Psychology of Personality (Big Five Personality Test)

I. Read Chapter 4, especially the section on the Big 5. Think about the factors that comprise the big 5. For each of the 5 factors indicate whether you believe that (compared to others approximately your own age and gender) you are below average, average, or
above average in terms of how much the trait applies to you: (1. Extraversion;
2.Agreeableness; 3. Conscientiousness,4. Emotionality/Neuroticism; 5.
Intellect/Openness to Experience). You can do this with bullet points or written up in
paragraph format. This should be the FIRST SECTION of your paper. Provide EXAMPLES for each trait, providing your RATIONALE for WHY you think you are High, Average, or Low on each trait.
NEXT – click on: Follow this link if you wish to complete the original IPIP-NEO.
(this will take you here:
Click on the first agreement button at the top of the page.
Click on the second agreement button near the bottom of the page(consent)
Click the send button at the bottom of the page.
Start with the background questions and the first 60-items.
Each successive screen will present the next 60-items.
When you are done, you will receive a computer-generated report on a temporary web page. You need to print it out or download it to your computer otherwise it will be lost to you.
III. Reflect on your results: Write up your analysis by answering the following:
How do the results fit with how you perceive yourself?
Hot do the results fit with your initial self-evaluation from above?
What fit and what did not fit? Any surprises?
How might you explain expected/unexpected results.
Please used FACET scores to help explain EXPECTED and/or unexpected results. Also consider any personal test-taking biases that might have influenced your tests data. Use the facet scores to discuss your findings on each scale, in terms of how well they met or failed to meet your

Psychoeducational family counseling


This is a social work class, you have to read chapter 6 and watch the fosters family show season one, episodes 10-12. Please use only three references that are listed on here..
Locate the Discussion Questions section at the end of the chapter/s for the assigned reading for this week.
1. Select a total of 2 questions to which you will provide a response incorporating this week’s required materials.
2. Describe how this week’s required materials impacts your thinking about The Fosters family (The show). For example, you might discuss how adversity contributed to the resiliency of one of the characters; or, you might discuss ways in which a therapeutic model would be helpful or
perhaps contraindicated for this family.
Psychoeducational family counseling. Reading/media: Van Hook Chapter 6; Singer, J. B. (Host).
(2007, October 24). Family psychoeducation: Interview with Carol Anderson, Ph.D. (No. 27)
[Audio podcast episode]. In Social Work Podcast
Bredeweg, B. (Executive Producer). (2013–2018). The Fosters [TV series]. ProdCo Original;
Blazing Elm Entertainment; Nuyorican Productions; Freeform Original Productions; Disney–ABC
Domestic Television.
Singer, J. B. (Host). (2007, October 24). Family psychoeducation: Interview with Carol Anderson,
Ph.D. (No. 27) [Audio podcast episode]. In Social Work Podcast.
Van Hook, M. P. (2019). Social work practice with families: A resiliency-based approach (3rd ed.).
Oxford University Press.

Trait Model of Personality

Trait Model of Personality

  • Big Five Personality Theory
  • Trait Model of Personality vs. Psychodynamic Theory.
  • Take the Big Five Personality Test and summarize the results. Which is your dominant trait?

Happiness and Positivity

Answer the following questions 

  1. Discuss the relationships and differences between health and happiness
  2. Discuss how positivity (i.e., Positive psychology) and salutogenesis paradigms influence healthy functioning.

Psychiatric Disorders (Case Study)

Ms. A, a moderately obese 32-year-old white woman, initially presented to our office in January 1997 for a refill of her estrogen replacement medication, which she had been taking since her hysterectomy for endometriosis after the birth of her fourth child in 1995. She complained of increasing problems with depressed mood, for which she had been treated by her previous physician with fluoxetine, 20 mg/day, for the past year. Although her current level of depressive symptomatology fell short of major depression, a careful history uncovered multiple past episodes that met those criteria. Ms. A related feeling “depressed and moody” since her teenage years. Paroxetine and other antidepressants administered for previous depressive exacerbations usually caused increased lethargy and little improvement in mood. While fluoxetine initially helped decrease her tearfulness and increase her energy and goal-directed behavior, the improvement had lasted only a few weeks. Her mood aberrations were not related merely to estrogen replacement or adherence problems. Ms. A denied current use of alcohol or illicit drugs and smoked cigarettes about 1 pack per day for 20 years. She also drank 1 or 2 servings of caffeinated beverages per day. A physical examination and routine laboratory work were unrevealing. Her TSH level was normal. She was advised to exercise, reduce her fast-food intake, consider psychotherapy, and increase her fluoxetine dose to 40 mg/day.
When seen next, Ms. A complained of continued hypersomnia and daytime lethargy, increased appetite, frequent crying, headaches, and memory problems. Increasing her fluoxetine dose from 20 mg to 40 mg seemed to help for a while, but then gradually stopped working—the same pattern of response noted on initiation of fluoxetine treatment. We asked her to describe the timing and quality of her initial improvement on the increased dose. After only 2 to 3 days on 40 mg of fluoxetine, she went from lying in bed much of the day to playing kickball in the backyard with her children. Her hypersomnia reversed abruptly to her needing only 3 to 4 hours of sleep per night. Ms. A described feelings of elation and of having her mind filled with ideas and activities, racing from one thought to another. She became markedly more talkative and social. Those around her noticed her behavior as distinctly different than usual. This sudden and dramatic response lasted about 1 week, ended suddenly, and was followed by a steady decline in energy and motivation over the next several weeks. When asked if these episodes had ever occurred in the past, Ms. A described experiencing similar brief periods of expanded mood that occurred every 2 to 3 weeks, typically lasting from 2 to 3 days, but occasionally as long as 5 days. She recognized these periods as being time limited and would try to make the best of them by shopping and doing housework, often late into the night.
Notable Family History
She described her mother as an emotionally unpredictable individual who controlled much of Ms. A’s life by being both her employer and her baby-sitter. Her father was an often depressed individual “who probably should have been on medicine.” Both Ms. A and her mother have a pattern of divorce and remarriage to the same individual—her mother has been married 4 times to 2 different men, while Ms. A has been married 3 times to 2 different men.
Progress of Treatment
Psychotherapy was encouraged to help her deal with parenting concerns, financial pressures, and ongoing relationship problems with her mother and ex-husbands. Two weeks later, she reported a decrease in lethargy and sadness and less pronounced mood swings. Early improvement was also evidenced by her initiation of psychotherapy and attempts to establish more structure at home and boundaries in her interactions with family members. However, she related to us a pattern of growing conflict with her mother regarding autonomy issues.
After numerous missed appointments, Ms. A returned 8 months later complaining of a sinus infection. She explained that shortly after her last visit her mother had convinced her to stop taking both the lithium and the fluoxetine. Ms. A stated that she was no longer interested in ongoing treatment for depression and was unwilling to discuss her decision. All subsequent efforts to reestablish a therapeutic relationship with her failed.
Please submit a written assignment addressing the following items:
• Based on the case information alone what psychiatric disorder(s) seem most likely? Provide support for your proposed diagnoses.
• What type of additional information would you be most interested in to confirm your diagnosis?
• Provide a diagnostic rationale citing case history & DSM 5 criteria that Ms. A might qualify for and possible diagnostic rule-outs.
• To what extent do you think Ms. A may be a danger to herself?
• What other information would be useful in determining her risk?
• Consider potential cultural variables that impact the understanding of this case.
Please submit your assignment by Sunday 11:59pm CST. Your assignment will be graded using the Written Assignment Rubric found in the course. 3-4 page double spaced/APA format/Including references

Professional Etiquette in Counseling (Psychology)

Choose one of the four areas of psychology of most interest to you and answer the following questions as they relate to your chosen field: What is professional etiquette? What results in a breakdown of etiquette between or among professionals? Explain “risky individuals” and some of the best tools for dealing with a difficult associate in a risky situation. How does the inability to deal effectively in high-risk situations lead to the creation of an ethical dilemma?

Neurocognitive Disorders

Neurocognitive Disorders 

There are several neurological disorders which include brain tumors, Parkinson Disease, Alzheimer disease, migraine, stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and so forth.

In this assignment, you are required to pick one of the disorders. Once you have picked, explain its diagnostic criteria, delirium, evidenced-based psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic treatment, risks of various types of therapies, and benefits of the therapies.  Your paper should be 1,050-1,250 words.

Format the paper in APA 6th edition. Use 3-5 peer reviewed references.

Place of Psychology in our Society

Place of Psychology in our Society

Assessment tasks/questions Essay:

“Past, present and future: Discuss the place of psychology in our society”

  • Define key terms (with references), explain the question and mention the material you will cover to answer it;
  • Identify the complexities and controversies in defining psychology;
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of psychology and its different approaches;
  • Describe the past, present and future theories of psychology;
  • Cover material from each of the lectures with reference:

Development psychology

Normality vs. Abnormality

Heredity and environment

Psychology and a Feminism

Psychology, religion and race

Psychology and war

Free will and determinism

Consciousness and the mind-brain relationship

  • Briefly critically compare the theoretical approaches/theories of psychology;
  • Continually describe, analyse, criticise the usefulness of psychology in our society;

APA reference 6th edition

Only 2800 words

~22-25 references (use journals. Articles, books, other )


  • Richards, G. (2009) Putting Psychology in Its Place (Routledge)
  • Gross, R. (2009) Themes, Issues, and Debates in Psychology (Hodder Education)
  • Brysbaert, M. and Rastle, K. (2009) Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology (Prentice Hall)
  • Glassman, W.E., & Hadad, M. (2009), Approaches to Psychology, 5th Ed., London: McGraw- Hill
  • Ludy T Benjamin (2009), A History of Psychology. Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing
  • Hock R.R. (2009). Forty Studies that changed Psychology. 6th, New Jersey Pearson Education International
  • Weiten W (2011). Psychology, Themes and Variations, Briefer Version. 9th, Canada: International Edition.

Psychology of Well-Being and Happiness


Address the  following in your paper

  • Traditional vs modern view of psychology
  • Positive psychology (introduction)
  • Field of positive psychology
  • Definition of happiness and well-being
  • Subjective well-being (SWB)
  • Eudaimonic approach to happiness
  • Authentic Happiness Theory, by Seligman
  • Character strengths and values
  • Applications of Positive Psychology

History and Influence of Positive Psychology

This assignment gives you the opportunity to explore a new school of thought in the psychology
Congratulations! Imagine you have landed a researcher’s job. Your first project is to contribute to
a reference manual for health care providers published by your organization. This manual will be
used as an internal “encyclopedia” that providers can use to find detailed information on mental health services available to affiliated clinics.
Assignment Preparation
You have been asked to trace the history and influence of a new school of thought: positive
Assignment Instructions
In your paper include the following:
Discuss the founding figures, events, and ideas of this school of thought.
Analyze the historical influences that led to the development of this school of thought.
Analyze the societal influences that led to the development of this school of thought.
Analyze how this school of thought guides social thinking. Provide examples.
Submission Requirements
You do not need an index or abstract for this paper. Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOC].
Length: 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages.
Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Resources and citations: A minimum of one scholarly source is required. A maximum of one
nonscholarly but credible source may be used. Format according to current APA guidelines.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome 


  • Symptoms of Down syndrome
  • Screening of Down Syndrome During Pregnancy

Community Psychology (Article Summary)


Article summary of the following:

Oppezzo, M., & Schwartz, D. L. (2014). Give your ideas some legs: The positive effect of walking on creative thinking. Journal of experimental psychology: learning, memory, and cognition, 40(4), 1142.


Zaff, J. F., Donlan, A. E., Jones, E. P., & Lin, E. S. (2015). Supportive developmental systems for children and youth: A theoretical framework for comprehensive community initiatives. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 40, 1-7.