Jobs In Insurance

Topic: Jobs In Insurance 

Each student will do a 7-page research paper (double spaced, 12 point font) on any topic which I have presented in class during the semester. You can use my class material, but you must also use 5 additional sources for your paper. Make sure to reference these sources in your paper and at the end of the paper in the bibliography. The paper is worth 20% of your final grade (200 points), and is due on the day of the final exam or sooner. You can email me the paper as an attachment.

Variables in a Research Study and Data Collection

Variables in a Research Study and Data Collection

Select one of the articles listed below to review.

Course Content Related to Chronic Wounds in Nursing Degree Programs in Spain

Health Empowerment among Immigrant Women in Transnational Marriages in Taiwan

Post your initial response to the article, addressing the following criteria:

  • Read the process for data collection employed in the study.
  • Identify the method used in the study.
  • Provide a list of the tasks performed as part of data collection in the study, add comments as needed.
  • Draw conclusions about the data collection process.
  • Enter your responses in the organizer.

Research Paper

CGI -300

Final Research Paper Guideline

Why, what, how and when


Why a research paper?


Because this paper aims to engage you with a more in-depth analysis of a global issue you are very much interested in. It allows you to expand your knowledge on the global issue of your interest and learn the different ways to conduct research and write up your findings and analysis.


What is it on and what are the requirements?


  1. What to write on: You can pick a topic, issue or case from the class sub-themes and conduct your own research. If you are interested in an issue that is outside the themes we have discussed, you are encouraged to suggest a research topic that pertains to global issues. We can set up a time and discuss your interests and research methodologies and approach. If you are not sure about a topic, you can always send me an email, talk to me after class or stop by my office hours and we can discuss it. I emphasize, again, please pick an issue of interest to you that will not bore you in the process.
  2. Requirements: This paper is 6 to 8 pages long, double spaced, New Times Roman, 12 fonts, due on April 22nd in class. Please bring a hardcopy with you to class. This is 30% of your overall grade (outline = 5%, draft = 5%, final draft = 20%).



How to write it?

There are several steps that will take you to the write up point: (You can put a tick mark next to each step after you accomplish it)


1) Pick a research topic.

2) I encourage you to conduct some preliminary research.

3) Please do some free writing on what you are interested in and jot down your ideas on a sheet of paper.

4) Prepare an outline and bring it to class for my feedback. The outlines are due in class on Feb 12.

5) We will have a research paper workshop on March 2nd in class and you will have the time to use the library and check out the books, films and articles you need for this paper.

6) It is time to start drafting your paper.

7) The 3-4 page draft is due on Monday, March 23rd. Please bring a hardcopy to class.

8) Individual meetings with me on Monday, March 23rd (during class period) to go over your drafts and address any issues or concerns you have.

9) Research paper peer review in class on April 8th.

10) Final paper due on April 22nd in class.


When: Final research paper is due on April 22nd in class.

Perspective of a sociological paradigm

What Do you Have to Do?

  1. Select a paper topic to research and to view from the perspective of a sociological paradigm.
  2. Papers must be 3-5 pages, 12 pt. double-spaced.
  3. Papers must include one paradigm (one only)- use one of the 3 main theories. Discuss it directly and apply it thoroughly!
  4. Paper structure: Introduction, Body of Paper (where you discuss your findings), and Conclusion. Be sure to use sociological terms from this course to discuss your topic!
  5. Papers must include at least 5 resources from: books, academic articles, or sociological journals
  6. Papers must include MLA or APA in-text citations and a Works Cited list (alphabetized!).

There are many topics you can consider for your paper. You may find that your topic is very general and you will then need to narrow it down. Some topics could include:

Gun control, media perceptions, death penalty, undocumented workers, New Jim Crow, gender exploitation, social media, police corruption, gambling in athletics, cheating in academic settings, relationships, homelessness, crossing borders, white privilege, driving while Black/Brown, stigma, juvenile delinquency, environmental racism, sexual orientation, whistle blowers, unnecessary surgery (medical sociology)



  1. Review the Project 3 Overview in the previous module. You only need to research one social issue/problem
  2. Papers must be 3-5 FULL pages (from the top of the 1st page to at least the bottom of the 3rd), 12 pt. double-spaced.
  3. Papers must include one paradigm (one only; conflict theory, functionalism, or interactionism).
  4. Paper structure: Introduction, Body of Paper (where you discuss your findings), and Conclusion. Be sure to use sociological terms from this course to discuss your topic!
  5. Papers must include at least 5 reliable resources from: books, academic articles, scholarly journals, etc. In short, you need to use academic sources. 
  6. Papers must include MLA or APA in-text citations and a Works Cited list.
  7. Papers must have a Turnitin score, and it must be under 30%, for credit on this assignment.

Conducting Time-Series Research

Assignment: Conducting Time-Series Research

Traditional experimental research dictates that there must be one or more experimental groups (groups receiving a treatment or intervention) and a control group (which does not receive the intervention). Participants are assigned randomly to the experimental and control groups. Although experimental designs may be preferable to other designs, even in action research, they are not always feasible for practitioners for many reasons. There may be ethical issues regarding withholding an intervention from a client group; or time, financial, or logistical constraints may make it impossible to include random assignment into groups.

In such cases, the use of time-series research can provide a meaningful alternative to true experimental research. Time-series designs are quasi-experimental, meaning that they still seek to evaluate the impact of a treatment or intervention on a target group (or individual) but do not include random assignment to treatment and control groups. Researchers still have control over admittance criteria to the treatment group (e.g., mothers under the age of 21). Times series then allows researchers to take measurements of treatment effectiveness at various intervals over time. Taken together, these data points provide information about the intervention under consideration.

In this Assignment, you apply time-series research techniques to a case study.

To Prepare

Imagine that you are a human and social services professional working with a child, Kaya, who is having some behavioral problems at her elementary school. As a scholar practitioner, you approach your work with her from an empirical standpoint and want to measure the effectiveness of your recommended services. To date, you have provided information about resources to the family and coordinated services for the child and family.

As such, you pose the following research question: “What impact do the services the child is currently receiving have on reducing off-task behavior, physical aggression, and verbal aggression for the identified child?”

For the purposes of this research, the target behaviors are as follows:

  1. Off-task: failure to maintain eye contact with task at hand for more than 3 consecutive seconds
  2. Physical Aggression: hitting/pushing/kicking peers/teachers, throwing objects
  3. Verbal Aggression: threatening, yelling

Consider the following observation report:

During the first observation period, which was conducted on Monday (in math class) between 11:20 and 11:30, 10-minute, 10-second, partial interval recording was used to assess the frequency of off-task behaviors, physical aggression, and verbal aggression. Kaya was observed to be off-task during 12% of the intervals observed, engaged in physical aggression 0% of the intervals observed, and engaged in verbal aggression 2% of the intervals observed.

During the second observation (during recess), which was conducted on Wednesday from 9:00 to 9:30, Kaya was observed to be off-task during 15% of the intervals observed, engaged in physical aggression 20% of the intervals observed, and engaged in verbal aggression 3% of the intervals observed.

Kaya was also observed on Friday from 10:30 to 10:40 during a group activity. Kaya was observed to be off-task during 20% of the intervals observed, was observed to engage in physical aggression 7% of the intervals observed, and was observed to engage in verbal aggression 10% of the intervals observed.

Off-task  Physical Aggression Verbal Aggression

10%           0%                             2%

15%           20%                           3%

20%            7%                            10%

The Assignment (1–2 pages)

Based on the data, you determine that you must design a behavioral intervention for Kaya and determine if it is successful. As you begin the process of investigating your research question:

  • Briefly describe a time-series design that you would use to investigate the impact of your intervention, and explain how you would collect and record the additional data. Be specific.
  • Select a method for graphically representing the provided data. Use the method to create a graph. (You can use Microsoft Excel or Word).
  • Analyze the data and provide a narrative description of your analysis.

Quantitative  Article Review

Choose 1 quantitative article and compose a 3-page review (not including the reference page in the count). Your review must include 2 sections (using Level 1 headings in APA): (1) a summary of the article and (2) a critical analysis of the article.

Your summary must include:

  • The purpose of the study;
  • A description of participants/sample;
  • The research design (experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, regression, etc.);
  • The method of data collection (survey, test, questionnaire, etc.);
  • A statistical analysis (t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), chi square, Pearson product moment correlation, Spearman rho, etc.); and
  • The results.

Your analysis must include:

  • Opportunities for further research not already stated in the article,
  • Threats to validity or rival hypotheses not already discussed,
  • Other original insight or criticism, and
  • Implications of the findings.

See your textbook if you need more help evaluating your article. Remember to include a reference page. All citations and references must be in current APA format.

NOTE: If the article you selected does not identify how the data was statistically analyzed (e.g., t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA etc.), it is likely that this article is either not a quantitative study or not an actual research report but a summary of a study, in which case you must select another article.

Value of modeling & behaviorism

Based on these readings, please answer both questions.


Discuss the value of modeling during instruction, and provide an example of what modeling might look like in an early childhood center or classroom.


Discuss a concept you think would be best learned through behaviorism and identify which researcher developed this theory. Identify a level, birth to grade 3, and explain how behaviorism would look in that setting.

Post a critique of the research study

Post a critique of the research study in which you:

Below attached is the journal and hypotheses checklist that is needed to complete this discussion post

  • Evaluate the research questions and hypotheses.

    The Research Questions and Hypotheses Checklist serves as a guide for your evaluation. Please do not respond to the checklist in a Yes/No format in writing your Discussion post.

  • Identify the type of qualitative research approach used and explain how the researchers implemented the design.
  • Analyze alignment among the theoretical or conceptual framework, problem, purpose, research questions, and design.

Research question for a quantitative study

The formulation of a research question is a vital first step in the research process and the significance of this is well reported in the literature; a well-structured question increases the outcome of useable findings. This week you will you will take what you learned from the previous modules/weeks and develop a quantitative and qualitative research question.


Week 5 Assignment:

Based upon the research conducted for Project 1, create research questions for the problem identified. Context will need to be included (i.e. how the questions relate to the problem statements), along with the actual problem statements and corresponding context. There should be at least one research question for a quantitative study, along with a corresponding hypothesis, and at least one qualitative research question. There must be at least two scholarly resources integrated in this project.

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Directions for Preparing the Scholarly Paper:
• A baccalaureate nurse understands, relates, and values the fundamental elements of research,
process, and designs as a foundation for an evidence-based practice (AACN, 2008; QSEN,
2018). This assignment provides a learning activity for students to demonstrate understanding of
quantitative and qualitative research, the purpose and importance of designs, and how research
is critical for creating a credible evidence-based nursing practice.
• Two or more supporting scholarly references are required.
• No more than two direct quotes are allowed. You should be using mostly your own words to
demonstrate your understanding of the topics/criteria for this assignment. Citations and
references must be included.

• This is a short, scholarly paper. The assignment should be 3-4 pages in length not including the
title page and references page.
The guideline below is the required outline:
For the introduction paragraph section, summarize your learning using mostly your own words
(see the grading rubric for details):
o The need for nursing research.
o The importance for nurses to understand the basic principles of research.
o The purpose of your paper.
For the quantitative research section, summarize your learning using mostly your own words
(see the grading rubric for details):
o The importance of quantitative research.
o One type of quantitative design; explain one important feature of this type of design.
o How quantitative research can help improve nursing practice.
For the qualitative research section, your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading
rubric for details):
o The importance of qualitative research.
o One type of qualitative design; explain one important feature of this type of design.
o How qualitative research can help improve nursing practice.
For the research sampling section, your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading
rubric for details):

o What is sampling and why is sampling important.
o One sampling strategy used in quantitative research.
o One other sampling strategy that you learned.
For the credible nursing practice section, your learning using mostly your own words (see the
grading rubric for details):
o How research can help to make nursing practice safer.
o Why research is critical for creating an evidence-based nursing practice.
For the conclusion section, summarize your learning using mostly your own words (see the
grading rubric for details):
o Short, concise, thorough summary of the main points of the paper.

Research Paper On New Technology And Healthcare

Topic: Research paper on New technology and healthcare

I need a research paper on the above topic with APA format, Intext citations and references. The paper should have a minimum of 20 pages. Use more than 25 Scholarly articles.

Abstract – written at the end (sometimes optional)

Introduction – announce your topic, why it is important, what you intend to do: the aim of the research.

Literature Review – Review and present other scholarly work that has been done on the topic or related topic.

Method – How you went about conducting the research

The result – What you discovered

Discussion / Conclusion – Relating the result to other studies, applying your theory, proffering your opinion, future research.

Elliptic Curve Research Papers


The abstract should be one paragraph of between 150 and  250 words. It is not indented. Section titles, such as the word Abstract  above, are not considered headings so they don’t use bold heading format.  Instead, use the Section Title style. This style automatically starts your  section on a new page, so you don’t have to add page breaks. (To see your  document with pagination, on the View tab, click Reading View.) Note that all  text styles for this template are available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in  the Styles gallery.

Keywords: Add  keywords here. To replace this (or any) tip text with your own, just select it  and then start typing. Don’t include space to  the right or left of the characters in your selection.

Add Title Here, up to 12 Words, on  One to Two Lines

The  body of your paper uses a half-inch first line indent and is double-spaced.  APA style provides for up to five heading levels, shown in the paragraphs that  follow. Note that the word Introduction should not be used as  an initial heading, as it’s assumed that your paper begins with an  introduction.

Literature Review

The first two heading levels  get their own paragraph, as shown here. Headings 3, 4, and 5 are run-in  headings used at the beginning of the paragraph.

Heading 21

For APA formatting requirements,  it’s easy to just type your own footnote references and notes. To format a  footnote reference, select the number and then, on the Home tab, in the Styles  gallery, click Footnote Reference.

Heading  3.

Include a period at the end of a  run-in heading. Note that you can include consecutive paragraphs with their  own headings, where appropriate.

Heading 4.

When using headings, don’t skip  levels. If you need a heading 3, 4, or 5 with no text following it before the  next heading, just add a period at the end of the heading and then start a new  paragraph for the subheading and its text. (Last Name, Year)

Heading 5.

Like all sections of your  paper, references start on their own page, as you see on the page that  follows. Just type in-text citations as you do any text of your paper, as  shown at the end of this paragraph and the preceding paragraph. (Last Name, Year)


The first two heading levels  get their own paragraph, as shown here. Headings 3, 4, and 5 are run-in  headings used at the beginning of the paragraph.

Heading 21

For APA formatting  requirements, it’s easy to just type your own footnote references and notes.  To format a footnote reference, select the number and then, on the Home tab,  in the Styles gallery, click Footnote Reference.

Heading  3.

Include a period at the end of a  run-in heading. Note that you can include consecutive paragraphs with their  own headings, where appropriate.

Heading 4.

When using headings, don’t skip  levels. If you need a heading 3, 4, or 5 with no text following it before the  next heading, just add a period at the end of the heading and then start a new  paragraph for the subheading and its text. (Last Name, Year)

Heading 5.

Like all sections of your paper,  references start on their own page, as you see on the page that follows. Just  type in-text citations as you do any text of your paper, as shown at the end  of this paragraph and the preceding paragraph. (Last Name, Year)


Conclusion and Future Study

The first two heading levels  get their own paragraph, as shown here. Headings 3, 4, and 5 are run-in  headings used at the beginning of the paragraph.

Heading 21

For APA formatting  requirements, it’s easy to just type your own footnote references and notes.  To format a footnote reference, select the number and then, on the Home tab,  in the Styles gallery, click Footnote Reference.

Heading  3.

Include a period at the end of  a run-in heading. Note that you can include consecutive paragraphs with their  own headings, where appropriate.

Heading 4.

When using headings, don’t skip  levels. If you need a heading 3, 4, or 5 with no text following it before the  next heading, just add a period at the end of the heading and then start a new  paragraph for the subheading and its text. (Last Name, Year)

Heading 5.

Like all sections of your paper,  references start on their own page, as you see on the page that follows. Just  type in-text citations as you do any text of your paper, as shown at the end  of this paragraph and the preceding paragraph. (Last Name, Year)


Last Name, F. M.    (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From – To.

Last Name, F. M.    (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name


1 Add footnotes, if  any, on their own page following references. The body of a footnote, such as  this example, uses the Normal text style. (Note: If you delete this sample footnote,  don’t forget to delete its in-text reference as well. That’s at the end of the  sample Heading 2 paragraph on the first page of body content in this  template.)

Business research

Pick one of the following terms for your research: analyzability, core technology, interdependence, joint optimization, lean manufacturing, noncore technology, service technology, small-batch production, smart factories, or technical complexity