Role of Marketing Director New Restaurant Concept

Role of Marketing Director New Restaurant Concept

A large, successful restaurant company with a portfolio of differentiated brands is about to launch a new

restaurant concept in the U.S.A. called “Blossom.” This will be a full-service restaurant offering a

predominantly plant-based menu which focuses on seasonal items using locally sourced, fresh produce

wherever possible. The restaurant will be positioned by its values: clean eating, responsible sourcing, and

community building.

You are to assume the role of marketing director for the new restaurant concept. You are required

Service Product Marketing Plan

Service Product Marketing Plan

Throughout this course, you will compile a comprehensive marketing plan using one of the product/service scenarios listed in the Unit II assignment. (Note: You will use the same scenario throughout the course.) This scenario will be the basis of your start-up company and will be the catalyst for the subsequent marketing plan that you will compile. The company that you choose to submit a marketing plan for is a fictional start-up company (not an existing company).

Scenario #1

Travel Supreme is a start-up travel organization with the mission of assisting customers with travel planning. While today’s customers enjoy developing their vacations themselves, Travel Supreme believes there are travel services that are still in demand. Initial research needs to develop what types of travel services are in demand by this target market.

This unit’s submission should consist of the items listed below.

  • Provide a segmentation and target market analysis.
  • Include a competitive and industry analysis.
  • Provide a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis.

Ensure you provide an introduction for this assignment that is engaging and provides a clear background to the purpose of the assignment. The format of the submission should be in essay format using subheadings. Use APA format. Additionally, you need to include a minimum of five sources, three of which must be peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old. The submission should be a minimum of three pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages)

Side Launch Company Chuck Galea

Side Launch Company Chuck Galea

Chuck Galea, during a management meeting last week, told his colleagues that the demographic coming to the craft brew category is “getting younger and younger”.  That comment got Garnett Pratt thinking about their overall promotional strategy.  He has asked you to assess their previous “celebrate” campaign and use of the various elements of the promotional mix in light of changing market characteristics and the entrance of more craft breweries.

Marketing Factors and General Market Implications

Marketing Factors and General Market Implications

Using the industry of the product/service you chose in your Discussion assignment, complete the following:

Industry Research

  • Using articles predominately from the Trident Online Library’s full-text databases (such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and/or ProQuest Central), conduct secondary research on the industry in which your chosen product/service operates.
  • From your research and what you have learned in the readings, identify 3 marketing environmental factors that will impact this type of product/service. Describe and explain the chosen marketing factors and discuss general market implications.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. For more information see Differences Between First and Third Person.

See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 13 and 14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” on the TLC portal. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged.

Use the attached APA-formatted template (MKT301 Case1) to create your submission.

Assignment Expectations

Your submission will include:

  • Trident University International’s cover page
  • A two-page paper with APA citations (2-3 sentence introduction, body, 2-3 sentence conclusion)
  • The reference list page in APA format (see specific research requirements)

Marketing Environment Application Essay

Marketing Environment Application Essay

In this module’s Case Assignment, you researched marketing forces using quality academic and professional sources. It is time to apply what you have learned using the product/service you chose in your Discussion assignment.

Real-World Application

  • Analyze why & how each of the three marketing factors will impact the chosen product/service.
  • Explore strategies to overcome the threats and/or capitalize on opportunities to product life cycle with regard to your target product/service. Be sure to consider branding.

NOTE: All or nearly all of your research will come from the articles used in this module’s readings. The focus of this assignment is application and critical thinking. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. For more information see Differences Between First and Third Person.

See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 13-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” on the TLC portal. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged.

Use the attached APA-formatted template (MKT301 SLP1) to create your submission.

Assignment Expectations

Your submission will include:

  • Trident University International’s cover page
  • A two-page paper with APA citations (2-3 sentence introduction, body, 2-3 sentence conclusion)
  • The reference list page in APA format

International Marketing Assignment Interview Market Research

International Marketing Assignment Interview Market Research

To increase your knowledge of the field, interview people  in two companies in your area that do business outside your home country market. The people you interview may be relatives or acquaintances. The purpose of the interview is to determine what challenges they faced in obtaining information outside their home country, what sources of primary and secondary information company personnel typically rely on, how they determine how reliable and representative the information they obtain is, and how information is disseminated to others in their organization. Be sure to provide two (2) in-depth examples of the types of global market research the company has done. Ask each company what global market research projects they are currently working on and what challenges they are encountering. Analyze your findings, and in your paper, offer additional suggestions about how you might have obtained information for these companies’ current or previous global market research projects. Submit your findings in writing.

Your paper should include the following:

1.      Describe two (2) challenges that each company has faced in obtaining information outside their home country.

2.      Describe two (2) sources of primary and secondary information the personnel typically rely on.

3.      Describe two (2) ways in which they determine how reliable and representative the information they obtain is.

4.      Describe one (1) way information is disseminated to others in their organization.

5.      Provide two (2) in-depth examples of the types of global market research the company has done.

Case 17-1 Unilever Greenpeace Palm Oil Protest

Case 17-1 Unilever Greenpeace Palm Oil Protest

Assignment 8

Please see attached files and answer below questions

To increase your knowledge of the field, in your textbook, read Case 17-1 Unilever. Respond to the following:

Part A: Provide a company overview.

Part B: If a company such as Unilever has to make trade-offs between being a good corporate citizen and making a profit, which should have the higher priority?

Part C: Assess Cescau’s response to the Greenpeace palm-oil protest. Was it appropriate? What type of relationships should Unilever cultivate with Greenpeace and other NGOs in the future?

Part D: Do you think that a streamlined management structure and emphasis on emerging markets will enable new CEO Paul Polman to lead Unilever to improved performance? Explain.

Simplex Healthcare Operating Expenses Excluding Depreciation

Simplex Healthcare Operating Expenses Excluding Depreciation

Simplex Healthcare had net income of $5,411,623 after paying taxes at 34 percent.

The firm had revenues of $20,433,770. Their interest expense for the year was

$1,122,376, while depreciation expense was $2,079,112. What was the firm’s operating

expenses excluding depreciation?

Strategy for Entering Markets

Strategy for Entering Markets

Create a new product that will serve two business (organizational) markets.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper that describes your product, explains your strategy for entering the markets, and analyzes the potential barriers you may encounter. Explain how you plan to ensure your product will be successful, given your market strategy.

Include an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to course objectives.

International Marketing Essay Assignment

International Marketing Essay Assignment

Please complete following two tasks. Both tasks are seperate. Create seperate answer files and provide answers accordingly.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Can you please write the Task 1 first and send me within a day and deliver Task 2 as per the given deadline with the assignment?

Task 1:

Please paraphrase the  text in one of the attached file named “Task 1”.

This task is copied from other resource. I need you to paraphrase it and re-write in such a way that it does not show any plagiarism. Feel free to change the sentence structure, use synonyms etc etc tricks.

The ultimate goal is that it should not detect any similarity and plagiarism. Please attach turnitin report for this task along with the answer. It will not take long as it has only 3 paragraphs to paraphrase.

Task 2:

Please read the case study “Amazon-in-Emerging-Markets” and answer the following questions. Case study attached.

No need for introduction and conclusion. Only answer the given questions.


  1. Did Amazon succeed in China? What did it learn?
  2. Did Amazon make sensible choice in its emerging markets entry strategies? Please analyze and write about all the factors such as location, entry mode, and timing for each countries mentioned in the case study.
  3. Considering the competitive landscape in China, India, and Latin America, how can home-grown firms best defend and win against large multinational entrants?
  4. Should Amazon enter additional emerging market immediately? If so, why and where? If not, why not and where should it focus be? More broadly, how sustainable is amazon’s simultaneous pursuit of geographic, horizontal, and vertical expansion?


1. No plagiarism please. Attached the turnitin report along with the answers for Task 2.

2. Academic level English. Accurate grammar and spellings mandatory.

3. Follow strict APA format.

4. Please mention all the references and in-text citations.

5. Use your own logic, rational, understanding and opinions while writing all the answers. Please make sure answers are meaningful.

6. 2000 words for Task 2. (EXCLUDING cover page, reference page.)

7. Task 2 deadline: June 17th.

Side Launch Managing Products and Innovation

Side Launch Managing Products and Innovation

The management team at Side Launch just recently participated in a planning retreat looking at the future sustainability of their business.  During the session Lily Findlay posed a question about product planning which got everyone thinking about managing products and innovation along a planned product lifecycle.  She has asked you to provide your assessment of their current position to the management team.

Research Impact of Leadership Style on Employee Performance

Research Impact of Leadership Style on Employee Performance

TITLE  of the research:Impact of Leadership style on employee performance; A case study of F&F clothing in Tesco(UK)

This is a research topic

i will attach my friend’s work just do as it is  but with my topic that is

Impact of Leadership style on employee performance; A case study of F&F clothing in Tesco(UK)

i need plagiarism report  with  the all the  same  steps that iam attaching in the file, please take this is a refrence to do the research

Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Scandals Fraud

Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Scandals Fraud

As publicly held companies, businesses are legally required to produce annual reports.  Has anyone read one lately?  If so, what information is disclosed?  Does the information provided demonstrate ethical standards and corporate social responsibility?

What  information as a consumer or stakeholder would you like to see.

Brand Differentiation

Brand Differentiation

A large, successful restaurant company with a portfolio of differentiated brands is about to launch a new restaurant concept in the U.S.A. called “Blossom.” This will be a full-service restaurant offering a predominantly plant-based menu which focuses on seasonal items using locally sourced, fresh produce wherever possible. The restaurant will be positioned by its values: clean eating, responsible sourcing, and community building.

You are to assume the role of marketing director for the new restaurant concept. You are required to produce a strategic marketing plan for Blossom. Your plan needs to contain the following elements:

1. Executive summary: what the brand is, how it will be positioned, who it will target, and the primary objectives (no more than two paragraphs)

2. Current market situation

a. Food trends (U.S.A.)

b. Full-service restaurants

c. Competition (direct/indirect)

d. Pricing

3. SWOT analysis (table format)

4. Objectives

a. Year 1

b. Year 2

5. Marketing strategy

a. Positioning (expand upon the value proposition in the opening paragraph above)

b. Targeting

c. Integrated marketing mix: four Ps (product, pricing, place, promotion)

6. Marketing controls: How will results be measured? How will marketing research be us

Marketing Plan for Pizza Drone Delivery UAV Delivery Parcel

Marketing Plan for Pizza Drone Delivery UAV Delivery Parcel

Need a marketing plan to be written on a pizza restaurant which delivers using drone and its name is STROKES PIZZA , its just a marketing plan hence need the below elements met. The below elements must be written using MARKETING CONCEPTS

Basically u need to imagine Ur starting a business and write the MARKETING PLAN

Organizational overview

a. Name of organization   : storks pizza

b. Mission statement, organization’s basic values and philosophy

5. Segmentation

a. Criteria

b. Target market(s)

6. Differentiation and positioning

references and citations must be updated