Temperament in Psychology

Topic for this paper assignment is as follows:
Discuss Temperament. According to Jerome Kagan, how does a child acquire a certain temperament? How is temperament a precursor to personality? How does Goodness of Fit play
into temperament? How can differences in personality between parent and child influence the
developmental process of the child? How does a child’s temperament determine their success or
failure in social interaction? What can be done to assist a child in “rounding out” their
temperament in order to learn a healthy balance?
APA format
Minimum of 4 sources
12pt font Times New Roman

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) in Education

You will have to integrate this model in the group counseling process. you can use examples as, Smoking and or Drinking….
Discuss a theory of group counseling that best fits the way you believe groups work to facilitate change in the group members. Explain why your theory is preferable to you compared to other theories. You may need to add personal experiences from group sessions to support your arguments.

Careers in the Field of Psychology

Explore careers in the field of psychology (825 words). Which field are you interested in, and why? You can use information from the Bureau of Statistics website about Psychology career.

  • Benefits of majoring in psychology
  • Health psychology.
  • School psychology

Psychology of Health and Chronic Diseases

What is a lifespan developmental perspective on chronic illness? Discuss the commonalities and
differences in the challenges of adjustment to chronic illness across the lifespan. Consider
children, adolescents, younger and older adults.
Word limit: 500 words (if you submit more than 500 words, you will receive a zero grade)
The answer must come and include all the three articles I provided below and from the
powerpoint that I am going to attach on the website and from NO other outside sources. Keep
your answer evidence-based. If you are going to claim something or make a statement, make
sure it is backed by evidence from the course material.
In-text citations (meaning citations embedded within your answer) which look something like this:
(Lupien et al. 2009) — DO count towards the maximum word count.

History of I/O Psychology

History of Industrial/Organizational Psychology

You will be researching and seeing how the fields of I/O psychology has developed and changed over the course of history. I want you to go online and look at several timelines that describe and show the major developments that lead to the development in the field. You will find items from the late 1800’s all the way to the current events that are occurring today.

What you will be seeing are many events and important people in the field that have helped develop and mold the field into what it is today. I want you to read over many of these timelines to gain a general understanding of what helped shape this field into what it is today. Once you have a general understanding I want you to complete the following assignment:

I want you to choose and explain in great detail 10 events that occurred in your timeline. Explain the event in detail and then discuss how this event influenced the field of I/O psychology. Why was this event important? How did it influence the workplace? How did it influence or impact the workforce (employees/ people doing the jobs at that time)? You should also explain how this event impacted the economy in general/which always trickles down to workers.
Ex’s: WWI, WWII, Unions, AAA Division 14 developed, Hawthorne Studies

Now I want you to choose 10 influential people that have been crucial to the development of this field. Again research them and discuss their ideas, theories, or products that are seen as influential to I/O psychology. Explain why their ideas are seen as important. Share how they changed the workplace or helped employers or employees. Talk about the focus of their ideas or research.
Ex’s: Munsterberg, Henry Ford, Walter Bingham, James Cattell

Please put the events/people in numerical order by dates. You should single space your paragraphs and double space in between each event or person. For each event and person you must have at least 1 paragraph which is 4-6 complete sentences! Make sure you explain in detail each event and person and make the connection between I/O psych and the workplace. So you will have 20 paragraphs for this assignment.

Cyberbullying Rewards (Discussion Board Response)

How might the findings described by your colleague be used to inform helpful strategies for teachers and parents dealing with an adolescent cyberbully?
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the social psychology theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or Internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your post and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.
Response 1 ( two sources)

Effects of CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalophaty) and Criminal History

Guidelines for Scholarly Paper

You are expected to write an original, Scholarly Paper, addressing a topic relevant to the course. For a list of possible topics, you may wish to review our textbook’s Table of Contents or Index. You are not limited to these topics; in fact, you are invited to study, research, and write about a neuroscience-related topic/theme that is of special interest and/or relevance to you.

The Scholarly Paper should demonstrate critical thinking skills commensurate with advanced levels of scholarship, such as evaluation, analysis and synthesis. You may wish to review Bloom’s Taxonomy for clarification. Note that a scholarly paper usually incorporates a thesis, antithesis (a contrasting or opposing position) and synthesis. Be sure to defend (i.e., substantiate) your position statements with research-based evidence and well-thought “arguments.” Provide a reasoned critique of salient themes or positions you have advanced. Suggest directions for further study and research. Additionally, be sure to detail 1-2 key studies to illustrate how central themes are empirically investigated. Provide brief information regarding hypothesis, sampling and design methodologies, and results. Then, provide some critique and summary statements regarding the implications of the study or studies. Be sure you have used and cited references that meet the standard for scholarship.

Use of at least ten scholarly sources is required. The paper must follow current APA guidelines. The paper should be double-spaced, using a 12-point font size and a common font face, such as Times New Roman. Be sure to proof your paper for spelling, clarity and organization, and check that it has been formatted in accordance with APA style. Refer to the print APA Publication Manual 6th ed., or visit the APA website, or Vanguard University’s APA Style Essentials for assistance. The paper should be six pages in length, at a minimum, excluding the title, abstract and reference pages. Correct in-text citation and citation format in reference section are imperative to receiving a good grade on this assignment. Please refer to apa.org to review the proper ways to cite information.


The topic chosen for this paper is: The effects of CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalophaty) and criminal history.

This topic is very relevant and interesting right now following the extensive research and documentary published about Aaron Hernandez (Ex NFL star that had severe CTE and an extensive criminal history that resulted from impulsiveness, aggression, poor judgment and decision making, etc – all signs of CTE).

Cognitive Psychology (Article Brief Assignment)

Article Briefs:
Students are required to submit 2 article brief assignments
An article brief is a single paragraph summary of a scientific study published in an academic
journal within
the last 3 months. The student is responsible for finding a scientific paper, reading and
summarizing it.
The article must pertain to a topic on cognitive psychology or cognitive neuroscience. The article
must also include a sentence on how directly the article relates to a chapter covered in the  course. The original article must be submitted with the brief in a PDF format. Article briefs will be
submitted via TurnItIn
and checked for authenticity.
o Article briefs are worth 12 points each. The grading criteria are as follows:
o The brief reports an empirical/scientific study, not a broad theory or review of many studies 0.5
o The brief describes the question the authors tried to answer 2 pt
o The brief describes the method authors used to answer the question 2.5 pt
o The brief describes the conclusion authors reached 3 pt
o The brief includes a sentence of how the article relates to material covered in the class 2 pt
o The brief reports a study from a set of topics relevant to this course 0.5 pt
§ Brief 1 can only cover topics in Chapters 1-5: Brain, Perception, Attention, Working Memory
and Short Term Memory
§ Brief 2 can only cover topics in Chapters 6-13: Long Term Memory, Memory Errors,
Knowledge, Imagery, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Language
o The brief includes a full PDF of the article 0.5 pt
§ The PDF of an article associated with a Brief must be submitted separately to an
assignment page that looks like this:
o The article is from an approved journal and was published in the last 3 months 0.5 pt
§ All articles selected for Brief assignment must come from this set of journals: Brain, Cortex,
Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, NeuroImage, Neuron
§ • http://sfxna11.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/01uho/az/default
§ Frontiers in Psychology can be accessed directly. Note that only Frontiers in Psychology is
approved, but not in any other topic (e.g. Frontiers in Neuroscience).
• http://www.frontiersin.org/psychology
o The brief is written in no fewer than 270 and no more than 300 words, in full sentences and is
free of
grammatical and spelling errors. The brief should not include author names, affiliations, study
etc. 0.5 pt
o The brief has an originality score less than 20%. Otherwise, the brief will automatically receive
grade of 0 for the assignment and will be reported to the department as a potential plagiarism
Copying sentences from the article and putting them in quotation marks is not appropriate for the
length of this assignment. Paraphrasing the authors is also not appropriate and could be