

Below are possible areas to cover in each section.  Use academic research.

Reminder:  All students must contribute a minimum of 1 written page with a minimum of 2 academic references to receive a credit for each draft

Microsoft Strategic Focus

  • Mission of the company
  • Vision of the company
  • Special area of the industry that this company is known for
  • Why does the company exist?