Physical Security Assignment

Physical Security Assignment

Using proper APA formatting research and answer the following:

  1. Explain the differences between physical and protective barriers.
  2. What are the two major categories of protective barriers?
  3. When should protective barriers be established?
  4. List and explain three types of physical barriers and their significance as it relates to an organization today.

Assignment Requirements

You must write a minimum of two paragraphs, with two different citations, and every paragraph should have at least four complete sentences for each question. Every question should have a subtitle (Bold and Centered). You need to use the IP title page provided in the getting started folder. Please proofread your work before posting your assignment. Plagiarism should not be more than 15%.

Security And Ethics

The Cruisin’ Fusion taco trucks are gaining popularity, fueling a demand for an order-ahead option on the website. After careful consideration, the team has decided to add shopping cart software to the Cruisin’ Fusion website to meet this demand.

Research various shopping cart software to determine the best choice for website.

Write a 1- to 2-page blog post to launch this new feature and to reassure your customers that placing online orders is safe. In addition to introducing the order-ahead option, your blog post should:

  • Analyze how the new shopping cart software upholds ethical trends in consumer privacy.
  • Examine ethical considerations for maintaining confidentiality and consumer data.
  • Describe the various privacy regulations upheld with the shopping cart software.

Terrorist Financing


Identify, describe, and analyze the issue of terrorist financing.

In 2–3 pages, address the following: Identify and craft a clear Problem Statement on a terrorist financing issue.

Introduce the issue and why it is important.

Research and develop further discussion and background of your identified problem to outline some of the key issues that frame the problem.

Outline 3 potential solutions or initiatives that can mitigate the effects of your identified problem.

Conclude by recommending a course of action to remedy the situation.

Resources for developing a problem statement are as follows: Resource 1 Resource 2 Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Airport Security Paper

Assignment Instructions

You work for a global consulting company with a number of large airport customers and the company has asked you to work on an airport planning and development project. You have been assigned to write a report regarding 2 airports to use as case studies for the teams who will be working with their various airport customers.

Steps to follow:

The steps you need to follow are listed below.

  1. Select two airports. You can select any two airports of any type in any country.
  2.  Select from below areas to cover in your report:
  • Legislation
  • Ownership structures
  • Airport commercial / service performance
  • The airfield
  • Terminal buildings
  • Surface access
  • Airport security
  • Compare and critically analyse the approach of the two airports based on the 2 areas you selected from the above list.

The report should have a Contents Page and use clear sections and sub sections. It must be no more than 3,500 words excluding your References List, any necessary appendices, tables, figures, graphs and contents page. Reports exceeding this word count may incur penalties, in accordance with the word count used.

Your report will be marked according to the following assessment criteria:

  • Comparison and critical evaluation of the 2 areas – 40% each (80%)
  • The use of sources and Harvard referencing, both in-text and in the References List (10%)
  • Report structure, spelling, grammar (10%)

Types of Terrorist Activity

This activity addresses module outcomes 5 and 6. Upon completion of this activity, you will be
able to:
MO5: Explain terrorist trends and what factors determine the rates, trends, and types of
terrorist activity. (CO1)
MO6: Create an effective and appropriate response to a terrorist attack. (CO1)
It is no secret that countries and regions differ in their exposure to terrorist groups and terrorist violence. Understanding these trends and what factors determine the rates, trends, and types
of terrorist activity are critical to formulating an effective and appropriate response.
Respond to the following:
For this activity, select one region/country (not the United States) from the US Department of
State’s Country Reports on Terrorism and write a 300-400-word post summarizing the trends
in terrorism, the groups involved, and a concise summary of the effects on US interests in that
region or country.
Assume that this memo is for the Secretary of State, and consider what the Secretary of State
would be particularly interested in related to this region.
It would be easier to write a multi-page paper on this topic, so your ability to write clearly and
concisely is critical here. You can find the country reports on terrorism at the official State
Department website (Links to an external site.), which was one of the readings for this
U.S. Department of State. (2010). National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) 2010 country
reports on terrorism. (Links to an external site.)

Retrieved from

Responding Terrorist Attack

This activity addresses module outcomes 5 and 6. Upon completion of this activity, you will be
able to:
MO5: Explain terrorist trends and what factors determine the rates, trends, and types of
terrorist activity. (CO1)
MO6: Create an effective and appropriate response to a terrorist attack. (CO1)
It is no secret that countries and regions differ in their exposure to terrorist groups and terrorist violence. Understanding these trends and what factors determine the rates, trends, and types
of terrorist activity are critical to formulating an effective and appropriate response.
Respond to the following:
For this activity, select one region/country (not the United States) from the US Department of
State’s Country Reports on Terrorism and write a 300-400-word post summarizing the trends
in terrorism, the groups involved, and a concise summary of the effects on US interests in that
region or country.
Assume that this memo is for the Secretary of State, and consider what the Secretary of State
would be particularly interested in related to this region.
It would be easier to write a multi-page paper on this topic, so your ability to write clearly and
concisely is critical here. You can find the country reports on terrorism at the official State
Department website (Links to an external site.), which was one of the readings for this
U.S. Department of State. (2010). National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) 2010 country
reports on terrorism. (Links to an external site.)

Retrieved from

Homeland Security and Emergency Management


The complexity of the fields of homeland security and emergency management require a
compilation of actions from a multitude of disciplines. In this discussion forum, you will define
homeland security and emergency management and discuss the implications of what it means to
be interdisciplinary.
Read and review the following:
• Bellavita, C. (2009, June). Changing Homeland Security: What is Homeland Security? (Links to
an external site.) Homeland Security Affairs Journal, 6(3). Retrieved from Changing Homeland Security: What is Homeland Security?


Respond to the following:
• Construct your own definition of homeland security and emergency management. Next, analyze Bellavita’s seven categories. How does his attempt at defining homeland security compare to your own definition? Would you add categories or take any away from his explanation? Why or
why not?

Department of Homeland Security DHS Structures

The Homeland Security Enterprise is a massive compilation of organizations at all levels. It
includes government, private sector, and non-governmental organizations. While the Department
of Homeland Security is tasked with overseeing many operations, there are other entities with
homeland security responsibilities.
In this discussion forum, you will discuss the mission of the DHS and the various structures that
make up homeland security and emergency management.
Read and review the following:
• The 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (Links to an external site.) [PDF, File Size
9.3MB]. (2014). Retrieved from
Respond to the following:
• Explain how the QHSR supports the responsibilities, structures, and components of the DHS.
Do you agree with the organizational structure of this massive federal agency? Would you make
changes, and if so, what would they be?

Organ Trafficking

This is a security paper. In 8 pages, discuss the various aspects of organ trafficking . Format your paper in MLA.

Port Security Planning

What are the components that contribute to port security planning? Why are they important and what aspects of security planning are considered in port facility operations?

Discuss the significance and purpose of the Secure Freight Initiative.

Discuss all the points completely. Use short sentences. Organize your work.  Use transition words.

Write about 750 words maximum. MLA style. Cite at least two sources.

Paper On Physical Security (CCTV, Fences, Physical Barriers)

1. What are some of the physical barriers provided by CCTV and chain link fences as it relates to discouraging criminal activities?

2. Should the designs and features of physical barriers be considered when business owners are planning to install such systems at their businesses? Why or why not?

3. Explain the following 4 types of fencing.

A. Chain link fencing,

B. Ornamental fences,

C. Welded wire mesh fabric fencing,

D. Expanded metal fencing.


Paper Requirements:

1. Please write a minimum of two paragraphs on each question.

2. Every paragraph must be indented, have at least four complete sentences, subtitled (centered bold), and a different in-text citation.

3. Do not continuously cite at the end of each paragraph.

4. You are required to write and cite according to APA 6th  Edition format.

5. Your plagiarism score needs to be no more than 23%.