Mental Disorders Depression Anxiety Essay DSM-V

Mental Disorders Depression Anxiety Essay DSM-V

Suggested Outline
I. History of disorder—Brief intro to paper, name changes for the disorder,
how common is it, who gets this disorder, when, where.
II. Symptoms
III. Assessment—tests, other ways it is diagnosed, how is it different from other
IV. Causes (Biological, genetic, environment, cognitive, behavioral, sociocultural)
V. Treatments (Medications, Cognitive therapy, behavioral treatment, family
therapy, nontraditional treatments)
a. National organizations/Local organizations
b. Local treatment providers—specific examples
VI. How effective are the treatments? Short and long term outcome success?
Compare two treatments.

Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD Essay

Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD Essay

Suggested Outline
I. History of disorder—Brief intro to paper, name changes for the disorder,
how common is it, who gets this disorder, when, where.
II. Symptoms
III. Assessment—tests, other ways it is diagnosed, how is it different from other
IV. Causes (Biological, genetic, environment, cognitive, behavioral, sociocultural)
V. Treatments (Medications, Cognitive therapy, behavioral treatment, family
therapy, nontraditional treatments)
a. National organizations/Local organizations
b. Local treatment providers—specific examples
VI. How effective are the treatments? Short and long term outcome success?
Compare two treatments.

Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Schizoprenia Essay

Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Schizoprenia Essay

Suggested Outline
I. History of disorder—Brief intro to paper, name changes for the disorder,
how common is it, who gets this disorder, when, where.
II. Symptoms
III. Assessment—tests, other ways it is diagnosed, how is it different from other
IV. Causes (Biological, genetic, environment, cognitive, behavioral, sociocultural)
V. Treatments (Medications, Cognitive therapy, behavioral treatment, family
therapy, nontraditional treatments)
a. National organizations/Local organizations
b. Local treatment providers—specific examples
VI. How effective are the treatments? Short and long term outcome success?
Compare two treatments.

Psychology Schizophrenia Mental Disorder Essay Using DSM-V

Psychology Schizophrenia Mental Disorder Essay Using DSM-V

Paper Instructions
Using this link, first click Ebsco Host Research Datsbases, then you can click on “choose database” and select “APA PsychInfo”, “Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection”, and “APA PsycArticles” for the paper along with any other academic sources you find.

Research Paper: This must be typed, double-spaced in Times-New Roman 12-point
font, and at least 7-10 pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page).
Papers should include a title page and should be stapled. You do not need an abstract.
You will discuss a disorder that is listed in the DSM-5 including its characteristics,
factors that cause it, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options. You must have at least 7
journal references included on a separate “References” page. Use APA format for
Mellers, C. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological
Bulletin, 126, 910-924. doi: 390284/091
Use the questions below to guide your research/writing:
1. What is the history of the disorder? Include a brief summary. Has the name
changed over the years?
2. What causes the disorder (biology, cognitive, behavioral, religious, or
sociocultural factors) and how does it happen? What are the symptoms (don’t
have to list them all)?
3. What information is published in the discipline of psychology or psychiatry on the
treatment of your disorder in the last ten years? Use a psychological database
(PsychINFO, Proquest, etc.) to locate relevant articles that focus on treatment.
4. Are medications being used to treat your disorder? If so, which ones are used
currently and most frequently?
5. Are there any non-traditional methods (e.g. nutritional, spiritual, etc.) available to
treat your disorder?
6. Where would someone go for in-patient (hospital) treatment. (Is this private or
public?) Does your disorder usually lead to hospitalization?
7. Is there a national treatment facility for your disorder or a “best place to go” for
treatment? If not, what is a typical course of action for someone with your
8. Where would you go for outpatient treatment in your county of residence? Public
or private?
9. How would you go about locating a mental health professional to treat your
disorder? Do any licensed mental health professionals (psychiatrists,
psychologists, MFT’S, LCSW’S) advertise treatment services for your disorder?
10. Compare and contrast two different approaches to treating this disorder (use any
of the above resources, class notes, and the textbook to support your ideas)
You must attach a copy of the first page of each article or book you used to write
your paper. Make a copy of just the first page (not the whole article/book) and attach it
at the end of the paper. Each article/book listed on your reference page must be cited in
parentheses in the body of your paper.
 Quotes may not exceed 20 words…use your own words to say what you mean.
Maximum of 2 quotes in the paper. Beware of plagiarism, cite your sources.
 “Cut and Paste” is NOT PERMITTED. If you use a Citation Maker, you will still
be held responsible for proper APA format (sometimes the citation machines are
 There is an example paper on D2L. Also, use the Online Writing Lab from
Purdue University as a guide for APA format on how to present the paper and
your references. Your textbook is written in APA format and also uses it for the
references (except that we do not use bold type in a reference).
 Please see your instructor if you have any questions.
 Get a head start on this assignment because it cannot be done well in one
 Papers with “cut and paste” or blatant plagiarism will not be graded. You
will fail the assignment and the course. This is your only warning.
 Put your name on the title page ONLY.
Suggested Outline
I. History of disorder—Brief intro to paper, name changes for the disorder,
how common is it, who gets this disorder, when, where.
II. Symptoms
III. Assessment—tests, other ways it is diagnosed, how is it different from other
IV. Causes (Biological, genetic, environment, cognitive, behavioral, sociocultural)
V. Treatments (Medications, Cognitive therapy, behavioral treatment, family
therapy, nontraditional treatments)
a. National organizations/Local organizations
b. Local treatment providers—specific examples
VI. How effective are the treatments? Short and long term outcome success?
Compare two treatments.

Solved Questions in Human Diversity Exam Paper

Solved Questions in Human Diversity Exam Paper


For this exam, the intention is that answers should be given in your own words, using your own examples, unless otherwise noted.

Open book exam questions provide an opportunity for you to go back and spend additional time on the concepts deemed important in the class. By writing out responses to these questions you are forced to articulate the construct using your own words, this is a crucial step in learning. In the past, some students have lost points by using the exam to tell anecdotes and provide personal opinions; frankly, I discourage this practice no matter how comfortable or therapeutic. There are other avenues for providing commentary {the private journal} so unless you are certain that the story you wish to share is responsive to the question posed, or the question asks that you provide an illustration, I urge you to avoid embellishment and respond concisely to the question prompt.

The use of direct quotes should be minimal; if you do choose to use a direct quote at some point, make sure that it is cited with at least quotation marks and the page number where you found it. Otherwise, try to express your ideas in your own words.

Plagiarism (using the author’s words without proper citation) will be penalized.

Respond using complete sentences that reflect your understanding of and reflection on the material. The exam items total 50 possible points.

Questions (50 points total)

  1. In the Bandura article “Social Cognitive Theory in Cultural Context,” the following statement is presented:

“Moreover, gendered socialization exerts a comparable impact cross-culturally even on judgments of personal efficacy for the same activities performed in different contexts. Women both in the United States and Japan have a high sense of efficacy for quantitative activities embedded in stereotypically feminine activities, but low perceived self-efficacy when these same quantitative activities are embedded in scientific pursuits” (p. 279).

Please explain what this means and provide an illustration that links the comment to sexism as a broader issue. You may draw upon or refer to other articles from Modules 1-3 if desired. In your own words (no direct quotes) (7 points)

  1. Define proxy agency in your own words (no direct quotes).

Give examples from your own experience in the use of proxy agency to illustrate both the potential pros (beneficial aspects) AND the potential cons (harmful or counterproductive aspects) of this type of agency. (7 points)

  1. In “Psychosocial identity development and cultural others” Hoare states, “No one can fully flee the bias of his or her own reality to interpret objectively the reality of another.” In your own words (no direct quotes), please first explain what this means to you and then identify what importance this has for the work of professionals in human services. (7 points)
  2. Horse in, “Reflections on American Indian Identity” discusses a paradigm of Indian identity. He writes, “For Indians, I believe this consciousness is influenced in at least five ways:
  3. How well one is grounded in the native language and culture;
  4. Whether one’s genealogical heritage as an Indian is valid;
  5. Whether one embraces a general philosophy or worldview that derives from distinctly Indian ways, that is, old traditions;
  6. The degree to which one thinks of him or herself in a certain way, that is, one’s own idea of self as an Indian person; and
  7. Whether one is officially recognized as a member of a tribe by the government of that tribe.”

Choose two of these five ways and describe how identity development is impacted according to the information Horse presents. Explain this in your own words without using direct quotes. (8 points)

  1. Based on the article by Helms, Jernigan, and Mascher, how and why do professionals in psychology participate in racial profiling and stereotyping? ALSO, explain the effects on racial stereotypes that arise from educational testing (like the SAT), according to the authors. These answers should be provided in your own words (no direct quotes). (7 points)
  2. O’Brien & Bundy – Reaching beyond the moron discussed Eugenics. First, define both positive and negative eugenics in your own words (no direct quotes).

Many of the groups that were target by early 20th century eugenics policies are still the targets of discrimination today, though the form of discrimination has changed. Why is a discussion of eugenics relevant today, AND why is it important for human services professionals to understand this history? (7 points)

  1. In “Racial ideas and gendered intimacies” Thompson writes about “the politics of intimacy.” What is meant by this expression and how have the politics of intimacy been exemplified in United States history, according to Thompson? Please explain Thompson’s view in your own words (no direct quotes). (7 points)

Professionals in psychology participate in racial profiling and stereotyping

Professionals in psychology participate in racial profiling and stereotyping

  • Based on the article by Helms, Jernigan, and Mascher, how and why do professionals in psychology participate in racial profiling and stereotyping? ALSO, explain the effects on racial stereotypes that arise from educational testing (like the SAT), according to the authors. These answers should be provided in your own words (no direct quotes). (7 points)

Psychosocial identity development and cultural others Hoare states

Psychosocial identity development and cultural others Hoare states

  • In “Psychosocial identity development and cultural others” Hoare states, “No one can fully flee the bias of his or her own reality to interpret objectively the reality of another.” In your own words (no direct quotes), please first explain what this means to you and then identify what importance this has for the work of professionals in human services. (7 points)

Define proxy agency

Define proxy agency

  • Define proxy agency in your own words (no direct quotes).

Give examples from your own experience in the use of proxy agency to illustrate both the potential pros (beneficial aspects) AND the potential cons (harmful or counterproductive aspects) of this type of agency. (7 points)

Bandura Social Cognitive Theory in Cultural Context Article

Bandura Social Cognitive Theory in Cultural Context Article

  • In the Bandura article “Social Cognitive Theory in Cultural Context,” the following statement is presented:

“Moreover, gendered socialization exerts a comparable impact cross-culturally even on judgments of personal efficacy for the same activities performed in different contexts. Women both in the United States and Japan have a high sense of efficacy for quantitative activities embedded in stereotypically feminine activities, but low perceived self-efficacy when these same quantitative activities are embedded in scientific pursuits” (p. 279).

Please explain what this means and provide an illustration that links the comment to sexism as a broader issue. You may draw upon or refer to other articles from Modules 1-3 if desired. In your own words (no direct quotes) (7 points)

Human Diversity Exam Paper

Human Diversity Exam Paper


For this exam, the intention is that answers should be given in your own words, using your own examples, unless otherwise noted.

Open book exam questions provide an opportunity for you to go back and spend additional time on the concepts deemed important in the class. By writing out responses to these questions you are forced to articulate the construct using your own words, this is a crucial step in learning. In the past, some students have lost points by using the exam to tell anecdotes and provide personal opinions; frankly, I discourage this practice no matter how comfortable or therapeutic. There are other avenues for providing commentary {the private journal} so unless you are certain that the story you wish to share is responsive to the question posed, or the question asks that you provide an illustration, I urge you to avoid embellishment and respond concisely to the question prompt.

The use of direct quotes should be minimal; if you do choose to use a direct quote at some point, make sure that it is cited with at least quotation marks and the page number where you found it. Otherwise, try to express your ideas in your own words.

Plagiarism (using the author’s words without proper citation) will be penalized.

Respond using complete sentences that reflect your understanding of and reflection on the material. The exam items total 50 possible points.

Questions (50 points total)

  1. In the Bandura article “Social Cognitive Theory in Cultural Context,” the following statement is presented:

“Moreover, gendered socialization exerts a comparable impact cross-culturally even on judgments of personal efficacy for the same activities performed in different contexts. Women both in the United States and Japan have a high sense of efficacy for quantitative activities embedded in stereotypically feminine activities, but low perceived self-efficacy when these same quantitative activities are embedded in scientific pursuits” (p. 279).

Please explain what this means and provide an illustration that links the comment to sexism as a broader issue. You may draw upon or refer to other articles from Modules 1-3 if desired. In your own words (no direct quotes) (7 points)

  1. Define proxy agency in your own words (no direct quotes).

Give examples from your own experience in the use of proxy agency to illustrate both the potential pros (beneficial aspects) AND the potential cons (harmful or counterproductive aspects) of this type of agency. (7 points)

  1. In “Psychosocial identity development and cultural others” Hoare states, “No one can fully flee the bias of his or her own reality to interpret objectively the reality of another.” In your own words (no direct quotes), please first explain what this means to you and then identify what importance this has for the work of professionals in human services. (7 points)
  2. Horse in, “Reflections on American Indian Identity” discusses a paradigm of Indian identity. He writes, “For Indians, I believe this consciousness is influenced in at least five ways:
  3. How well one is grounded in the native language and culture;
  4. Whether one’s genealogical heritage as an Indian is valid;
  5. Whether one embraces a general philosophy or worldview that derives from distinctly Indian ways, that is, old traditions;
  6. The degree to which one thinks of him or herself in a certain way, that is, one’s own idea of self as an Indian person; and
  7. Whether one is officially recognized as a member of a tribe by the government of that tribe.”

Choose two of these five ways and describe how identity development is impacted according to the information Horse presents. Explain this in your own words without using direct quotes. (8 points)

  1. Based on the article by Helms, Jernigan, and Mascher, how and why do professionals in psychology participate in racial profiling and stereotyping? ALSO, explain the effects on racial stereotypes that arise from educational testing (like the SAT), according to the authors. These answers should be provided in your own words (no direct quotes). (7 points)
  2. O’Brien & Bundy – Reaching beyond the moron discussed Eugenics. First, define both positive and negative eugenics in your own words (no direct quotes).

Many of the groups that were target by early 20th century eugenics policies are still the targets of discrimination today, though the form of discrimination has changed. Why is a discussion of eugenics relevant today, AND why is it important for human services professionals to understand this history? (7 points)

  1. In “Racial ideas and gendered intimacies” Thompson writes about “the politics of intimacy.” What is meant by this expression and how have the politics of intimacy been exemplified in United States history, according to Thompson? Please explain Thompson’s view in your own words (no direct quotes). (7 points)

Role-Play-Strengths and Weaknesses of the DSM-5

Role-Play-Strengths and Weaknesses of the DSM-5

I need a transcript for a video presentation—

Though the DSM-5 is the standard manual for mental illness diagnoses, it is not without weakness. In this Assignment, you analyze the strengths and limitations of the DSM-5 diagnostic system, and you differentiate between normal behavior and diagnosable symptoms using the concepts of dimensionality and spectrum.

To prepare: Review the concept of the dimensional approach with the DSM-5 and review the methods that the DSM-5 recommends to individualize where a person fits on a continuum of their illness in terms of subtypes, severity, and functional impairments. You will find these classifications in different parts of the manual and begin to be comfortable looking through it.


Next, imagine the following scenario:

You are a school social worker who has been asked to address a parent-teacher association meeting. Many parents in the audience have children who have been identified for special education services. They are confused about how to understand the diagnoses they are seeing. Others have worries about over-diagnosis. You have been advised that while these parents are generally well-informed, many don’t understand the dimensional or spectrum aspects. All are worried.

Instructions :

You will start your video with your introductory talk to the parents on these factors. After you provide your explanation, imagine that you open the meeting to questions. You will address the question noted below that is posed by a parent in the audience. Consider your audience, and practice explaining in terms a non-professional might understand. Do NOT read from the book.

Review the questions (in the Assignment instructions below) ahead of time and plan your answer before recording, as you will need to look up and integrate materials to answer the chosen question.

I will need to Submit a 3- to 5-minute video, considering the parents as your audience, in which I need to do the following:

I need a transcript that uses simple language for a non-professional audience

  • Briefly describe what the DSM-5 is and how it is organized. In your description, define the concepts of spectrum and dimensionality as explained by Paris and in the DSM-5 introduction.
  • Explain why social workers and mental health professionals use diagnoses and what receiving a diagnosis means (and does not mean).
  • Explain general concerns about the risks of over-diagnosis and misdiagnosis versus not diagnosing. Also explain how diagnosis is connected to services.
  • Explain other details that might help your audience understand the strengths and weaknesses of the diagnostic system.
  • Provide a response to the following parental questions:

This should be a narration between parents and the clinician at a presentation created by a parent –teacher presentation to offer information about mental health diagnosis.

  • My teenager’s best friend died by suicide this year. It’s been months, and she doesn’t seem over it. Her teachers tell me she should get help for depression, but I think it’s just grief. She talks about her friend all the time and gets very upset. I am worried about her. Is it normal for her to still be feeling this way? I don’t want to put her on medication for normal feelings. What is the difference between grief and depression?


Problem Identification Psychology Essay

Problem Identification Psychology Essay
After reviewing individual, class, and school wide data you may find that some issues may be more of a school-wide problem and others may be class-wide problems.

Provide examples for each that would indicate possible actions that you would take to resolve the current problem and prevent the problem from reoccurring?

If you identified a skill based intervention was needed, what principles would you use to guide your choice of a target skill for intervention and evaluation or progress monitoring.

Assessment Practices in Psychology

Assessment Practices in Psychology

Describe how a school district or building defines the role of a school psychologist. What are the primary activities that school psychologists engage in at tiers 1, 2 3, and within special education (e.g., consultant; assessor; bx specialist; counselor; data analyst). What is their primary role around assessment specifically? Find the NASP principal and ethics guideline in shared documents.

Summarize some of the key points from Principle II.3 in your own words. Develop a short paragraph explaining how school psychologists can maintain responsibility in assessment and intervention practices. Note one standard of Principle II.3 that you found to be especially important and why.

Applying Image Restoration Theory to a Real Situation

Applying Image Restoration Theory to a Real Situation

You were introduced to this theory briefly in Chapter 4, p. 100. To complete this assignment, read:
• Chapter 12, p. 311 “Restoring a Company’s Image using Benoit’s Five Categories of Image Restoration.”
• Benoit’s article, “Image Repair Discourse and Crisis Communication,” available in this week’s Readings.
Then respond to the following questions:
1. Identify one organization (or personality/politician) currently or recently facing a reputational crisis as reported in news and online sources.
2. Explain the situation.
3. Identify at least one image restoration strategy already used. Was it a good choice? Effective?
4. As PR counsel, which image restoration strategy (ies) would you suggest? Why? Note: the strategies in Benoit’s theory are not a sequential
process. Depending on the situation, one or two strategies may be all that are appropriate. You have to analyze the organization’s situation and
actions to determine which strategies should be applied.
Remember, you must include in-text citations for any information drawn from our course readings or any independent research, and also include
an end source list.
• Chapter 4, Foundations of PR: Research and Theory
• Chapter 5, Implementing Your Strategic Communications Plan, pp. 109–118