Research Article Summary

Summarize the following article

Barling, J., Zacharatos, A., & Hepburn, C. G. (1999). Parents’ job insecurity affects children’s academic performance through cognitive difficulties. Journal of Applied Psychology, 84(3), 437.

Research proposal (plus bibliography) (2,000 words)

Required Component:
 Research proposal (plus bibliography) (2,000 words)
This assessment gives you the opportunity to independently plan a research study and review how you would pursue this project. The research proposal should outline how you would conduct an innovative research project on a criminological topic, explain its relevance to existing literature, and discuss the methods and approach you would use.
The research proposal should include:
 Your research question(s) with an explanation of why these are sociologically and criminologically interesting, making reference to relevant bodies of literature;
 A literature review on the topic showing how your project would contribute to original and valuable knowledge in the field;
 An account of the research design you propose to use to address these questions. You are encouraged to refer to pilot research that you have carried out in the course where appropriate (e.g., your ethnography or survey group work);
 A discussion of the ethical issues raised by the research project;
 An account of how you would plan to analyse the data;
 A discussion of any practical problems you expect to come across during the research process and reflections on how you might address these (e.g., potential issues of access); and
 A bibliography (Harvard style).
You will also be assessed on your writing style and grammar. You are expected to use a formal academic writing style with the correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations. Ensure you carefully proofread and edit your proposal before you submit it.

Research Method in Sports Management

After graduation, you begin a new job in the sport and fitness management field. After two
months in your position, your supervisor has asked that you design and execute a research
project in order to better conduct the business of your specific field. Your project must include a
survey/questionnaire of some type.
Describe how you would conduct this research project for your new employer. Design a research
project and answer the following questions.
1. What is the sample which will be examined in the study, and how 2. will the sample be
3. What are the items to be selected for the questionnaire?
4. What is the arrangement and format of the items on the questionnaire?
Incorporating your stats knowledge from SFM 6604, discuss how you would go about measuring
and analyzing the results of the survey data?

Research Article Critique Paper

Research Article Critique Instructions

Research Article Critique Instructions 

1) Read the following article: 

Coughlan, M., Cronin, P., & Ryan, F. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: quantitative research. British Journal of Nursing, 16(11), 658-663. (uploaded separately)

2) Use “Table 1. Research questions – guidelines for critiquing a quantitative research study” on page 659 of the article as a framework to critique an evidence-based research study  “The Work of Adult and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Nurses” (Uploaded separately).

3) Submit your research article critique as a 3-4 page, APA formatted paper (e.g. 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced).

4) Use uploaded Rubric/Checklist to make sure all the required points are covered.

Employee Satisfaction Research Paper


This assignment has three (3) parts, please clearly indicate these parts as distinct sections of
your Qualitative Research Proposal. You can prepare for these assignments using the guidelines
for each part as set out by the related tutorial worksheets, but the completed worksheets cannot
be handed in instead of a well-written and well-presented proposal assignment. Do not forget to
include your name at the top.
Research Proposal (10 Marks)
Interview Guide (5 Marks)
Shooting Guide (5 Marks)

Part 1. Research Proposal (10 points):
Please review the ‘Research Questions Worksheet’ and lecture notes from Week 3 to
understand the distinct questions that must be clearly answered within your research proposal.
You will be marked on the following components of your research proposal:
5 points: Introduction, Research Problem, and Questions (400 words MAX)
Introduce the Goal of the Research; define and justify the Basic Research Model being employed
Discuss the Problem, Issue, or Critical Focus identified as your core Research Problem, include
specific Delimitations of this Topic
List your Research Questions + Define the Types of Research Questions that you have chosen
to use
Indicate the Units of Analysis that will be engaged by your research questions and discuss why
they are important for your research proposal.
5 points: Literature Review and Reflections on the Research Problem (500 words MAX)
Use academic sources to discuss what previous research reveals about your topic.
Discuss the significance of this research issue for you, the community in question, or society in
Discuss the ethical considerations and limitations of a study using these methods?
Be sure to write with clarity, correct grammar and correct formatting for in-text citations with a reference list.
Part 2. Interview Guide (5 points):
Please review the ‘Interview Guide Worksheet’ and lecture notes from Week 4 to understand the
distinct components, interview guide sections, and types of questions that must clearly be
incorporated within this section. Revise and polish your interview guide as a separate section,
linked to your Qualitative Research Proposal. The interview guide must include the following
Develop in interview guide with:
3 clear sections (ie Generative Questions, Directive Questions, and Closing Questions)
15 primary questions (total across all of these sections), plus an additional 5 follow-up or probing
Indicate each question type in parenthesis beside the question.
Write a brief rationale (300 words MAX) explaining what you hope to accomplish across each
section of the interview guide, relating your interview questions to both the Research Questions
and Units of Analysis for your study. It may be useful to explain how your questions accomplish
the goal of each question type by ensuring that you answer the following questions:
Indicate and discuss your interview type and interview sample.
How do your questions and their ordering help build rapport and lead the interviewee towards
your research questions?
How do the different types of interview questions that you have used engage with your research questions?
How do your follow-up or probing questions engage with particular units of analysis?
Part 3. Shooting Guide (5 points):
Please review the ‘Photo-Documentation Shooting Guide Worksheet’ and lecture notes from
Week 5 to understand the guide format with shooting goals and shooting instructions, as well as
the questions that must be clearly incorporated in the rationale. Revise and polish your shooting
guide to as a separate section, linked to your Qualitative Research Proposal. The shooting guide
must include the following components:
Develop a shooting guide table (like used on the worksheet) consisting of 4 columns:
The sites/locations or actors expected to be captured in the photos.
Categorize each shooting instruction by labelling it with a shooting goal ‘type’.
List of the wider research questions (just put the #) and expected units of analysis to be captured
by the shooting instructions
At least 2 shooting instructions for each shooting goal for each site, representing the translation
of your research questions into instructions for photo documentation.
Discuss (300 words MAX) how photo-documentation of the chosen sites and samples relate to
your Research Question Answer the following questions:
Are the photos a way of evoking the lived world/experience of the participants? How?
Are the photos used to exemplify an analytical understanding of cultural practice? How?
What particular “Units of Analysis” are captured through the process of taking photos of particular sites or samples of people?
Discuss how your ‘shooting ‘goals’ answer your Research Questions. Be specific.
How will these ‘shooting goals’ compliment the data to be gathered from proposed interviews?

Ethical Principles for Research – beneficence, respect, and justice


The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects in Biomedical and Behavioral Research (the Belmont Report) in 1979 identified three ethical principles for research on humans: beneficence—maximizing good outcomes for humanity and research subjects while minimizing or avoiding risk or harm; respect—protecting the autonomy of all persons and treating them with courtesy and respect, including those who are most vulnerable; and justice—ensuring reasonable, nonexploitative, and well-considered procedures are administered fairly (the fair distribution of costs and benefits). These principles have been fashioned into the following ethical guidelines for researchers and evaluators to follow.

Guideline 1: Research Participants Must Be Volunteers—All of those participating in a research or evaluation effort should freely decide to do so without coercion of any kind. They must also be competent to understand their choices. If eligible participants are under age 18 or not considered able to fully comprehend the consent process due to mental impairment, their legal caretaker must give permission, and the participant still must assent. Although very young children are generally asked to orally assent to research procedures in language they can understand, the older the minor, the more the informed consent should conform to a written document like adults would receive.

Study participants’ right to self-determination must be respected, and their freedom to withdraw from the study at any time carefully protected. In most instances, IRBs require that consent forms are in writing and signed permission be obtained, but exceptions can be made and verbal consent with an information sheet used instead. Studies with no more than minimal risk are most likely to obtain this approval. Examples of approved waivers of signed consent include studies where the identities of participants would be anonymous except for the signed consent form, where cultural standards are violated by obtaining signed consent, and where there are legal, social, or economic risks involved in signing, for example, an HIV-positive participant whose identity would be made known.

Consent forms and information sheets provide general but brief information on the nature of the project and indicate that the participant is free to withdraw consent and to discontinue participation in the project at any time without any penalty or loss of benefits. When evaluating a social service program, it is vitally important that recipients of services fully understand these assurances. Evaluators can use a checklist to ensure that all the necessary informational items are contained in the consent forms

(Royse 42-43)

Royse, David. Program Evaluation: An Introduction to an Evidence-Based Approach, 6th Edition. Cengage Learning, 20150105. VitalBook file.

The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use.

Consent forms are not typically employed with mail, Internet, or telephone surveys unless the data being gathered are in some way sensitive (e.g., involve information about past or present drug use or illegal activities). In such cases, consent forms may need to be mailed in advance and consent obtained before the participant is contacted for data collection. When questionnaires or surveys are used with adults who are not part of a vulnerable population, the principle of implied consent may be used—that is, the act of participation is seen as giving informed consent.

A problem arises when potential participants feel that they cannot refuse consent. If they are on probation or parole, or receiving some form of public assistance, they may not feel free to refuse without putting themselves in some jeopardy. Clients in treatment for mental health problems, if approached by a clinician, may fear losing their therapist if they are critical of services. A homeless person could be considered “coerced” into participation by being offered a substantial financial incentive. This is when consultation with an IRB can come in handy—extra steps may be needed to allay suspicions and inform potential participants of their rights.

Human services professionals must be alert to the possibility that even good-naturedly encouraging clients to participate in research can be perceived as coercion. Because professionals are “gatekeepers” of services, clients can feel pressured into participating in order to gain access to or continue receiving services.

Guideline 2: Potential Participants Should Be Given Sufficient Information About the Study to Determine Any Possible Risks or Discomforts as Well as Benefits—Sufficient information includes an explanation of the purpose of the research, the expected duration of participation, the procedures to be followed, and the identification of any procedures that are experimental and/or can potentially cause harm. Participants should be given the opportunity to raise and have answered any questions about the study or any procedures that will be used. They must also be allowed to inquire at any time and have their questions answered. Consent forms should be written at a level of readability—a good rule of thumb is to try not to exceed a ninth- or tenth-grade reading level with adult populations. Further, the use of first person “I” seems to make the informed consent easier to understand than use of the second or third person.

Guideline 3: No Harm Shall Result as a Consequence of Participation in the Evaluation—Typically, there is much less possibility of harm resulting from research in the social or human services than from biomedical research. This does not mean, however, that harm cannot occur. This guideline would be violated, for instance, if an evaluator from a shelter contacted women some months after they had returned to an abusive partner and there was a risk that talking to researchers might trigger another episode of violence. Clients can also suffer emotional or psychological harm. Psychological risks could result from questions that upset participants or give them a sense that they are not as smart as some others. Without proper safeguards, asking questions about past traumatic or abusive episodes could make certain participants feel distressed or even re-traumatized.

Other risks to consider are those associated with damage to reputations and one’s employment if information about illegal or unsavory behaviors—drug use, stealing, lying, and so on—became known. An employee’s job could be jeopardized in an evaluation that asked for an honest appraisal of management if someone else in the agency was able to read or overhear responses that were critical of a supervisor.

Strict assurances of confidentiality must be breached by professionals in certain circumstances when they discover incidents of child or elder abuse since they are legally required to report these. Such a possibility must be noted in the consent form signed by research participants. In general, the “rule” favoring confidentiality should be superseded only by legal requirements and the potential for inadvertent harm should concern every evaluator. Unlike attorneys and physicians, researchers are not given immunity from legal action if a local prosecutor decides to subpoena data on illegal activities (an extremely rare event). One way to address this is to obtain a Federal Certificate of Confidentiality, which protects the researcher from having to disclose such information to the authorities. This certificate is relatively easy to obtain (see

Guideline 4: Protection of Sensitive Information—Privacy of research participants is protected by:

  • Allowing them to respond anonymously, if at all possible. If the research design cannot accommodate anonymity, protection is provided by:
  • Separating any personally identifying information from the research data through the use of numeric or other special codes. Where complete anonymity is not possible (a common occurrence in program evaluation), it is preferable to use code numbers to help guard against unauthorized persons accidentally recognizing or identifying program participants.

The privacy of research participants is further protected by not capturing or reporting personal information unless it is necessary to the study. Whether sensitive or not, all research data must be kept in locked cabinets or files until no longer needed, and then destroyed. (Material to be protected includes names of respondents, mailing lists, completed questionnaires, and transcripts of interviews.) Keep in mind that anonymity in research is very rare since the researchers almost always know who is participating (the exception being a survey without identifying information). What is universal in research is confidentiality, that is, guarding against any disclosure of participants’ identities and responses.

In health care, the federal government enacted legislation designed to protect the privacy of medical patients and their records. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 introduced sweeping changes in researchers’ access to medical records. Although a patient’s experience of HIPAA typically involves reading and signing an information sheet about medical privacy rights, researchers in health care must meet the challenges of HIPAA-related restrictions and the additional permissions that are required. Because hospital and medical institutions tend to interpret HIPAA requirements with varying degrees of strictness, researchers should consult closely with the IRBs under whose jurisdiction the study is being conducted. On a more encouraging note, many health care institutions and IRBs have HIPAA waiver forms for researchers to adapt to their needs. (For more information on the HIPAA Privacy Rule and federal and state government online resources, see and

The choice of methodology can affect how vulnerable a research participant may feel. Compared to qualitative methods that depend on in-depth information and use of verbatim quotes, quantitative methods offer greater protection via research findings presented as statistical aggregates (Padgett, 2012). On the other hand, qualitative research depends on establishing trust and this can reduce feelings of vulnerability. For qualitative evaluations, the challenge is to never report anything that could be traced back to a specific individual. For instance, it would be a serious mistake to use the following quotation to show the depth of employees’ feelings about a new director in a study of job satisfaction at a county-run social service agency:

  • I’ve been working abuse investigation longer than anyone else here—22 years—and I can say, without any doubt in my mind, that our new executive director doesn’t have a clue about how to do his job; I’m not sure he would even recognize an abused child if he saw one.

To protect privacy, many IRBs prefer that researchers recruit participants through flyers soliciting volunteers who contact them directly, but this mode of sampling may not conform to an evaluation’s design requirements. Other means of gaining access to eligible participants can take a number of forms. For example, an outside researcher may request that the agency contact clients through a letter informing them of the study and requesting their participation. If they give permission, client names, addresses, or phone numbers would be released to the researcher. If such contact conveys even a perception of coercion by the agency (and consequent fear of loss of services), the outside researcher may wish to reach out to clients directly by having study staff approach them in a waiting room or by letter and follow-up telephone call.

(Royse 43-47)

Royse, David. Program Evaluation: An Introduction to an Evidence-Based Approach, 6th Edition. Cengage Learning, 20150105. VitalBook file.

The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use.

360-degree Feedback Systems

Paper details
Research evaluating 360-degree feedback systems tends to demonstrate superior outcomes to
more traditional performance assessments. 360-degree systems rely upon multiple points of
evaluation including supervisors, peers, self-rating, subordinates, computer-based ratings, and in
some instances outside sources such as customers or clients. Discuss the advantages of a
multi-rater system to improve evaluation of leaders and subordinates. Examine the challenges of
the 360-degree feedback system especially considering how to increase rater agreement, frameof-reference, and how to ensure raters know what behaviors and characteristics comprise
effective performance. Lastly, analyze the future of 360-degree feedback and the inclusion of
computer-based assessment within a 360-degree feedback system.

General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.You are required to submit this
assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Write an essay (1,750-2,000 words) in which you will analyze the 360-degree feedback system.
In your essay address the following:
Examine the advantages of tjhe 360-degree feedback system.Evaluate the impact of 360-degree
feedback on leadership style from a theoretical perspective of leadership.Discuss an empirical
examination that challenges the 360-degree feedback system.Evaluate current and proposed
sources of information within 360-degree feedback.

Lean Six Sigma


** Research Paper: Prepare a research paper relating to one of the listed topics in the textbook, or on a topic that is related to quality engineering, or quality management. The research paper should be typed double-spaced, between 6 and 8 pages in length, with a minimum of 6 references. Your report MUST be written according to the APA documentation.

Research Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

Instructions for Research Proposal (1,550 words) and Annotated Bibliography (1,200 words):
a). Your proposal should provide a clear outline of your proposed research question and indicate why it is a significant and worthy topic of investigation. A strong thesis statement is required!! Also, your proposal should outline how you intend to organize and carry out your investigation and what examples or case studies you will use to illustrate your argument.
b). Annotated bibliography should have 2 scholarly sources (each should be 150 words), none of which are assigned as course readings. Each bibliographic entry should (1) provide a very brief summary of the source, and (2) a brief description of how it is appropriate to your chosen research topic.

U.S. Prison System (Research Paper)

Introduction (1 page)
Research Background (2 pages)
Literature review should total 3 pages (the theory section will be 1 page out of the 3)
Research Data/Method section (a table included)
Hypothical Method (2 pages)
10 (Citations)

The Catholic Church, Abortion and Birth Control

You are to write a research paper of 2000–2500 words of interest to you on the development, doctrines, figures, rituals, myths, OR philosophy of
one of the three religions covered in Units 2–4, i.e., Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. You are not allowed to compare two or more religious
traditions together for this paper.
You are to write your paper using secondary sources (books and journals) that are written by academic scholars about your topic.
You are to use 5 to 7 academic sources for your paper.
Do not assume that the reader of your paper has a scholarly background on the subject of your paper—provide sufficient information to allow a
reader to identify the issues in question.
Please use the MLA citation format when writing your essay

Opioid Abuse in Native Americans

Research Proposal (Research Paper/Research Project)

Please choose a topic, formulate a descriptive title, and write a coherent research paper that will incorporate the following points:
1. Define the problem (One to two paragraphs)For the definition of the problem portion of this assignment, you need to describe and explain the problems associated with your topic.
2. Research question (at least one sentence)A research question is the main question that will guide the entire paper; therefore, it must be addressed, usually in the discussion or conclusion section. As such, a research question is neither a rhetorical question nor a survey question. Tip to writing a good research question: transform your thesis statement into question. Please, formulate one or two research questions only.

Opioid Use and Addiction

Activity #1

I. Choose a topic you want to research about throughout the semester and formulate its title.
Then, answer to the following questions:
1. How does this topic relate to past/present concerns in my life?
2. How does this subject relate to issues I have recently been studying or thinking about?

3. How might this subject be important to me in the future?
4. How can I use this subject to explore something that I want to know more about?

Activity #2
I. Watch the video and take notes.

II. Based on the topic chosen last week, complete some research and formulate the Introduction
section. Submit your post.
You may use the following format:

  • Hook:
  • Background Information:
  • Problem Statement:
  • Research Question:
  • Hypothesis:
  • Thesis Statement:

III. Read the posts submitted by two other classmates and provide meaningful feedback for