Research Design and Sampling

Assignment: Research Design and Sampling

Using the empirical research article that your instructor approved in the Week 5 assignment, ask yourself: “Is this a quantitative research article or a qualitative research article?” Remember, in quantitative research, the emphasis is on measuring social phenomenon because it is assumed that everything can be observed, measured, and quantified. On the other hand, in qualitative research, it is assumed that social phenomenon cannot be easily reduced and broken down into concepts that can be measured and quantified. Instead, there may be different meanings to phenomenon and experiences. Often in qualitative research, researchers use interviews, focus groups and observations to gather data and then report their findings using words and quotations.

Consider how these different methods affect the sampling design and recruitment strategy, and ask yourself how the recruitment of research participants will affect the findings.

For this Assignment, submit a 3-4 page paper. Complete the following:

  • Read your selected empirical research article, and identify whether the study is a quantitative or qualitative study. Justify the reasons why you believe it is a quantitative or qualitative study. (Your instructor will indicate to you if you are correct in identifying the research design. This will point you to whether you will use the “Quantitative Article and Review Critique” or the “Qualitative Article and Review Critique” guidelines for the final assignment in week 10.)
  • Using the empirical research article, focus on the sampling method in the study and begin to evaluate the sampling method by answering the following:
    • Describe the sampling methods in your own words (paraphrase, do not quote from the article).
    • Describe the generalizability or the transferability of the research finding based on the sampling method.
    • Discuss the limitations the article identified with the sample and how those limitations affect the reliability or credibility.
    • Explain one recommendation you would make to improve the sampling plan of the study that would address these limitations in future research.

Research Design Components

Research Design Components 

· Title (less than 12 words)

· Abstract (150–300 words)

· Keywords (5–7)

· The topic under investigation

· Significance, value, or worth

· Literature and theory

· Ethics statement

· Research purpose statement

· Research questions

· Genre/specific design

· Degree of standardization and control

· Methods of data collection

· Sampling, participants, and setting

· Data analysis and interpretation strategies

· Evaluation

· Representation

· Appendix with the interview protocol (list of questions you will ask)

· List of references in APA style

Note: Unless otherwise noted, responses to each of the sections should be between 1–2 paragraphs in length. Please be as specific as you can at this point in time. Please use the Flick textbook as a resource in this exercise.

Note word file is completed template you can edit on the world file.

Restriction of Stem Cell Research

Restriction of Stem Cell Research 

Describe three (3) dangers you believe embryonic stem cell research can present to society.
Consider the medical or scientific arguments supporting the use of embryos to achieve health
benefits. Finally, prepare a 1-paragraph statement opposing the research. (20 points) (A 1-page
response is required.)

Research Paper : discuss recent tax rule changes

Research Paper

Required: You are to write a minimum 5 page paper, using APA format. Find and discuss five (5) recent tax rule changes. You are to discuss the change and how it will impact those involved. Note, the CARES act, is a large bill with many tax law changes. So you will find many of these in the newly passed law. Feel free to cover any new law for the 2019 tax return and ahead.

You are to have at lease 3 reliable sources.

Research – sexual addiction topics

Research Paper Instructions

You will choose and review a topic relevant to sexual addictions and complete a 6-8-page paper in current APA format. You may choose one of the topics below or email the instructor for approval of a topic not listed.

Topics are to be related to sexual addiction and may include:


· Pornography

· Religious   beliefs


· Prostitution

· Dual   diagnosis


· Trauma

· Sexual   abuse


· The   family of origin

· Power   and control


· Treatment   modalities for sex addiction

· Bio-chemistry   of the brain


· Spiritual   abuse

· Dysfuntional   families


· Cybersex

· Same-sex   relationships

Your paper must be 6 full pages, and must include a title page, an abstract, and reference page. (These pages do not count as part of the 6 required pages.)

You may use the course material for this paper, but in addition, you must have at least 5 outside sources (not including your textbooks), that are from current (published within the last 5 years) scholarly journals. Websites are not permitted.

Research Methods Paper(Topic – Childhood Obesity)


This assignment examines and applies concepts in the Experimental Methods chapter and gives you the opportunity to practice research skills.

Instructions (Topic – Childhood Obesity)

Using the guidelines in Chapter 6 design an experiment that could test one of your hypotheses for your research proposal. Then in the format of an APA style essay answer or do the following:

  1. In an APA Style paper, present your responses to the following prompts:
    • – Describe your hypothesis, type of experiment and justify why this design is the best for answering this question. Present your independent and dependent variables. Note: a survey is not the same as an experiment. Surveys can present an experiment design BUT there has to be some type of manipulation and at least 2 conditions (experimental and control. We’ll be covering Surveys next week.
    • – Describe the “ecology” [the place where it will take place]. Is experiment based around everyday life, a natural experiment, or is it more controlled/ systematic?  If so, what kind of comparison is it? [This section is all about ecological validity]
    • – Describe how you will select and assign participants to conditions.
    • – Describe how you will protect your experiment’s internal and external validity.
    • 2. Your paper must be presented in proper APA 7e format.
    • 3. Your paper should have a cover page, text body section, and a references page (if applicable). An abstract is not necessary – do not put an abstract into your paper.

Book: Making Sense of the Social World Methods of Investigation Sixth Edition Daniel F. Chambliss

Research discussion: What is a research design?

What is a research design? What is its function? What are the two main types of research methodologies? How are they carried out differently? Identify one quantitative design and one qualitative design discussed in the Required Readings for this unit that might be useful for your own study. What would implementation of those types of designs require from you as the researcher in terms of how you would carry out the study and the instrument you would use to collect data?

Develop a single over-arching research question for your ADP research study

For your initial post, develop a single over-arching research question for your ADP research study, and discuss how your research question aligns with your justification and purpose statements. Alternatively, develop and identify the Project Intent for your ADP research study.

NOTE: Avoid “yes” or “no” research questions. For example, a weak research question would be: “Is there a relationship between the time students spend playing video games and high school GPA?” A stronger research question would be: “What is the relationship between the amount of time students spend playing video games and high school GPA?”

By Day 7 of Week 7, respond to two or more of your peers. Evaluate and constructively critique each classmate’s proposed research question or project intent Statement. What suggestions do you have to help your classmate strengthen his or her research question of project intent statement?

Effects of listening to different kinds of music while working on productivity

Complete the following problem showing your work:

To demonstrate the effects of listening to different kinds of music while working on productivity, researchers recruited a sample of 9 people. They randomly assigned each person to one of the music groups: Group 1 listened to Heavy Metal, Group 2 listened to Country, and Group 3 listened to nothing. Each participant was given a data entry task to complete while they listened to music. The researchers noted the number of errors each participant made in data entry (dependent variable). The number of errors made by participants are given below.

Heavy Metal Country No Music
8 7 4
9 10 2
12 8 0

Test whether or not there are differences in the number of errors made based on the type of music listened to, using a .05 level of significance. State the value of the test statistic and the decision to retain or reject the null hypothesis.

Null and alternative hypotheses (1 point each)

SSTotal, SSBetween, and SSWithin (1 point each)

dfTotal, dfBetween, and dfWithin (1 point each)

MSBetween and MSWithin (1 point each)

F-value (1 point)

F critical value (1 point)

Decision whether to retain or reject null hypothesis (1 point)



You will become the subject matter expert by conducting research based on your chosen title/topic and then reporting your findings in a potentially publishable manuscript. You do not have to seek approval for your topic. Choose any health/healthcare related topic of your choice that you feel is a significant problem within the United States.

Findings: Briefly introduce your research topic. While this may seem redundant at each section, it is important to remind the reader at the beginning of each section.

The following section will discuss the limitations, use and applications of findings, and recommendations of the research. This section requires one paragraph in length. Limitations Discuss the limitations of your study. Do not leave this paragraph empty; there are always limitations (e.g. time, funding, scope, etc.). This section requires one paragraph in length. Use and Application of Findings Summarize your findings from your research. (For example: The use and application of these findings may contribute to…by….). This section requires one paragraphs in length. There should be at least 3 recommendations (each a separate paragraph).

Recommendation 1: Thinking outside the box, think of what recommendations you can make to improve the problem you have identified previously. Elaborate why your recommendation is appropriate. This section requires one paragraph in length.

Recommendation 2: Thinking outside the box, think of what recommendations you can make to improve the problem you have identified previously. Elaborate why your recommendation is appropriate. . This section requires one paragraph in length.

Recommendation 3: Thinking outside the box, think of what recommendations you can make to improve the problem you have identified previously. Elaborate why your recommendation is appropriate. . This section requires one paragraph in length.

Conclusion Summarize your research study/topic here. Your conclusion may end up being a few pages, depending on the length of your research. This section requires a minimum of two paragraph in length. References Remember that any reference in your reference list must be present in your paper in the form of a citation (Author, year). Likewise, any citation in your paper must be present in your reference list. Refer to your APA Handbook 6th edition for more detailed information on developing a reference list. For your Assignment 4 you need a minimum of Four (4) scholarly references.

For each written assignment make sure you address all required instructions/criteria as noted within each assignment located within the assignment instructions/grading rubric.

There’s no specific amount of pages and or word count for each assignment. Address all questions presented and if the instructions/criteria states a paragraph make sure your paragraphs consist of  minimum of five complete sentences.

Differences In Death Rituals Across Cultures Research Paper

Differences In Death Rituals Across Cultures Research Paper

1. the paper needs to be 8 pages long not including title and reference

2. the paper must have 6 references

3. include a bibliography of the cross-culture literature and how it pertains to the topic of the paper. ( explained each culture and provide a moderate explanation of how they came to view this subject(death) in such a manner.

A) Indonesia B) Japan C) Tibet D) Ghana E) Europe( or any Christian country)

4. the papers should demonstrate how culture influences psychological phenomena ( how individual characteristics, social entities, and physical features of the environment contribute to their organization. )

the paper has to pertain to Anthropological Psychology– the study of various elements of humans, including biology and culture, in order to understand the human origin and the evolution of various beliefs and social customs.