Eisenmenger Syndrome

Eisenmenger Syndrome

Please answer the following regarding Eisenmenger Syndrome:
1. Pathophysiology of the disorder
2. Clinical presentations,
3. Diagnostic test for the disorder if any
4. Medical management
5. Nursing management.
Do not write in essay format, answer the questions in APA 7th edition format and us scholarly articles within the past 5 years.

Theoretical Approaches in Psychology Choose One

 Theoretical Approaches in Psychology Choose One

In no more than 5 pages, discuss how a provided case can be understood and treated from a particular theoretical orientation. Choose one of the theoretical approaches addressed in class thus far. Your paper should be written in APA style, 12-point font, double-spaced. In your paper please address the following
1. What are the clients’ problems?
2. Explain how the theory chosen explains the development and manifestation of the problem?
3. In line with your chosen theory, what would be your general approach to working with this client? What specific techniques would you use?
4. Keep in mind that the purpose of the paper is to demonstrate your knowledge of a particular theory and your ability to apply it in practice.

Psychodynamic Perspective Theoretical Approach

Psychodynamic Perspective Theoretical Approach

In no more than 5 pages, discuss how a provided case can be understood and treated from a particular theoretical orientation. Choose one of the theoretical approaches addressed in class thus far. Your paper should be written in APA style, 12-point font, double-spaced. In your paper please address the following
1. What are the clients’ problems?
2. Explain how the theory chosen explains the development and manifestation of the problem?
3. In line with your chosen theory, what would be your general approach to working with this client? What specific techniques would you use?
4. Keep in mind that the purpose of the paper is to demonstrate your knowledge of a particular theory and your ability to apply it in practice.

Four patients in the Psychosomatic Disorder Activity

Four patients in the Psychosomatic Disorder Activity

See the four patients in the Psychosomatic Disorder Activity (Links to an external site.). After each patient, save your printable summary. You can leave after seeing any of them and return later to complete the activity.

After you have seen all four patients, submit the summaries here, and use your summaries, information from the cases, this week’s resources, and any other necessary references to complete Discussion 9.2: Psychosomatic Disorder Videos.

Submit your four printable summaries here. Submit your video response to Marissa or Aron in Discussion 9.2: Psychosomatic Disorder Videos.

Cognition Language and Intelligence

Cognition Language and Intelligence

In this lesson we will learn problem solving. First, you must identify a problem that you would like to solve. Think about a practical real-world problem that you or someone you know might experience now or in the future. You might consider problems about relationships, money, housing, school, career, family, or others. Next, you will need to read an article on an approach to problem solving. You can find an article on the following web site;


After, you read the article, please choose an approach and apply it to your problem.

Write out the steps of your chosen problem-solving approach, and apply them to your problem one by one. Type the question followed by your answer to the question.

What does cognitive psychology have to say about creativity

What does cognitive psychology have to say about creativity 

  1. Discuss the relationship between the “associative mind” endorsed by the behavioural psychologists and the “cognitive mind” endorsed by cognitive psychologists. Offer a characterization of each, noting their strengths and weaknesses. Does one capture human behaviour better than the other or do we need both? Begin your readings with Chapters 4 and 5 from Goel’s Reason and Less (Topics 1 & 2) and then follow up with other sources.
  2. Compare and contrast Tversky and Kahneman’s program of heuristics and biases in decision-making with Gigerenzer’s program of “simple heuristics.” Start with the lecture material and then follow up with other sources. There was an interesting exchange that occurred between the two camps in 1996 in Psychological Review (Volume 103, No. 3) that is worth looking up. Clearly explain both programs with examples before comparing and contrasting.
  3. What is the case to be made for and against multiple memory systems? How has neuropsychological data informed this issue over the past several decades? You might want to begin by listening to the memory lecture and doing the associated readings, and then follow up with other sources. The Memory chapter in Gazzaniga, Ivry, and Magnan textbook “Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind” has some good relevant material.
  4. How has neuropsychological data informed cognitive theories of reasoning over the past several decades? Begin your readings with the Goel and Waechter (2019) Chapter in Topic 7 and then follow up with other sources.
  5. What does cognitive psychology have to say about creativity? What are the basic models? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these models? Start with the Goel reading on creativity in Topic 9 and then follow up with other sources.

How has neuropsychological data informed cognitive theories of reasoning over the past several decades

How has neuropsychological data informed cognitive theories of reasoning over the past several decades

  1. Discuss the relationship between the “associative mind” endorsed by the behavioural psychologists and the “cognitive mind” endorsed by cognitive psychologists. Offer a characterization of each, noting their strengths and weaknesses. Does one capture human behaviour better than the other or do we need both? Begin your readings with Chapters 4 and 5 from Goel’s Reason and Less (Topics 1 & 2) and then follow up with other sources.
  2. Compare and contrast Tversky and Kahneman’s program of heuristics and biases in decision-making with Gigerenzer’s program of “simple heuristics.” Start with the lecture material and then follow up with other sources. There was an interesting exchange that occurred between the two camps in 1996 in Psychological Review (Volume 103, No. 3) that is worth looking up. Clearly explain both programs with examples before comparing and contrasting.
  3. What is the case to be made for and against multiple memory systems? How has neuropsychological data informed this issue over the past several decades? You might want to begin by listening to the memory lecture and doing the associated readings, and then follow up with other sources. The Memory chapter in Gazzaniga, Ivry, and Magnan textbook “Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind” has some good relevant material.
  4. How has neuropsychological data informed cognitive theories of reasoning over the past several decades? Begin your readings with the Goel and Waechter (2019) Chapter in Topic 7 and then follow up with other sources.
  5. What does cognitive psychology have to say about creativity? What are the basic models? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these models? Start with the Goel reading on creativity in Topic 9 and then follow up with other sources.

What is the case to be made for and against multiple memory systems How has neuropsychological data informed

What is the case to be made for and against multiple memory systems How has neuropsychological data informed

  1. Discuss the relationship between the “associative mind” endorsed by the behavioural psychologists and the “cognitive mind” endorsed by cognitive psychologists. Offer a characterization of each, noting their strengths and weaknesses. Does one capture human behaviour better than the other or do we need both? Begin your readings with Chapters 4 and 5 from Goel’s Reason and Less (Topics 1 & 2) and then follow up with other sources.
  2. Compare and contrast Tversky and Kahneman’s program of heuristics and biases in decision-making with Gigerenzer’s program of “simple heuristics.” Start with the lecture material and then follow up with other sources. There was an interesting exchange that occurred between the two camps in 1996 in Psychological Review (Volume 103, No. 3) that is worth looking up. Clearly explain both programs with examples before comparing and contrasting.
  3. What is the case to be made for and against multiple memory systems? How has neuropsychological data informed this issue over the past several decades? You might want to begin by listening to the memory lecture and doing the associated readings, and then follow up with other sources. The Memory chapter in Gazzaniga, Ivry, and Magnan textbook “Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind” has some good relevant material.
  4. How has neuropsychological data informed cognitive theories of reasoning over the past several decades? Begin your readings with the Goel and Waechter (2019) Chapter in Topic 7 and then follow up with other sources.
  5. What does cognitive psychology have to say about creativity? What are the basic models? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these models? Start with the Goel reading on creativity in Topic 9 and then follow up with other sources.

Compare and contrast Tversky and Kahnemans program of heuristics and biases in decision-making

Compare and contrast Tversky and Kahnemans program of heuristics and biases in decision-making 

  1. Discuss the relationship between the “associative mind” endorsed by the behavioural psychologists and the “cognitive mind” endorsed by cognitive psychologists. Offer a characterization of each, noting their strengths and weaknesses. Does one capture human behaviour better than the other or do we need both? Begin your readings with Chapters 4 and 5 from Goel’s Reason and Less (Topics 1 & 2) and then follow up with other sources.
  2. Compare and contrast Tversky and Kahneman’s program of heuristics and biases in decision-making with Gigerenzer’s program of “simple heuristics.” Start with the lecture material and then follow up with other sources. There was an interesting exchange that occurred between the two camps in 1996 in Psychological Review (Volume 103, No. 3) that is worth looking up. Clearly explain both programs with examples before comparing and contrasting.
  3. What is the case to be made for and against multiple memory systems? How has neuropsychological data informed this issue over the past several decades? You might want to begin by listening to the memory lecture and doing the associated readings, and then follow up with other sources. The Memory chapter in Gazzaniga, Ivry, and Magnan textbook “Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind” has some good relevant material.
  4. How has neuropsychological data informed cognitive theories of reasoning over the past several decades? Begin your readings with the Goel and Waechter (2019) Chapter in Topic 7 and then follow up with other sources.
  5. What does cognitive psychology have to say about creativity? What are the basic models? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these models? Start with the Goel reading on creativity in Topic 9 and then follow up with other sources.

Discuss the relationship between the associative mind endorsed by the behavioural psychologists

Discuss the relationship between the associative mind endorsed by the behavioural psychologists

  1. Discuss the relationship between the “associative mind” endorsed by the behavioural psychologists and the “cognitive mind” endorsed by cognitive psychologists. Offer a characterization of each, noting their strengths and weaknesses. Does one capture human behaviour better than the other or do we need both? Begin your readings with Chapters 4 and 5 from Goel’s Reason and Less (Topics 1 & 2) and then follow up with other sources.
  2. Compare and contrast Tversky and Kahneman’s program of heuristics and biases in decision-making with Gigerenzer’s program of “simple heuristics.” Start with the lecture material and then follow up with other sources. There was an interesting exchange that occurred between the two camps in 1996 in Psychological Review (Volume 103, No. 3) that is worth looking up. Clearly explain both programs with examples before comparing and contrasting.
  3. What is the case to be made for and against multiple memory systems? How has neuropsychological data informed this issue over the past several decades? You might want to begin by listening to the memory lecture and doing the associated readings, and then follow up with other sources. The Memory chapter in Gazzaniga, Ivry, and Magnan textbook “Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind” has some good relevant material.
  4. How has neuropsychological data informed cognitive theories of reasoning over the past several decades? Begin your readings with the Goel and Waechter (2019) Chapter in Topic 7 and then follow up with other sources.
  5. What does cognitive psychology have to say about creativity? What are the basic models? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these models? Start with the Goel reading on creativity in Topic 9 and then follow up with other sources.

Mental Health Consultation

Mental Health Consultation

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a mental health professional providing a consultation to a colleague. Your colleague in this case happens to be a licensed clinical psychologist. Carefully review the PSY645 Fictional Mental Health Consultation Scenario (Links to an external site.) which provides information on your colleague’s patient and specific questions your colleague has posed to you as a consultant. Once you have reviewed the scenario, research a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles in the University Library related to the situation(s) presented in the scenario and how these have been approached and treated in previous cases.

Write an evaluation of the patient’s symptoms and presenting problems within the context of one theoretical orientation (e.g., psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, etc.). Summarize views of these symptoms and presenting problems within the context of at least one historical perspective and two theoretical orientations different from the one used in your evaluation (e.g.:, cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, integrative) in order to provide alternative viewpoints. To conclude, justify the use of diagnostic manuals and handbooks besides the DSM-5 that might be used to assess this prospective patient.

Biological influences on criminal behavior

Biological influences on criminal behavior

Use the textbook: Lyon, D.R & Welsh, A. (2017). The Psychology of Criminal and Violent Behavior Oxford, Ontario, Canada. ISBN-13: 978-0-19-901008-0. Go to Chater 1-3. Summarize in 5-7 pages. APA Style. You can add more sources. Thanks.

Psychology Poster

Psychology Poster

What is a Scientific Poster?

A scientific poster is a document that visually communicates research findings. There are two primary purposes for presentation of research findings in poster format: (1) getting your main point(s) across to as many people as possible and (2) engaging others in discussion about your work.

Objectives: The overall goal of this assignment is for you to translate a primary journal article into a quality poster format, which you will then present to your colleagues. To achieve this goal your presentation should demonstrate:

  • Concise presentation of research topic/ question and conclusions
  • Clear depiction of results in graph or table format
  • APA format reference citations
  • Well-organized and attractive presentation

Components of the Poster: The following are required components of your poster presentation.

  • Title: For our purposes, this will be the title of the paper you are presenting.
  • Introduction: Get your reader interested in your question, using a minimum of background information.
  • Hypothesis
  • Methods: Briefly describe materials and methods.
    • Figures, tables, flow charts, pictures, etc. (when applicable) make the methods easily accessible.
  • Results: Figures and/or tables should be used to represent the results of your paper.
    • All figures and tables should have legends describing what they are presenting.
    • You MUST create your own graphics or recreate them in your PPT file. You cannot copy and paste graphics from the original journal article.
  • Summary and conclusions: Use words to summarize main findings.
    • Put them in context of other findings.
    • If appropriate, include future directions.
  • References
  • Acknowledgements: Specify any funding provided or technical/statistical assistance received

Effective Poster Presentations

  • Notes about text
    • Use text sparingly. Keep text in blocks of no more than 50-75 words.
    • Do not present text in paragraph style, bulleted lists are easier to read.
    • Use headings to help readers find what they are looking for.
    • Text should be large enough to read from 3-5 feet.
  • Notes about figures
    • Let figures and tables tell the story.
    • Results (in the form of figures/tables) should be located centrally on your poster.
  • Notes about aesthetics
    • Make sure your poster is well organized.
    • Information should proceed from top to bottom and left to right.
    • Avoid straining readers’ eyes by using dark text on a light background

Reminder about Plagiarism: Psychologists take plagiarism very seriously.

“Psychologists do not claim the words and ideas of another as their own; they give credit where credit is due” (APA, 2001, pp. 349).

This does not mean that you cannot discuss the ides of others in your assignments, but it does mean that whenever we mention these ideas, you must give credit to the appropriate person.

For this assignment, there should be NO DIRECT QUOTES from the paper you are presenting. You should paraphrase ideas in the paper and correctly cite any secondary source that the author used. Remember that paraphrasing is not simply changing the order of words or using a synonym for one of the words in the sentence. When you paraphrase, you should describe the entire idea in your own words and cite the source. For this assignment, you do not need to cite the original research paper for every idea (as it is understood that this information came from the original paper); however, you should cite the secondary sources that the author refers to. You should also include the citation for the original paper on your poster.

Poster Presentation:

Grading Rubric

Content Area Criteria Points


o  Is relevant previous research summarized effectively?

o  Are appropriate citations included?

o  Are key topics defined, as necessary?

o  Does this section explain why the research question is important?




o  Is the hypothesis clearly stated?

o  Is directionality specified, when appropriate?




o  Does the method adequately describe participants/subjects, materials, and procedures? Are appropriate citations included?

o  Does the author include an appropriate amount of detail?




o  Does the author use figures and tables to depict results effectively?

(Note: You must create your own figures/tables)

o  Can all figures and tables be easily understood? Are they labeled effectively?

o  Does the author summarize results accurately and completely?





o  Are the main findings summarized concisely and effectively?

o  Do the implications for research and practice follow logically from the background and results?

Format, Style, & Presentation


o  Is the flow of the poster easy to follow? Is it well organized?

o  Is the text size appropriate? Is it easy to read?

o  Is the poster eye-catching? Is it visually appealing?


Total Points   100




What drives the subjective feeling of well-being in old age

What drives the subjective feeling of well-being in old age

Empirical analysis and comparison of different measures to improve subjective well-being
– Life satisfaction
– Look back on life with happiness
– Meaningful life

Development of testable hypotheses for evaluation of experience and circumstances at different measures of subjective well-being (SWB)

Influence of present circumstances vs. past events

Data basis:
SHARE: Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, http://www.share-project.org/data-access.html
(data can be either be accessed individually or delivered for this assignment only)

Introductory literature (attached):
Clark, A. (2015). Is Happiness the Best Measure of Well-Being? Mimeo: Paris School of Economics.
Baumeister, R.F., K.D. Vohs, J.L. Aaker and E.N. Garbinsky (2013). Some key differences between a happy life and a meaningful life. Journal of Positive Psychology, 8(6): 505–16.

Topic belongs to:
new/modern political economy, public choice, public economics, economic behavior model

– Autor should best know how to use Excel, R (www.r-project.org) or, less welcome, Strata
– Thesis should consist of 20 pages, max. 8’000 words (appendix and references excluded)
– On Tuesday, October 6th, I need a disposition on 2-3 powerpoint slides or on a word document for a 5 minute presentation. It should include:
o Description and limitation of the problem
o Structured presentation of the ideas (“in the main part this and that will be done” etc), possibly a screenshot of the data from Stata or Excel
o Connection to the scientific literature (study of literature)
o Further planned working steps and structure
– Deadline for completion is November 15th
– Will also need 10 slides for a 15-minute presentation of the work by then, with following contents:
o Short presentation of the topic
o Problem definition
o Red thread of the thesis
o Most important arguments and findings
o Reference to open questions or problems encountered while working

Aspergers Syndrome effects it has on a childs development and how it relates to Autism

Aspergers Syndrome effects it has on a childs development and how it relates to Autism

You will select a topic related to developmental psychology.
Since this is a writing intensive class, you will need to write a 6-7 page paper on this topic. The 6 to 7
pages is content only. You will need a topic page and a works cited page in addition to the 6 to 7
pages of content. 5 sources are required for use in your research paper. Wikipedia cannot be utilized.
MLA Style format