Interview Pitch

Interview Pitch

Submit the following components for this assessment:

State your intended purpose for the interviews. Provide an explanation of the aspect of leadership on which you plan to focus and why you chose it.

Describe the level of leadership selected for your interviews.

Outline your schedule for both interview sessions; include the names and titles of the leaders with date and time of interview. If you have not been able to solidify your schedule, please include a report of your progress.

List the interview questions you plan to use for your chosen aspect of leadership. If you wish, you may use some of the questions from the reflection exercises in the related chapter of the Cashman text. Y

ou can use any leadership theories you like to help you develop your interview questions, including servant leadership, Kevin Cashman, Margaret Wheatley, articles from the Center for Creative Leadership, leadership stage theory, and other sources.

Conducting Your Interviews

As you conduct your interviews, remember the following:

At the start of each interview, explain who you are, what you are doing, what leadership mastery you will be exploring in the interview, and how you will use the interview material.

Clarify with your interviewees whether you have permission to use their names and organizations. Take thorough notes or record the interviews so you can refer back to them as this assignment will relate to the next two.

Ethics Case Study Miguel Tel Torral

Ethics Case Study Miguel Tel Torral

What potential harm could come from a workplace culture of “technical compliance” in which employees do only what’s minimally required of them? Is such behavior ethical among public servants responsible for public health and safety? What about among employees in local government departments like highway maintenance, tax collection, building permits, or public parks and tourism?
What, if anything, could Miguel Tel Torral have done differently to raise the alarm about Flint’s water quality sooner? What could his superiors have done?
3. Imagine you are asked to prepare a guide to financial and ecological sustainability for the government of Flint, Michigan. What four or five major guidelines or actions would you recommend?

Eight Principles of Total Quality Management Essay 8 TQM MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES

Eight Principles of Total Quality Management Essay 8 TQM MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES

Total Quality Management Essay
•  Project in a Report format
research on LA BADIRA, Leading Hotel of the World at Hammamet, Tunissia
• The individual Report need to answer and to apply actions to the 8 TQM Principles, from the perspective of LA BADIRA Hotel General Manager.
o 1.-) Briefly Introduction of LA BADIRA HOTEL
o 2.-) The 8 TQM Principles. You as the GM, how would you apply the TQM Strategy to LA BADIRA Resort Hotel ?

▪ Give your opinion, comment and explain the added value the system brings. It is a totally open and free approach as far as you put in
context, define and justify your choices.
• Wordcount: 3000
• The presentation may be structured according to the above referred structure and should include cover page, table of content, introduction, well explained
and commented points using critical thinking approach (why, what & how), bibliography and appendix
• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
• Text alignment: Justified.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
Submission: Week (8) – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Specific day will be loaded on Moodle due date 24 h later of last webinar week 8.
Weight: This task is a 60% of your total grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes: TQM, TQM Planning, TQM Strategies, TQM follow up, Measuring & tracking performance

Improving Employee Job Satisfaction and Productivity – Leadership Theory

Improving Employee Job Satisfaction and Productivity – Leadership Theory

Improving Employee Job Satisfaction and Productivity – Leadership Theory

1.Compared and contrasted two models of leadership

2.Provided examples (2 for each model) from Kathmandu for each model of leadership that has led to or can lead to enhanced employee effectiveness

Your assignment should include information obtained from peer-reviewed electronic journals and legitimate sources.  Apply the APA referencing protocol to acknowledge all sources.



Managing Organization and People Essay

Managing Organization and People Essay

The following section is designed to help you prepare for the submission of task 2 of the performance assessment.

  1. Leadership Evaluation

In this section, perform a leadership analysis of your current leader’s top three strengths and weaknesses, and make three recommendations to improve his or her leadership effectiveness. Apply one theory to all three sections: C1, C2, and C3. The theory you choose should be different from the theory you chose in task one.

  • Transformational leadership
  • Transactional leadership
  • Situational leadership
  • Participative leadership
  • Servant leadership
  • Behavioral leadership
  • Trait theory of leadership

Note: It is highly recommended that you use at least three distinct and unique scholarly sources to support the scholarly leadership theory.

C1. Strengths of the Current Leader

In this section, discuss three strengths of your chosen leader, describing in detail how the three strengths you identified align with the chosen scholarly leadership theory.

  • This section of the task requires scholarly research.
  • Provide specific examples to support each strength, and include at leastone in-text citation using a scholarly source.
  • Write a separate paragraph for each of the three strengths.

Note: A scholarly source could be a reputable journal, a published book, any source from a business leader or university faculty member. Scholarly sources also include any article or book in the WGU library.

C2. Weaknesses of the Current Leader

In this section, discuss three weaknesses of your chosen leader, describing in detail how the three weaknesses that you identified align with the chosen scholarly leadership theory.

  • This section of the task requires scholarly research.
  • Use the same scholarly leadership theory you used in C1.
  • Provide specific examples to support each weaknesses, and include at leastone in-text citation using a scholarly source.
  • Write a separate paragraph for each of the three weaknesses.

C3. Recommendations for the Current Leader

Now that you have evaluated the current leaders’ strengths and weaknesses, recommend three specific actions, behaviors, or practices that would improve the current leader’s effectiveness in leading people and organizations. The recommendations address the current leaders identified leadership weaknesses and align with the chosen scholarly leadership theory.

  • This section of the task requires scholarly research.
  • Use the same scholarly leadership theory you used in C1.
  • Provide specific examples to support each actionable item, and include at leastone in-text citation using scholarly source.
  • Write a separate paragraph for each of the three recommendations.

Reference Page)

Your paper is required to include in-text citations that correlate to your reference page. All sources require a corresponding in-text citation and all in-text citations require a corresponding source on the reference page.


Strategic Issues in HRM

Strategic Issues in HRM

Question 1 (LOs 2 and 3) Analyse the importance of the role of the HR department in this organisation and the influence of its HR strategies and their alignment with organisational strategies. (30 marks)

Question 2 (LOs 1, 4, 5 and 6) Critically analyse three key demographic changes that have occurred in this pharmaceutical organisation’s home country in recent years and explore the factors driving these changes. Recommend an appropriate HR strategy to manage your workforce more effectively. This should include but not be restricted, to the following:

• A consideration of the possible HR management issues arising from the management of the workforce.

• An outline of the possible benefits effective talent management practices can bring to your organisation.

• The role that the HR department will take in ensuring the effective performance management of all employees.

• An indication of how employee engagement practices can be used to improve motivation.

• An indication of how industry best practice has shaped your recommendations.

Critically evaluate the efficacy of your proposed strategy. What issues can you foresee? What interventions do you think you may need to make? (50 marks)

Question 3 (LO 2) Evaluate the impact of technology advancement in the same country explored in Task 1. To what extent can HR technology positively impact the HRM function and the role of employees?

Collective Action Organizational Theory

Collective Action Organizational Theory

As you conduct research on your theory, you’ll find that there are a lot of details that could be included in a description.

The 1000 word limit, however, requires that you boil your theory down to its essence while still maintaining the central ideas. You might use one or more of the questions below to help you identify the essence.

Your description should also be heavily supported by research, and most if not all of the sentences in your description will have one or more citations.

Your description should use plain English and should be easily understood by your colleagues.  Keep in mind, the word limit is to help you focus on writing succinctly.  Each sentence needs to count.

In many ways, writing 3 pages on your theory would be much easier.  So, do not let the short length fool you, it is a challenging task.

  1. What is the central question or problem this theory is seeking to explain?
  2. What are the main tenets of this theory?
  3. What does this theory provide that other theories do not?

Shadowing a Leader

Shadowing a Leader


Third notice and due date of the Shadowing a Leader. Please post your assignments for Instructional Grading.

Each student was responsible for developing a set of interviews or dialogue points to provide for the leader prior to their meetings. Each student should have set up a minimum of three meetings, one of which can be, with the leader’s permission, to observe or shadow the leader at work.

The analysis should include the leaders:

• Leadership philosophy

• Vision and goals for the organization

• Conflict management techniques and suggestions

• Methods for establishing and building trust

• Methods for empowering others.

The results of this field research assignment will be shared in two ways:

1) A written report in APA style in the assignment thread.

2) A presentation as a PowerPoint submitted in a Discussion Thread for student view and for the purpose of receiving feedback from your peers.

First, there are two parts to this project. There is a written paper, and a PowerPoint. The written paper should be no less than 5 pages and should be written in APA format. The PowerPoint won’t have as much detail but does need to include everything from the paper.

Please be creative with your PowerPoint.

You should have already met with or are getting ready to meet with your leader. If your state is still under quarantine you will need to conduct the research via FaceTime, Conference, Zoom, or MS Teams.

Five of the questions you should have already established are.

1. What is their Leadership philosophy

2. What is their vision and goals for the organization/company?

4. How do they handle conflict or what are their conflict management techniques?

6. What methods do they use to establish and build trust?

7. How do you or what are your methods to empower others?

You will also need to identify 3-5 of your own well thought out interview questions. This is in addition to the five already identified above.

Most importantly, don’t forget the introduction and conclusion. Hint (Intro) Include some background information regarding the leader and company they work for and why you chose this leader. (Conclusion) What did you learn from this assignment?

Followership and Leadership Burnout

Followership and Leadership Burnout

This course revolves around ethical leadership and management. The primary topic of this paper is to explore the influence of followers upon leaders and vice versa in the context of leadership burnout. For example, will a lack of good followers provoke more rapid leader burnout? Will leaders entering burnout drive good followers away or draw opportunists? HOW is ethics involved in this situation?

The paper should be a thoughtful analysis and not a general summary of the topic. It should also include at least three leadership theories and exhibit solid reasoning – correctly citing and applying the concepts, principles, and theories of ethics and leadership.

The paper should be prepared using the APA format. Grading will stress content analysis and style. Seek to creatively APPLY leadership theory. The paper work must be more than a mere review of facts and articles. It must demonstrate reasoning by APPLYING at least three relevant theories and models together to analyze the topic. The paper must be at least three thousand words in length, not counting tables, figures, reference list, and the abstract. It must correctly cite and use at least 12 references. ALL cited sources must appear both within the body of the text and in the references list. The paper must use articles from at least 2 respected journals or books.

Here is a suggested outline:

TITLE PAGE ABSTRACT – limit to one page

INTRODUCTION – Short! Explain why the topic is important! Include the objectives of the paper

LITERATURE REVIEW ANALYSIS – Apply the models; make inferences, draw conclusions

DISCUSSION – Discuss the implications of your findings above, especially for managers

CONCLUSION – Restate your conclusions and sum up, in about on half-page


APPENDICES (optional)

In choosing a topic, avoid shallow, insipid generalities ( e.g. “the importance of leadership”)

Choose a topic of current importance that has not already been overdone. Also, where possible, exemplify your concepts and conclusions by consistently referring to a single, real, focal leader (Avoid US Presidents and generals).

Four Theories of Job Satisfaction

Four Theories of Job Satisfaction

Identify the consequences of having dissatisfied employees and describe ways of applying the four theories of job satisfaction and how you would use them to boost job satisfaction.

Discuss how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors affect job satisfaction.

When answering consider how goals may help with job satisfaction and how to design jobs to enhance motivation.

Organizational Culture Communication Paper

Organizational Culture Communication Paper

Select a potential scholarly article from the last 10 years that you may use for your research paper.

A scholarly article is from an academic journal and is peer reviewed.

1. What is the hypothesis within the article?

2. How will this hypothesis help with making better business decisions?

3. How would you integrate this information into your organization?

Organizational Culture Communication Essay

Organizational Culture Communication Essay

Find a scholarly journal article which is not older than 5 years that presents scholarly research associated with the topic. At this early point in the course, you are asked to “jump right in” and utilize the online library to locate an appropriate scholarly journal article that presents research concerning your topic

Keep in mind that scholarly research involves solving problems. If your article does not present qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research then you do not have an appropriate research article.

Again, for the purposes of this assignment, you want to intentionally find a research article that contains one of the three methods of research: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Save the article to your computer to have as a reference and also to attach to the assignment when your paper is completed.

3. Write a short paper (650-850 words) that demonstrates a brief analysis of the scholarly research article you selected.

You are to write your APA paper in such a way as to answer the questions/issues below. However, do not include the list on your paper. Instead, let the items guide the content expressed in your paper, which should be in typical paragraph form. Because of the shortness of the assignment, several of the items may be contained in a given paragraph. Be precise and you will be concise.

Remember in the first paragraph you need to have a thesis statement. Please remember this is an academic paper and 3rd person is required.

• After a brief introductory sentence. Tell whether the title is appropriate to the focus of the study. (Note: select an actual research study; avoid selecting a lecture on a topic. Research studies involve the collection and analysis of data, whereas lectures on a topic typically discuss a variety of research studies and do not provide the details of data collection and analysis.)

• State the problem. Is the problem clearly stated? Does the problem have a theoretical rational? How significant is the problem studied in the research?

• Is there a review of the literature? If so, is the literature relevant? Summarize (in a couple of sentences) the review of the literature.

• Fully and completely describe the research method that was used to attack and answer the problem. Was the research method used to solve the problem qualitative or quantitative, or both? What instruments were used to answer the problem? Was there a sample used? If so, how was the sample selected?

• State the hypothesis/questions or objectives. Were they stated clearly?

• Are there any probable sources of error that might influence the results of the study? If so, have they been controlled?

• What were the statistical or evaluative (quantitative/qualitative) techniques used to analyze the data? If so, were they appropriate? Note: There are many scholarly articles in appropriate journals that inform your topic.

However, not all of them will describe research that evaluates data. Make sure that your selected article includes the evaluation/analysis of data. If you are unsure, this is the time to contact your professor and discuss it.

• Summarize the results. How clearly were the results presented?

• What are the limitations of the study? Are they stated?

• Summarize the conclusion(s). Are the conclusions presented clearly? Does the data support the conclusions? Does the researcher over generalize the findings?

• How can the results and conclusions presented in this study be applied in your particular field of study or work environment?

4. Utilize the APA Helps, as necessary, in the Resources area to help you present your brief paper in APA format, which means that you need to write a Title Page and References Page separate from the body of the text of the paper (no abstract or author note are needed).

On this assignment, you should write the publication information about your article on the References Page (only one reference needed . . . the article you are analyzing) and then also cite the source in the body of the paper whenever you are stating facts from the article. Avoid unsupported statements whenever possible.

In many cases, you will write a paragraph of text and insert a citation only once. When you have a direct quote, include the page number of the source, too. Some may ask why APA is so important.

APA is the mode of communication of the written word in the business research field. It is the due diligence of graduate management students to excel at APA.

McGregor Theory Y Theory X

McGregor Theory Y Theory:

McGregor developed the Theory Y and Theory X. These define how managers view their employees.

Do your own research about McGregor’s theory and answer the following questions:

1. Contrast McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y assumptions about people.

2. What types of managers have you dealt with in your organization?

3. Assess why there is a predominance of Theory X or Theory Y managers in your organization or industry?

Organizational Culture Communication Essay

Organizational Culture Communication Essay

Select 10 scholarly articles not older than 5 years that will support your research paper.

Write an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography takes each article and a short paragraph is written stating how the article supports your research paper.

Each scholarly article is listed (in APA format) then the paragraph is written. This means I will be looking for 3 items for each source:

1. The reference.
2. A summary paragraph.

3. A paragraph that states how the article supports your research paper.

No reference list is needed because you are providing references in the assignment

Learning and Cognition

Learning and Cognition

Did you ever use chunking (breaking larger pieces of information into smaller parts) or mnemonic devices as a child to learn something?

How effective were these techniques? Would the techniques you used as a child be effective now as an adult?

Are there other techniques you have used as an adult to help you learn or remember something?

Are there key differences in the techniques you use to learn as an adult versus the ones you used as a child?

How can these concepts be applied to a successful learning organization?