Top Essay Writer to Write Literature Review for my Research Topic

Top Essay Writer to Write Literature Review for my Research Topic


In this paper, you should provide some empirical justification for why your topic is important to study and identify and review the major studies
previously conducted to examine the topic in the past. When writing the literature review, keep in mind that you do not want to summarize each study, but integrate the common ideas, topics, and results.
Your Literature Review Paper should be 3-5 pages long, and it should include all of the following topics:
Justification for why your topic is important to study.
Identify and review the past major studies previously conducted on your chosen topic.
Identify the methodological strengths and weaknesses of these studies.
A minimum of 6 references that come exclusively from peer-reviewed journals, scholarly books, and governmental records or reports.
Anything else that you feel is appropriate to defending your position.
Use the following as 1 of the references:
Maxfield, M.G., and Babbie, E. (2018). Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology, 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage

Impact of Industrialization On the Environment

Impact of Industrialization On the Environment

  1. Financial Markets Research Paper

    Each student will prepare an argumentative financial markets research paper, developed with appropriate evidence drawn from primary and secondary source material that demonstrates understanding and fluency in key course topics.

The research paper topic must explore a problem, question or issue bearing on U.S. financial markets and institutions that is historically significant or currently important.

To develop their topic, it is recommended that students review all course topics prior to or at the very start of the course to develop ideas about their paper topic.

There are 3 parts to the research paper:

  • Topic submitted for approval Week 1
  • Draft submitted for grading Week 4
  • Final research paper submitted for grading Week 7
  1. Financial Markets research paper (draft)
  2. A draft of your research paper is due on or before the end of Week 4
  3. Submit the draft Word file via the Canvas assignment drop box title “Research paper draft”
  4. Requirements and grading criteria for the draft are listed the following rubric:


  • Financial Markets research paper
  • Each student will be required to complete an original 8-page (maximum) research paper
    • See topic approval section above.
  • The research paper must address and include:
  • A problem, question or issue bearing on U.S. financial markets and institutions that is historically significant or currently important
  • research that demonstrates the validity and applicability of the problem, question or issue in the field
  • a solution to the problem, question or issue or, if no solution is available, a discussion of alternatives that may be utilized
  • quantitative data specific and relevant to the problem, question, or issue
  • quantitative evaluation issue using the relevant data
  • narrative analysis supported (cited) by the research on the topic
  • clear and appropriate conclusion
  • Research paper required characteristics:
  • The 8-page requirement does not include the title page and references.
  • A minimum of 12 research sources
  • Each of the 12 sources must be cited within the paper
  • APA format
    • Correct title page
    • Correct APA in-text citation format
    • Correct APA formatted reference page
  • Times New Roman, 12-pt
  • References
  • A minimum of 12 relevant sources (excluding the textbook) from primary-source documents or reports, peer-reviewed journals or equivalent materials with substantive academic value, cited in the text and identified as references (e.g., Journal of Monetary Economics; American Economic Review; Journal of Political Economy; publication of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board; official publications of publicly held financial institutions, etc.).
  • Examples of references that are not relevant
    • Wikipedia
    • Investopedia
    • Blog sites or opinion pieces











Financial Markets research paper rubrics


Grading criteria : research draft Maximum Points
Topic working title and short description of key issue, 2 -3 paragraphs 5
A completed outline for the paper 5
Two paragraphs minimum for each section of the paper: 4 items  
Intro/problem statement 5
Description of and/or examples of financial data used to support narrative analysis 5
A minimum of 8 cited research sources relevant to the topic and from acceptable sources 5
Perfect spelling, punctuation, grammar; APA where needed; concise business-style writing*

*mistakes of this nature repeated throughout the research paper could result in a greater than 10% deduction

Total 30


Final Research Paper

Grading Criteria : research paper final paper Maximum Points
Introduction that concisely introduces the topic problem or issue; primary issue clearly and concisely defined (1 page) 5
Key Points: identifies three key points on the primary issue from multiple stakeholder perspectives 20
Key issues supported by research (2 pages)  
Embeds financial analysis throughout the narrative, and applies pertinent financial and quantitative data to support research and conclusions 10
Generates and discusses in depth three alternate stakeholder interpretations of key issue (2 pages) 20
Identifies solution to key issue/problem (2 pages)

Articulates through discussion of solution a clear action or implementation plan

Conclusion summarizes/synthesizes key issues, stakeholder perspectives, and recommendation(s) (1 page) 5
Relevant list of research sources to date and what support/content each source will provide (require 8 for the draft.  Final paper requires minimum of 12)

All sources cited in body of paper

Flawless spelling, punctuation, grammar, APA formatting, concise business-style writing*

*mistakes of this nature repeated throughout the research paper could result in a greater than 10% deduction

Total 100


Research Proposal Presentation

Research Proposal Presentation

In Week 6 you will create a Power Point Presentation. This presentation will be a summary of your Research Proposal. You have 2 options for
doping this :
Each slide should represent a section of the proposal with a brief explanation of that section, not just the headings, on the slide
Provide bullet points of what you want to talk about and then include the speaker notes of what you will be saying.
Do not forget the references slide.
This assignment is the easiest of all the assignments since you will include only the main points of the proposal.
Present your research proposal poster.
Online Students must complete an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation.
Include the following in your presentation, regardless of the course modality:
Abstract, including the research question
Prior research: literature review
Expected conclusions
Format your presentation or poster consistent with APA guidelines.

Limitations and Sources of Bias in Research

Limitations and Sources of Bias in Research

As you read this observational study (Descriptive and Analytic Studies Facilitator Guide Askim, A. et al. (2016). Epidemiology and outcome of sepsis in adult patients with Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in a Norwegian county 1993-2011: an observational study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 16(223), pp. 1-9. doi: 10.1186/s12879-016-1553-8. Then Identify the limitations of this study including the potential or actual sources of bias


1. You must have at least two Journal Articles less than 5 years as references (one is provided in attachment

2. You are expected to follow APA format and ensure your responses are evidence-based with APA 7th edition citations.

3. Please refer to the Discussion Board Grading Rubric prior to completing this discussion to ensure you meet or exceed the expectations.

4. The posts should reflect literature and research related to epidemiology.

5. To avoid re-writing avoid copy paste and no quote.

6. You must paraphrased and use your own words.

Plagiarism will be check by Unicheck software.

Starting the Research Process

Starting the Research Process

To prepare:
Determine a nursing practice problem that is of interest to you and that is appropriate for a quantitative research study.

Note: You will continue to use this problem in the Discussions over the next several weeks.
Using the Walden Library and other credible sources, locate and read two or three articles that address your practice problem.
With your practice problem in mind, review the Learning Resources and media presentations focusing on the strategies presented for generating a research problem statement.
Ask yourself: What is the importance of my practice problem to nursing, research, and theory? How might addressing this problem bring about positive social change? How will investigating this problem support evidence-based practice?
Post a proposed research problem statement, including sufficient information to make your focus clear and explaining how addressing this problem may bring about positive social change.