Why are salaries not the sole motivation for staff to stay employed at a company

Why are salaries not the sole motivation for staff to stay employed at a company

Class: Organization Behavior

Submit a written Expanded Research Proposal containing the following:

2. Documentation of at least three initial scholarly sources from the library.

3. Expanded introduction to the organization

4. Expanded description of your chosen problem

5. Preliminary solution options (can be bullet points)

6. Preliminary analysis of leadership and organizational behavior concepts addressed in the paper


Initial Scholars have to be from the website listed on number 2. Please contact me if you have questions or further explanation is needed.

Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan

Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan

Create a compensation and benefits package using this business proposal format (see the attached format). The package must be consistent with the objectives of job satisfaction for the valuable employees in an organization of your design.

The compensation package must include the following:

Compare and contrast salary and benefit packages of at least three comparable organizations in the same industry.

Examine what 21st-century employees consider to be benefits.

Consider what helps to keep employees engaged in their work.

The business proposal must be formatted according to APA style. The proposal must be three pages in length (not including the title and references pages) and must include citations and references for at least five sources (including the text and at least four other scholarly sources.

Managing in an Equitable and Ethical Way

Managing in an Equitable and Ethical Way

Managing in an Equitable and Ethical Way [MO2.1 and MO2.2]

Critically assess the events reported in the New York Times article titled, “A Somali Influx Unsettles Latino Meatpackers.” Compose a report of 1050 to 1200 words evaluating the stress among Muslim and non-Muslim workers as management tried to effectively handle the issues of religious expression. Based on your findings, document where and how management’s actions went wrong, exacerbating workers to the point of hostility. Also, explain what management should have done to prevent this resentful organizational culture and the culminating violence. Support your position with credible academic sources properly cited in APA format.

Environmental Analysis Competitive Analysis SWOT PESTEL Porters Five Forces Analysis

Environmental Analysis Competitive Analysis SWOT PESTEL Porters Five Forces Analysis

Competitive Analysis*

Who are your major competitors?

What is their market share?

What products and services do they offer that directly compete against yours?

How do they promote/distribute/price these products and services?

How are they positioned?

How are your competitors likely to react to a new competitor?

Leadership Change Project Proposal

Leadership Change Project Proposal

From a Healthcare organization like Emergency department:

1- Categorize Leadership Theories

2- Provide recommendations for leadership improvement including:

  • Strategies which can be used to support followership and empowerment
  • A model of change for recommendation implementation
  • Describe which change theories align to your recommendations.

Explain how these theories influence your suggestions for the improvement of leadership practice

HR Conduct Essay

HR Conduct Essay

Write a two pages paper explaining how you (as an HR Manager) would handle an employee who was based in Paris and wanted to come back to the United States before their contract was up.

Be specific and include a detailed plan for how you think a company should react to the request in light of the recent bombings.

Markus is a supervisor at a call center he is responsible for a team of 20 employees

Markus is a supervisor at a call center he is responsible for a team of 20 employees 

Employment law scenarios with a special challenge — I know you can do this!

For each of the following scenarios, please identify:

  1. Can the employee make a prima facie case (McDonnell-Douglas Test)?
  2. What employment law would the employee likely use to file a complaint of discrimination?
  3. If applicable based on case, could a reasonable accommodation be made–why or why not?

This assignment is due on  December 16, 2028 by 11:59 pm


Markus is a supervisor at a call center, he is responsible for a team of 20 employees. Jenn is a fairly new employee at the call center. She enjoyed having Markus help her during her training period; however, lately she has been uncomfortable with his attention. He tells her that her sweaters “show off her best assets” and comments on how “long and beautiful” her legs are. Jenn is considering leaving her job because of these comments, which are now occurring on a near daily basis. Could Jenn meet the tests above?




Kate participates in a religion that meets on Saturday mornings

Kate participates in a religion that meets on Saturday mornings 

Employment law scenarios with a special challenge — I know you can do this!

For each of the following scenarios, please identify:

  1. Can the employee make a prima facie case (McDonnell-Douglas Test)?
  2. What employment law would the employee likely use to file a complaint of discrimination?
  3. If applicable based on case, could a reasonable accommodation be made–why or why not?

This assignment is due on  December 16, 2028 by 11:59 pm


Kate participates in a religion that meets on Saturday mornings. Kate’s religion is very important to her and she has not missed a service in four years. She gets a job at Martin’s Market, indicating on her application that she is unable to work on Saturdays because of religious beliefs, but indicates that she will work any other day and time. Kate’s manager schedules her to work on Saturdays and Kate asks to be changed to a different shift. The manager refuses. Kate states that she will not be at work on Saturday because of her religious beliefs. The manager states that if she does not show up, he will fire her.  Kate does not report to work and she is terminated. Could Kate meet the tests above?



Bob an officer at a large university is hiring faculty

Bob an officer at a large university is hiring faculty 

Employment law scenarios with a special challenge — I know you can do this!

For each of the following scenarios, please identify:

  1. Can the employee make a prima facie case (McDonnell-Douglas Test)?
  2. What employment law would the employee likely use to file a complaint of discrimination?
  3. If applicable based on case, could a reasonable accommodation be made–why or why not?

This assignment is due on  December 16, 2028 by 11:59 pm


Bob, an officer at a large university, is hiring faculty.  Because of retirements, he has six positions to fill.  Bob meets with his HR Representative and tells her that, because of the University’s Affirmative Action plan, he wants to hire all international candidates for the positions because he thinks they work harder than American faculty do.  If Bob’s HR Representative agrees with this plan, are any employment laws being broken?  Could candidates not hired meet the tests above?


Management Employment Law

Management Employment Law

Employment law scenarios with a special challenge — I know you can do this!

For each of the following scenarios, please identify:

  1. Can the employee make a prima facie case (McDonnell-Douglas Test)?
  2. What employment law would the employee likely use to file a complaint of discrimination?
  3. If applicable based on case, could a reasonable accommodation be made–why or why not?

This assignment is due on  December 16, 2028 by 11:59 pm

Scenario A

Bob, an officer at a large university, is hiring faculty.  Because of retirements, he has six positions to fill.  Bob meets with his HR Representative and tells her that, because of the University’s Affirmative Action plan, he wants to hire all international candidates for the positions because he thinks they work harder than American faculty do.  If Bob’s HR Representative agrees with this plan, are any employment laws being broken?  Could candidates not hired meet the tests above?


Scenario B

Kate participates in a religion that meets on Saturday mornings. Kate’s religion is very important to her and she has not missed a service in four years. She gets a job at Martin’s Market, indicating on her application that she is unable to work on Saturdays because of religious beliefs, but indicates that she will work any other day and time. Kate’s manager schedules her to work on Saturdays and Kate asks to be changed to a different shift. The manager refuses. Kate states that she will not be at work on Saturday because of her religious beliefs. The manager states that if she does not show up, he will fire her.  Kate does not report to work and she is terminated. Could Kate meet the tests above?

Scenario C

Markus is a supervisor at a call center, he is responsible for a team of 20 employees. Jenn is a fairly new employee at the call center. She enjoyed having Markus help her during her training period; however, lately she has been uncomfortable with his attention. He tells her that her sweaters “show off her best assets” and comments on how “long and beautiful” her legs are. Jenn is considering leaving her job because of these comments, which are now occurring on a near daily basis. Could Jenn meet the tests above?

Scenario D

**Real employment law problem!**

Follow this link http://www.cnn.com/travel/article/muslim-flight-attendant-feat/index.html

Read the story and address the questions above related to making a prima facie case.  And then go one step further 🙂

If you believe the employee could make a prima facie case, what do you believe would be the best defense (the organization’s reason for denying the employee’s request)?



Customer Relationship Management CRM

Customer Relationship Management CRM

Copy the information below and paste into your paper.

Then, type your answers directly below each category. You must first read and understand what a CRM system is, it is not strategies.

A CRM system helps to Accelerate Sales, Build Relationships, and Deliver Projects.

A good exercise for all CRM projects is to take select high-level sales and marketing organization strategies and tie those to your customer relationship management capabilities and functionality.

Fill in what you consider would be good items to include in a CRM system for this type of organization:
Sales Strategy






Marketing Strategy






Service Strategy






Feel free to use as many sources as you need.

Change Management Solved Assignment

Change Management Solved Assignment

Identify a current change in an organization with which you are familiar. Alternatively, identify a current public issue about which “something must be done.” In relation to the change issue, think about what sense-making changes might need to be enacted and how you would go about doing this.

Assess this in terms of the eight elements of the sense-making framework suggested by Helms Mills and as set out in Table 9.7:

● Identity construction

● Social sense-making

● Extracted cues

● Ongoing sense-making

● Retrospection

● Plausibility

● Enactment

● Projection

What ones did you feel you might have the most/least control over? Why? What implications does this have for adopting a sense-making approach to organizational change?

Prepare a 4 pages document with at least eight (8) peer-reviewed sources with your answers and thoughts in APA format.

Learning Theories and Evaluation

Learning Theories and Evaluation

Overview: You are busy working on your upcoming project and feeling good about the progress you have made so far. As you reflect on the latest research you have conducted on learning models, ADDIE, training evaluation, and technology, your boss reaches out to check in once again…


Submit a Word document draft of the learning theories and training evaluation narrative you will use in your presentation due in Unit 7.

Your draft should include the following:

• Two (2) adult learning theories to be used in your program design and an explanation of why you chose each one.

• Detail how you plan to measure training results and provide an explanation as to why this plan is the best choice. Requirements:

• Your draft should be 1 page and written in proper APA format.

• Use at least two (2) references to support your work.

The Wal-Mart Amazon case study details the various ways in which Wal-Mart and Amazon

The Wal-Mart Amazon case study details the various ways in which Wal-Mart and Amazon

The Wal-Mart/Amazon case study details the various ways in which Wal-Mart and Amazon have used new technology and superior management to solve market inefficiencies..
These solutions allowed the two firms to profit immensely and the rivalry between the two has been building.
Wal-Mart is now looking to make its next move to improve its competitive position with respect to Amazon.
Write an essay (maximum of 3 pages) advising Wal-Mart on their next move. Draw on your own experience as a retail customer or employee to come up with an idea for their next move.
In your answer, be sure to detail how this solution will take advantage of existing market inefficiencies. Also, be sure to explain how this will approve Wal-Mart’s competitive position with respect to Amazon.