Pavlov’s Cockroach Experiment: Classical Conditioning of Salivation in an Insect

Pavlov’s Cockroach Experiment: Classical Conditioning of Salivation in an Insect
It must be from a research based article/peer reviewed journal and conducted within the last
twenty years (1999 or later).
Questions to address in your two page paper:
1. What experiment did you read?
2. What did the experiment consist of? (Be specific and detailed)
3. What did you expect to learn from the experiment? What was your hypothesis?
4. How did the experimenter measure the results?
5. What were the results? Was your hypothesis true?

6. Were there any complications or frustrations related to the experiment that the researcher
Your paper should include the following:
Title Page (APA style)
Body of Paper (At least 3 paragraphs with complete sentences. Do not state the questions and
answer them. Answer them in paragraph/proper sentence form)
• Description of experiment including what is classical conditioning
• What you expected from the experiment/Hypothesis
• Measurement of Learning
• Results
• Conclusion

Drafting a Research Proposal


Required Component:
 Research proposal (plus bibliography) (2,750 words)
This assessment gives you the opportunity to independently plan a research study and review how you would pursue this project. The research proposal should outline how you would conduct an innovative research project on a criminological topic, explain its relevance to existing literature, and discuss the methods and approach you would use.
The research proposal should include:
 Your research question(s) with an explanation of why these are sociologically and criminologically interesting, making reference to relevant bodies of literature;
 A literature review on the topic showing how your project would contribute to original and valuable knowledge in the field;
 An account of the research design you propose to use to address these questions. You are encouraged to refer to pilot research that you have carried out in the course where appropriate (e.g., your ethnography or survey group work);
 A discussion of the ethical issues raised by the research project;
 An account of how you would plan to analyse the data;
 A discussion of any practical problems you expect to come across during the research process and reflections on how you might address these (e.g., potential issues of access); and
 A bibliography (Harvard style).

Technology in the classroom and social issues (Research Paper)

Focus on collecting articles, and dissertations about Technology in the classroom and social issues.

Compose a research question and subquestions, and design a plan for collecting and analyzing data for the research study using a particular methodology.

The goal of this assignment is to develop a draft of a full qualitative research proposal. The research proposal should be at least 15 pages (but not more than 25 pages), double-spaced, not including your title page, abstract, Appendix, and references page, and should contain the following sections:

A title page
Rationale/Problem Statement: Explain your topic. Make a case for why this topic is important to you or your specialization area, etc. State your Research Problem.
Research Questions: Conclude your discussion of your research topic by identifying specific research question(s) and possibly sub-questions.
Literature Review: a minimum of four pages on 5-7 articles or edited book chapters, plus at least two dissertations: Your literature review should justify your study. Information should be drawn from appropriate sources, such as professional journals, books, and dissertations. Information gathered from literature sources must be appropriately cited, following APA guidelines. Provide a synthesized literature review on your topic making the case for why this study will add knowledge that will “fill a hole in the literature.”
Research Methodology: Describe what research methodology you are proposing to answer your research questions and why it is an appropriate method. In addition, include the following as a description of your research plan:
Participant Selection: If applicable, describe the site of the data collection. Explain who your participants will be and what method you will use to select them. Be as specific as possible as if you were giving directions to someone on how to choose and obtain the participants. Include instructions on how to get informed consent from the participants.
Data Collection: Discuss how you will collect the data (interviews, observations, documents, etc.). Tell what sort of questions you will ask (for interviews) or what you will look for (for observations) and why that will help you answer your research questions. Include the interview protocol (if applicable) including how to conduct interviews for your study and what questions will be asked in an Appendix.
Data Analysis: Provide a description of how you plan to code and/or analyze the data.
Methods of achieving validity: No research project is perfect. But how are you assuring that your study is as valid as possible?
Potential Ethical Problems: Could your participants be harmed by your research, either in carrying it out or affecting society after it is finished? Who are the audiences for your research, and do they have “objective” concerns for the practical implications and policy recommendations that you make? Address these and other possibly relevant questions of ethics.
Limitations: No research covers everything. What are the obvious limitations to your study? What will not be “proven” though your study?
References Page: The references page should be formatted according to APA style.
Appendix of your data collection protocol.

Content includes all elements of the Research Proposal as indicated in the instructions.

Content includes at least 15 pages, not including the Title page, Abstract, and References page.

Writing and Organization Criteria Total: 1

The central theme/purpose of the paper is clear.

The structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow.

The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

The thoughts are clear and include appropriate beginning, development, and conclusion.

Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.

Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.

The paper uses words and language that are inclusive, clear, and unambiguous.

Spelling is correct.

The paper includes summary and analysis of appropriate resources.

Research Criteria Total: 3

The paper includes a summary and analysis or synthesis of at least 5-7 scholarly articles plus at least two dissertations.

Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc, and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include and

Research focuses on the most current information (past five to ten years) except when citing seminal works (e.g. Freud, Erickson, etc.).

Paper includes the appropriate number of references required by the assignment.

Style Criteria Total: 1

The paper is in the appropriate APA format used by the institution/program (e.g. the 6th edition).

The paper is double-spaced and in the appropriate length required by the assignment

The paper includes an APA style cover page.

The paper includes an Abstract that is formatted to support the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

The paper properly uses headings, font styles, and white space as outlined in the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

The paper includes an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

The paper addresses the topic of the paper with critical thought.

The paper concludes with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition) guidelines.

The paper includes a References Page that is completed according to the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

Critical Appraisal of Research Paper

Critically appraise the attached research paper .
The critique should focus on the methodology, results, overall quality and implications for clinical
and further research. Please choose the correct critique check list for the research design of the
study being evaluated.
Critique of methodology and key aspects of the research paper are addressed using
either the CONSORT or COREQ checklist.
Critique should be articulated clearly, concisely using appropriate research terminology
Conclusions are drawn and implications for health professionals and further research are
Discussion is logical, clearly articulated and reflects a high scholarly standard. Evidence of
breadth of reading (includes a minimum of 10 references).
Referencing accurate and conforms to APA style (in-text and reference list).

Theories of Learning Paper

Answer each question individually.
1. What is the role of research in teacher decision making? How does knowledge of classrooms
help in this process? (Minimum response of 350 words and 3 references)
2. How can research make teachers more reflective? Besides a thorough knowledge of the
research base, what else can teachers do to make themselves more reflective? (Minimum
response of 350 words and 3 references)
3. Should age-driven grade levels be abolished and replaced by developmentally driven
groupings? What implications would this have for the curriculum? For instruction? What does
“developmentally driven groupings” mean? (Minimum response of 350 words and 3 references)

Critical Evaluation of Research Design

Pick one peer-reviewed, academic journal article that is at least 15 pages in length, within the health care field. We are looking for larger-scale, quantitative studies so that we can glean as much information about the design as we possibly can. Here are some studies you do not want to pick for this assignment: studies that use qualitative methods, or studies that are aggregates of data gleaned from other studies, such as a meta-analysis. You want to pick studies that have human subjects and exemplify some of the designs we have covered in class (correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, etc). Your goal for this final is to demonstrate to me that you have an ample understanding of how a study has been constructed from the bottom up. There is no page minimum, but you have to be detailed in each section (in other words, a couple of sentences for the description of each section will NOT do). At the end of this document is the exact format your final paper should follow.

Final Exam: Critically Evaluating Research Design

Compile the following in a single word document, properly labeling and providing a separate heading for each section, EXACTLY as it is structured below:
I. Introduction
1. Statement of the problem: The general problem area is stated clearly and unambiguously. The importance and significance of the problem area is discussed. This is the article’s topic/query. Include the research question. (5 points)


2. Literature citations and review: Pick three sources in the article’s literature review and summarize these here. Write up a paragraph for each containing the most important details regarding the study and how this information influenced the article you are analyzing. You will combine the information in all articles that you found useful, making sure to write it in essay format and use APA style with proper in-text citations. These sources will be provided at the end of this document in the References section as well. (5 points)


3. Statement of hypothesis:
A. Identify the hypothesis/hypotheses in the study you are analyzing.
B. Identify the direction of the relationship predicted in the hypothesis/hypotheses
C. Identify the Dependent, Independent, and Control variables
D. Identify the Unit of Analysis.
(10 points)
(If the study has more than one hypothesis, you have to include this information for all of them individually).


II. Methods
4. Sample section:

Target Population – What is the study’s target population? This is NOT the same as the
sample population. (5 points)


Sampling procedure specifications: What procedure is used for selecting units (e.g., subjects, records) for the study? Which sampling method is used in this study, and why? The population and sampling frame are described. (5 points)


Sample description: The study’s sample is described accurately and is appropriate (Go into detail about the sample: how many participants? Gender differences? Other?). Problems in contacting and measuring the sample are discussed. (5 points)


External validity considerations: Generalizability from the sample to the sampling frame and population is considered. – Can the results of this study be generalized to the wider population? Why or why not? (Be very careful with this, and really think of how applicable the study’s research findings can be in other settings.) (5 points)


5. Measurement section (Hint: Read Measurement section in Research Methods Knowledge Base website
Measurement: Operationalization of Variables- How does the study define AND measure each variable? This is usually found in the Methods section of an article. Independent, Dependent, and Control variables must all be accounted for, including both the formal definitions of each variable and its operationalization. If the study uses a survey or questionnaire to measure variables, you must be very precise about which questions measure which variables.
(10 points)


Qualitative Research: Does this study employ any qualitative methods? Why or why not? How does qualitative research differ from quantitative research? What is the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning, and how do these relate to quantitative and qualitative research and the methodologies employed by each? What are some qualitative data collection methods?

Go into great detail about qualitative research in this section, as the point is to prove to me that you are well versed in various types of research drawn from the class materials. A simple list of methods won’t do: really spend some time reading about and synthesizing what makes qualitative research so different from quantitative research, and just as vital to science in amassing a large body of knowledge. If the study does not employ qualitative research at all, make sure to explain why qualitative research is not applicable to the study. If qualitative measures are found within the study, the procedures for collecting the measures are described in detail. (10 points)


Extra Credit (10 points):
Reliability and validity: Identify the type of design within the study (see Research Methods Knowledge Base Week 5 readings). For reliability, you must specify what estimation procedure(s) the study used. For validity, focus on how the study assessed construct validity (in a later section, you will go into further detail about internal validity threats specifically, do not include those here).


III. Design and Procedures section
Design: Identify the type of design that the study is employing. Is it experimental? Quasi? Non? Why/why not? Is the design appropriate for this study? Why/why not? You must demonstrate that you understand the difference between these designs. Once you’ve identified the design, present it in notational form as well (find this in the research methods knowledge base). (10 points)


Internal validity: Threats to internal validity and how they are addressed by the design are discussed. Any threats to internal validity which are not well controlled are also considered. The threats to internal validity will depend on what type of design it is, you can find this information in the research methods knowledge base. Once you identify the design, it should be easy to identify the threats. If the study is so robust that it barely has any threats to internal validity, explain why, thoroughly, as this section is worth 10% of the entire assignment. (10 points)


Description of procedures: An overview of how the study was conducted. The sequence of events is described and you will explain why it is appropriate to the design. Sufficient information is included so that the essential features of the study could be replicated by another researcher. This is not to be a single short paragraph. You will want to go into great detail. (10 points)


IV. Funding and Data Sources

Funding Sources (5 sources needed): Research some organizations that you feel would be willing to fund the type of research presented in the study you are analyzing. They will have a submission guidelines page in their website for potential research grants. Summarize their guidelines (do not simply copy/paste; the information provided does not have to be extensive, just a quick overview).

Additionally, provide me with:

Data Sources (5 sources needed): Research some organizations which provide data for the type of research presented in the study you are analyzing. These can be the same organization as the funding organizations, but you must go into detail about the types of data available to researchers, aside from the funding.

Label these separately.

(5 points)


V. References

Provide list of references in APA style. (5 points)


Standards for Written Assignments

1. First person is not allowed in academic writing. Make sure to write “This author believes,” or “This author thinks,” when referring to your own opinions in sections of the paper that require it. It is not appropriate to say “I believe,” or “I think.”

2. A solid academic paper should contain a minimum amount of direct quotes. I’m interested in YOUR synthesis of the information, not the original source’s. Any paper with more than a 20% unoriginality score on Turnitin will be reviewed thoroughly. Always paraphrase.

3. For your final paper, you are expected to pick quality sources, which include up to date peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly articles, textbooks, unbiased and respected news sources, and information found on governmental agency websites. No Wikipedia, no WebMD. If in doubt, email me to find out whether I will accept a source.

4. All references are to be written in APA style, sixth edition, including in-text citations. It is not necessary to use APA in your discussion postings unless you are using a direct quote).

Your final paper must include a title page with your Name, Class Name, Professor Name, and Date.

5. Minimum/Maximum Number of Pages Accepted for grading: For the final project, simply insert your answer into each section of the assignment. There is technically no page limit, you are simply expected to be thorough in every section.

Research Strategies (Summary Paper)

Research Strategies

You are almost beginning to choose a research topic. It is very important you understand several issues in research. We will cover a bit of it in class. Using online sources and other credible materials, summarize the strategies employed in a research process in 2,200 words. This assignment is graded and will comprise 20% of your final grade in research.

Research Topic Ideas in Physics and Engineering Projects

Find a current physics experiment or  research article and explain what it is, and how it will impact the world, politics, and your future (2,200 words).

(1) Research topic (10%)

(ii) Written understanding of the topic (40%)

(iii) An explanation of how it will impact the world (50%)

 Research Topic Ideas

  • Dark matter
  • Cosmic microwave background
  • Dark energy
  • Super fluids
  • Quantum measurement and control
  • Nano-fabrication techniques
  • superconductivity
  • Physics of neutron stars and black holes
  • Higgs Boson
  • Any experiment conducted in the Large Hadron Collider
  • Detection of cosmic neutrons

Human population growth

Research two developing nations’ human population growth issues.
Address the following in your first posting:
a) Do you think that all of today’s developing nations will complete the demographic transition and come to enjoy a permanent state of low birth and death rates?
b) What are some ways in which developed nations can stabilize their population growth in a sustainable manner?
c) Do more affluent nations have responsibility to help under developed nations stabilize their population growth? What are some steps that European and North American nations may take to assist the demographic transition of developing nations?
d) Provide current research that exemplify and support your analysis into this week’s exploration of population growth and transition issues.

Book is Withgott, J., Laposata, M. Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, 6th Edition, Pearson.
Put a reference of your work

Critique UK Legislation,UK Social Policies and Research (Reflective Paper)

A reflective essay in which students analyse the complexities of leading practice (drawing on relevant legislation, theory and research) in promoting high quality provision. (60%) 4,000 words


1. Describe, analyse and constructively critique UK legislation,UK social policies and research related to partnership between young children (0-6), parents and professionals. 2. Describe, analyse and constructively critique the theory and practice of leadership when supporting teams in promoting high quality provision in an earLy years setting in UK.

Research on Immigration Policy

America was founded on the idea that we are a country that is supposed to welcome immigrants, since we were founded by immigrants and immigration has always been a huge part of our national growth. The poem on the Statue of Liberty expresses how many have felt about immigration to the US in the past, but not so much today. How has immigration changed under President Trump? What have we seen with the annual number of immigrants coming into our country legally and illegally? What was the recent announcement by Governor Abbott on legal immigration to Texas? What affect do you think these policies have had and will have on our economy? Do you think these policies are a good thing, that we should continue into the future, or not, and why? Although your conclusion is your opinion be careful NOT to use “I” or “we.” Personal pronouns are not to be used in a formal research paper, which this is, even though it is a bit short. Just say it like you mean it, and it is a fact.

Factors Causing Iran to Support Militia in other Countries

This Research Project must focus on the following Questions:

1.What is the dependent variable?

2.Why is this an important dependent variable?

3.Why study these case(s)?

4.Is it a most similar systems or most different systems study (for comparative


5.What are the hypotheses?

6.Which theories support the hypotheses?

7.Does the empirical evidence found support or refute the hypotheses?

8.Does the set of findings weaken or strengthen a particular line of thinking in

comparative politics or international relations theory?

9.What modifications could be made to the theory that would strengthen it?

10.What other research questions are raised by the study

Outline for the MA Essay of Distinction

  1. Introduction: The Research Question
  • General statement of the research question.

It must be a causal question!


Why has Pakistan had several military coups since 1947 but

India has not had one? Dependent variable: incidence of coups.

  • Why are you picking the case or cases that you are?


India and Pakistan were created out of the same country in

1947 so it is an interesting case of how two parts of the same country have

diverged quite significantly.  It is a very good example of a most similar

systems analysis.  Also, these two countries have a great deal of geostrategic

significance so understanding their politics is very important.

  • Importance of the problem: Why is it interesting? Why is it significant?


Military coups are a fairly common phenomenon around the world and

challenge democratic governance and norms.  Understanding why

they happen may help to prevent them.


  1. Background Section (for those who need to describe the dependent

variable in depth)

  • Some of you will need to give background in order to make the reader aware

of what your dependent variable looks like.  Example: What have the coups

in Pakistan looked like over the years?  When have they happened, were

they violent, not violent, etc?  What does the military look like in Pakistan as

opposed to India?  Are the similarly structured, financed, have the same

civilian command authority?  Are they defined differently by the


  • This is NOT a section to answer your research question! This is meant to help

your reader understand what your dependent variable looks like and what

the context of the situation your dependent variable occurs in looks like.

  • For quantitative papers, this is a place for graphs to show the variation in

your dependent variable.


III. Hypotheses and Theory

  • This is a critical element of your paper. Make sure you define all relevant

variables (independent/dependent).Example: The dependent variable in the hypothetical example is the incidence of coups.

  • A hypothesis is a causal statement. Variable A causes Variable B.

Example: Very weak civilian government legitimacy raises the probability

of military coups.


  • Theory is the explanation of causation. It is based on your own logic or

from the literature of a mixture of both.  Theory is logical and general and

based on deductive and not inductive reasoning and not patterns of

findings from the empirical word.  Theory has to explain why an

independent variable would cause a variation (coup or no coup) in the

dependent variable.  It is not “we have found that when A happens, B

tends to happen too.”  That is not an explanation of causation.

Example: Militaries may displace delegitimized civilian governments in

order to keep order in the country and prevent the outbreak of violence.

As militaries are charged with maintaining the national security of a

country, they may believe that civilian government breakdown is a threat

to national security and they are compelled to step in.

  • Each hypothesis must be backed by theory.
  • There is no “golden rule” on the number of hypotheses you should have.

If there is only one plausible hypothesis, then the question is not worthy

of study.  So, there should be at least two.  Make sure you only create

hypotheses that can have theoretical explanations and not be easily

dismissed because they are logically impossible.


  • Each hypothesis should have its own sub-section with its relevant theory

in that section and the “tests” that you will use to determine whether the

hypothesis is supported or refuted by the evidence.

Example: For the “delegitimized civilian government hypothesis,”

you would say that you would look for evidence that indicates that the army

believes that the government is delegitimized in the eyes of the public,

and has expressed concern about the internal instability that may result

from that.  If there is ample evidence that the army has expressed that it is

seen the delegitimization of the civilian government and is concerned

about it, this would be support for the hypothesis.  This could take the

form of public statements by important army figures, documents they

have produced, etc.  If there is no indication that the military perceives the

situation that way, than that would evidence to say that the hypothesis is

not supported.

  1. Evidence

Ÿ Identify what events, institutions, or people you plan to investigate.

Ÿ Does the empirical evidence refute or support each of your hypotheses?  Be

explicit and thorough about that for each of the hypotheses.

Ÿ Structure your evidence sub-sections the same way you have structured

your hypotheses/theory sections.

Ÿ Make sure that at the end of each section, you make an analytical

judgement about what the evidence has told you.  Does the weight of the

evidence support or refute the hypothesis?  Be very clear why you say that.

  1. Conclusion
  • What was your aim in the research? This should be a paragraph-length


  • What were the major arguments (hypotheses and theories) you explored?

This should be a paragraph or two summary

Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum

Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum

Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a perspective of your current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum. Include the following:

  1. Examine the health-illness continuum and discuss why this perspective is important to consider in relation to health and the human experience when caring for patients.
  2. Explain how understanding the health-illness continuum enables you, as a health care provider, to better promote the value and dignity of individuals or groups and to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing.
  3. Reflect on your overall state of health. Discuss what behaviors support or detract from your health and well-being. Explain where you currently fall on the health-illness continuum.
  4. Discuss the options and resources available to you to help you move toward wellness on the health-illness spectrum. Describe how these would assist in moving you toward wellness (managing a chronic disease, recovering from an illness, self-actualization, etc.).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.