Help me solve Sales and Marketing Assignment

Help me solve Sales and Marketing Assignment

You are the producer of a new soft drink that boost energy for all kinds of people. Walmart has been a good retailer who has been selling your product nationwide. You received a phone call recently from Walmart that they do not like to continue keeping your drink due to a sudden decline of sales. You called for an immediate meeting with the sales team of your company and decided to send this team to meet with the purchase director of Walmart. The sales team to meet with the purchase director made up with four members. The following issues to be discussed and included in your report.

  1. Identify the reasons for sales decline
  1. Discuss the out of stock situation and its possible solutions


  • Manufacture selling price per unit $0.80
  • Manufacturer selling price per dozen $9.60
  • Retail price per unit at Walmart $2.00
  • Retail price per dozen at Walmart $24.00
  • Retail price per unit at competitors’ stores $1.90
  • Retail price per dozen at competitors’ stores $22.80
  • Walmart sales per year $3 million in each store and the product kept in 150 stores countrywide
  • Other stores sales per year $1 million and product kept in 200 stores country wide

Walmart does not have any promotional consideration for your product and it is displayed with other competitive products. Further, the store has a 10-year backdated system to report inventory before the products go out of stock. The store reported a breakdown of the system at least 4 times in the previous year (2019). At least 50% of the customers move to other stores if the product is not available. At least 20% of the customer look for new items and move to other stores but Walmart refuses to keep any new item(s) due to ongoing decline of sales.

Microsoft Distribution Strategy Essay Discussion

Microsoft Distribution Strategy Essay Discussion

All students must contribute a minimum of 1 written page with a minimum of 2 academic references to receive a credit for each draft.

Company: Microsoft

Product: Hub 2

Distribution Strategy

  • Where will the product and its parts be produced
  • How will it get to the customer
  • How will this strategy meet the needs of the customer
  • How expensive is it to transport this product
  • How will it be transported
  • What sales techniques will be employed.

Target Marketing Essay Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Bbusiness-to-Business (B2B)

Target Marketing Essay Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Bbusiness-to-Business (B2B)


Target Marketing Essay

Choose a business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) company that uses target marketing. Then, you will need to complete the following list:

  • Briefly introduce the company you have chosen.
  • Gather examples of its activities and products that support its business model. Remember to properly cite and reference the sources of information you find. You should have at least two references from business-related or news websites.
  • Explain each of the four bases for segmenting consumer markets or each of the five bases for segmenting business markets.
  • In the company you chose, describe which of these bases for segmenting markets is used, and describe how the selected segmenting options are achieved.
  • Examine how these factors influence the promotional strategies of your chosen company.

Your essay must be at least four pages in length and double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Use APA style guidelines for formatting.

Supply Chain and Logistics Management Technology-driven Factors

Supply Chain and Logistics Management Technology-driven Factors


Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Watch the following video (just over 11 minutes) by clicking on the link below:

MacNeil/Lehrer Productions (Producer). (1999). Your computer, your way: Dell and the direct sales model [Video file]. Retrieved from

Click here to view a transcript of the video.

After viewing the video, answer questions 1 and 2, and select one question from questions 3 and 4 to answer.

1. Compare Dell’s supply chain and logistics innovations with the competitive responses from competitors such as the Apple Store and others.2. Discuss the emerging supply chain and logistics management factors shown in the video that were already negatively affecting large computer chain stores.

Answer question 3 or 4 below:

3. Explain how these technology-driven factors were not enough to enable some businesses to survive the online competitive entrance into the market.4. In what ways may market research have helped prevent these large technology businesses from failing?

Each of your three responses should be at least one page in length; therefore, with an introduction and conclusion included, your essay should be at least four pages in length. In addition to the video, your essay must reference at least one article of your choice from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should reference at least two sources. Your essay must be in APA format. All paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations and references. Title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum length requirement.


Microsoft Strategic Focus Mission Vision

Microsoft Strategic Focus Mission Vision

Below are possible areas to cover in each section.  Use academic research.

Reminder:  All students must contribute a minimum of 1 written page with a minimum of 2 academic references to receive a credit for each draft

Microsoft Strategic Focus

  • Mission of the company
  • Vision of the company
  • Special area of the industry that this company is known for
  • Why does the company exist?

Role of Information and Communication Technology in Marketing

Role of Information and Communication Technology in Marketing

This question deals on the subject of Marketing formated in MLA writing format, 12.0 Times New Roman and double spaced. The question needs the student to analyze and discuss in full the role of information and communication systems in any business industry, the student also needs to select a specific case study and incorporate it in the paper, types of information systems are also vital while answering the above question, the answer should contain at least 2 sources and not more than 5 since the paper should contain not more than 500 words. There should be not grammatical errors in the document, again copying and pasting is highly condemned since it results plagiarised work and therefore does not reflect academic integrity and creativity in the writing industry. The paper should not take more than 2 full days since the student must be trained on the goodness of being fast in composing the work, however, some students are so fast but their level of mistakes are also high and hence the student must check the accuracy level to ensure that he or she provides the best to the department. Am sure that so many students are in need of a marketing research paper and therefore it would of much importance to each and every student who would purchase and even thereafter employ me for so many assignments which would come out latter, in case of any  queries about the paper the student must feel free to ask any question patterning my experience in the writing industry.

Best Essay Writer No Plagiarism! 4Ps of Marketing Essay

Best Essay Writer No Plagiarism! 4Ps of Marketing Essay

Throughout this course, you have been compiling a comprehensive marketing plan using one of the product/service scenarios listed in the Unit II assignment. (Note: You should have been using the same scenario for Parts I–III.)

This unit’s submission should consist of the items listed below.

  1. Product
  2. Place
  3. Price
  4. Promotion

Ensure you provide an introduction for this assignment that is engaging and provides a clear background to the purpose of the assignment. The format of the submission should be in essay format using subheadings. Use APA format. Additionally, you need to include a minimum of five sources, three of which must be peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old. The submission should be a minimum of three pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages).

Scenario #1

Travel Supreme is a start-up travel organization with the mission of assisting customers with travel planning. While today’s customers enjoy developing their vacations themselves, Travel Supreme believes there are travel services that are still in demand. Initial research needs to develop what types of travel services are in demand by this target market.

Help me Write Managment Essay Needed ASAP

Help me Write Managment Essay Needed ASAP

Below are possible areas to cover in each section.  Use academic research.

Reminder:  All students must contribute a minimum of 1 written page with a minimum of 2 academic references to receive

Industry Trends ( note: Company is Microsoft ,and new product is Surface Hub 2  )

·        Identify and explain the industry that the company is in

·        Research the industry that your new product or service is in

·        What are the trends in the industry?

o   Is it growing or shrinking?

o   What is new in the industry?

o   What is the future outlook for the industry?

·        How will your product /service fit in?

·        How much money does the industry generate per year?

Case studies Segmentation Strategies The Ritz-Carlton maintaining top quality customer service for a luxury hotel

Case studies Segmentation Strategies The Ritz-Carlton maintaining top quality customer service for a luxury hotel

Case studies are an important learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides with an end goal of formulating a recommendation for the challenges faced by the company.

Option 3: The Ritz-Carlton (pp. 424–425)

  1. Using segmentation strategies, what are the target market(s) for The Ritz-Carlton? How does this relate to their brand management strategies?
  2. Who are the top three competitors of The Ritz-Carlton, and what are their advantages/disadvantages with respect to their competitive product/service strategies.
  3. How does The Ritz-Carlton match up to competing hotels? What are its key differences?
  4. Discuss the importance of the “wow stories” in maintaining top quality customer service for a luxury hotel like The Ritz-Carlton.

In formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings. Your APA-formatted case study should be a minimum of 500 words in length (not counting the title and reference pages). You are required to use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations.

International Marketing Final Project Tim Hortons in India

International Marketing Final Project Tim Hortons in India

International Marketing: The final project topic is : “Tim Hortons in India” Imagine you are planning open Tim Hortons store in India. Do the required International Marketing research. Find the International Marketing::

The final project topic is : “Tim Hortons in India”

Imagine you are planning open Tim Hortons store in India. Do the required International Marketing research.

Find the attached document named “Final Intl Marketing Project Questions”. There are TWO parts. Each part is further divided into multiple sections.

Do the marketing analysis and write your answers for each section topic relevant to your project matter.

The Textbook is attached for your reference. Please make sure all the answers are supporting the textbook theories.

There are HELPFUL NOTEs mentioned for you to understand each part.

In the bottom, I have put together bunch of articles which may help you create your answers.

No plagiarism please. Attached the turnitin report along with the answers.

Academic level English. Accurate grammar and spellings mandatory.

Follow strict APA format.

Use your own logic, rational, understanding and opinions while writing all the answers. Please make sure answers are meaningful.

Write 15-17 pages excluding reference page.

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Compile Comprehensive Marketing Plan

Compile Comprehensive Marketing Plan

You will compile a comprehensive marketing plan using the product/service scenarios listed below. This scenario will be the basis of your start-up company and will be the catalyst for the three parts of the marketing plan that you will compose in Units II (Part I), IV (Part II), and VII (Part III). The company that you choose to submit a marketing plan for is a fictional start-up company (not an existing company).

Travel Supreme is a start-up travel organization with the mission of assisting customers with travel planning. While today’s customers enjoy developing their vacations themselves, Travel Supreme believes there are travel services that are still in demand. Initial research needs to develop what types of travel services are in demand by this target market.

This unit’s submission should consist of the items listed below.

  • Include an introduction/overview of the company.
  • Discuss market research strategies.
  • Describe the macro environment through a political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) analysis.

Ensure you provide an introduction for this assignment that is engaging and provides a clear background to the purpose of the assignment. The format of the submission should be in essay format using subheadings. Use APA format. Additionally, you need to include a minimum of five sources, three of which must be peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old. The submission should be a minimum of three pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages).