Fad Magnet Controversial Therapies for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities

Fad Magnet Controversial Therapies for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities

Part 1 (10 Points)
Controversial Therapies for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities: Fad, Fashion, and Science in Professional Practice Chapter 11 is entitled:
Autism : A Twenty-First Century Fad Magnet
1. Discuss what is meant by ‘21st entry Fad Magnet?’
2. Why does autism in particular serve as a fad-magnet?
3. Select 4 of the Fad treatments presented in chapter 11 – discuss reasons why each of these treatments has gained appeal – and why, without evidence of benefit – their use persists.
Part 2: (10 Points)
Controversial Therapies for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities: Fad, Fashion, and Science in Professional Practice Chapter 11 includes a section titled: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)—Is It a Fad? (p. 186 / loc 5979 digital)
The authors write “Of greatest concern to us is the deplorable “branding” of ABA programs” (P. 187 – loc 6016 ).
1. What do the authors mean by ‘branding’ in this sense?
2. Have you observed this in your own environment?
3. Why is this a concern?
4. What are the negative outcomes for clients -and the field – of this type of branding?
5. What can we as behavior analysts do to preempt — and correct — this view?
Part 3 (10 Points)
In chapters 11, 12 and 13 – a common thread is the importance of practitioners and parents to become consumers of science.
1. Define and provide an example and non-example to illustrate what is meant by ’consumers of science’.
2. Discuss how you, as a professional, will strive to be a consumer of science.
3. How can you, as a professional, shape parents behavior as consumers of science?
Chapter 5 of Bad Advice: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians, and Activists Aren’t Your Best Source of Health Information is entitled: To Debate of Not to Debate. The author provides several examples of situations in which experts debate proponents of unsubstantiated approaches. At the conclusion of Chapter 5, Offit writes:
So in the end, my advice is that debating the undebatable is worthwhile. But scientists (like me) need to take their focus off the host and the person they’re debating and even the people in the room and shift it onto the people who aren’t there. This is also true for debates on chatrooms and blogs on the internet. Don’t think of these opportunities as debates. Think of them as teachable moments. (p. 95 , loc 1682)
Consider the topics of debate presented in Chapter 5 from the perspective of the role – and responsibility – of a behavior analyst.
4. How can Of  fit’s advice – relate to our interactions with clients – parents – and other practitioners?

And in the final sentence Offit writes:
I, however, will have trouble following this advice. It’s just too emotional for me.
5. How do we, as behavior analysts — deal with our own emotional reaction to those with opposing views?

Behavioral Psychological Approach Essay

Behavioral Psychological Approach Essay

Please help me write compare and contrast essay.


Compare and contrast the following Psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioral. Choose one approach and apply it to your own experience.

The essay should present an in-depth background review of the three proposed psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioral. In your discussion and for each approach you need to present the main theories and define the important figures.

  • Compare and contrast each approach and critically define your own personal opinions. You should incorporate any ethical issues that may arise from the methodology used in each approach.
  • Discuss the way each approach has contributed to the field of Psychology. Highlight the importance of each school of thought and the classic theories that are involved in each one by presenting their strengths and their weaknesses. How these approaches help in explaining observed phenomena? What are their limitations? Once again, referencing the literature is required to authenticate the views expressed.
  • Don’t be just descriptive -support your arguments more with the related literature –evidence. Your discussion should be supported using the related literature and demonstrate an extensive reading and a thorough understanding of the development of the field.
  • The essay should be reported by using the correct APA referencing format. Full and detailed “References” section should be included at the end of the essay.

Cognitive Psychological Approach Essay

Cognitive Psychological Approach Essay

Help me write compare and contrast essay.


Compare and contrast the following Psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioural. Choose one approach and apply it to your own experience.

The essay should present an in-depth background review of the three proposed psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioural. In your discussion and for each approach you need to present the main theories and define the important figures.

  • Compare and contrast each approach and critically define your own personal opinions. You should incorporate any ethical issues that may arise from the methodology used in each approach.
  • Discuss the way each approach has contributed to the field of Psychology. Highlight the importance of each school of thought and the classic theories that are involved in each one by presenting their strengths and their weaknesses. How these approaches help in explaining observed phenomena? What are their limitations? Once again, referencing the literature is required to authenticate the views expressed.
  • Don’t be just descriptive -support your arguments more with the related literature –evidence. Your discussion should be supported using the related literature and demonstrate an extensive reading and a thorough understanding of the development of the field.
  • The essay should be reported by using the correct APA referencing format. Full and detailed “References” section should be included at the end of the essay.

Developmental Psychological Approach Essay

Developmental Psychological Approach Essay

Help me write compare and contrast essay.


Compare and contrast the following Psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioural. Choose one approach and apply it to your own experience.

The essay should present an in-depth background review of the three proposed psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioural. In your discussion and for each approach you need to present the main theories and define the important figures.

  • Compare and contrast each approach and critically define your own personal opinions. You should incorporate any ethical issues that may arise from the methodology used in each approach.
  • Discuss the way each approach has contributed to the field of Psychology. Highlight the importance of each school of thought and the classic theories that are involved in each one by presenting their strengths and their weaknesses. How these approaches help in explaining observed phenomena? What are their limitations? Once again, referencing the literature is required to authenticate the views expressed.
  • Don’t be just descriptive -support your arguments more with the related literature –evidence. Your discussion should be supported using the related literature and demonstrate an extensive reading and a thorough understanding of the development of the field.
  • The essay should be reported by using the correct APA referencing format. Full and detailed “References” section should be included at the end of the essay.

Compare and Contrast Essay Developmental Cognitive and Behavioural Psychological approaches

Compare and Contrast Essay Developmental Cognitive and Behavioural Psychological Approaches

Compare and contrast the following Psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioural. Choose one approach and apply it to your own experience.

The essay should present an in-depth background review of the three proposed psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioural. In your discussion and for each approach you need to present the main theories and define the important figures.

  • Compare and contrast each approach and critically define your own personal opinions. You should incorporate any ethical issues that may arise from the methodology used in each approach.
  • Discuss the way each approach has contributed to the field of Psychology. Highlight the importance of each school of thought and the classic theories that are involved in each one by presenting their strengths and their weaknesses. How these approaches help in explaining observed phenomena? What are their limitations? Once again, referencing the literature is required to authenticate the views expressed.
  • Don’t be just descriptive -support your arguments more with the related literature –evidence. Your discussion should be supported using the related literature and demonstrate an extensive reading and a thorough understanding of the development of the field.
  • The essay should be reported by using the correct APA referencing format. Full and detailed “References” section should be included at the end of the essay.

Efficacy of Addiction Intervention Models

Efficacy of Addiction Intervention Models

What is your theory of addiction and which of the intervention models described in the peer review article is most compatible with your application?

You are only writing about the Classification of the Intervention Models section.

Biological Psychological and Socioecological Factors that may Influence the Development and Learning of either Infants Toddlers or Young Children

Biological Psychological and Socioecological Factors that may Influence the Development and Learning of either Infants Toddlers or Young Children

Paper Instructions:

Critically discuss the biological, psychological and socioecological factors that may influence the development and learning of either infants, toddlers or young children.

In your discussion, consider the holistic nature of child development. Suggest two strategies that could support each of the developmental domains and link the suggested practices to a range of theories discussed in the Course.

(2000 words)

Course required readings must be used as well as additional literature to inform your assessment. Reference list must be attached.

Part Two
Critically discuss the biological, psychological and socioecological factors that may influence the development and learning or either infants, toddlers or young children. In your discussion, consider the holistic nature of child development.
Suggest two strategies that could support each of the developmental domains and link the suggested practices to a range of theories discussed in the Course.
Critically discuss the biological, psychological and socioecological factors that may influence the development and learning or either infants, toddlers or young children.
• Choose a specific age group – infants or toddlers or young children
• Discuss how a range of biological factors influence the development and learning of a specific age group.
• Then repeat this for psychological and socioecological factors for the same age group
• Section 3 of your Course Guide provides a good overview of these factors and there is a good resource in Section
3.4 Biological and Ecological Influences to support your discussions
In your discussion, consider the holistic nature of child development.
• Sections 1 and 2 of your Course Guide cover the concept of holistic development and the developmental domains
• You could explain what holistic development means and then discuss the interrelationship of development in the
different domains
Suggest two strategies that could support each of the developmental domains and link the suggested practices to a range of theories discussed in the Course.
• The ‘suggested strategies’ in the task should read as ‘suggested practices’.
• The suggested practices should be explained in light of the age group selected.
• Explain how each practice will support development in at least 3 domains (physical, cognitive, language, social,
emotional and spirituality)
• Support each practice with links to theories and perspectives covered in the course.
• Teaching strategies are specific ways a teacher uses to support children in their development. For example: the
scaffolding strategy for solving a puzzle or the modelling strategy for washing hands properly. Practices are broader
and include a range of more specific strategies – eg. developing relationships; supporting wellbeing and belonging,
child-centred environments; promoting social competence etc.

For each factor:
• What is the biological factor? Briefly explain to show your understanding and it would be
a good idea to provide a list of biological factors.
• What biological factors can influence the development and learning of the age group you
selected? Here choose one or two concepts. One example of a biological factor is health
and an aspect of health is nutrition. So, discuss what nutrition is and how it influences the
child’s development and learning
• What domain/development can you relate well to nutrition? Perhaps physical development.
So, you may want to focus specifically on gross motor skills. How does nutrition affect
cognitive and emotional development? Depending on the word count, you can discuss
more than one domain. Please remember it is better to discuss fully one aspect than try
to cover too many.
• How does the child’s physical development relate to the other domains (cognitive,
language, emotional, social and spirituality)? for example, when an infant is learning to
walk, how are the cognitive, language, social, emotional domains and spirituality
influenced or affected? When you answer this, you show an understanding of holistic
development. Please remember that it’s not necessary to make links to all the other
domains, only those that you can fully and clearly link to as it is better to discuss one or
two aspects fully and clearly than to try to cover too many. Depth of discussion is better.
• Also remember to focus in the learning within the domains ie. the skills, knowledge and
dispositions that children gain.
• Then repeat the same structure for the psychological and then the socioecological factors.
For each practice:
• Explain what the practice is.
• What does this practice look like for your selected age group?
• How will this practice support learning and development in the different domains for the
selected age group? (though in the task it says all domains, you have the option to just
discuss three domains)
• What theory can you best relate the practice to?
• Then repeat for the second practice

Life Review and Eco Integrity

Life Review and Eco Integrity

Please write a short introduction and conclusion.
Identify an older adult age 65 +, use a 1st and last initial. Execute a therapeutic assessment interview with them for at least two interview
sessions assessing their self-identified:
• Demographics, lifetime education, and career/employment
• Two most significant (positive) times in their lives
• What past hardship or loss has the client successfully negotiated in the past?
• Two personal strengths
• Engage them in identifying what is healthy versus non-healthy coping skills
• Inquire of 2 healthy coping skills they have used in the past and/or now
• Three (3) pieces of advice they would give to their younger self if they could?
• Support the client in taking the Geriatric Depression Scale.pdf
• Support the client in taking the Fulmer SPICES Assessment.pdf
• Perform a Mini Mental State Exam.pdf and Patient_Stress_Questionnaire.pdf (attach here)
• Perform a Hall, Hall, and Chapman Article.pdf
• Report the findings from the Geriatric Depression Scale, Fulmer Spices, Patient stress questionnaire and the mini mental status exam
• Discuss your older adult’s level of ego integrity vs. despair as described by psychoanalyst Erik Erikson. If you had to rate them on a scale of 1-
10, with 1 representing a full state of despair and 10 representing full ego integrity, what rating would you give your older adult?
• Describe at least two nursing diagnoses for this client.
• Create a plan of care for the client to include at least three nursing goals with two nursing interventions each.
The assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The essay should be at least 1500 words in length and include at least two
scholarly sources other than provided materials.
Please write a short introduction and conclusion

Applicability of Learning Theory behaviorism cognitivism constructivism and humanism as applied to learning.

Applicability of Learning Theory


The Applicability of Learning Theory


In your paper:

Compare and contrast behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism as applied to learning.

Summarize at least two sub-theories or ideologies within each theory or learning framework.

Example from behaviorism: associative learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, conditioning, extinction, and ratio or interval schedules

Example from cognitivism: schema theory, memory development, elaboration theory (i.e., Bloom’s taxonomy), cognitive load theory, and social learning or cognitive theory.

Example from constructivism: cognitive constructivism, dialectical (social) constructivism, zone of proximal development, and discovery learning

Example from humanism: motivational theories of learning (e.g. self-determination theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs), experiential learning, and Steiner pedagogy or Waldorf education.

List and explain a minimum of two theoretically supported strategies from the past weeks that would most help you to increase your learning success.

Apply basic methods of psychological research skills to this content by synthesizing supporting evidence from at least two scholarly sources from the University Library in order to defend the strategies you have chosen.

The Applying Learning Theory to Life paper


Must be a minimum of 5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.


Psychology of Eye Perception Presbyopia Myopia Hyperopia

Psychology of Eye Perception Presbyopia Myopia Hyperopia 

Answer these questions in 500 words.

“What is meant by accommodation?

How does the eye adjust the focusing of light by accommodation?

Describe the following conditions that can cause problems in focusing: Presbyopia, myopia, and hyperopia.

What accounts for each of these conditions?

Finally, do you suffer from any of these, or do you know anyone who does?

What solutions are available for these focusing problems?”

Hernandez Family Assessment

Hernandez Family Assessment

Assignment : Hernandez Family Assessment

Assessment is as essential to family therapy as it is to individual therapy. Although families often present with one person identified as the “problem,” the assessment process will help you better understand family roles and determine whether the identified problem client is in fact the root of the family’s issues. As you examine the Hernandez Family: Sessions 1-6 videos in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat the client family.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Assess client families presenting for psychotherapy

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide on family assessment.
  • View the Hernandez Family: Sessions 1-6 videos, and consider how you might assess the family in the case study.

Note: For guidance on writing a comprehensive client assessment, refer to pages 137–142 of Wheeler (2014) in this week’s Learning Resources.

The Assignment

Address in a comprehensive client assessment of the Hernandez family the following:

  • Demographic information
  • Presenting problem
  • History or present illness
  • Past psychiatric history
  • Medical history
  • Substance use history
  • Developmental history
  • Family psychiatric history
  • Psychosocial history
  • History of abuse and/or trauma
  • Review of systems
  • Physical assessment
  • Mental status exam
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Case formulation
  • Treatment plan


Psychology Tests and Measurements

Psychology Tests and Measurements

Use the List of Tests by Type document in the Suggested Resources to select three tests from
one category. Important: Select a test category that is relevant to your professional training and
Be sure to use the Assessment 1 Template: Review and Selection of a Standardized Test in the
Required Resources to complete this assessment.
In this section:
Describe how the three selected tests and category are related to one’s area of specialization
and career goal.
Identify a professional setting (specialization) and the three tests you researched and reviewed.

Select the three tests from a single category using the List of Tests by Type document. The List
of Tests by Type document identifies the 11 categories you may choose from. They include (1)
intelligence/cognitive abilities, (2) achievement/aptitude, (3) personality, (4) behavior, (5) adaptive
behavior, (6) neuropsychological, (7) career/business/organization, (8) autism, (9) depression,
(10) preschool, and (11) behavior analytic skill assessment.
Purpose for Testing, Content and Skills, and Intended Test Takers
Address the three selected tests according to Elements 1–4 of the Code. Use the element title as
a subheading under Purpose for Testing, Content and Skills, and Intended Test Takers.
Element 1. “Define the purpose for testing, the content and skills to be tested, and the intended
test takers” (Joint Committee on Testing Practices, 2004, p. 6; see point 1). Describe your
findings for all three tests, citing references. Use this section to introduce each test and report on
each of the three elements: purpose, content and skills, and intended test takers.
Appropriate of Test Content, Skills Tested, and Content Coverage
Element 2. Describe “the appropriateness of test content, skills tested, and content coverage for
the intended purpose of testing” (Joint Committee on Testing Practices, 2004, p. 6; see point 2).
Describe your findings for each test, citing references. Use this section to report on unique
comments or research that evaluate any aspects of the appropriateness of each test. There may
be a wide range of facets considering appropriateness that may be unique to each particular test
under consideration.
Materials Provided by Test Developers
Element 3. Describe “materials provided by test developers and select tests for which clear, accurate, and complete information is provided” (Joint Committee on Testing Practices, 2004, p.
6; see point 3). Describe your findings for each test, citing references. Use this section to
describe either reviews or your evaluation of the materials described in the sources you locate
for each test under consideration.
Test-User Knowledge, Skills, and Training
Analyze the level of professional knowledge, skills, and training required to administer and
interpret the three tests.
Element 4. “Select tests through a process that includes persons with appropriate knowledge,
skills, and training” (Joint Committee on Testing Practices, 2004, p. 6; see point 4). Include
specific publisher information about test-user qualification (for example, Level A, B, or C; or other
classification). Describe your findings for each test.
Comparisons and Contrasts of the Three Tests
In this section:
Compare and contrast the three tests based on Elements 1–4 of the Code.
Recommend one test for further analysis, based on analysis of Elements 1–4 of the Code.
Select one of the three tests that is most applicable to your current professional setting or to a
setting you may choose in the future. Provide a rationale for test selection.
Add a minimum of nine references to support your analysis and rationale. References must be
formatted in APA style.

Additional Requirements
Your assessment should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar,
punctuation, mechanics, and APA format and style.
References: A minimum of nine references are required for this assessment.
Three MMY test reviews from (one for each test).
Three test publisher websites (one for each test).
Three peer-reviewed journal articles (one for each test).
APA format: Follow current APA format and style throughout the assessment. Be sure to use
correct format and style for each respective type of reference, for example, website versus
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point

Psychology Counselling Profession

Psychology Counselling Profession

Using APA format, indicate the journal information at the top of the first page.

You do not need to include a cover page. Remember to always include correct citations when needed.

Summarize the key points and themes of the article.

Provide your reactions/responses to the ideas and/or conclusions of the article.

Evaluate if you would recommend or not recommend the article to someone in the field of counseling and explain why.