Big 5 (personality traits,attitude questions,people’s opinions)

Big 5 (personality traits, attitude questions, people’s opinions) 

Your research rationale (why you believe the topic is important for investigation, supported by scholastic sources)
Your research question which demonstrates a cause and an effect
The specific questions from the survey (GSS) which serves the basis of your dependent variable for the topic

Hollate Manufacturing (Fraud Risk)

Hollate Manufacturing (Fraud Risk)

1. Step back, how did Jack/Hollate end up in the situation described in the case? In your assessment, which individuals and or systems are to blame for the current problems?
2. Thinking long-term, what, in your assessment, are the most important conditions to mitigate the likelihood of a Hollate-like situation? consider the COSO framework here

Hotel Sustainability Campaign for Guests

Hotel Sustainability Campaign for Guests

Topic: Hotel Sustainability Campaign for Guests
Format: 2 page summary + Poster design ( I will do the poster design)

Referencing style for this assessment is APA6. Please note: Any reference that is used to support your work should be put at the end of the summary. References are excluded in the page limits.
Environmental issues and green initiatives are very important to hotel operations. Accommodation providers can reduce the burden of their operations on the environment in several ways. Hotels can take supply-sided measures, such as equipping the hotel building with features that minimize the use of resources; or working with employees. They can also take demand-side measures, such as trying to convince hotel guests upon arrival to behave in an environmentally friendly manner. However, there are many challenges in engaging hotel guests in sustainability and eco-friendly initiatives. For example, many guests who behave in an environmentally-friendly way at home do not demonstrate similar behaviour towards sustainability when on vacation (Juvan & Dolnicar, 2014). Second, many hotels manage poorly in delivering an understandable and clear message to their guests about their sustainability initiatives.
You are required to study hotel sustainability. Design a campaign poster to motivate hotel guests to be less wasteful of food or to reduce energy consumption, i.e., air conditioning, lighting, (hot) water etc. This can be what they use in room or what the hotel uses in servicing their rooms, i.e., washing linen, water/detergent, amenities, etc. In addition, you may consider awareness of how guests contribute to waste and ways to ensure waste is recycled and diverted from landfill, i.e., single-use plastic items.
Provide a 2-page summary for the hotel management team to:
1) Describe the hotel indicating its location, size, source market, and other features that are relevant to sustainability (e.g., hotel vision, past contribution in promoting sustainability);
2) Explain why the hotel sustainability initiative is important for the selected hotel;
3) Justify your poster design (use an evidence-based approach considering theories in consumer behaviours, environmental psychology, peer pressure and communication);
Briefly discuss how to deliver your campaign poster to the hotel guests (e.g., where, when, what type of guests, and how).

*You do not have to do the following part, but have to give me an idea
Follow the steps to develop a poster for hotel guests:
1) Select one hotel
2) Promote one hotel sustainability initiative (note: choose one environmental initiative only, e.g., reduce food waste, water consumption, or plastic items);
3) Illustrate what actions you encourage guests to undertake to achieve the sustainability initiative.
4) You can use Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe InDesign/Illustrator or other poster design software to make your poster. Save as a PDF/JPG file and submit the electronic version to blackboard.

Briefly discuss how to deliver your campaign poster to the hotel guests (e.g., where, when, what type of guests, and how).

Cocal Cola Case Study Financial Analysis

Cocal Cola Case Study Financial Analysis

Company History

SWOT Analysis





Industry Planning Assumptions

Economic Environment

Political Environment

Legal/Regulatory Environment

Technological Environment

Social Environment


Competitive Environment (Be sure to use Porter’s Five Forces Model and illustrate)

Analysis of Coca Cola’s Strategies


Analysis of (company) Financial Performance

Sales and Revenue

Current Ratio

Quick Ratio

Return on Equity

Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Recommendations for Future for Coca Cola



Organizational Ethics and CSR

Organizational Ethics and CSR
Module 4: Organizational Ethics and CSR
Discussion: Social Contract Theory
Discussion: Social Contract Theory
After reviewing the background section, discuss social contract theory and apply social contract theory to a business situation you are familiar with. To what extent does SCT help to explain differences in ethics and ethical perspectives in a culturally diverse setting?
What is the efficacy of SCT in describing issues related to business ethics?
In each discussion forum, students are expected to respond to the prompt by providing an informed, rigorous, and professional post. The initial post should be at least 150 or more words

Professional Planning Portfolio that contains three sections

Professional Planning Portfolio that contains three sections

You will create a professional planning portfolio that contains three sections.

1) The Core section—completed by all students.

2) either an Employment section or a Graduate School section, depending upon your post-baccalaureate plans.
3) A revised copy of your Career Review Paper, which has been corrected according to the feedback you received from your instructor.

The Core section will contain the following documents:
Document 1: Personal Statement – A personal statement describing your immediate and long-term career and life goals, including an explanation of why these goals are appropriate and realistic in terms of your curricular, extracurricular, professional, and personal experiences
Document 2: Reflective Paper- Students will write a paper reflecting upon their educational experiences within their psychology program journey, using the Program Goals ( as an organizational paradigm. That means you will organize your paper using the Goals. Sections of the body of the paper will correspond to the Goals. This paper should include thoughts regarding successes and challenges, new insights, and personal transformations. This should be at a deep level rather than a surface mention. You must address each of the Program Goals which are displayed below and discuss how you have specifically met that goal, referencing courses, papers and concepts. List the Program Goal verbatim (with proper citation) and then address each component to receive maximum points. The reflective paper will be 7 to 10 pages, double-spaced, not including the expected title and reference pages. APA Style is expected and you must reference yourself when quoting from past papers. Only academic/scholarly sources should be used. You should organize it by the Program Goals and use headings per the APA Manual.

UMGC Psychology Program Goals

Apply major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology to prepare for graduate studies or careers in which psychological training is relevant.
Apply basic knowledge of research methodology, statistics, measurement, guidelines, ethical standards, laws, and regulations in order to design, participate in and to evaluate research in a variety of contexts.
Apply knowledge of human behavior to inform personal growth, communicate effectively, solve problems, make decisions and interact with individuals, communities, and organizations.
Use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and where possible appropriate technology and the scientific approach to solve problems related to current and emergent trends within the domains of psychology.
Value diversity and different perspectives, tolerate ambiguity, and act ethically to communicate appropriately with various sociocultural and international populations.
The Employment / Graduate School section will include the following documents:
Document 3: – A current, accurate, and professional-appearing resume or curriculum vitae
Document 4 – Choose one of either the employment section or graduate school section described below:
The Employment section will contain the following documents:
The results of a computerized job search that yielded at least three job possibilities and a brief report that explains why each of these programs is appropriate for you based on your immediate and long-term career and life goals as described in the first section of this portfolio.
A professional-appearing cover letter that can be modified for specific job applications
A template or model letter that can be used to request letters of recommendation for an employment opportunity.
The Graduate School section will contain the following documents:
Results of a search for appropriate graduate programs that yielded at least three possible programs and a brief report that explains why each of these programs is appropriate for you based on your immediate and long-term career and life goals as described in the first section of this portfolio.
A professional appearing personal statement that can be modified for specific graduate programs
A template or model letter that can be used to request letters of recommendation for graduate school.
The Career Review (updated) section will include the following:
Document 5 – A revised copy of your Career Review Paper from Week 3 of this course.

Leadership Globalization and Diversity and Organizational Structure and Culture

Leadership Globalization and Diversity and Organizational Structure and Culture

Over the past three weeks, you have examined leadership theories, globalization and diversity, and organizational structure and culture. In this assignment, you will culminate and apply your learning to two organizations of your choosing that both have global reach, but opposing practices.
To prepare:
Review what you have learned about leadership theories, globalization and diversity, and organizational
structure and culture over the past several weeks.
Select two organizations that have global reach and opposing practices (e.g., GE and Google or IBM and
Consider the similarities and differences between the organizations in terms of leadership theories
demonstrated by the CEO (or another high-ranking leader) of each organization, the impact of globalization
and diversity on each organization, and the influence of the organizational structure on the organizations’
culture, leadership, and team-make up.
By Day 7
Select two well-known companies that have a global reach and opposing practices (e.g., GE and Google or IBM
and Apple). Submit a 3- to 4-page paper in which you compare and contrast the two organizations in terms of the
The leadership theories demonstrated by the CEO (or another high-ranking leader) of each organization.
The impact of globalization and diversity on each organization. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate
your explanation.
Each organization’s structural dynamics and the impact it has on the organization’s culture, leadership, and
team make-up.
Your paper should follow APA style, be double-spaced with one-inch margins, and include a title page and
reference list.

Suppose you wish to focus on the time taken to complete the work. First consider Task Management

Suppose you wish to focus on the time taken to complete the work. First consider Task

4. Suppose you wish to focus on the time taken to complete the work. First consider Task
Management. How would you use the Project Charter to decide how to manage tasks?
With whom would you need to negotiate?
5. Now consider People Management. Below are some quotes from team leaders working
in the project:
Team Leader A: “Some team members just ignore the plan. For example, they
jumped in and started on design before the requirements were approved. They
really should know better. They are just making it necessary to go back and re-work
what they have done.”

You meet with your manager and the Chief Financial Officer

You meet with your manager and the Chief Financial Officer

You meet with your manager and the Chief Financial Officer. Your manager begins to
speak, but the CFO interrupts:
“Well done on reigning in your spending, but in fact you are
destroying the Net Present Value of the project!”
Why would the CFO be so concerned? Would the main issue affecting the NPV of the
project be time or money? Explain how that could be possible.

Uber Technologies Inc Case Study

Uber Technologies Inc Case Study
The $41 billion dollar firm Uber Technology, Inc. is unsettling the traditional taxi business. In over 40 countries and 240 markets around the world, Uber and similar companies are challenging the existing taxi business model. Uber and its growing list of competitors, Lyft, Sidecar, and Flywheel in America, and fledgling rivals in Europe, Asia, and India, think their smart phone apps can provide a new and improved way to call a taxi. This disruptive business model uses an app to arrange rides between riders and cars, theoretically a nearby car, which is tracked by the
app. The Uber system also provides a history of rides, routes, and fees as well as automatic billing. In addition, driver and rider are also allowed to evaluate each other. The services are increasingly popular, worrying established taxi services in cities from New York to Berlin, and from Rio de Janeiro to Bangkok. In many markets, Uber has proven to be the best, fastest, and most reliable way to find a ride. Consumers worldwide are endorsing the system as a replacement for the usual taxi ride. As the most established competitor in the field, Uber is putting more cars on
the road, meaning faster pickup times, which should attract even more riders, which in turn attracts even more drivers, and so on. This growth cycle may speed the demise of the existing taxi businesses as well as provide substantial competition for firms with a technology-oriented model similar to Uber’s. In this case study, you will write a paper that addresses the following questions.
Make a list of ride-sharing attributes that are important to you as a customer. Think like a customer and brainstorm a list of attributes that are important when it comes to ride services such as Uber. Briefly discuss each attribute.
Now design those attributes into a ride-sharing process. Associate with each attribute/customer requirement a measure that would ensure that the process meets the requirement. Refer back to the House of Quality example on page 51. You do not need to create a house of quality, but you need specific, quantitative measures such as the target values in the house of quality example.
Create a service blueprint for a process that meets your requirements. Describe it by using a flowchart similar to that show in Exhibit 9.5.
Discuss other areas/industries in which the Uber model might be used.
Your Case Study Assignment* should be 5-7 pages of body in length and sufficiently answer the four assignment questions. (The body of the paper does not include the title page or reference page.) You should have a title page, introduction, responses to each of the four questions, conclusions, and reference page.
Written in APA manual 6th ed. format (an APA handbook is on reserve at Athens State University library and an additional copy is at the reference desk – the book can be only used in the library – you cannot check it out – of course you can purchase a copy at any book store for your own reference).
Use Level 1, 2, or 3 headers to organize your paper. If you don’t know what these are, see the example APA papers provided in the
Supplemental Materials folder located below.
Remember , this is a paper so it should flow. You don’t want to merely state the question number and then answer it. Make your thoughts and analysis flow with a coherent purpose.
The flowchart should be inserted into the paper. If you construct the flowchart in a program outside of Word, you will need to copy and paste it
into your paper so that you submit one file only. The flowchart should not be submitted as a separate file.
Here are some answers to other potential questions related to the Case Study Assignment*:
The minimum number of references is two. They can be any credible and scholarly references. Remember, these should be business-related references and not just references for ride-sharing services.
An abstract is not necessary.
The flowchart should be drawn either in Word, PowerPoint, Excel or some equivalent drawing tool and inserted in the paper. Do not hand-draw flowcharts.
Make sure you are constructing a flowchart and not a picture/image. Do not use SmartArt from PowerPoint. See exhibit 9.5 for an example of a sophisticated flowchart. The flowchart must be your own creation, not something you get off the internet.
The flowchart does count as part of the 5-7 pages of body requirement.
Make your attribute list very clear. Either number your attributes or use bullets. Your list should be descriptive and provide adequate detail; a few words would not be sufficient.
Make sure that in question 2, you identify quantitative measurements. Be sure and watch the Collaborate session for more information.

Your manager observes that you are just 2% through the planned duration yet you have spent 4.5% of the planned budget

Your manager observes that you are just 2% through the planned duration yet you have
spent 4.5% of the planned budget

Your manager observes that you are just 2% through the planned duration yet you have
spent 4.5% of the planned budget. At this rate, according to your manager, you will
spend 2.25 times the budget or $36 M. At this point your manager panics and demands
that you reign in your spending because “you are sending the company bankrupt”. The
manager orders you to report back with better results at day 90, then dismisses you
from their office.
At Close of Business (COB) of workday 90 you get the following data:
• Planned Value = $2.25 M
• Actual Cost = $2.00 M
• Earned Value = $1.80 M
From the data above, calculate:
a. Schedule Performance Index
b. Cost Performance Index
c. Estimated duration of the project
d. Estimate at Completion (estimated Actual Cost of the project based on
progress to date)

Suppose you are Project Manager for a project with a budget of $16 M and a planned completion time of 900 workdays

Suppose you are Project Manager for a project with a budget of $16 M and a planned
completion time of 900 workdays

Suppose you are Project Manager for a project with a budget of $16 M and a planned
completion time of 900 workdays (or about three years, give or take).
1. At Close of Business (COB) of workday 18 you get the following data:
• Planned Value = $640 k
• Actual Cost = $720 k
• Earned Value = $576 k
Page 2 of 3
From the data above, calculate:
a. Schedule Performance Index
b. Cost Performance Index
c. Estimated duration of the project
d. Estimate at Completion (estimated Actual Cost of the project based on
progress to date)

Consider three international strategy approaches (multi- domestic global or transnational) and to select which strategy you think Southwest Airlines should pursue

Consider three international strategy approaches (multi- domestic global or transnational)
and to select which strategy you think Southwest Airlines should pursue

Question 1
Review Porter’s Five Forces model (Unit 3) and apply it to analyse the US airline industry. This
is an industry-level analysis of the competitive environment – part of external environment
analysis. At this stage do not focus too much on how Southwest Airlines managed to overcome
the forces and successfully compete in the industry, as this is the basis for the analysis of its
internal capabilities in question 2.
The purpose of the Five Forces Model is to gain a deeper understanding of the intensity of
competition in the industry and which forces are the key influencers. The more intense the
competition, the less attractive the industry, the lower the average level of industry profitability.
The reverse applies to less intense levels of competition. You must analyse each force
individually through an examination of the structural factors which determine the impact
of this force. The discussion of how these factors influence each force means that your
answer will go beyond the description of each force. For each force arguments should be
presented as to whether the force’s influence is high, medium or low. Your arguments should
reach formal conclusions:
• Is this an attractive/unattractive industry (high/low/average profit margins) as result of the
intensity of the competitive forces?
• What are the most significant forces facing the US airline industry in the future that all
competitors should take into account in their strategy formulation?
Question 2
Conduct an internal analysis (Unit 4) of Southwest Airlines’ capabilities, then to identify
and evaluate its core competencies:
• Use the Value Chain framework to analyse Southwest Airlines’ capabilities. You must go
further than describing what it does in each activity through a discussion of what it does well
(strengths) and what areas it needs to improve (weaknesses to address).
• To identify Southwest Airlines’ core competencies, analyse critical linkages/processes in
the Value Chain, some of which should be the basis for your choice of core competencies
(CCs). The explanation of Value Chain linkages is an intermediary stage to identifying CCs.
Assess which linkages are “core” by applying either Barney’s or Grant’s criteria.
• The final part of the question requires you to identify its choice of generic competitive
strategy – differentiation, cost leadership or hybrid (Unit 5). Your choice should be
supported by the capabilities and CCs you have derived from your preceding value chain
Question 3
The focus here is on the organisational culture of the airline, and how this is able to influence
its strategic choices and implementation. Use the cultural web (Unit 10), and back up your
description with evidence from the case study. Again, you must go further than simply
describing what the culture is, by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of different
elements of the framework, and how they might impact the ability of the company to make and
implement strategic decisions.
Question 4
Consider three international strategy approaches (multi- domestic, global or transnational),
and to select which strategy you think Southwest Airlines should pursue, in the context of
the case study. To develop an argument to support your choice, work through the elements
of the Integration-Responsiveness Grid (from Unit 7) which apply to the industry and also to
Southwest’s own capabilities. You may wish to draw on your earlier analysis of Southwest’s
strengths and weaknesses to comment on how the company might overcome some of the
common difficulties associated with your chosen strategy.

Conduct an internal analysis (Unit 4) of Southwest Airlines’ capabilities, then to identify and evaluate its core competencies

Conduct an internal analysis (Unit 4) of Southwest Airlines’ capabilities, then to identify
and evaluate its core competencies 

Question 1
Review Porter’s Five Forces model (Unit 3) and apply it to analyse the US airline industry. This
is an industry-level analysis of the competitive environment – part of external environment
analysis. At this stage do not focus too much on how Southwest Airlines managed to overcome
the forces and successfully compete in the industry, as this is the basis for the analysis of its
internal capabilities in question 2.
The purpose of the Five Forces Model is to gain a deeper understanding of the intensity of
competition in the industry and which forces are the key influencers. The more intense the
competition, the less attractive the industry, the lower the average level of industry profitability.
The reverse applies to less intense levels of competition. You must analyse each force
individually through an examination of the structural factors which determine the impact
of this force. The discussion of how these factors influence each force means that your
answer will go beyond the description of each force. For each force arguments should be
presented as to whether the force’s influence is high, medium or low. Your arguments should
reach formal conclusions:
• Is this an attractive/unattractive industry (high/low/average profit margins) as result of the
intensity of the competitive forces?
• What are the most significant forces facing the US airline industry in the future that all
competitors should take into account in their strategy formulation?
Question 2
Conduct an internal analysis (Unit 4) of Southwest Airlines’ capabilities, then to identify
and evaluate its core competencies:
• Use the Value Chain framework to analyse Southwest Airlines’ capabilities. You must go
further than describing what it does in each activity through a discussion of what it does well
(strengths) and what areas it needs to improve (weaknesses to address).
• To identify Southwest Airlines’ core competencies, analyse critical linkages/processes in
the Value Chain, some of which should be the basis for your choice of core competencies
(CCs). The explanation of Value Chain linkages is an intermediary stage to identifying CCs.
Assess which linkages are “core” by applying either Barney’s or Grant’s criteria.
• The final part of the question requires you to identify its choice of generic competitive
strategy – differentiation, cost leadership or hybrid (Unit 5). Your choice should be
supported by the capabilities and CCs you have derived from your preceding value chain
Question 3
The focus here is on the organisational culture of the airline, and how this is able to influence
its strategic choices and implementation. Use the cultural web (Unit 10), and back up your
description with evidence from the case study. Again, you must go further than simply
describing what the culture is, by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of different
elements of the framework, and how they might impact the ability of the company to make and
implement strategic decisions.
Question 4
Consider three international strategy approaches (multi- domestic, global or transnational),
and to select which strategy you think Southwest Airlines should pursue, in the context of
the case study. To develop an argument to support your choice, work through the elements
of the Integration-Responsiveness Grid (from Unit 7) which apply to the industry and also to
Southwest’s own capabilities. You may wish to draw on your earlier analysis of Southwest’s
strengths and weaknesses to comment on how the company might overcome some of the
common difficulties associated with your chosen strategy.

The focus here is on the organisational culture of the airline and how this is able to influence its strategic choices and implementation

The focus here is on the organisational culture of the airline and how this is able to influence its strategic choices and implementation

Question 1
Review Porter’s Five Forces model (Unit 3) and apply it to analyse the US airline industry. This
is an industry-level analysis of the competitive environment – part of external environment
analysis. At this stage do not focus too much on how Southwest Airlines managed to overcome
the forces and successfully compete in the industry, as this is the basis for the analysis of its
internal capabilities in question 2.
The purpose of the Five Forces Model is to gain a deeper understanding of the intensity of
competition in the industry and which forces are the key influencers. The more intense the
competition, the less attractive the industry, the lower the average level of industry profitability.
The reverse applies to less intense levels of competition. You must analyse each force
individually through an examination of the structural factors which determine the impact
of this force. The discussion of how these factors influence each force means that your
answer will go beyond the description of each force. For each force arguments should be
presented as to whether the force’s influence is high, medium or low. Your arguments should
reach formal conclusions:
• Is this an attractive/unattractive industry (high/low/average profit margins) as result of the
intensity of the competitive forces?
• What are the most significant forces facing the US airline industry in the future that all
competitors should take into account in their strategy formulation?
Question 2
Conduct an internal analysis (Unit 4) of Southwest Airlines’ capabilities, then to identify
and evaluate its core competencies:
• Use the Value Chain framework to analyse Southwest Airlines’ capabilities. You must go
further than describing what it does in each activity through a discussion of what it does well
(strengths) and what areas it needs to improve (weaknesses to address).
• To identify Southwest Airlines’ core competencies, analyse critical linkages/processes in
the Value Chain, some of which should be the basis for your choice of core competencies
(CCs). The explanation of Value Chain linkages is an intermediary stage to identifying CCs.
Assess which linkages are “core” by applying either Barney’s or Grant’s criteria.
• The final part of the question requires you to identify its choice of generic competitive
strategy – differentiation, cost leadership or hybrid (Unit 5). Your choice should be
supported by the capabilities and CCs you have derived from your preceding value chain
Question 3
The focus here is on the organisational culture of the airline, and how this is able to influence
its strategic choices and implementation. Use the cultural web (Unit 10), and back up your
description with evidence from the case study. Again, you must go further than simply
describing what the culture is, by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of different
elements of the framework, and how they might impact the ability of the company to make and
implement strategic decisions.
Question 4
Consider three international strategy approaches (multi- domestic, global or transnational),
and to select which strategy you think Southwest Airlines should pursue, in the context of
the case study. To develop an argument to support your choice, work through the elements
of the Integration-Responsiveness Grid (from Unit 7) which apply to the industry and also to
Southwest’s own capabilities. You may wish to draw on your earlier analysis of Southwest’s
strengths and weaknesses to comment on how the company might overcome some of the
common difficulties associated with your chosen strategy.