Bunch oBalloons markets balloon arrangements to companies that want to thank clients and employees

Bunch oBalloons markets balloon arrangements to companies that want to thank clients and employees

Ethics Case Studies 

150 Points

Report on Two Ethics Case Studies (Using Prezi)

Referring to the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9, each team will be creating a ‘Prezi’ evaluating two independent ethical situations.

Case 1: Retainer Fees as Sales (Chapter 9)

Bunch o’ Balloons markets balloon arrangements to companies that want to thank clients and employees. Bunch o’ Balloons has a unique style that has put it in high demand. Consequently, Bunch o’ Balloons has asked clients to establish an account. Clients are asked to pay a retainer fee equal to about three months of purchases. The fee will be used to cover the cost of arrangements delivered and will be reevaluated at the end of each month. At the end of the current month, Bunch o’ Balloons has $43,900 of retainer fees in its possession. The controller is eager to show this amount as sales because “it represents certain sales for the company.”


Use the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9 to complete the following requirements:

  1. Recognize an ethical dilemma: What ethical dilemma(s) do you face?
  2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:
    1. Who may benefit from using the second appraisal? Who may be harmed?
    2. How are they likely to benefit or be harmed?
    3. What rights or claims may be violated?
    4. What specific interests are in conflict?
    5. What are your responsibilities and obligations?
  3. List alternatives and evaluate the impact of each on those affected: What are your options in dealing with the ethical dilemma(s) you identified in (1) above
  4. Select the best alternative: Among the alternatives, which one would you select?

Case 2: Inside Information (Chapter 11)

Jim Brock was an accountant with Hubbard Inc., a large corporation with stock that was publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. One of Jim’s duties was to manage the corporate reporting department, which was responsible for developing and issuing Hubbard’s annual report. At the end of 2017, Hubbard closed its accounting records and initial calculations indicated a very profitable year. In fact, the net income exceeded the amount that had been projected during the year by the financial analysts who followed Hubbard’s stock.

Jim was pleased with the company’s financial performance. In January 2018, he suggested that his father buy Hubbard’s stock because he was sure the stock price would increase when the company announced its 2017 results. Jim’s father followed that advice and bought a block of stock at $25 per share.

On February 15, 2018, Hubbard announced its 2017 results and issued the annual report. The company received favorable press coverage about its performance, and the stock price on the stock exchange increased to $32 per share.


Use the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9 to complete the following requirements:

  1. Recognize an ethical dilemma: What ethical dilemma(s) do you face?
  2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:
    1. Who may benefit from Jim’s action? Who may be harmed?
    2. How are they likely to benefit or be harmed?
    3. What rights or claims may be violated?
    4. What specific interests are in conflict?
    5. What are your responsibilities and obligations?
  3. List alternatives and evaluate the impact of each on those affected: What are your options in dealing with the ethical dilemma(s) you identified in (1) above?
  4. Select the best alternative: Among the alternatives, which one would you select?


Each team will create a Prezi to present their final project. If you have not already done so, sign up for a ‘Basic’ free account at https://prezi.com/ . Click ‘Get Started,’ then choose the ‘Basic’ tab at the top. On the next screen (the one that asks you to tell more about yourself) select ‘Student.’

  • Collaboration:

You are able to collaborate as a team on the same Prezi. One person from the team will need to be the ‘owner’ and set up the initial Prezi presentation. There are several ways to add collaborators.

From the dashboard, hover over the presentation you created. Click the three dots. On the next page, to the right there is a blue ‘Add Collaborators’ button.


From the dashboard, click the down arrow on the presentation. A menu pops up; choose ‘add collaborators.’


Once in the presentation, in the upper right-hand corner is a collaboration icon. Click on it and then click ‘Total collaborators’ to add the members of your team.

*Make sure to give them editing rights.

  • Help resources for starting a new presentation, adding content, etc.:


  • Sharing:

Once the presentation is complete, you will need to create a sharable link. You will need to upload this link to the assignment drop box in Blackboard for grading. Follow the same steps described under Collaboration above and select option for ‘create new link.’

Additional Instructions:

  • You can either do a separate Prezi for each case OR present both cases in one Prezi.
  • Each team member must upload the link to the Prezi. (If you don’t upload the link; you don’t get a grade for it.)
  • This is designed to be a team project. Any member who does not contribute to the project is to not have their name on the presentation. Each team member will evaluate their other team members by using the text submission box when uploading the report.


Evaluation Criteria for: Team Project – Case Studies
Team Project

Part II – 150 points


135 to 150 Points


105 to 134 Points


104 Points or lower

Content (80%)

120 points

Presentation addresses all required elements. Analysis is clear and draws on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research. Presentation addresses most of the required elements. Analysis is somewhat clear and draws on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research. Overall presentation lacks clarity. Two or more of the required elements are not addressed. Analysis does not draw on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research.
Creativity, design and use of graphics (10%)


15 points

The Prezi is interesting and easy to read/follow. The Prezi is somewhat interesting and easy to read/follow. The Prezi lacks clarity and is not easy to read or follow. Lacks overall organization.
Grammar, Spelling (10%)

15 points

Clearly uses proper grammar and spelling. Has more than three errors in spelling or grammar. Has more than four errors in spelling or grammar.


It is your first day as Director of Personnel Administration for Organization X

It is your first day as Director of Personnel Administration for Organization X

Evaluate Organization X to Recommend Items for Change

It is your first day as Director of Personnel Administration for Organization X. You walk into your office to find a letter on your desk from a former employee who very recently separated from the organization. The letter explains many experiences the employee witnessed or personally experienced before resigning. The employee’s letter is provided as an assignment prompt included in your weekly resources.
You take the letter to your boss, who instructs you to do two things. First, rank the issues in order from what you believe to be the most important to the least important. Briefly state why, citing the literature as support. Second, create a new policy or program to address what you believe is the most important issue in this letter. State why, citing the literature, along with one possible way to measure the effectiveness of
the policy one-year post-implementation.
Also, create an infographic highlighting the new program or policy in a way that employees will understand and support. Some free infographic tools include Piktochart, Canva, and Venngage.
Length: 13 pages, not including title and reference pages, but including your infographic
References: Include a minimum of 7 scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly and professional resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.

Evaluate Organization X to Recommend Items for Change

Evaluate Organization X to Recommend Items for Change

It is your first day as Director of Personnel Administration for Organization X. You walk into your office to find a letter on your desk from a former employee who very recently separated from the organization. The letter explains many experiences the employee witnessed or personally experienced before resigning. The employee’s letter is provided as an assignment prompt included in your weekly resources.
You take the letter to your boss, who instructs you to do two things. First, rank the issues in order from what you believe to be the most important to the least important. Briefly state why, citing the literature as support. Second, create a new policy or program to address what you believe is the most important issue in this letter. State why, citing the literature, along with one possible way to measure the effectiveness of
the policy one-year post-implementation.
Also, create an infographic highlighting the new program or policy in a way that employees will understand and support. Some free infographic tools include Piktochart, Canva, and Venngage.
Length: 13 pages, not including title and reference pages, but including your infographic
References: Include a minimum of 7 scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly and professional resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.

You are a trainer for a global security corporation.

You are a trainer for a global security corporation

You are a trainer for a global security corporation. You create training for your security officers at the entry and in-service levels on types of crime, ranging from murder, to theft, to public trust crimes such as embezzlement and fraud. You have been tasked with creating a special training session on public trust laws that deal with the embezzlement of public funds, fraud of public funds, jury tampering, election fraud, and so forth. You have decided to research the topic and write a short 2-page paper to become knowledgeable on the topic.
The 2-page paper that you will write in preparation of your comments should fall within the following parameters:
While writing your 2-page description of a particular type of public trust crime, be sure to add an introduction and summary to the assignment.
You may choose any of the following example topics to complete your assignment or one of your choice. Examples of offenses against public trust include the following:
Jury tampering
Election offenses
Embezzlement of public funds
Fraud involving public funds or trust
Discuss and address any laws pertaining to your chosen topic.
Research using the Library and other resources to complete the assignment.


Take the attached Communication Climate Inventory.
Communication is the grease which makes relationships in organizations run smoothly, and by extension, directly affects the effectiveness of the organization itself. Communication climate refers to the mood or tone of interpersonal communications and determines in great part how people feel about each other and how they carry out their work activities. Thus, communication climate has a great deal of influence over the organizational climate or general atmosphere of the work environment. Read the following blog about what it is like to work in a defensive climate:
Dukes, A.J. (2012). Defensive v Supportive Climates in the Workplace. Retrieved from <>
As you can see from this blog entry, defensive climates create a situation where employees do not raise work concerns or communicate their needs. They are careful about what they say and guard their opinions. Frequently they exhibit low motivation.
Supportive climates, on the other hand, encourage employee participation and engagement, an open exchange of information, and constructive conflict. Employees who work in supportive environments often exhibit greater organizational commitment.
1) describing the climate in your organization
2) Is the climate supportive or defensive? Does this align with the results of your Communication Climate Inventory?
3) How does the communication climate affect motivation and organizational/team commitment?
4) How could you improve the communication climate in your organization, department, or team?
5) What communication skills would you like to learn or improve on in order to create a supportive communication climate?

As military leaders how do you foster an environment of inclusion which values mentorship of diverse populations to include women minorities LGBTQ


As military leaders how do you foster an environment of inclusion which values mentorship of diverse populations to include women minorities LGBTQ

Mentorship of Diverse Populations

Consider the following quote, “Recognition of the value of understanding how bias and stereotypes affect working relationships, educating leaders on how men and women may lead differently, and educating men on how to mentor women may serve to increase performance and improve the integration of women into military units” (Segal,et al., 2016, p. 38).

Now respond to the following:

As military leaders, how do you foster an environment of inclusion which values mentorship of diverse populations to include women, minorities, LGBTQ, and other underrepresented populations?
Discuss how you propose addressing this type of mentorship within your units. How does your approach or lack thereof have long lasting implications for unit cohesion and readiness?
In response to your fellow classmates, please ensure that you consider the challenges they may face and offer potential solutions for navigating such challenges.

Each organization has its own background perceptions ethics values  history and ambitions

Each organization has its own background perceptions ethics values  history and ambitions

Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization.
Given this understanding, we need to research and assess when, and if, an organization is ready for change, and then adopt a process to best facilitate the change process. Choose a Middle Eastern organization at which you are currently working or one in which you are familiar. (If neither is possible, conduct an internet search to identify a Middle Eastern organization which has gone through a transformation process within the last three years.) Then address the following:
Provide a brief summary of the organization (its history, culture, industry, product, and services).
Explain why a change was needed. What is the gap between the present state and the desired future state?
How strong is the need for change?
What is the source of this need? Is it external to the organization?
If the change does not occur, what will be the impact on the organization in the next two to six years?
Explain the change process that was created and implemented, identify the outcome of the change in terms of success, failures, cultural outcomes, and human resource changes.
Finally, based on what you have learned thus far in the course, evaluate the company’s readiness for change and then offer constructive advice on strategies the organization may/should have considered to create/implement a more successful change process.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Each organization has its own background perceptions ethics values  history and ambitions

Each organization has its own background perceptions ethics values  history and ambitions

Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization.
Given this understanding, we need to research and assess when, and if, an organization is ready for change, and then adopt a process to best facilitate the change process. Choose a Middle Eastern organization at which you are currently working or one in which you are familiar. (If neither is possible, conduct an internet search to identify a Middle Eastern organization which has gone through a transformation process within the last three years.) Then address the following:
Provide a brief summary of the organization (its history, culture, industry, product, and services).
Explain why a change was needed. What is the gap between the present state and the desired future state?
How strong is the need for change?
What is the source of this need? Is it external to the organization?
If the change does not occur, what will be the impact on the organization in the next two to six years?
Explain the change process that was created and implemented, identify the outcome of the change in terms of success, failures, cultural outcomes, and human resource changes.
Finally, based on what you have learned thus far in the course, evaluate the company’s readiness for change and then offer constructive advice on strategies the organization may/should have considered to create/implement a more successful change process.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Organizational Change perceptions ethics values history and ambitions

Organizational Change perceptions ethics values history and ambitions

Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization.
Given this understanding, we need to research and assess when, and if, an organization is ready for change, and then adopt a process to best facilitate the change process. Choose a Middle Eastern organization at which you are currently working or one in which you are familiar. (If neither is possible, conduct an internet search to identify a Middle Eastern organization which has gone through a transformation process within the last three years.) Then address the following:
Provide a brief summary of the organization (its history, culture, industry, product, and services).
Explain why a change was needed. What is the gap between the present state and the desired future state?
How strong is the need for change?
What is the source of this need? Is it external to the organization?
If the change does not occur, what will be the impact on the organization in the next two to six years?
Explain the change process that was created and implemented, identify the outcome of the change in terms of success, failures, cultural outcomes, and human resource changes.
Finally, based on what you have learned thus far in the course, evaluate the company’s readiness for change and then offer constructive advice on strategies the organization may/should have considered to create/implement a more successful change process.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Organizational Structures

Organizational Structures

Prompt: Choose four types of organization structures (such as functional, divisional, geographic,
hybrid, horizontal, matrix, etc.) Compare and contrast your chosen structures analyzing the
elements of each.
Your paper should address the following:
• Description of each structure – How is it designed? How does it function?
• Positive and negative characteristics of each chosen structure
• What are benefits and drawbacks of each structure?
• How do your chosen structures compare with each other?
• What types of industries/organizations are best suited for your chosen structures?
• Which structure do you feel is best? Why? Justify your response
The research paper should include a title page, a reference page, utilize APA formatting, and
be a minimum of 1,000 words. The paper should utilize at least four peer-reviewed
references (one reference may be the textbook). Credible online business sources (Such as
Forbes, Fortune, etc…) can be used in addition to your four peer reviewed sources.
TEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-0-357-44514-3
If textbook is accessible please use as one of the references, but if not four sources peer-reviewed are still needed.

Each organization has its own background perceptions ethics values history  and ambitions

Each organization has its own background perceptions ethics values history  and ambitions

Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization. Given this understanding, we need to research and assess when, and if, an organization is ready for change, and then adopt a process to best facilitate the change process. Choose a Middle Eastern organization at which you are currently working or one in which you are familiar. (If neither is possible, conduct an internet search to identify a Middle Eastern organization which has gone through a transformation process within the last three years.) Then address the following:

● Provide a brief summary of the organization (its history, culture, industry, product, and services).
● Explain why a change was needed. What is the gap between the present state and the desired future state?
● How strong is the need for change?
● What is the source of this need? Is it external to the organization?
● If the change does not occur, what will be the impact on the organization in the next two to six years?
● Explain the change process that was created and implemented, identify the outcome of the change in terms of success, failures, cultural outcomes, and human resource changes.

● Finally, based on what you have learned thus far in the course, evaluate the company’s readiness for change and then offer constructive advice on strategies the organization may/should have considered to create/implement a more successful change process.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
● Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
● Use APA style guidelines.
● Write an abstract paragraph + an introduction paragraph in the title page.
● Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
● Use the book as one reference / Cawsey, T. F., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2020). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing. ISBN-13: 9781544351407/

Research Abstract Rewarding the Champions

Research Abstract Rewarding the Champions

In addition to setting goals, rewards are a powerful motivator. When an employee sees others receiving recognition, he feels compelled to work harder and achieve his own recognition. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, 60 percent of Best-in-Class organizations rated employee recognition as “extremely valuable” in driving individual performance.
If an employee is consistently meeting goals, earning accolades from patients and their families, offering genuine emotional support, focusing on patient comfort and ensuring patients are fully educated before leaving the hospital, make an example of her!

Employee Selection Test KSAs

Employee Selection Test KSAs

1.What type of employee selection test would be a good predictor of job performance for the job you are in (or have selected for this exercise)?

2. Describe specifically what knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) should be assessed.

Planning and Presenting a Care Coordination Project

Planning and Presenting a Care Coordination Project

Please see the uploaded word document containing detailed instructions. Please ask if you have any questions. This is # 1 of 3 assignments that must be done in order and are related and build upon and refer back to the previous assignments in the series of 3.
6618-1: Planning and Presenting a Care Coordination Project
6618-2: Mobilizing Care for an Immigrant Population
6618-3: Disaster Plan With Guidelines for Implementation: Tool Kit for the Team

Advantages and challenges of job hopping from the employers and the employees perspectives

Advantages and challenges of job hopping from the employers and the employees perspectives

Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle
paragraphs and conclusion).
• Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12
point type size.
• The faculty will be evaluating you on your ability to present a well-organized and developed
response that is clear in its presentation of the course material. Your presentation must be based
on the course textbook. For maximum credit, you will also need to include outside sources
Employee Training & Development
Raymond A. Noe, 2017