Report Writing Management Report

Report Writing Management Report

Task: In response to COVID-19 global pandemic, many pharmaceutical companies have started to develop antiviral therapies for patients infected with this disease. The global race for identifying an efficient treatment has intensified during past months, however, issues with the quality of manufacturing and potential drug recalls are of the major concerns.

Myer Pharmaceuticals is a Swiss-based pharmaceutical company that is currently in the final stage of clinical trials for a new drug with potential to treat mild to serious complications of COVID-19. Myer Pharmaceuticals’ products are already exported worldwide, but if the clinical trials are successful the company would like to produce the new drug on a larger scale. The company wants to establish manufacturing presence in a foreign country (instead of outsourcing or licensing) and ensure control over the process and a higher margin of profit. The company managers identified three potential countries for manufacturing: the United Kingdom, France and Italy.

You have been asked by the company to research ONE of these countries and write a report identifying the advantages and disadvantages of manufacturing and sales in that country. In your report, you are required to link your arguments to the course content, and to use relevant data to support your suggestion as to why the selected country would be appropriate (or inappropriate) for manufacturing and sales. In particular, the use of Porter’s National Competitive Advantage theory, PESTLE analysis, and reference to the Market Potential Index (MPI) are required for this assessment task.

Please note: This is a hypothetical case and not a real company. The purpose of this assessment is to analyse the potential of the country as a host-market with reference to the industry level information.

Length: 3000 words (tables, figures, references and appendix are NOT included in the word count, Executive summary included in the word count.)

Further instructions:

  • Choose ONE country only (from either the United Kingdom, France or Italy ) for the analysis. Your task is to analyse the selected ONE country and writing a report on whether the selected country is appropriate for Myer Pharmaceuticals to expand into.
  • Provide a brief Executive Summary (about 200words) that states the purposes of the report and the key findings and recommendation.

Discuss how the changing nature needs characteristics origin and behaviour of airline customers over the past few decades

Discuss how the changing nature needs characteristics origin and behaviour of airline customers over the past few

Discuss how the changing nature, needs, characteristics, origin and behaviour of airline customers over the past few
decades have impacted on airlines, and the business strategies and tactics they employ

***APA STYLE****

12 Sources

15 Pages

Use a mixture of sources: books, websites, peer-reviewed journals, etc

Ethical Issue Problem in Organizations

Ethical Issue Problem in Organizations


In all organizations there are policies, procedures, and situations that need to be revised, or dealt with.  Identify an ethical issue/problem in organizations. An ethical issue/problem is a situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical). Some individuals may feel favored with the decision, while others feel affected.

Should conduct a review of relevant literature about the chosen issue/problem. Discuss the nature of the issue/problem and give thorough examples of its significance, and the effects on the organization’s success/growth. Based on the reviewed literature, present feasible solutions. Should support your arguments with 8 – 10 current scholarly references.

Assignment Outline

  • Introductory section: a brief explanation of the purpose and content of the assignment. Should list all the headings addressed in the assignment following the same structure of the body of the paper.
  • Body of the paper: Should structure the required information using, using APA level 2 and level 3 if required. See APA, page 62. You may restate the headings to be consistent with the section’s content.
  • Conclusion: Present a summary of the information discussed in the body of the paper. Should not cite sources or add new information.
  • References 

Content and Structure of the Body of the paper.

Introduction. Begin the paper with the introductory section. The first sentences should highlight the focus of the assignment, a statement about the topic showing its relevance. You should further explain in this section the purpose and content of the paper following the structure/organization. The introductory section for assignments replaces the abstracts and should inform the reader what he or she is about to read.

The issue/problem (description and contextualization). Present the problem/issue and the context (i.e., field/type of workplace or organization without real names). Perhaps you need to define the problem, to better guide the reader (i.e., attrition defined by the Department of Education as…..) should add the source of the definition. Further explain what it entails, consequences, and who is involved.

The problem: A Brief Review of the Literature. Present what is discussed in the current literature (i.e., academic journals preferably peer-reviewed) related to the selected problem/issue, evidence (i.e., justification of the existence and relevance) theories related to problem/issue, and approaches for addressing it.

Potential Solutions for the issue/problem. Based on the reviewed literature, discuss ways to address the adverse consequences of the issue/problem discussed previously in the paper.

Conclusions. A brief summary of what is discussed in the body of the paper.  No new information should be added. The introductory section informed the reader what he or she was about to read. The conclusions summarize what was found/learned.  Often the readers review the introductory section and the conclusions; then review the section(s) of the paper calling their attention.


Grading Rubric

Element Exceed (A) Satisfactorily Met  (B) Somewhat Met (C) Not Met (F)
Content (15 points)

A comprehensive discussion of

·      The Issue/Problem (description and contextualization)

·      The problem: A Brief Review of the Literature

·      Potential Solutions for the issue/problem

Clearly and Insightfully identifies the problem and related issues.

Effectively locates and evaluates information from a variety of sources.

Identifies and proposes steps to improve the situation.

Identifies the problem and related issues.


Locates and evaluates information from a variety of sources.


Identifies and proposes some steps to improve the situation.


Does not adequately identify the problem and related issues.

Minimal research and evaluation.


No significant potential solutions for improvement

Academic Writing (3 points)


·      Clear and flowless presentation of arguments

·      Graduate quality writing (i.e., proper use of grammar, syntax, punctuation)

·      Proper use of the current terminology in the leadership and organizational behavior field



APA Style (2 points)

·      Synthesis of the information, paraphrasing and limited use of direct quotes.

·      Correct formatting of intext citation and reference list



Area Grade points Assigned Grade points


Content 15  
Academic Writing 3  
APA Format 2  
Total 20  




Think like a manager Recommendation is to make to Sam but it has to be more than what he can do recommend what an organisation can do

Think like a manager Recommendation is to make to Sam but it has to be more than what he can do recommend what an organisation can do

Organisation Behaviour Essay

Think like a manager. Recommendation is to make to Sam, but it has to be more than what he can do, recommend what an organisation can do. Avoid providing recommendations on Leadership as it is not a short-term implementation.

The structure should be as follows:






The 2 topics can be chosen from: Personality, Emotions, Motivation & Engagement, Groups & Teams, Culture & Structure, Organisation Change and Stress Management.

Harvard in-text citation is part of the word count and would be great if you could include 1-2 diagrams/ visual concept in the body.

Please label it eg. Fig 1 Sternburg’s love triangle.

You can name whatever company Sam is in, eg. ABC company.

Feel free to come up with your own ideas for recommendation but has to base on/ with reference to literature best practice.

Please please have at least 10 citations within the body, best source of reference would be from journals and articles like peer-reviewed articles.

Organisation Behaviour Essay

Organisation Behaviour Essay

Think like a manager. Recommendation is to make to Sam, but it has to be more than what he can do, recommend what an organisation can do. Avoid providing recommendations on Leadership as it is not a short-term implementation.

The structure should be as follows:






The 2 topics can be chosen from: Personality, Emotions, Motivation & Engagement, Groups & Teams, Culture & Structure, Organisation Change and Stress Management.

Harvard in-text citation is part of the word count and would be great if you could include 1-2 diagrams/ visual concept in the body.

Please label it eg. Fig 1 Sternburg’s love triangle.

You can name whatever company Sam is in, eg. ABC company.

Feel free to come up with your own ideas for recommendation but has to base on/ with reference to literature best practice.

Please please have at least 10 citations within the body, best source of reference would be from journals and articles like peer-reviewed articles.

Strategic Marketing Plan

Strategic Marketing Plan

Determine adaptions for each new target market.
• Products
• Price
• Distribution
• Traditional Promotion
• Online Promotion
Marketing Implementation
Create the implementation for your marketing plan. Describe how you will organize and implement the plan, such as whether it will be organized
by market, geography, and who is responsible for marketing decisions.

Market Research Essay

Market Research Essay

Market research can show us what is true about our target markets, or the populations to which we’d like to sell our products(s). Choose a real-life firm and product, and identify one research problem (or “question”) you could use to guide a marketing research study.

At minimum, identify your research methods, the type of data you’d like to collect, why your study would be meaningful to the firm, and what kind of evidence-based decision the firm could make based on the results of your study.

Write a 750- to 1 000-word summary of recommendations to your manager

Write a 750- to 1 000-word summary of recommendations to your manager

Business Communication Skills

Write a 750- to 1,000-word summary of recommendations to your manager.

Complete the following in your summary: Identify the potential challenges around collaboration this group might experience.

Describe collaborative skills you would use to create a more positive atmosphere.

Explain what would comprise effective communication for this group.

Cite any references to support your assignment.

Sustainability at Holland America

Sustainability at Holland America

  1. Central Facts And Assumptions Of The Case
  2. Major Over-Riding Issues Include;
  3. Sub-Issues That Need Considerations And Discussions
  4. Stakes Of Shareholders In This Case Include;
  5. Economic, Legal, Ethical And Philanthropic Responsibilities Of The Company;
  6. Company’s Action And Its Effects
  7. Recommendations To The Company.
  8. What are the most significant environmental issues facing Holland America Line (HAL)?
  9. In what ways has HAL gone “beyond compliance” in its environmental initiatives?
  10. Do you consider HAL an ecologically sustainable organization (ESO), and why or why not? What additional steps would HAL need to take to become an ESO?
  11. What are the advantages and disadvantages to HAL of its sustainability practices?
  12. What action would you recommend Morani take with respect to the wind turbine initiative? If you are not sure, what additional information would be helpful?




Becoming a Training and Development Manager

Becoming a Training and Development Manager

I. Background

  1. Products &/or services of this industry (and company, if appropriate)
  2. History of this industry & its life cycle status
  3. Industry revenues and profitability indicators during the previous 3 years
  4. Strategic issues & questions that could influence the future problems and opportunities of firms in this industry

II. Objectives of this study

  1. Motivation or purpose for the study (To determine if Training and Development is a good career choice)
  2. Research question (“What are the likely future advantages or disadvantages for becoming a Training and Development Manager?”)
  3. Strategic issues
  4. Intended scope of research results

III. Literature Review

  1. Introduction: Students are to illustrate the major topics that are included in the Literature Review along with rationale for using them.
  2. Body of the review: This section should contain information that has been captured from secondary sources that will create value for the understanding of this topic and analysis of same. This information should be relevant to the study and enhance the understanding of the issues of importance that are contained in this outline and other issues as deemed necessary by the student and instructor. This section will not replace the information contained in IV of this paper, it will serve to supplement and clarify other issues of relevance.
  3. Review: A review of the main points that were discovered in a format that is focused and that offers a quick understanding of the information presented in the Body.

IV. Findings: Include all that apply

  1. Driving forces of change
  2. Relevant economic trends & forecasts
  3. Market trends & forecasts (“Markets” are sources of demand for an industry’s products &/or services.)
  4. Industry analysis
  5. Major competitors
  6. Is the industry concentrated or fragmented? ¬ Herfindahl¬Hirschman Index (industry concentration)
  7. BCG matrix & explanation (advise if applicable or not applicable)
  8. Ansoff’s matrix & explanation (advise if applicable or not applicable)
  9. Five forces analysis
  10. Critical success factors
  11. Summary of findings

V. Conclusions & Recommendations

  1. Resolutions of research question and strategic issues (See section II.B & C.)
  2. Industry attractiveness for stakeholders (employees, investors, society)
  3. Near¬term action priorities for aspiring employment candidates

Porters 5 Forces Analysis

Porters 5 Forces Analysis

You will perform an external analysis using the Porter’s Five Forces Model (watch Porter’s Five Forces video) to think through a logical set of reasons for strategic expansion into a foreign market.

Organizational Behavior-Job Satisfaction

Organizational Behavior-Job Satisfaction

This review is worth 15% of your overall grade. The review should be 4–5 pages in length, 12-point font, Times New Roman Font, and double-spaced. This page count does not include the title page, tables, graphics, or reference pages. Do not submit an abstract. In addition, submit the final copy as a .doc, not .pdf.

Additional Details:

You must select three peer-reviewed journal articles ( to read and analyze. These articles must cover a topic in Organizational Behavior that you have either read about or discussed within the class. Select a topic that interests you. You will take the main points or themes from each of these articles and integrate them into paper. The paper is not a literature review and should not be a simple listing of each article. These articles must be from peer-reviewed journal articles; do not use trade magazines, books, newspapers, and similar.

These articles cannot be any older than 5 years old. Your articles need relevant and current data

The three articles must be sourced and cited within the paper

No more than 15% of your paper should be from direct quotes

The 4–5 page paper must be arranged as a single-read with paragraph transitions. Do not simply discuss each article and paste it together as your paper

All sources must be cited in APA format within the reference page and in-text citations

The current edition of the APA is the guiding manual for form and style for this project. Each student is expected to find relevant, recent, and credible research. Under no circumstances will references from dictionaries or encyclopedias be accepted as references, including online sources such as Wikipedia

Submit your paper to through the digital drop box to have it checked for any plagiarism issues

Some areas of focus for your article review (These are just suggestions)

Why did you select the article?

What are the reasons for the research?

Do you agree/disagree with the author’s hypotheses?

Any assumptions within the article?


Any additional data you find relevant to the topic