Research Report On Cloud Computing (Intranet, Extranet, And Internet)

Document Details:

The final submission should include DETAILS of each of following:

1) Chapter 1 – Introduction

2) Chapter 2 – Literature Review

3) Chapter 3 – Methodology Specifics (comparative analysis)

4) Chapter 4 – Findings and Results

5) Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Future Recommendations

6) References – APA


Formatting Details


The left-hand margin must be 1inches (4 cm.). Margins at the right, top, and bottom of the page should be 1.0 inch. (See exception for chapter title pages below.) The Research Report text may be left-aligned (leaving a ragged right edge) or may be both left- and right-aligned (justified).

Line Spacing 

Double-spacing is required for most of the text in documents submitted during the Research Report process.

Paragraph Spacing

The text of the document is double-spaced. There should be no extra spaces between paragraphs in sections; however, indent the first line of each paragraphs five spaces.

Page Numbering 

All pages should have page numbers in Arabic numerals in the upper right-hand corner.

Type Style

The body text, the student should use 12-point Times New Roman. Text for the cover page may be larger but should not exceed 14-point size. Text for the chapter title text should be 14-point size. Be consistent in the use of typefaces throughout the document. Do not use a compressed typeface or any settings on the word processor that would decrease the spacing between letters or words. Sans serif typefaces such as Helvetica or Arial may be used for relatively short blocks of text such as chapter headings and captions but should be avoided in long passages of text as they impede readability.

Title Page 

Every document that is submitted must have a title page. The title page includes the exact title of the research report, date of submission, the team name, and the name of each team member.

Chapter Title Heading, Subheadings, and Sub-Subheadings

It is required that submitted Research Report use no more than three levels of headings in the body text. All headings should have only the first letter of each word capitalized except that non-major words shorter than four letters have no capital letters.

Instructions for heading levels follow:

Level 1: Chapter Title Heading 

This heading starts two inches from the top of the page, is centered on the page, and is set in 14­point type. The first line contains the chapter number (e.g., Chapter 4). The second line is blank. The third line displays the chapter title, is centered on the page, and is set in 14-point type.

Level 2: Subheading

Start the subheading at the left margin of the page, four spaces (i.e., two returns when the document is set for double-spacing) down from the title, set in bold 12-point type. Double-space (one return) to the subheading body text. Indent the first line of the body text five spaces.

Level 3: Sub-Subheading

Start the sub–subheading at the left margin of the page, double-spaced (i.e., one return when the document is set up for double-spacing) from the subheading, set in 12-point italics. Double-space (one return) to the sub-subheading body text. Indent the first line of the body text five spaces.

Research Proposal- Social Research Methods Class

Research Proposal- Social Research Methods Class 

In need of a research proposal on “The Aggression Levels of Absent Fathered African American Males” topic. The Class that this is for is Social Research Methods. The Proposal Outline is attached with ALL REQUIREMENTS listed.

Research Paper Grading Criteria Rubric

You start with your research paper and work on it throughout the semester. Please follow 4 steps when you work on your research paper. Please review Research Paper Grading Criteria Rubric and sample paper in module 5.

Step 1: Select a research topic directly related to marriage and the family covered in the textbook or beyond the book.

Step 2: After you select your paper topic, you review literature. Or you start with literature review and then select a research topic. In literature review, you browse the Internet and visit the library to collect the existing data about the topic under study. There are two purposes of reviewing literature. First, you gather the existing data about the topic under study. Literature review will help you decide how you will work on your paper. By reviewing literature, you will know how to fit your research in the mainstream of the area under study.
Step 3: You formulate a hypothesis. For example, you try to find out the main causes or effects of divorce. You can hypothesize that the loss of sexual desire is more likely to cause divorce. This probably is one of the hypotheses you formulated. Remember that hypotheses should be direct, specific, and measurable. Please post your paper topic and two hypotheses in module 5.

Step 4: You design questionnaire based on your two hypotheses and use your survey results and your secondary sources to support your two hypotheses.

Step 5: You write your paper and please refer to grading criteria and sample paper because your paper is graded according to the grading rubric. Please submit your paper including title page, introduction, literature review, methodology, discussion, conclusion, and reference page using APA guidelines in Module 5.

How to formulate a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a suggested explanation of a phenomenon. A hypothesis is a statement of the relationships between factors or causes and the problem or phenomenon under study.

You as a researcher can identify a problem or phenomenon, find the main causes or effects of the problem, and provide the possible solutions to the problem. For example, if you study the problem of divorce and try to find the main causes of divorce, you may hypothesize that lack of communication is more likely to cause divorce. In this case, lack of communication is one of the main causes of divorce.  Also remember that a hypothesis should be direct, specific, and measurable. For example, if you study gender inequality or women as minority group, you try to argue that women are subordinated and discriminated against. You can hypothesize that women are more likely to earn less income than men do. Income here is measurable and is an indicator to measure discrimination against women. You can examine discrimination against women in aspects of income, power, occupation, education, etc. The following hypotheses might help for brain storm purpose. Your sources that you have collected also will assist you.

  • A child is more likely to progress when both parents are involved in their education.
  • Children that their parents are not involved tend to face difficulties in school.
  • Gays and lesbians are likely to be treated more unfairly when it comes to job offerings.
  • Children whose parents divorce are more likely to experience emotional and mental trauma.
  • Children whose parents divorce are more likely to get divorced in the future.
  • Women who go out with unknown men are more likely to experience date rape.
  • Adults who experienced child abuse are more likely to be violent or abusive as an adult.
  • African Americans are less likely to obtain jobs compared to other minorities.
  • The more a person belongs to minority group, the less likely the person will find employment.
  • Conduct Disorder is more prevalent in black males than any other minority group.
  • The wealthy are more likely to obtain the finest health care such as organ transplant.
  • If healthy food were more accessible and less expensive, there would be less obesity in the United States.
  • Couples with alcohol addictions are more likely to experience higher domestic violence rates than couples with relatively low levels of alcohol addiction.
  • Couples with alcohol addictions are more likely to report lower levels of trust and safety.
  • Children with divorced parents are more likely to experience a different lifestyle than children with married parents.
  • Children with divorced parents are more likely to experience emotional strain towards their school performance.
  • Children with a history of abuse are at risk of developing psychiatric problems as adults.
  • Children who are abused in their childhood are more likely to abuse their own children.

    -Family diversity
    – family and marriage
    -gender and family
    -intimacy friendship and Love
    -marriage in societal and individual perspective
    – marriage work and economic
    -intimate violence and sexual abuse
    – coming apart : separation and divorce
    – new beginnings :single parent families, remarriage, and blended families 

Final Research Paper 

The Research Paper 

The final research paper should build on the information in your research proposal and should incorporate your week 5 literature review. It should also include revisions based on the feedback  you have received on those assignments.

Here’s the format of the paper:

Title Page of the Paper. The title of your paper  should be brief but should adequately inform the reader of your general topic and the specific focus of your research. Keywords relating to parameters, population, and other specifics are useful. ALWAYS  use a title page and insert page numbers for graduate work! Your title page will include the title, name, course name and number, and professor’s name.

Please label each of the following sections in your research paper:

Introduction (1-2 pages):  This section provides  an overview of the topic that you are writing about. It situates your topic in a broader context. In addition, the introduction should clearly state your research question and hypothesis.

Literature Review (3-5 pages):  This section should  incorporate your week 5 literature review and any revisions based on feedback received.

Data and Methodology (1-2 pages):  This section  should incorporate any feedback received on your week 2 research proposal. This section provides the reader with a description of your strategy to conduct research for this paper. It identifies your dependent and independent variables and how you operationalized  them. It describes the data you used (whether quantitative or qualitative) and the method you used to analyze it to arrive at your findings. This section also describes any limitations you discovered about your strategy and how you overcame them.

Analysis and Findings (4-5 pages):  The results  section of the research paper is where you report the findings of your study based upon the methodology you applied to gather information. The results section should simply state the findings of the research arranged in a logical sequence without bias or interpretation. When formulating the results section, it’s important to remember that the results of a study do not prove anything.  Findings can only confirm or reject the hypothesis underpinning your study. Make sure that you make connections back to your hypothesis and the extent to which it was supported or not. Remember, we can also learn something from a hypothesis that was not supported  by the data.

Conclusions (1-2 pages):  This section will contain  the concluding analytical arguments based on what research has revealed to answer the research question.  Like any conclusion, it should provide a synopsis of the project, the strategy, and the results and what they add to the body of knowledge. This section  should also offer suggestions for avenues of future research for other scholars, as all knowledge is evolutionary.

Write And Submit An Abstract Of Your Research Paper

An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly and, like a title, it enables persons interested in the document to retrieve it from abstracting and indexing databases (APA, p25).

An abstract must be: accurate, nonevaluative, coherent and readable, and concise.  Your abstract should be between 150 to 250 words.    Please, refer to APA 6th edition (pp.26-27) for the type of abstract that applies to your research

Research paper – Choose a topic

Choose one topic:

The Business (Feasibility) Case for Outsourcing with Examples

How to Conduct Effective Vendor Management

Risk Management When Relying on Vendors

The Risks and Obstacles of Outsourcing

Knowledge Management and Outsourcing

Manufacturing Outsourcing

In-sourcing versus Outsourcing

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Outsourcing in Two (2) Countries – A Comparison

The Risks and Obstacles of Outsourcing

The Vendor Landscape (local/multinational, large/small, generalists/niche players)

Case Studies of Failed Outsourcing Deals

Case Studies of Successful Outsourcing Deals

Managing Distributed and/or Virtual Teams – Overcoming Distance, Time, Language and Cultural Differences

The Importance of Good Project Management in Outsourcing

Outsourcing Certification – types, value, etc.

Innovation through Global Outsourcing – 3 Company Case Studies

The Importance of Good Project Management in Outsourcing

Critical Success Factors in Managing Outsourcing Relationships

Legal Issues, Regulations and Concerns in Outsourcing – Comparison of Two Countries

Here are the specifications for the final research paper.

Minimum Required Length: 5 pages

Minimum Required References: 5 references

Reference Citation Format: APA

Required Outline:

Introduction. Findings. Lessons Learned. Reference List.

PS:Please use simple words and grammar. I like this topic, maybe talk about China Outsourcing?

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Outsourcing in Two (2) Countries – A Comparison

Create and presenting data analysis

Create and presenting data analysis



Analyze the data gathered for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) social vulnerability data and data dictionary (CDC, 2018a; CDC, 2018b), in use for determining the resiliency of communities within specific states: Alabama, Nebraska, and Georgia. Objective: Explore the dataset, considering the state, counties, and population, and four categories:

socioeconomic features, household and composition disability features, and minority status and language limitations, and housing types and transportation. In the interest of clarity, I will specify the variates associated with these categories


o Persons below the poverty estimate

o Civilian unemployed estimate

o Per capita income estimate

o Persons with no high school diploma

Household and composition disability features

o Ages 65 and older

o Ages 17 and under

o Persons with a disability, over the age of 5

o Single-parent households

Minority status and language limitations

o Persons with minority status

o Persons with no or minimal use of the English language

Housing types and transportation

o Multi-unit dwellings (10 or more units)

o Mobile homes

o Homes with more residents than a home is designed for

o Homes with no vehicle

o Group quarters or institutionalized quarters

Note: Do not use the columns that are follow-on calculations of these columns. These are the columns with the prefix “E_”. Consider the following research questions:

How do these factors relate to the measure of social vulnerability (in the data set at RPL_THEMES) metric analytically? By the CDC standards, the closer the value is to one, the higher the vulnerability (CDC, 2018b).

What patterns can be found when looking at different aspects of the data features?

  • How do different characteristics of the data relate?
  • How well do these variates represent the vulnerability?
  • Which characteristics have a more significant influence on predicting vulnerability

Note: Do not repeat the calculations the CDC uses, develop a novel approach. If you use the method the CDC uses, you will earn a zero for the entire assignment.

Data Collection

The data and data dictionaries are online.

o Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018a). Social vulnerability index [data set].

o Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018b). Social vulnerability index [code book].

o Note: Your raw data must be this report in its original form

. • Create a subset of the data based on the situation and the objective. Note that “E_” are actual measures, while “M_” are the margin of error estimates.

Data Cleaning:

  • Review the data for issues.
  • Do not transform this data. Do not remove outliers.
  • Do not delete the NA values of the data. You may exclude them for certain types of analysis. The data dictionary or code book states how NA values are annotated in the document.
  • If there are any erroneous data types, address the issues.
  • Look for any other issues that may require cleaning. o Do not automatically remove outliers, remove NA values, or replace NA values. Any of these actions will require justification.
  • You may exclude cleaning from the presentation. You MUST include cleaning in your programming.





  • Develop a plan and state that plan before extending beyond necessary cleaning.

o Your plan should include what you intend to do in your analysis.

o Your plan shall also include any assumptions or data preparation that must be done for a specific method of analysis.

  • Conduct exploratory data analysis, as defined in your plan. This shall include the exploration of multiple different features and how they interrelate.

o The minimum of explorations that are suitable for presenting is five.

  • You must include a thorough interpretation of each presented exploration. Do not describe every feature of the table or visualization; interpret critical points and trends. Ensure the investigations combined tell a story about the data. They should not be individual ideas, but concepts that tie together in some manner to bring you to a potential next stage of analysis.
  • Any univariate analysis will not count toward the total of five visualizations.
  • Develop a new plan and state that plan before extending beyond exploratory data analysis. Your plan shall include a minimum of

o Splitting the data into training and testing sets, with 80% of the data in the training set.

o Develop a random forest model. Explore which independent variables have the most impact on the vulnerability index. Explore the random forest model for the best model, including the number of trees (ntree) and the number of variables for splitting at each tree node (mtry).

o Look at the importance of the different independent variables. What does this tell you about your data and your model?

  • Are there any post hoc analyses that may improve your results? Future Recommendations:
  • You must also include recommendations for future analysis.
  • You will base your recommendations on your findings in the analysis you conduct.

You must generate your presentation in R Markdown

Do not forget to annotate comments in your code. You must include ALL the references you used in APA format in your presentation. If you use a source to assist in writing the programming code in your

Rmd file, include that reference in APA format (no italics or indention required) in a comment in the {r} chunk(s) to which it applies. Required files to submit: You shall submit the Rmd file of your slides and any other files your R Markdown file relies on to knit, by Saturday night at midnight. When you present on Sunday, what you present and what you submit must be identical. Do not submit the raw data file.




Do not forget to reference the source of the data and data dictionary. It is in this document in APA 7. There are 15 predictors and one outcome variate that shall be used in exploratory data analysis and the random forest model.

Developmental Research Paper – Bullying  

Topic is Bullying  

In addition to the academic research you will do about this topic, you will also be required to integrate professional or field work experience into your exploration of the topic.

Below is an outline of what should be included in the paper:

a) introduction/describe the topic area—i.e., recent trends, demographic statistics, and epidemiological data, if available—and state why this topic is important;

b) summarize current scholarship from at least 6 peer-reviewed journals, with emphasis on in-depth review of the life span issue, highlighting insights from the literature related to developmental theories, and drawing conclusions from your personal analysis of the current literature (you may also use your textbook as an additional resource) textbook is Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2015). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA Cengage Learning.

c) discuss relevant field or professional work experience in an effort to outline the implications for human services practice (macro, clinical, or both). *Please see the description in the paragraph below for more directions about what constitutes field or professional work experience.

d) lastly, in your concluding paragraph, please offer your own personal reflection on this life span development phase, which must include your analysis of how your personal faith perspective may or may not impact one’s movement through the developmental phase. Please offer specific biblical principles, such as scripture passages, that may help to communicate your perspective.

*Note: Field or professional work experience can be any direct engagement with clients or stakeholders that would be relevant to the specific population described in your paper. It may be clinical or macro in focus, e.g., individual work with a client, group work, community organizing, legislative efforts. If you do not have any relevant field or professional work experience from which to draw on, you will need to: (a) talk with a person who has firsthand experience with your selected topic, e.g., an individual from the population you described in your paper, program director, practitioner, or community advocate; or (b) read a first-person account written by an individual who is part of the population you discussed in your paper.

This paper should be 6-7 pages in length (plus the title and reference page) and formatted in APA. Please remember proper in-text citations to maintain academic honesty. Specifically, the paper should include in-text citations according to APA formatting standards.

Research paper – Identify a topic of interest

For this assignment, you first will identify a topic of interest that you might want to pursue research. You are not tied to this topic when you reach the dissertation sequence, but it should be a topic that you find interesting now and also relates to your program and specialization.

Next, conduct a literature search  to locate two studies examining your selected topic and in which the researchers used non-parametric statistics. In your search for articles, you should use any combination of the term “non-parametric” as well as the different tools discussed in this week’s lesson (e.g., Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, Spearman, Friedman, etc.).

Once you have located your articles, you will prepare a short paper using the following format:

  • Introduction to the selected topic of interest
  • Brief summary of first article
  • Include research question and general findings
  • Brief summary of second article
  • Include research question and general findings
  • Synthesis
  • Specifically, compare and contrast the two articles, assessing the types of statistical methods and analysis used
  • Conclusion
  • Assess what approach you might take if you were to conduct a study in this topic area

Length: 3  pages not including title page and reference page.

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Literature Review on Randomized Trials Quantitive Research

Literature Review on Randomized Trials Quantitive Research

You can pick the topic within reason- Motivational interviewing, substance abuse, PTSD, Anxiety
The student outlines what he or she hopes to accomplish in the paper.
Background Section

The student offers a brief review of the founders, view of psychopathology, view of healing/change,
view of the therapeutic relationship, goals and techniques, and populations and diagnoses the
approach has been historically applied to.
A Review of Two Randomized Controlled Trials
The student reviews two randomized trials, including details on the sample studied (i.e., the
demographic characteristics), how the participants were sampled, the reliability and validity of the
measures used (at minimum, the measure for the variable of interest), basic information on the
treatment and control conditions, the between- and within-group effects (including the effect sizes
[small, medium, or large]), and the strengths and limitations of the study (from the researcher’s
Discussion Section
The student offers an overview of the research to date, as well as the strengths, limitations, and
areas for improvement for the burgeoning approach (from the student’s perspective).

APA Style
The paper is five to six pages in length (excluding the Title and References pages), and includes a
Title and References page. The paper is in APA style, with no grammatical mistakes. The student
includes at least five academic sources (i.e., journal articles, academic textbooks), two of which
must be original research articles within the peer-reviewed literature consisting of randomized
controlled trials.

Strategic Management Research Journal

Review the Strategic Management Project Background.

Familiarize yourself with the following terms and concepts discussed this week in preparation for completion of this assignment: vertical integration, taper integration, backward vertical integration, forward vertical integration, strategic alliances, global strategy, international strategy, innovation.

Create a 700-word entry in your strategic management research journal. You will use information from this entry in your presentation due in Week 5. Respond to the following prompts in your journal entry:

  • Identify Caterpillar Inc.’s short-term versus long term goals.
  • Evaluate how mergers and acquisitions in the past 5 years have contributed to Caterpillar Inc.’s performance.
  • Assess Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy (international, multi-domestic, global-standardization, or transnational).
  • Discuss the types of innovation Caterpillar Inc.’s uses such as radical incremental, disruptive, and architectural innovation. Identify types of innovation Caterpillar Inc. has used over time.

Research on effects of this pandemic and the drop in oil prices on the economy of united Arab emirates

Research on effects of this pandemic and the drop in oil prices on the economy of “united Arab emirates ” country and what the government of “united Arab emirates” country does to address it


So I ask you to research effects this pandemic and the global drop in oil prices (which started as an indirect result of this pandemic but by now turned into its own thing) has on “your” country, in terms of:

  • o   Expected GDP
  • o   Export/Import
  • o   Currency

I also want you to research what steps “your” country takes to help their economy at this difficult time (I am not talking about medical aid to the people and enforcing social distancing; we focus purely on the economic measures). As an example, I am attaching a recent article from the New York Times that talks about actions taken by some Scandinavian countries.

As a result of this research, you will produce a summary post (500-750 words, not counting references).

Identifying Research Components

Identifying Research Components

Project and address each of the following criteria:

· Sample with demographics

· Data collection process

· Variables

· Sampling design

· Instruments, tools, or surveys

· Validity and reliability of the instruments, tools, or surveys.

· Discussed legal/ethical concerns.



1. How is the drone made? How is it manufactured? What material are drones made of? Is it plastic? Is it carbon fiber? Or what it is?

2. Why they use this certain material to made the drones of? Is it cost, weight, or/and strength? Or what else?

3. Advantages and disadvantages of using this type of material.

4. What type of manufacturing processes do they use to make the drones? Is it casting? 3D printing? Or what?

5. Why do they use this process? Why not forging for example?

6. Advantages and disadvantages of choosing this type of manufacturing process?


1. 5 pages

2. Contents

3. Abstract

4. Introduction

5. Procedure

6. Discussion

7. Conclusion

8. References