Gun Violence Research

In your research, cover the following:

  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Problem statement
  • Objectives of the study
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  •  Results
  • Conclusion/Recommendations

Does Financial Deepening Promote Economic Growth? (answered)

Research Methods in International Finance Paper 

Please write like following structure。

Long Term Paper

Students are required to prepare individually a long term paper based on the topic on which they will write their research project. This is intended to form the early stages of preparing for the research project. The term paper should cover the following:

  •  it should set out the question and provide a clear motivation for why this is an important question; (<750 words)
  •  it should contain an initial review of relevant literature; and(>2,100 words)
  •  it should identify the data proposed to be used in the research project, and, much more 
briefly, set out initial ideas on methods to be applied. (about 750 words)
  •  it should briefly discuss a communications plan: how the results of the analysis might be communicated and in principle to whom (though you are not formally required to do this the research project). (<750 words)

Lean thinking


Research a company in the fast- or quick-food industries.

Discuss how lean thinking has been or could be strategically applied to reduce waste in this company.

Don’t forget to consider supply chain issues in your discussion.

Document your sources.

Write your findings as a three to four page paper (not including title and reference pages).

Format your paper according to APA style as shown in the approved style guide.

Performance Review of Apple Inc.

Research the elements and core disciplines of a business process for a manufacturing or
services organization with which you are familiar.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that describes the five elements of a business process in terms
of inputs, outputs, and resources employed by the business, and address the following
What metrics does the organization use to monitor and manage process performance for inputs
and outputs?
What are the financial, external, and internal performance measures currently used by the
What product attributes are considered important to the organization’s success?
Who are the organization’s customers, and what organizational factors contribute to overall
customer satisfaction?
Compare and contrast the business processes of your selected organization and their major
competitor(s). What process competencies should each organization aim to develop?
Research the product life cycle of your selected organization from introduction to maturity. What
product attributes will be important to the customer as the product changes? How will the life
cycle of the product affect the business process?

Designing Qualitative Research

Describe the procedure for designing qualitative  research. Discuss the various types of qualitative research designs. Outline limitations and strengths of qualitative research. Provide a rationale for or against using qualitative research in your discipline. Finally, present a dummy sample of a qualitative research paper (maximum 3,600 words).

Smoking and Cancer (short research paper)

Smoking and Cancer

Conduct a short Research about Smoking and Cancer with this outline.

Abstract (150 words)

Introduction (250 words)

Literature Review (1,500 words)

Method (150 words)..use existing research

Results (100 words)

Conclusion (200 words)

Recommendations (100 words)

Designing Mixed Methods Research

Describe the procedure for designing mixed methods research. Discuss the various types of mixed methods designs. Outline limitations and strengths of mixed methods research. Provide a rationale for or against using mixed methods research in your discipline. Finally, present a dummy sample of a mixed method research paper (maximum 3,600 words).

Positive psychology research

Assignment Instructions. 

Prepare a comprehensive research paper in which you choose an area of research that is relevant to and pertinent to positive psychology.

Your research paper must include relevance to culture, age, ethnicity, gender, and race. It should also include applicable legal and ethical issues.

Suggested topics include the following  but you are free to add or identify your own topics.

Topic 1: Positive psychology concepts (include any of the following concepts)

  • happiness
  • optimism and helplessness
  • mindfulness
  • flow
  • character strengths and virtues
  • positive thinking
  • resilience
  • self-efficacy
  • and additional concepts

Topic 2: Martin Seligman and other Positive Psychology Theorists 

Topic 3: Comparison of Positive Psychology to Psychoanalytic, Cognitive Behavioral, or Humanistic-Existential Schools of Psychology

Topic 4: Positive Psychology and the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders 

Format your paper in APA style, citing at least 12 sources. Length of the paper to be about 4,750 words excluding cover page and references.

Describe How To Define A Problem Statement In Research

Defining a research problem is one of the most important steps in any research. Without a research problem, there is no research to do. It can be said that a research problem steers the rest of the activities in a research work right from research objectives, hypotheses, literature review, conceptual/theoretical framework, research methodology, data collection, data analysis, presentation of findings, to the conclusion. At any given stage of the research process, you must always ask yourself “which problem(s) am I trying to solve?” If you do not have a ready answer to such a question, you have to go back to where you stated the problem. In research, it is also important to state the problem clearly. There should be no ambiguity as to what you want to achieve at the end of the research process. An ambiguous statement of the problem will not take you anywhere. It is like driving in a desert without a compass.

How to define a research problem

Coming up with a research problem is never a one-time activity and it is usually done at the early stages. It is rare to come up with a strong statement of a research problem firs time. Often, it begins with a rough idea. Then you continue refining it by adding or subtracting some words. Often, it is best practice to conduct a literature review on the topic one is interested in. For instance, if your area of interest is domestic violence, you may want to read a lot of previous research work carried about domestic violence. You may find researchers in the past have studied various aspects of domestic violence but there may be a gap. As an example, you may find that there is no research done about the relationship between domestic violence and income among couples or an association between domestic violence and weather. Besides literature reviews, it may be also important to study previous experiments. If you are a psychologist and studying intelligence, you may find out that there has been no experiment to test intelligence among various animals. You may want to design an experiment that measures intelligence of birds or a specific species of birds. Still, if you find there is such an experiment, you may proceed to use the same test to determine intelligence of the same bird species in different geographical areas to determine if their intelligence is consistent. Although previous experiments may have been successful, you may disagree with the tests used, methodology, results, or the way the data was analyzed. In such a case, you may have to rework the research process and test the hypothesis once more.

(443 words)