Create Hypothetical Case Using Graph

Create Hypothetical Case Using Graph

In this discussion, we will examine the components of research data.

Select one of the two graphs and post a hypothetical experiment that corresponds to the graph.

Define the groups, conditions (x axis), and outcome (dependent variabljvze) that was measured (y axis).

Research Proposal

Research Proposal

The object of a project is to record the academic activity of a student in a structured framework that gives a reasonably consistent appearance to the work done at the project level to encourage the comprehension of the academic work of students by people who are not familiar with the particular work presented, but who are familiar with professional writing in general.

The Project provides opportunities for students to plan, complete, interpret, and report research

The work should demonstrate the following from the student concerning the field of study:

▪  Student should have awareness and understanding of important current work in the field of research.

▪  Student should get the ability to plan a research activity in their thesis.

▪  Student must have knowledge and motivation to carry out the planned research activity.

▪  Student should have ability to analyze the results of the research.

▪  Student should have the ability to draw reasonable conclusions from the research.

▪  Student should have the ability to complete a written description of the work in the form of a well-written, properly organized thesis.

▪  And also, student should have Ability to complete a thesis with potential for presentation at and/or participation in professional meetings and/or publication in scholarly journals.

Attached some suggested, but not limited to, topics related to students studied courses

▪  Quality Management in Software Industry

▪  A Study on Continuous Improvement Process

▪  Effectiveness of Six sigma Projects

▪  Cost reduction through Quality Approach

▪  A Study on Just in Time in specific manufacturing Company

▪  Total Productive maintenance in specific manufacturing Company

▪  Customer Satisfaction through TQM Approach

▪  Quality Management in Healthcare sector

▪  Supply Chain Management

▪  Study on Kaizen and its implementation

▪  Applying TQM in High Education

▪  Applying TQM in Industry Sector


Your project is divided into two parts:

First part

You are required to present detailed introduction and literature review about the topic you are interested in.

Second part

You must make a search and to select a recent paper which describes a case study about your chosen topic. So, In the second part of your project you must well explain the chosen case.

Observational research thesis may use all the following components while innovative thesis may only use the first four components or may include alternate formats depending on the nature of the study.

  1. Title Page – including the title of the study, the University name and Logo, students’ names, and students’ ID,
  2. Introduction – brief overview explaining the background and importance of the study.
  3. Statement of Problem – specifically what the researcher wants to know.
  4. Purpose of the Study – explanation of the problem and what the researcher hopes to achieve by conducting the study.
  5. Theoretical framework, research questions, or objectives – used to guide the direction of the research: format to be determined by the department.
  6. Definition of Terms – clarification of any terminology in the study that may not be commonly known; provides a similar interpretation for all readers of the study.
  7. Literature Review – sufficient review of the relevant research to demonstrate an understanding of the subject and major components.
  8. Research Design – describes the methods that will be used to collect data or organize creative products. May include the following:
  9. Description of the design
    b. Criteria for judging credibility and trustworthiness of results (where relevant)
  10. Sampling – describe the aspects of the cases on which data collection and analysis will focus (where relevant)
  11. Indicating how access to the study population will be achieved.
  12. Variables – describing aspects of the cases on which data collection and analysis will focus (where relevant).
  13. Methods of Data Collection – explain how each variable will be measured (where relevant)
  14. Data Analysis Procedures – describing the use of interpretational, structural, or reflective methods (where relevant)
  15. Timeline – providing a timeline listing the order for all the major steps of the study and indicate the approximate amount of time needed for each step.
  16. Texts/ historical events/ case studies to be analyzed, with some sense of the conclusions that the writer might be tending toward and of the way the argument/analysis is positioned in relation to existing scholarship on the subject.

NOTE… Do not miss writing all cited references in your project using one of the know referencing styles.


Sampling Methods in Research

Sampling Methods in Research

  1. What sampling method or plan was used by the authors in this study?
  • Simple random sampling
  • Convenience sampling
  • Systematic sampling
  • Network sampling
  1. According to Grove and Gray (2019), which of the following best describes the potential biases of this sampling method

This is a strong probability sampling method with very little potential for bias.

This method is used when an ordered list of all members of the population are available, and provides a random but not equal chance for inclusion in the study.

This method provides little opportunity to control for bias because subjects are included in the study merely because they happen to be in the right place at the right time.

This method is specific to the individuals who were recruited and the information gained cannot be generalized to others who don’t share these types of experiences.

None of the above biases best describe the sampling method chosen by the author.

  1. What was the final sample size reported by the authors for this study?

21 pairs of patients and caregivers

148 pairs of patients and caregivers

127 pairs of patients and caregivers

Unknown/cannot be determined

  1. Was a power analysis conducted? If so, which statement best describes the results of the power analysis?

The authors mention that a power analysis was conducted using a power of 0.8, an alpha value of 0.5, and a moderate effect size.

The authors mention that an power analysis was conducted, and 127 matched pairs were determined to be needed for the study.

The authors do not report that a power analysis was conducted.

No answer text provided

  1. Which of these statements would be considered to be specific inclusion criterion for the sample in the research article

The participants are able to understand English.

The participants are 20 years of age or older.

The participants are associated with a teaching hospital in Taiwan.

No inclusion criteria were specifically reported by the authors.

  1. Which of these statements would be considered to be exclusion criterion specifically identified by the author for the sample in the research article

The participants are not able to understand English

The participants hired a foreign worker after discharge.

The participants have been in the caregiver role for less than 3 months

No exclusion criteria were specifically reported by the authors

  1. What is the acceptance rate for this study? (Hint: see page 232 in your text


127/148 X 100% = 85%

21/127 X 100% = 16

No answer text provided.

  1. Which of the following would be accurate for the attrition rate for this study?

21/127 X 100% = 16%

127/148 X 100% = 85%

This was a cross-sectional study so the concept of attrition does not apply

No answer text provided.

  1. What was the setting for this research study? Briefly describe the setting and indicate whether it was appropriate for conducting this study.

The setting for this study was a highly controlled setting and was appropriate for this study’s research design.

The setting for this study was not well described by the authors and therefore not appropriate for conducting this study.

The setting for this study was a natural or field setting and was appropriate for this study’s research design.

No answer text provided.

  1. Which of these questionnaires, scales, or physiologic measures are used in this research study?

The Common Sense Model of Illness Representation (CSMIR)

The Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised-Trauma (the Chinese IPQ-R-Trauma)

The Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised (IPQ-R)

No answer text provided.

  1. How do the authors describe the CURRENT reliability of the Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised-Trauma (the Chinese IPQ-R-Trauma)?

They stated that the instrument has well-established evidence of reliability from previous studie

They tested the current group of subjects using two different versions of the same scale (alternate forms reliability).

They computed a Cronbach’s alpha on the scale for each group of subjects.

They allowed the participants to complete the questionnaire in a location of their own choice.

  1. How do the authors describe the validity of the Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised-Trauma (the Chinese IPQ-R-Trauma) used in this study

Content validity was established for the Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised-Trauma (the Chinese IPQ-R-Trauma) prior to being used in this study.

An item-level content validity index (I-CVI) for the Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised-Trauma (the Chinese IPQ-R-Trauma) was determined by five trauma experts.

The Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised-Trauma (the Chinese IPQ-R-Trauma) was examined by face, construct, and discriminant validity methods

The readability levels were identified prior to being used in this study.

  1. What types of questionnaires or surveys were used in this research study?

(Select all that apply

The authors developed the Common Sense Model of Illness Representation (CSMIR)

The authors developed their own questions to ask about demographic information.

Interviews were reportedly used, but the author does not explain what was included in them.

The authors used previously developed questionnaires or surveys to assess the illness perceptions of patients and their caregivers.

The authors developed their own questions to assess illness perceptions.

This study did not use any questionnaires or surveys.

  1. Were any physiological measurements collected from the subjects for the purpose of this study?



No answer text provided.


  1. Which of the following best describes the data collection process used in this study?

(Select all that apply)

Participants were contacted by phone by a nurse researcher.

Participants were given the questionnaires before or after outpatient department consultations.

Questionnaires/surveys were mailed to the participants and returned in a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Researchers consented participants after a face-to-face discussion of the study.

Clinical data of the injured patients were obtained from medical records. 

  1. Based on the study’s data collection methods, if there were more than one data collector, would an estimation of inter-rater reliability be an important concept for the authors to report on for this study?

Yes, and the authors reported their efforts to achieve inter-rater reliability.

Yes, but the authors do not discuss any efforts to achieve inter-rater reliability.

No, the issue of inter-rater reliability does not apply here.

 No answer text provided.

  1. What descriptive statistics are used in this study? (Select all that apply)




standard deviation

percentage distributions


Independent sample t-tests


  1. Which of these inferential statistics were used to examine the data obtained from the participants? (Select all that apply)

Pearson correlations


Factor Analysis

Paired sample t-tests

Analysis of variances

Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient

Independent-sample t-tests

Logistic regression analysis

z score

None of the above inferential statistics were used in this study.


  1. What is the level of significance (alpha level) set for this study?









An alpha level or level of significance chosen by the authors was not specifically mentioned in the text of the article. 

  1. There are several statistically significant findings in this study. Which statement from the article would be considered a significant result?

Both patients and the caregivers perceived an average of six to seven physical symptoms caused by the injury, but the mean subscale scores for causes among both patients and caregivers were low, indicating that both groups had weak perceptions about the reasons for injury (t = -2.15, p = .033).

The average score for patients on the control/cure subscale was 3.71 (SD = 0.72).

Approximately 69% of caregivers did not share care responsibilities.

Caregivers who did not share caring responsibilities perceived better control or cure than did those who had someone to share their care work (t = -3.38, p = .001). 


  1. Which one of these statements from the article would be considered a non-significant result?

Caregivers perceived more physical symptoms, believed that the time required to recover would be longer, and saw more consequences when they cared for an injured patient alone.

Both patients and the caregivers perceived an average of six to seven physical symptoms caused by the injury, but the mean subscale scores for causes among both patients and caregivers were low, indicating that both groups had weak perceptions about the reasons for injury (t = -2.15, p = .033).


Caregivers who did not share caring responsibilities perceived better control or cure than did those who had someone to share their care work (t = -3.38, p = .001).


Caregivers had positive perceptions on controlling or curing the injury when they cared for patients alone.


  1. Which one of these statements from the article would be considered clinically important?

Patients and caregivers held similar illness perceptions toward the injury in this study.

In this study, 70% of the patients were injured by vehicle accidents, while 30% were injured by falls.

It is essential that clinicians help those patients and caregivers to express and organize any discrepancies between their illness representations and the medical treatments the patients are given.

The average score for patients on the control/cure subscale was 3.71 (SD = 0.72). 

  1. Which statements below, as reported by the author, would be considered a limitation of the study? (Select all that apply)

The study population included a convenience sample of patients and caregivers recruited from a teaching hospital in Taiwan.

Health care providers must recognize the importance of caregiver illness representations.

Future studies of caregivers should compare caregivers who receive supportive services to those who do not.

The cross-sectional nature of the present study precludes learning about changes over time for any of the target variables. 

  1. Which of these statements would be considered a statement regarding the generalization of these results?

The sample included patients with injury and their caregivers recruited from a teaching hospital in Taiwan and therefore decreases the ability to generalize to all patients with injury and their caregivers.

The results of this study can be generalized to caregivers of patients with severe brain injuries or stroke.

The Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised-Trauma (the Chinese IPQ-R-Trauma) has demonstrated acceptable reliability and validity in this and previous studies; as such, the results of this study can be generalized to all patients with injury and their caregivers.

The sample included patients with injury and their caregivers recruited from a teaching hospital in Taiwan and therefore the results of this study can be generalized without caution to all patients with injury and their caregivers from all teaching hospitals in Taiwan. 

  1. Which of these statements from the article would be considered a recommendation for future studies? (Select all that apply)

There were no significant differences in the scores for seven of the eight subscales between the patients and caregivers.

Determining whether or not these findings are translatable to other cultures may require further investigation.

Injury severity might be a significant factor for illness representations, but further testing is required to make a clear determination in that regard.

These results may indicate that being admitted to an ICU typically means that the patient has a more serious injury, which may cause many problems for the caregiver.



Research in Psychology

Research in Psychology

Use the following research study to answer questions 35 – 45.
After careful observation, Jaime finds that when children eat a lot of sugar they tend to become
aggressive. She decided to do a research study to try to confirm this is the case. Specifically,
Jaime is testing whether eating five sugar candy bars in the morning will cause aggression in an
afternoon “play- date” of five year olds. Jaime separates the five-year-olds into three groups.
Group A got five candy bars; Group B got five sugar-free candy bars; and Group C got no candy
bars. Upon doing a behavioral and statistical analysis, Jaime found that group A was
significantly more aggressive during the play-date than group B and Group Label the following:
35. Theory:_____________
36. Hypothesis:_______________
37. Experimental Group(s): ______________
38. Control Group (s):_______________
39. Dependent variable:______________
40. Independent Variable_______
41. Placebo: ___________
42. What is the operational definition of “a lot” of sugar in this research study?
43. Is there another variable in this study that requires an operational definition? ____________
44. If so, which? If not, why?_________
45. Suppose that Jaime was extremely pleasant and accommodating to group A. What would
this be an example of?___________
51. True or False: Key issues in psychology, should be viewed as being on an opposite end of
a continuum.
52. True or False: Scientists have found that new neurons cannot be created past the age of 21,
when the brain fully matures.
53. True or False: Theories provide a framework for understanding relationships among a set of
otherwise unorganized facts or principles
54. True or False: By employing both experimental and control groups in an experiment,
researchers are able to rule out the possibility that something other than the experimental
manipulation produced the results observed in the experiment.
55. True or False: Oxytocin is a hormone that is at the root of many of life’s satisfactions and
56. True or False: The ultimate processing of visual images takes place in the retina, where the
most complex kinds of processing occur.
57. True or False: The first true laboratory for the study of psychology was set up by Sigmund
58. True or False: Some neurons are capable of firing as many as 1,000 times per second
. 59. True or False: Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s inabillty to change throughout the life
60. True or False: Evolution has produced a neural transmission system that at some points has
no need for a structural connection between its components
61. True or False: The autonomic division in the nervous system plays a crucial role during
62. True or False: Using random assignment in experimentation, increases the chances that
each of the groups being studied will have approximately the same proportion of individual
63. True or False: During REM sleep, the major muscles of the body appear to be paralyzed.
64. True or False: Mirror neurons are important because they may help explain how and why
humans have the capacity to understand others’ intentions and may be the root of empathy.
65. True or False: Dreams are less likely to occur in the REM period.
66. True or False: Correlational studies can yield cause and effect results if conducted using
the scientific method.
67. True or False: The brain’s integration of visual information occurs in a single step and
68. True or False: The nervous system is the pathway for the instructions that permit our bodies
to carry out precise activities.
69. True or False: Neurons, or nerve cells are the basic elements of the nervous system.
70. True or False: Damage to the right side of the brain is typically indicated by functioning
difficulties in the right side of the body and vice versa
. 71. True or False: Experiments are the only form of research that can determine cause and
effect relationships.
72. True or False: The hemispheres of the brain work independently in deciphering, interpreting,
and reacting to the world.
73. True or False: Weber’s law helps to explain why a person in a quiet room is more startled
by the ringing of a cell phone than a person in an already noisy room.
74. True or False: Judgments of sensory stimuli are affected by the context in which the
judgements are made .
75. True or false: messages that travel through a neuron are electrical in nature.

Anatomy research

Topic: anatomy research

Paper details:

Information Literacy Project Instructions

Topic: see below of chose your own (approved by me, if someone else has it, I will give you the opportunity to select from an updated list again, should there be a conflict a 2nd time, I will select the topic myself.).

Please keep in mind the complexity of each one of the topics is similar, so do not aim for familiar topics only, this will lead to more conflicts with many people selecting same topics(Ex. Pneumonia, Anemia, Diabetes).

Due: Dec 17 by the end of the day (11:59pm) week 13.


Must have a Cover Page (Title, Your Name, Date, Class, and Instructor’s Name)

Body of the paper: minimum 5 pages of text (APA format)


Citations also need to be included within the paper itself.

Times New Roman, single spaced, 12 font, 1 in margins.

space between bullets (1.15 max)





Pathophysiology (Causes)

Signs and Symptoms





Complications(if any)


Reference page (at least 3 references) – APA format.


DO NOT list your textbook, dictionary, or wikipedia as a reference.


DO NOT COPY & PASTE anything from the Internet. Find the information, read it, and summarize it using your own words.  Any plagiarism will result in a zero grade for the paper.


Needs to be submitted through safe assign (check Announcements page and click on link)

Safe Assign is a program that checks for plagiarism (nothing over 30% will be accepted)


Don’t wait until last minute to write the paper, start now and have it ready before the due date.


Failure to submit the paper on time will result in a ZERO grade.


Failure to follow these instructions to the letter, will reduce your paper grade (-5% for each infraction).


If you have any question please email me at







Cover Page


Body of paper – minimum of 5 pages



Followed Outline




References cited – minimum 3





Spelling, Grammar, Organization












List of topics to select your Reseach Project:







Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease

Anemia of Inflammation and Chronic Disease

Aplastic Anemia


Immune Thrombocytopenia

Iron-Deficiency Anemia


Pernicious Anemia

Sickle Cell Anemia








Acute Myocardial Infarction


Congestive Heart Failure

Aortic Dissection

Aortic Aneurysm


Mitral Stenosis

Aortic Stenosis








Community acquired Pneumonia

Aspiration Pneumonia




Lung Cancer(Small Cell subtype)

Pulmonary Embolism






Diabetes Mellitus Type I

Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Pituitary Adenoma

Grave’s Disease

Diabetes Insipidus

Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH secretion.



Thyroid Cancer







Myastenia Gravis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Myastenia Gravis

Lupus Erythematosus

Multiple Sclerosis


Erythroblastosis Fetalis

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome





Urinary Tract Infection(UTI)


Nephrotic Syndrome


Renal Calculi

Polycystic Disease

Adenocarcinoma of the Kidney





Premenstrual Syndrome


Trichomonas Vaginitis

Pelvic Inflamatory Disease


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Breast Cancer

Cervical Cancer

Ectopic Pregnancy



Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia




Prostatic Cancer



(My topic is Prostatic Cancer)

Personality Research

Personality Research 

All assignments MUST be typed and double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English.

The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work.

You must use and integrate the material presented in the course text and cite your work according to APA format.

Use of outside resources can be used to enhance the text information, but cannot replace the text.

Do not copy the questions in your responses. book Cervone, D., & Pervin, L. A. (2019).  Personality: Theory and research. John Wiley & Sons.

Packet Analysis Using Wireshark and Other Methods

Compare and contrast Term Research Paper – Packet analysis using Wireshark and other methods 

Assignment Instructions
Students will research, develop and submit a Term Paper that meets the below requirements. This topic builds of the previous assignments (Paper Topic, Paper Outline). The student has a topic, an outline, and now builds on this to meet this requirement. The student will create and submit an academic research paper, (of at least five and no more than seven pages). Use the APA format, 5-7 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Ariel Fonts, and list all references.

Research Proposal for Masters Class

Research Proposal for Masters Class 
LENGTH: This proposal should be no more than 3,000 words, excluding title/contents page,
appendix and bibliography, but including text in tables and footnotes. You are recommended to
use single line spacing and a plain serif (e.g. Times New Roman) or sans serif (e.g. Arial) font in

font size 11. Advisory lengths for each section of the assignment are provided in brackets
FORMAT: A Microsoft Word or PDF document, with numbered pages.
CONTENT: There is no one ‘correct’ way to write a research design, but here are some
GUIDELINES you should consider. In general, please be as specific as possible about your
questions and hypotheses, definitions, case selections and strategies, measurement and
variables coding etc., and methods of data analysis. We all feel uncertain about whether we’re
‘getting it right’ when we put together a research design, but don’t let uncertainty stand in the way
of specificity! Explain important uncertainties, rather than hiding them.
1. Background/literature review (~2 pages)
Don’t be tempted to dedicate ‘too much’ space to the background/literature review section.
Around two pages should suffice. An effective literature review is one that shows how your
research question(s) is situated in the relevant literature in your field, not one that demonstrates
that you have read a lot of that literature. So don’t include lots of literature on related topics that
are not specifically relevant to your contribution. The literature review introduces us to the
broader landscape of research that gives rise to your research question(s), which are in a sense
your ‘point of departure’ from what has already been published.
The literature review can begin with a wide angle view, but it should move quite quickly to focus
on research/concepts/theory/controversies in those areas that are relevant to your research

questions. Because the literature review ought to set up your research questions, those
questions should emerge quite organically from the literature review section. In other words, the
‘fit’ between the literature review and the research questions should be obvious.
2. Research questions (~1 short paragraph [equivalent])
Research questions may be exploratory or confirmatory, inductive or deductive, descriptive or
explanatory, or may not tidily correspond to any of these categories. Regardless of which of
these they are, they need to be clearly and explicitly stated (e.g. set out or listed as an
overarching research question with sub-questions) and should be clearly motivated by the
content of the preceding background/literature review section. And make sure that they are
actually questions (rather than statements or assumptions)!
3. Data collection plan (~1-3 pages)
You need to be very clear in describing the data/evidence that you are using and how the
variables or concepts are measured and/or coded. Describe and justify, as concretely as
possible, your proposed case selection and/or sampling strategies and the data collection
methods you propose to use, within the practical limitations of your project and timeframe. What
are the strengths and weaknesses of the choices that you have made?
4. Data analysis plan (~1-3 pages)
Given the decisions you have made about your topic, research questions and data collection –
what are the most appropriate forms of analysis? Here you should discuss the analytic method

and how it helps answer the question. Note that software is not a method: we do not care if you
use Nvivo or Stata, we do care if you use thematic analysis or logistic regression.
5. Potential findings, impact and relevance of the study (~0.5-1 page)
As this is a piece of research design you cannot describe the findings of your study. However, we
would like you to anticipate how you could expect your research to make a difference (to the
topic and/or disciplinary field at hand and taking into account the type/s of research question/s
posed). What findings do you expect, and what findings, if any, would be surprising or contradict
your expectations/theoretical stance? How could such findings, whether expected or unexpected,
impact the academic literature/policy/practice/public life [as relevant to your topic and design]?
6. Limitations and further research (~0.5-1 page)
Here you should discuss the limitations of your design as currently conceived. There are different
kinds of limitations. One kind to consider is how aspects of your research design limit what you
can know, or claim, as part of your outcomes. For example, questions on internal and external
validity are common limitations, as are reliability and validity of measurement. You may only be
doing part 1 of what is a 3- part research project. You may be doing what is effectively a pilot
study. Another limiting factor can be ethical issues that arise from your research design.

7. References
Please include proper in-text citations and a reference list, consistently using a standard

reference format. You are advised to provide references for both the substantive and the
methodological content of your proposal. We would typically expect to see around one page of
cited references listed.

Starbucks Research Review. Starbucks Internal and External Analysis. PESTEL, PESTLE, SWOT Analysis, Five Forces Analysis

Starbucks Research Review. Starbucks PESTEL, PESTLE, SWOT Analysis, Five Forces Analysis

The content of the report will include:

(a) a brief introduction and history of your firm,

(b) a critique of its mission, vision, and key goals,

(c) PESTL, SWOT, and Five Forces Analysis for its industry or strategic group,

(d) discussion of its key resources, capabilities, and competencies (including financial analyses and perhaps a value chain analysis),

(e ) a discussion of the key strategies that the company was pursuing at the time the case ended,

(f) an update of the case to include
(i) outcomes of the strategies discussed in the case,

(ii) description and evaluation of any new, major strategies since the time the case ended,

(iii) discussion of alternative, viable strategies
recommended by your group going forward

Research Summary of Recent Research Article

  1. Select an article

Find a current research article related to the topic you have chosen. Current means published online in 2020. Research means academic in nature and coming from a reputable medical journal.

  1. Reading

Once topic and article are approved, download the article in WORD (double spacing which will enable you to mark the article).

Make a first SKIM of the whole article, making hand written notes for yourself while skimming – paying attention to associations or suppositions that come to mind while reading, old or previous views of the topic versus current or new views, alternative views, controversy, disagreements or debates which arise.

On your second SKIM, you should be ready to mark (highlight) the article for main ideas, background information, hypothesis statement, research question, research methodology, results, controversy, alternative views, examples, studies, names of various researchers and experiments.

Use a code for marking the paper:

MI = main idea

BI = background information (historical overview of the topic)

HYP = hypothesis statement

RQ = research question

METH = methodology

EXP = experiment (1,2,3)

EVID = evidence, that supports a claim

RES =results, findings

CONT = controversy (alternative views, debate, disagreement)

DISC = discussion of the results

CONC = conclusion/s,

APP = future applications

Writing a Summary

Your summary should commence with the title of the article, the researcher/s, the source (publication and date). Then you can introduce the major ideas and topics.

The major points which should be included in your summary are the main claim, hypothesis, evidence and conclusions. No more than 300 words. Please use simple sentences and check your spelling and grammar before sending!

Research study about marketing

Topic: Research study about marketing

4. Choose a local service business and conduct a market research study. Develop questions for management that deal with determining the business’s intended target market. Management should also be questioned as to general impressions concerning customer desires with regard to products being marketed. After management opinion has been determined, a consumer survey should be conducted to determine who the actual customer is… and what their desires and preferences actually are… A comparison should then be made between management and consumer results. You can find any resources related to​ the topic I mentioned either from a ​book or website and put these things together as an essay, which requires 6-8 pages.

Medical Ethics research paper format (thesis paper) 

Medical Ethics research paper format (thesis paper)
1. Format (1) Topic (2) Abstract (including: introduction, methods, results and conclusion) (3) Texts – Introduction –Methods –Results –Discussion –Conclusion -Ethical disclosure (4) References
2. Plagiarism Please use “Turnitin” to test, and put your attachment after references. In addition, please control the whole paper, that means, from topic to reference part, no more than 15%. Please note: You may choose any other free software instead, but you must put the proof after references.
3. Words (1) Please use subtitle as: 1. (Times New Roman, 11, Capital, bold) 1.1 (Times New Roman, 11.5, bold, italics) 1.1.1 (Times New Roman, 9.5, bold) (2) other texts with Times New Roman, 9.5, Reference with Times New Roman, 10
(3) words more than 3000

Research Methods Discussion


For this discussion, you will be engaging in a mini-qualitative experience.

Choose one of the following Methods to complete your discussion assignment:

1.  Interview: To utilize this method (Intensive Interviewing), you will need to:

1.  Identify a person with expertise or experience in your topic area

2.  Develop an outline with questions and follow questions to drill down.

3.  Record the conversation – notes, audio, or video

2.  Observation: To utilize this method you will need to select an Overt or Covert structure and plan for a way to record what you observe – field notes or audio/ video recording.

1.  Overt observation: go to a public place, e.g., shopping center, sporting event, etc. and observe the individuals & environment for at least 1 hour.

2.  Covert observation: there are so many live webcams from zoos to Disney World. Observe the video stream for at least 1 hour and observe the individuals & environment.

3.  Netnography (virtual ethnography): To utilize this method, you will need to select an online community to study. Due to the online constraints you will not be able to view this community for very long. That stated, you will need to spend enough time with the online community to identify:

1.  Characteristics of the group

2.  Customs/ practices, and possibly language usage of the group

3.  Social processes, hierarchies, interactions of members

4.  Note: this method requires a great deal of time and an emphasis on description.

4.  Focus Group: To utilize this method, you will need to select a group of no less than 7 individuals and:

1.  Focus group leader actively encourages discussion among participants on the topics of interest.

2.  It’s generally best to have group members be strangers and avoid power differentials.

3.  Usually groups are, by design, homogeneous by categories one wants to compare.

4.  The outcomes emphasize discovering unanticipated findings and exploring hidden meanings.


·  Present the following in the discussion thread:

o  Qualitative Method type and a brief overview of your procedure (This includes an questions you created/ used, place, time, etc.)

o  A brief statement of the outcomes of your inquiry

o  A brief statement of the strengths and weaknesses of your inquiry.