Review Porter’s Five Forces model (Unit 3) and apply it to analyse the US airline industry

Review Porter’s Five Forces model (Unit 3) and apply it to analyse the US airline industry

Question 1
Review Porter’s Five Forces model (Unit 3) and apply it to analyse the US airline industry. This
is an industry-level analysis of the competitive environment – part of external environment
analysis. At this stage do not focus too much on how Southwest Airlines managed to overcome
the forces and successfully compete in the industry, as this is the basis for the analysis of its
internal capabilities in question 2.
The purpose of the Five Forces Model is to gain a deeper understanding of the intensity of
competition in the industry and which forces are the key influencers. The more intense the
competition, the less attractive the industry, the lower the average level of industry profitability.
The reverse applies to less intense levels of competition. You must analyse each force
individually through an examination of the structural factors which determine the impact
of this force. The discussion of how these factors influence each force means that your
answer will go beyond the description of each force. For each force arguments should be
presented as to whether the force’s influence is high, medium or low. Your arguments should
reach formal conclusions:
• Is this an attractive/unattractive industry (high/low/average profit margins) as result of the
intensity of the competitive forces?
• What are the most significant forces facing the US airline industry in the future that all
competitors should take into account in their strategy formulation?
Question 2
Conduct an internal analysis (Unit 4) of Southwest Airlines’ capabilities, then to identify
and evaluate its core competencies:
• Use the Value Chain framework to analyse Southwest Airlines’ capabilities. You must go
further than describing what it does in each activity through a discussion of what it does well
(strengths) and what areas it needs to improve (weaknesses to address).
• To identify Southwest Airlines’ core competencies, analyse critical linkages/processes in
the Value Chain, some of which should be the basis for your choice of core competencies
(CCs). The explanation of Value Chain linkages is an intermediary stage to identifying CCs.
Assess which linkages are “core” by applying either Barney’s or Grant’s criteria.
• The final part of the question requires you to identify its choice of generic competitive
strategy – differentiation, cost leadership or hybrid (Unit 5). Your choice should be
supported by the capabilities and CCs you have derived from your preceding value chain
Question 3
The focus here is on the organisational culture of the airline, and how this is able to influence
its strategic choices and implementation. Use the cultural web (Unit 10), and back up your
description with evidence from the case study. Again, you must go further than simply
describing what the culture is, by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of different
elements of the framework, and how they might impact the ability of the company to make and
implement strategic decisions.
Question 4
Consider three international strategy approaches (multi- domestic, global or transnational),
and to select which strategy you think Southwest Airlines should pursue, in the context of
the case study. To develop an argument to support your choice, work through the elements
of the Integration-Responsiveness Grid (from Unit 7) which apply to the industry and also to
Southwest’s own capabilities. You may wish to draw on your earlier analysis of Southwest’s
strengths and weaknesses to comment on how the company might overcome some of the
common difficulties associated with your chosen strategy.

Organizational Culture and Communication

Organizational Culture and Communication

The final paper will be between 5 pages with 10 scholarly articles. This does not include the title page, abstract or the reference page. This week you will submit your final paper in APA format and writing.

1. You must have 10 scholarly articles that are within the last 10 years. Scholarly articles are peer reviewed. You do not submit the annotated bibliography as part of the final paper. You do use properly formatted references for the reference page.
2. Follow the detailed outline that you submitted. Your detailed outline is to help you write the paper and to ensure all references are used. It is not included in the paper.
3. Make sure that your abstract is on a separate page immediately following the title page. The heading is Abstract not the title of the paper. If you do not understand what is to be included in an abstract read the abstracts from the articles you selected.

4. Utilize the APA Helps as necessary in the Resources area to help you present your research paper in APA format, which means that you need to write a Title Page, Abstract Page and References Page separate from the body of the text of the paper. Avoid unsupported statements whenever possible. In many cases, you will write a paragraph of text and insert a citation only once. When you use a direct quote, include the page number of the source, too. Some may ask why APA is so important. APA is the mode of communication of the written word in the research field. It is the due diligence of graduate management students to excel at APA.
6. Please remember this is an academic paper and 3rd person is required.

Quality Health Care Management

Quality Health Care Management

You are a quality analyst in a health information management (HIM) department appointed to lead a project team. Your team must assess the problem with the documentation of the patient’s discharge disposition status in the health record and present your findings in a meeting to the department.
An increasing number of errors have been reported, and frustration among the coders has risen. These coders claim that conflicting information is often present in the record, requiring them to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to obtain verification. Coding productivity has been affected. Explain how you would assess the problem, strategies that you may develop to resolve the problem, and a way to study the effectiveness of your strategies. Give examples of tools you would use to present your findings in the meeting.
Your research paper should be 3 pages long (excluding the cover page and reference page), supported by the readings from Week 4 and at least two additional scholarly sources (not Wikipedia etc.) Please adhere the writing rubric and let me know if you have any questions. This paper should be in proper APA format, which includes a title page, reference page, and APA-formatted references.

Lesson Reading: Examine legal and ethical aspects of health information management.


Because of their capacity to provide objectivity, data are a crucial element used to measure the quality of patient care. Data have been used to study the quality of patient care for over a century, leading in part to the development of accrediting organizations that concentrate on advancing patient care. Data collected from the patient’s healthcare record are a vital part of any quality initiative in the healthcare field, including those at the federal level. Private efforts to advance patient care have measured the performance of care and service through data collected at the healthcare provider level, with the HEDIS data set serving as a prototype for managed care plans. The use of quality monitoring cycles, benchmarking processes, and quality indicator reports has expanded vastly over the last few decades, assisting those within the healthcare field to improve the delivery of patient care and those outside the field to evaluate care given.

Two areas that depend greatly on data quality are performance improvement and risk management, with performance improvement concentrating on the review of clinical processes as a means to improve the quality of patient care and risk management focusing on the review of nonclinical processes as a means to reduce medical, financial, and legal risk to an organization. Both areas have gotten a lot of attention because of their potential to affect both the administration and delivery of patient care.

By contrast, utilization management emphasizes the appropriateness and planned use of resources as an effort to govern healthcare costs. This concentration has become essential to the delivery of patient care, as both accrediting and licensing standards require healthcare organizations to comply with utilization management requirements.

We will also review the historical development of healthcare quality including a review of the important pioneers and the tools they developed. Their work has been deliberated, polished, and broadly used in a variety of applications related to performance-improvement activities. We will also analyze risk management, with emphasis on the significance of coordination with quality activities. This is followed by is a discussion of the evolution of utilization management, with a focus on its relationship to quality management.

Numbers and mathematical theories have played a role in society for millennia. The past few centuries have seen the growth of healthcare statistics, ranging from the elementary level to the complex level. These statistics are characterized by category, with descriptive statistics playing the largest role in healthcare. Measures of central tendency appear regularly in the healthcare field like research studies, as well as in mainstream fields like press releases and articles. How data are gathered, utilized in calculations and formulae, and presented are essential to the practice of statistics in any field, including healthcare.

Relationships among data variables are the emphasis of regression analysis, an advanced statistical tool used in the emergent fields of clinical and applied informatics. Regression analysis is an important element of grouper programs. Health information management statistics concentrate on the use of statistical formulae on a routine basis. HIM managers count on productivity measures to determine how effectively the organization is being managed. Statistical instruments such as control charts, trend charts, and process capability analysis are used to address process problems, increase productivity, and contribute to the organization’s financial well-being.


Green, M., & Bowie, M. (2011). Essentials of health information management: Principles and practices

(2nd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Cengage.

LaTour, K. (2013). Health information management: Concepts, principles, and practice (4th ed.). Chicago,


McWay, D. (2014). Today’s health information management: An integrated approach (2nd ed.). Clifton Park,

NY: Cengage Learning.

Sayles, N. (n.d.). Health information management technology: An applied approach (4th ed.). Chicago, IL:


Required Reading

McWay, D. (2014). Today’s health information management: An integrated approach (2nd ed.). Clifton Park,

NY: Cengage Learning.
◦ Chapter 7 & 8

LEADERSHIP and Change Processes

LEADERSHIP and Change Processes 

Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership model

For this assignment, first, review the background materials with a focus on Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model from Avery (2011). Make sure you are familiar with the four leadership styles covered in the situational approach (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating) and situations where you are supposed to use these four styles.

You are in charge of a team of architects. They are highly skilled but have strong opinions and do not necessarily follow instructions. These architects are independent thinkers who are used to doing things their own way.

  1. What is the Situational Leadership Model, and how can it be used to improve your selected scenario?
  2. The Situational Leadership Model involves both “inputs” and “outputs” by taking employee commitment and competency as inputs and then, based on the employee information, selects one of the four Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating as an output.
    Create a table comparing and contrasting the four leadership styles (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating) in terms of inputs and outputs, and include a 1 or 2 paragraph discussion of your table.
  3. Based on your table and the readings, which of the four leadership styles do you think is most useful to the scenario and why?

Situational Leadership Model involves both “inputs” and “outputs” b

Situational Leadership Model involves both “inputs” and “outputs” 

Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership model

For this assignment, first, review the background materials with a focus on Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model from Avery (2011). Make sure you are familiar with the four leadership styles covered in the situational approach (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating) and situations where you are supposed to use these four styles.

You are in charge of a team of architects. They are highly skilled but have strong opinions and do not necessarily follow instructions. These architects are independent thinkers who are used to doing things their own way.

  1. What is the Situational Leadership Model, and how can it be used to improve your selected scenario?
  2. The Situational Leadership Model involves both “inputs” and “outputs” by taking employee commitment and competency as inputs and then, based on the employee information, selects one of the four Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating as an output.
    Create a table comparing and contrasting the four leadership styles (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating) in terms of inputs and outputs, and include a 1 or 2 paragraph discussion of your table.
  3. Based on your table and the readings, which of the four leadership styles do you think is most useful to the scenario and why?


What is the Situational Leadership Model

What is the Situational Leadership Model

Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership model

For this assignment, first, review the background materials with a focus on Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model from Avery (2011). Make sure you are familiar with the four leadership styles covered in the situational approach (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating) and situations where you are supposed to use these four styles.

You are in charge of a team of architects. They are highly skilled but have strong opinions and do not necessarily follow instructions. These architects are independent thinkers who are used to doing things their own way.

  1. What is the Situational Leadership Model, and how can it be used to improve your selected scenario?
  2. The Situational Leadership Model involves both “inputs” and “outputs” by taking employee commitment and competency as inputs and then, based on the employee information, selects one of the four Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating as an output.
    Create a table comparing and contrasting the four leadership styles (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating) in terms of inputs and outputs, and include a 1 or 2 paragraph discussion of your table.
  3. Based on your table and the readings, which of the four leadership styles do you think is most useful to the scenario and why?


Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership model

Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership model

For this assignment, first, review the background materials with a focus on Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model from Avery (2011). Make sure you are familiar with the four leadership styles covered in the situational approach (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating) and situations where you are supposed to use these four styles.

You are in charge of a team of architects. They are highly skilled but have strong opinions and do not necessarily follow instructions. These architects are independent thinkers who are used to doing things their own way.

  1. What is the Situational Leadership Model, and how can it be used to improve your selected scenario?
  2. The Situational Leadership Model involves both “inputs” and “outputs” by taking employee commitment and competency as inputs and then, based on the employee information, selects one of the four Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating as an output.
    Create a table comparing and contrasting the four leadership styles (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating) in terms of inputs and outputs, and include a 1 or 2 paragraph discussion of your table.
  3. Based on your table and the readings, which of the four leadership styles do you think is most useful to the scenario and why?


Consultancy Report on Australian Business

Consultancy Report on Australian Business


What strategies should Australian Business adopt in current times .Please select one from
these current trends: a)Covid 19 b)Black Lives matter c)Brexit d)USA China Trade war
e)The rise of the Internet Revolution etc)
This assessment requires students to provide a briefing report as a consultant on a key global
issue in international business management. The length of this report is 4000 words. You are
a Management Consultant tasked with an assignment to research and report on a prominent
issue that will impact on the world and Australian Business in any industry operating
overseas. You can select any existing Australian business small or large operating overseas in
any country and select a current issue impacting their business or your own choice and
research and write a report on that topic. Please note you can also select a hypothetical
Australian business operating in a country of your choice.


You are a consultant tasked with a submission, developing a comprehensive
analysis of the impact of any current global event in general and to “AUSTRALIAN
BUSINESS” in particular to assist them with their future internationalisation strategy.
Whilst doing this your focus will be on the “CULTURE” and the “CONTEXT” you select
and you will analyse the situation based on the cross cultural dimensions, concepts and
cultural theories that you study in class. Your report should encompass all risks: Political,
Cultural, Social, Legal, Economic and provide advice on the impact of the current happenings
to Australian businesses operating globally. In particular you are required to critique, analyse
and assess the following four issues with CULTURE as a basis:

i. Global impact of a current happening (For example: Covid 19, Black lives matter, Brexit,
USA China trade War) on businesses in general in the World and in specific on Australian
businesses operating overseas and what strategies they should adopt.
ii. Country (where the Australian business is operating) specific economic, political, legal,
cultural, social, cultural characteristics and history and its impact on Australian business.
iii. Possible implications, strategies and contingency planning for Australian business.
The assignment is research based and requires the student to gain knowledge about using
varied research sources. The assignment will develop critical thinking and analytical skills
and enable students to synthesize information and develop informed views. This assignment
requires students to explore and apply an advanced body of knowledge in a range of current
contexts in Diversity Management, Cross Cultural Management/Business or Cross-Cultural
Leadership/International Business/ Management discipline.

The research report will begin with identifying a current topic in the above-mentioned
disciplines. Discuss with your unit coordinator for guidance if necessary. Start the project
with conducting a brief research on the topic to advance the theoretical knowledge and
develop your cognitive skills in the discipline. Students will identify one or two theories from
the vast knowledge in the area and investigate their research informed by these theories.

Collect quantitative or qualitative data, secondary data or case studies to support your
research. The report will end with a conclusion section to analyse the data and draw
outcomes, implications, strategies and conclusions for the business in context. Please note
that the time available to you is limited, so please keep the scope of the research limited and
commence the research and writing work as soon as possible as the individual report is an
important part of your unit. Sample assignments from past semesters can be seen on ilearn.
Please prepare your research paper, using the following guidelines:
Format All files should be submitted as a Word document: Times Roman,
Font 12.
Article Length Articles should have a max length of 4000 words. This includes all
text including references and appendices.
Article Title A title of not more than eight words should be provided.
Structure • Purpose/Objectives
• Body
• Findings
• Practical implications
References References to other publications must be in Harvard style and
carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
You should cite publications in the text: (Adams, 2006) using the
first named author’s name or (Adams and Brown, 2006) citing both
names of two, and (Adams et al., 2006), when there are three or
more authors. At the end of the paper a reference list in
alphabetical order should be supplied:

For books Surname, Initials (year), Title of Book, Publisher, Place of
e.g. Harrow, R. (2005), No Place to Hide, Simon & Schuster, New
York, NY.

For book chapters Surname, Initials (year), “Chapter title”, Editor’s Surname,
Initials, Title of Book, Publisher, Place of publication, pages.
e.g. Calabrese, F.A. (2005), “The early pathways: theory to
practice – a continuum”, in Stankosky, M. (Ed.), Creating the
Discipline of Knowledge Management, Elsevier, New York, NY,
pp. 15-20.

For journals Surname, Initials (year), “Title of article”, Journal Name, volume,
number, pages.
e.g. Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), “Loyalty trends for the
twenty-first century”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22
No. 2, pp. 72-80.
For published

Surname, Initials (year of publication), “Title of paper”, in
Surname, Initials (Ed.), Title of published proceeding which may
include place and date(s) held, Publisher, Place of publication,
Page numbers.
e.g. Jakkilinki, R., Georgievski, M. and Sharda, N. (2007),
“Connecting destinations with an ontology-based e-tourism
planner”, in Information and communication technologies in
tourism 2007 proceedings of the international conference in
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, pp. 12-32.
For unpublished
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of paper”, paper presented at Name
of Conference, date of conference, place of conference, available
at: URL if freely available on the internet (accessed date).
e.g. Aumueller, D. (2005), “Semantic authoring and retrieval
within a wiki”, paper presented at the European Semantic Web
Conference (ESWC), 29 May-1 June, Heraklion, Crete, available
at: (accessed
20 February 2007).
For working papers Surname, Initials (year), “Title of article”, working paper [number
if available], Institution or organization, Place of organization,
e.g. Moizer, P. (2003), “How published academic research can
inform policy decisions: the case of mandatory rotation of audit
appointments”, working paper, Leeds University Business School,
University of Leeds, Leeds, 28 March.
For encyclopedia
(with no author or
Title of Encyclopedia (year) “Title of entry”, volume, edition, Title
of Encyclopedia, Publisher, Place of publication, pages.
e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1926) “Psychology of culture
contact”, Vol. 1, 13th ed., Encyclopaedia Britannica, London and
New York, NY, pp. 765-71.
(For authored entries please refer to book chapter guidelines
For newspaper
articles (authored)
Surname, Initials (year), “Article title”, Newspaper, date, pages.
e.g. Smith, A. (2008), “Money for old rope”, Daily News, 21
January, pp. 1, 3-4.
For newspaper
articles (nonauthored)
Newspaper (year), “Article title”, date, pages.
e.g. Daily News (2008), “Small change”, 2 February, p. 7.
For electronic
If available online, the full URL should be supplied at the end of
the reference, as well as a date that the resource was accessed.
e.g. Castle, B. (2005), “Introduction to web services for remote
portlets”, available at: (accessed 12
November 2007).
Standalone URLs, i.e. without an author or date, should be
included either within parentheses within the main text, or
preferably set as a note (roman numeral within square brackets
within text followed by the full URL address at the end of the

Hospital Staffing Analysis

Hospital Staffing Analysis
This assignment is an application of data analysis applied to workforce planning and the
development of a recruiting plan. The following information is provided in the attached excel
• Current and historical data on beds, staffing levels, and turnover,
• Information on available recruiting sources, numbers available from those sources and
associated costs.
• Information needed to calculate costs associated with any terminations.
Part One
As we come to the end of 2020, you have been asked to:
1. Forecast how many nurses you anticipate losing due to turnover for each of the three
departments in 2021. (You can assume that turnover rates do not differ across
2. Forecast how many nurses you project will be needed to be hired to staff each
department given the staffing ratios provided.
Part Two
Develop a recruiting plan that fills those openings cost effectively. Your plan should detail:
1. How many total recruits you will need to seek out from the source, and how many hires
will result from that (recognize that there are limits on the number of recruits you can
expect to be available from each source and you should recognize that limitation in your
2. You are also to indicate the overall cost associated with your plan.
Part Three
The hospital is also considering purchasing an automated patient monitoring system which will
reduce the time nurses in the In-patient and Out-patient unit spend taking and recording
patient information. If implemented, this would change the staffing ratio for the In-patient
department from one nurse for every ten beds to one nurse for every 12 beds. In the Outpatient department from One Nurse for every twelve beds to One Nurse for every fourteen
It would cost $1 Million to purchase and implement, along with a one-time training cost of $200
per nurse.
From a strictly financial perspective, should the hospital purchase and implement this system?
To answer that, you will need to calculate the staffing levels required if the system were
adopted, and develop a staffing or layoff plan with associated costs.

Managing in the Global Environment

Managing in the Global Environment

The relative use of nonverbal behaviors, such as silent periods, interruptions, facial gazing, and touching by people from various cultural backgrounds.
Question : How does this affect the negotiation process in a cross-cultural context?

Use examples of negotiations you’ve had with people from other cultures and end your post with a question for your classmates.

Contingency Theory

Contingency Theory

[Systems Perspective] How individuals &
groups gain power, access to resources, & control over their lives, often through collective action *Groups are open, dynamic systems with both change and conflict present
*Groups are stratified, with different and unequal levels of power and control
*High discrimination and low privilege equals low opportunity
*Oppression occurs when upward mobility is systematically denied
*The social context must be critiqued and deconstructed
*Assumptions for analyzing organizations:
–there is no best way to manage organizations
–there must be a match between the environment and internal resources
–the design of the organization must fit with the environment Weber
Scott Lawrence Lorsch March *Useful in macro practice through providing framework for community work on behalf of the powerless and stigmatized
*Provides assessment for identifying power blocks contributing to powerlessness
*Provides understanding of the objective & subjective dimensions of empowerment
*Useful in administering programs by requiring a review of the organizational- environmental fit *Explain & map the
direction & role of collective action
*Assess power blocks
*Build individual & community strengths
*Support upward mobility of oppressed groups
*Empower oppressed & vulnerable populations through collective action

Cyber Security for Bakersfield Mazda

Cyber Security for Bakersfield Mazda

You have determined the risks and assets within the organization in previous weeks. You will now develop a solution to address those risks and appropriate methods to continue remaining relevant to evolving threats and risks. Briefly include the relevance of the NIST CSF.
Provide a plan to address the exposures of your chosen organization:
Following governance and strategy, define countermeasures consisting of tools and processes to address vulnerabilities that apply to your organization.
Extend your plan to include exposures related to all categories of people using the organizations computing resources
Add your plan for potential preemptive changes if necessary.
Length: 3-4 pages not including the title page or the reference page.
References: at least 4 quality sources found in this course or scholarly sources in the NCU Library
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Risks consist of Improper training in logistics, No restrictions on software, outdated software, malware, Limited restrictions on access to Reynolds and Reynolds. Loss/mishandling of Sensitive information for clients

Business Process Management process innovation benefit from big data and data analytics

Business Process Management process innovation benefit from big data and data analytics

Learning Objectives:
• Better understand the role of (big) data and data analytics in process innovation
• Get hands-on experience in Business Process Management
• Present how process innovation can benefit from (big) data and data analytics


As of recent, you have learned the key concepts, frameworks, and principles about data analytics. Now, in this homework, you will investigate how (big) data analytics can improve a particular business process. In order to determine the impact of (big) data analytics, you will provide a visualization of a specific business process using BPMN 2.0 on Lucid Chart ( and then explain how (big) data and data analytics can improve your business process. Reminder: a business process is a network of activities used to accomplish a business function.

Ok, let’s kick off the assignment.

Read through the business process scenarios and select one of them as the business process you will focus on for this assignment.

1. Online Shopping: Recently, you purchased your textbook from an online vendor (e.g. Half Price Books). Now, model the sales process of the selected vendor. Focus on a specific vendor and provide the steps in the sales process (e.g. begin with receiving orders to successful delivery).
2. Credit Card Application: Recall your recent credit card application process with a particular bank – either a physical location or online. Model the credit card process. Note, the credit card may not always be approved. Focus on the back-end application process (e.g. credit check – begin with receiving the application request to application approved/denied).
3. Hotel Reservations: Recall your recent experience with reserving a hotel online. Model the hotel reservation process (e.g. begin with receiving a request to a successful reservation).
4. Pizza Order: Recall your recent pizza order experience, either by phone or online. Model the pizza sales process (e.g. begin with the order to the delivery).
5. Any other business processes: Create your own case and then model a specific business process. Remember, you only need to focus on accomplishing one business function (e.g. purchasing materials, customer service).

In the above scenarios, you are required to model each process from the vendor’s perspective (e.g. a retail store, a restaurant, or a hotel).


• Before you draw the business process model be sure to focus on the process associated with a specific company/organization (e.g. REI, Dominos, Ritz Carlton).
• Think about what happens behind each process mentioned above.
• Be sure to visualize the business process using the correct notations.
• Your business model should be graphical and easy to see and understand the key activities, flows, and data/database needed in this business process.
• Be sure to use, BPMN 2.0 at Lucid Chart ( Details about using Lucid Chart and BPMN 2.0 are included in the Appendix.
• Think about the role of (big) data and the impact of (big) data analytics in your process.


1. The visualization of a business process using BPMN 2.0 on Lucid Chart.
a. Save and submit as a PDF or MS WORD format
2. Write a memo to your boss to describe briefly the business process, discuss the role of (big) data in the business process, and present the impact of (big) data analytics in process innovation.
a. The memo must be properly formatted as a business memo, written using proper business writing (see sample).
b. Single space.

Alibaba Expansion Strategies outside China VRIO Analysis Porters Five Forces Analysis SWOT Analysis 

Alibaba Expansion Strategies outside China VRIO Analysis Porters Five Forces Analysis SWOT Analysis 

Estimated student workload: 20 hours

Task Overview:  The assessment requires students to conduct original research on a prescribed assignment question, which involves the collection and critical analysis of information from a range of sources, including academic journals, business magazines, newspapers and other media outlets. Students should search the information (e.g. research articles, newspapers and other media outlets) relevant to the case and analyse the case question through reference to relevant concepts and frameworks introduced in the unit. The essay should be up to 2000 words.


Case background: Founded in 1999, Alibaba Group has quickly emerged as the largest Chinese e-commerce company. The company primary operates in China and provides C2C (consumer-to-consumer), B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) sales services via web portals. Since its’ IPO (initial public offering) on NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) in September 2014, the company has been expanding into the global e-commerce market aggressively. Alibaba Group’s mission is to make it easy to do business anywhere. As the founder and former chairman of Alibaba Jack Ma said: “Today the Internet can help small businesses sell things cross the oceans, cross the nations. And I hope that we can serve 2 billion consumers, we can help 10 million small businesses outside China.”

Case question: How Alibaba Group has made it easy to do business in China and hence achieved a great success? Can the company replicate its China strategies elsewhere as it expands into other countries and achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the global e-commerce market?

Search information (e.g. academic journals, books, business magazines, newspapers and other media outlets) relevant to the case and answer the case question through the application of relevant theoretical concepts and frameworks introduced in the lecture program.

Submission guidelines: 

      • Submit an electronic copy to Turnitin on iLearn before the deadline
      • Format: essay; no need for executive summary; avoid too many headings
      • Reference style: Harvard style preferred, but we do not insist on a particular reference style provided you are consistent
      • Double space all body text; bibliography single space accepted
      • Tables, figures and any appendices should be neat and properly labelled and referred to in the body of the paper.
      • Make a duplicate copy of the assignment
      • Number each page and use a font of at least 11 pt.
      • Your assignment should not exceed the word limit (2,000 words, excluding bibliography)
      • Add an Assignment Cover Sheet (you can produce your own) to indicate: (1) the unit name and code (MGMT3001 Global Business Strategy), (2) the title of the assignment, (3) your student number, (4) your name (5) date/time submitted, (6) your tutorial class, and (7) name of your tutor

Marking criteria:

85+ (HD) An outstanding piece of work, showing total mastery of the subject-matter, with a highly developed ability to analyse the case question by synthesising and applying relevant theories and concepts introduced in the unit. All objectives of the set assignment are covered, and work is free of errors with a very high level of technical competence. There is evidence of a high level of critical reflection. The assignment demonstrates originality of thought, with ideas and arguments expressed with strong logic and fluency.

75-84.5 (D) An excellent piece of work, showing a high degree of mastery of the subject-matter, with a well-developed ability to analyse the case through synthesising and applying knowledge and concepts introduced in the unit. All major objectives of the set assignment are covered, and work is free of all but very minor errors, with a high level of technical competence. There is evidence of critical reflection. Ideas are expressed clearly.

65-74.5 (CR) A good piece of work, showing a sound grasp of the subject-matter, though possibly lacking in the breadth and depth required for a first-class mark. A good attempt at analyse the case through the application of theories and concepts introduced in the course, but such attempt may be more limited in scope than that required for a mark of 75+. Most objectives of the assignment set are covered. Work is generally technically competent, but there may be a few gaps leading to some errors. There is some evidence of critical reflection. Ideas are expressed with clarity, with some minor exceptions.

50-64.5 (P) A fair piece of work, showing some basic grasp of major elements of the subject-matter but possibly with some gaps or areas of confusion. Only the basic requirements of the work set are covered. The attempts at analysing the case and applying theories and concepts are superficial and limited, with a heavy reliance on descriptive information rather than critical analysis. Work may contain some errors, and technical competence is at a routine level only. Expression of ideas and arguments may appear confusing and random.

30-49.5 (F) A poor piece of work, showing some familiarity with the subject matter, but with major gaps and serious misconceptions. Only some of the basic requirements of the assignment set are achieved. Little or no attempt at analysing the case through the application of knowledge taught in the subject. A low level of technical competence with many errors. Inability to put forward arguments or logical reasoning. Ideas are poorly expressed and structured. The author would apparently find it difficult to study the topic at a higher level.

0-29.5 (F) A very bad piece of work, showing that the author has failed to engage seriously with any of the subject-matter involved, and/or demonstrates total confusion over the requirements of the work set. There are serious gaps in knowledge of the subject-matter. Few or none of the basic requirements of the assignment set are achieved, and there is an inability to apply theories and concepts introduced in the subject to address the case question. Technical competence is poor, with many serious errors. The level of expression and structure is very inadequate. The author would apparently not be capable of studying the topic at a higher level. It is very unlikely that work of a passing standard would be produced even if the author were given the opportunity to repeat the work.

Additional requirements:

Make sure you add an assignment cover sheet (you can produce your own) and make sure your cover sheet covers: (1) the unit name and code (MGMT3001 Global Business Strategy), (2) the title of the assignment, (3) your name, (4) your student number, (5) date/time submitted, (5) your tutorial class, and (6) your tutor’s name.

Late Assessment Policy:

Late assessment submissions must be submitted through the appropriate submission link in iLearn. No extensions will be granted unless an application for Special Consideration is made and approved. There will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks made from the total awarded mark for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late. Late submissions will not be accepted after solutions have been discussed and/or made available.