Statistics homework help

In this week’s assignment, you will explore the different types of graphs used to visualize data. Results from both Excel and SPSS should be copied and pasted into a Word document for submission.

Each graph must contain a narrative description of what it represents and an interpretation of the image. Please use the provided datasets for building these figures.

  1. Pie chart
  2. Bar chart
  3. Scatterplot
  4. Histogram

Length: 4 pages not including title page or reference page

References: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources. Be sure to reference Excel and SPSS as they are resources for this assignment, although not scholarly.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Excel Statistics Assignment


Perform all computations in Excel. Submit the completed Excel file for grading. For
the normal probability questions, you can use the Z table, or you can use the NORM.DIST()
function. See Normal Probability Example.xls on the Lecture Slides and Spreadsheets page of
LM 2 for an example of how to use this function.
Scenario 1
You are staffing a security detail for a large manufacturing plant. Absenteeism is an ongoing
problem. (Don’t blame the staff. You don’t pay very well, and since you started your master’s
degree while still working full time, you have been somewhat irritable. ) The schedule has five
employees designated for duty today. Based on history, the probability that everyone will show
up is 65%. The probability that only 4 will show up is 22%, the probability that 3 will show up is
9%, and the probability that 2 will show up is 4%.

1. What is the probability that 3 or 4 employees will show up?
2. What is the probability that there will be only 1 employee on duty?
3. What is the probability that no more than four employees will show up?
Scenario 2
The armory has four AR15s, three Glock 9s, two shotguns, and three 45 caliber revolvers. Define
A as semi-automatic weapons, define B as handguns, and define C as long guns.
4. If you are randomly issued a weapon, what are the probabilities associated with drawing each
type of gun?
5. If you are randomly issued a weapon, what is the probability it will be a semi-automatic
weapon? Hint: P(A)?
6. If you are randomly issued a weapon, what is the probability that it not a semi-automatic

7. If you are randomly issued a weapon, what is the probability it will be a semi-automatic
weapon or a long gun? Hint: P(AC)
Scenario 3:
You are in charge of cybersecurity at your firm. An analyst for your firm determined that the
number of daily attacks on your network are normally distributed with a mean of 345 and a
standard deviation of 68. Note: I put a nice normal table in the File Cabinet for this exercise.
Also, remember that you have to compute the Z score = (X – )/. Then, you use the Z score to
find the probability. If the probability is for less than, you simply read the probability off the table.
If the probability is for greater than, you take the complement of the table probability. Easy!!
8. What is the probability that you will have over 400 attacks today?
9. What is the probability that you will have less than 345 attacks tod

Statistics / SPSS Assignment

1)To study about the relationship between height and the weight, you need to collect a sample of
nine (9) people using a systematic sampling method.
-What is the population of people?
-Where and how are you going to collect your sample?
-Does your sample accurately represent your population? Why or why not?
-Collect the sample and record the data.
2) (CLO 1) Construct a confidence interval to estimate the mean height and the mean weight by
completing the following:
-Find the sample mean and the sample standard deviation of the height.
-Find the sample mean and the sample standard deviation of the weight.
-Construct and interpret a confidence interval to estimate the mean height.

Construct and interpret a confidence interval to estimate the mean weight.
3)(CLO 2) Test a claim that the mean height of people you know is not equal to 64 inches using
the p-value method or the traditional method by completing the following:
-State H0 and H1.
-Find the p value or critical value(s).
-Draw a conclusion in context of the situation.
4) (CLO 3) Create a scatterplot with the height on the x-axis and the weight on the y-axis. Find
the correlation coefficient between the height and the weight. What does the correlation
coefficient tell you about your data? Construct the equation of the regression line and use it to
predict the weight of a person who is 68 inches tall.
5)Write a paragraph or two about what you have learned from this process. When you read, see,
or hear a statistic in the future, what skills will you apply to know whether you can trust the

Statistics and Probability Paper (SPSS)

 PROBABILITY First Homework on Standardization of Variables
(Module 11 Topic 3 HW1)
Date Due:
Student’s Name:
In these exercises, we speak of “natural units” such as Fahrenheight degrees or feet or kilograms and “standardized units” or stds. Where we may
use x to represent the value of a random variable expressed in natural units,
we will use z as the corresponding value expressed in standardized units. The
conversion between the two values is accomplished by the following formulas:
x = µ + z
z = (Xµ)

Perform the following unit conversions.
1. GPAs of SUNY Oswego freshman biology majors have approximately
the normal distribution with mean 2.87 and standard deviation .34.
(a) Convert a GPA of 2.00 into standardized units relative to the
mean. (Convert to a Z-score.)
(b) If a student’s GPA is 2.5 std above the mean, what is the student’s
2. The duration of elephant pregnancies from conception to birth varies
according to a distribution that is approximately normal with mean
525 days and standard deviation 32 days.
(a) Convert a duration of 600 days into standardized units relative to
the mean. (Convert to a Z-score.)
(b) If the duration of an elephant pregnancy is -1.5 std, then how
many days did the pregnancy last? (Convert from the Z-score
into an X value.)
3. A forest products company claims that the amount of usable lumber in
its harvested trees averages 172 cubic feet and has a standard deviation
of 12.4 cubic feet. Assume that these amounts have approximately a
normal distribution.
(a) Convert 150 cubic feet into standardized units relative to the
mean. (Convert from X into a Z-score.)
(b) Convert a z-score of 1 std above the mean, into cubic feet. Convert
from a Z-score into an X value.
4. At two years of age, sardines inhabiting Japanese waters have a length
distribution that is approximately normal with mean 20.20 cm and
standard deviation 0.65 cm. Convert 19.0 cm and 21.0 cm into standardized units relative to the mean.
Answer: 19cm= std.
Answer: 21cm= std.

 PROBABILITY Second Homework on Continuous Random Variables
(Module 11 Topic 2 HW2)
Date Due:
Student’s Name:
Do the following exercises on graph paper and bring it to the classroom
to hand it in. Writeout your verbal responses on the same piece of paper.
1. Graph a continuous unimodal triangular distribution that is symmetric
about the vertical line x=0. Label the coordinates of the x and y
intercepts with numbers so that the total area beneath the distribution
curve will be correct.
2. Sketch a continuous unimodal distribution with a mode at x=0 and
skewed to the right.
3. Sketch a continuous bimodal distribution that is symmetric about the
vertical line x=0.
4. Sketch a continuous trimodal distribution that is symmetric about the
vertical line x=0.
5. Suppose a continuous random variable X has a distribution that is
symmetric about the vertical line x=0. Suppose P(X < 2) = 0.85. (In
other words, suppose that 85% of the population has an X value below
2.) Find P(X < 2). Explain your reasoning and draw a picture to
illustrate your ideas.

Multiple Regression Paper

Multiple Regression Paper

See the attached excel file.
It’s multiple choice questions you will find them in the first sheet.
The remaining sheets you will need them in order to answer the questions

SPSS: Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) – Results

SPSS: Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) -Result

Basically, I’ve conducted a 2×3 (I think) factorial between groups MANCOVA to compare the effects of three different Social Networking Sites (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) as well as Gender (Male and Female) on subsequent Social comparison scores and Self-esteem scores.
Whilst, accounting for the time spent on the participant’s respective site and their age (covariates). Since these could effect the results.
I’d like you to interpret the data and figure out whether things are significant or not, such as the relationship between each of the three sites and corresponding social comparison and self-esteem scores for men and women or both together. Talk about covariates (Age of the participant and their time spent on their respective site) and if they would of had any impact on their social comparison and self-esteem scores, had we not made them covariates.
The higher the self-esteem score the higher their self-esteem (0-30). The higher the social comparison score the higher the person perceives themselves in comparison to others.
I will attach the SPSS results Output (the word document) but let me know if you would need the raw SPSS data for some reason. I tried to
attach it here but it said wrong file type, but I don’t think you should need it.
My hypotheses were:
1. Facebook users will have the lowest self-esteem scores than Instagram and Twitter users regardless of gender
2. There will be no significant difference between the SC and SE scores of men and women across all platforms
3. The more time spent on any given social networking sitethe lower the user self-esteem will be
If you have any questions feel free to message me


Collect Sample data to construct confidence interval estimates of the population parameters. For example the mean number of hours that the students at your college work per week. You must include your data as well as the work and explanation.

Statistical Analysis. SPSS Assignment Solved

NOTE: Show your work in the problems.

  1. In the following situations, indicate whether you’d use the normal distribution, the tdistribution, or neither.
  2. The population is normally distributed, and you know the population standard deviation.
    b. You don’t know the population standard deviation, and the sample size is 35.
    c. The sample size is 22, and the population is normally distributed.
    d. The sample size is 12, and the population is notnormally distributed.
    e. The sample size is 45, and you know the population standard deviation.
  3. The prices of used books at a large college bookstore are normally distributed. If a sample of 23 used books from this store has a mean price of $27.50 with a standard deviation of $6.75, use Table 10.1 in your textbook to calculate the following for a 95% confidence level about the population mean. Be sure to show your work.
  4. Degrees of freedom
    b. The critical value oft
    c. The margin of error
    d. The confidence interval for a 95% confidence level
  5. Statistics students at a state college compiled the following two-way table from a sample of randomly selected students at their college:
 Play chess Don’t play chess
Male students 25 162
Female students 19 148

Answer the following questions about the table. Be sure to show any calculations.

  1. How many students in total were surveyed?
    b. How many of the students surveyed play chess?
    c. What question about the population of students at the state college would this table attempt to answer?
    d. State Hºand Hª for the test related to this table.
  2. Answer the following questions about an ANOVA analysis involving three samples.
  3. In this ANOVA analysis, what are we trying to determine about the three populations they’re taken from?
    b. State the null and alternate hypotheses for a three-sample ANOVA analysis.
    c. What sample statistics must be known to conduct an ANOVA analysis?
    d. In an ANOVA test, what does an Ftest statistic lower than its critical value tell us about the three populations we’re examining?

Table 10.1 Critical t Values

Degrees of freedom (n − 1) 0.05 area in two tails 0.05 area in one tail Degrees of freedom (n − 1) 0.05 area in two tails 0.05 area in one tail
1 12.706 6.314  28 2.048 1.701
2 4.303 2.920  29 2.045 1.699
3 3.182 2.353  30 2.042 1.697
4 2.776 2.132  31 2.040 1.696
5 2.571 2.015  32 2.037 1.694
6 2.447 1.943  33 2.035 1.692
7 2.365 1.895  34 2.032 1.691
8 2.306 1.860  35 2.030 1.690
9 2.262 1.833  36 2.028 1.688
10 2.228 1.812  37 2.026 1.687
11 2.201 1.796  38 2.024 1.686
12 2.179 1.782  39 2.023 1.685
13 2.160 1.771  40 2.021 1.684
14 2.145 1.761  45 2.014 1.679
15 2.131 1.753  50 2.009 1.676
16 2.120 1.746  60 2.000 1.671
17 2.110 1.740  70 1.994 1.667
18 2.101 1.734  80 1.990 1.664
19 2.093 1.729  90 1.987 1.662
20 2.086 1.725 100 1.984 1.660
21 2.080 1.721 200 1.972 1.653
22 2.074 1.717 300 1.968 1.650
23 2.069 1.714 400 1.966 1.649
24 2.064 1.711 500 1.965 1.648
25 2.060 1.708 1000 1.962 1.646
26 2.056 1.706 2000 1.961 1.646
27 2.052 1.703 Large 1.960 1.645


ANOVA Analysis.

Statistical Analysis. ANOVA Analysis. SPSS Analysis. 

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statistical models and their associated estimation procedures (such as the “variation” among and between groups) used to analyze the differences among group means in a sample. ANOVA was developed by statistician and evolutionary biologist Ronald Fisher.

ANOVA is a statistical method that stands for analysis of variance. ANOVA is an extension of the t and the z test and was developed by Ronald Fisher.

The specific test considered here is called analysis of variance (ANOVA) and is a test of hypothesis that is appropriate to compare means of a continuous variable.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is an analysis tool used in statistics that splits an observed aggregate variability found inside a data set into two parts: systematic factors and random factors. The systematic factors have a statistical influence on the given data set, while the random factors do not.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical method used to test differences between two or more means.

NOTE: Show your work in the problems.

  1. In the following situations, indicate whether you’d use the normal distribution, the tdistribution, or neither.
  2. The population is normally distributed, and you know the population standard deviation.
    b. You don’t know the population standard deviation, and the sample size is 35.
    c. The sample size is 22, and the population is normally distributed.
    d. The sample size is 12, and the population is notnormally distributed.
    e. The sample size is 45, and you know the population standard deviation.
  3. The prices of used books at a large college bookstore are normally distributed. If a sample of 23 used books from this store has a mean price of $27.50 with a standard deviation of $6.75, use Table 10.1 in your textbook to calculate the following for a 95% confidence level about the population mean. Be sure to show your work.
  4. Degrees of freedom
    b. The critical value oft
    c. The margin of error
    d. The confidence interval for a 95% confidence level
  5. Statistics students at a state college compiled the following two-way table from a sample of randomly selected students at their college:
 Play chess Don’t play chess
Male students 25 162
Female students 19 148

Answer the following questions about the table. Be sure to show any calculations.

  1. How many students in total were surveyed?
    b. How many of the students surveyed play chess?
    c. What question about the population of students at the state college would this table attempt to answer?
    d. State Hºand Hª for the test related to this table.
  2. Answer the following questions about an ANOVA analysis involving three samples.
  3. In this ANOVA analysis, what are we trying to determine about the three populations they’re taken from?
    b. State the null and alternate hypotheses for a three-sample ANOVA analysis.
    c. What sample statistics must be known to conduct an ANOVA analysis?
    d. In an ANOVA test, what does an Ftest statistic lower than its critical value tell us about the three populations we’re examining?

Table 10.1 Critical t Values

Degrees of freedom (n − 1) 0.05 area in two tails 0.05 area in one tail Degrees of freedom (n − 1) 0.05 area in two tails 0.05 area in one tail
1 12.706 6.314  28 2.048 1.701
2 4.303 2.920  29 2.045 1.699
3 3.182 2.353  30 2.042 1.697
4 2.776 2.132  31 2.040 1.696
5 2.571 2.015  32 2.037 1.694
6 2.447 1.943  33 2.035 1.692
7 2.365 1.895  34 2.032 1.691
8 2.306 1.860  35 2.030 1.690
9 2.262 1.833  36 2.028 1.688
10 2.228 1.812  37 2.026 1.687
11 2.201 1.796  38 2.024 1.686
12 2.179 1.782  39 2.023 1.685
13 2.160 1.771  40 2.021 1.684
14 2.145 1.761  45 2.014 1.679
15 2.131 1.753  50 2.009 1.676
16 2.120 1.746  60 2.000 1.671
17 2.110 1.740  70 1.994 1.667
18 2.101 1.734  80 1.990 1.664
19 2.093 1.729  90 1.987 1.662
20 2.086 1.725 100 1.984 1.660
21 2.080 1.721 200 1.972 1.653
22 2.074 1.717 300 1.968 1.650
23 2.069 1.714 400 1.966 1.649
24 2.064 1.711 500 1.965 1.648
25 2.060 1.708 1000 1.962 1.646
26 2.056 1.706 2000 1.961 1.646
27 2.052 1.703 Large 1.960 1.645


Psychological Testing (SPSS/Statistics Exercise)

Student Name:

Statistics Exercise

Complete the following exercises and submit for grading by the end of this week.  No statistical software is required; you should be able to execute all of the mathematical operations with a standard calculator.  Type your answers directly into this document and Save.

Suppose you have magically changed places with the professor teaching this course and that you have just administered an examination that consists of 100 multiple-choice items (where 1 point is awarded for each correct answer). The distribution of scores for the 25 students enrolled in your class could theoretically range from 0 (none correct) to 100 (all correct).   Below are your student’s scores.  You will use this raw data to complete all of the calculations in this assignment:

Student Score (number correct)
Judy 78
Joe 67
Lee-Wu 69
Miriam 63
Valerie 85
Diane 72
Henry 92
Esperanza 67
Paula 94
Urian 69
Leroy 61
Ronald 96
Vinnie 73
Bianca 79
Martha 62
Bill 61
Homer 44
Robert 66
Michael 87
Jorge 76
Mary 83
Mousey 42
Barbara 82
John 84
Donna 51


One task at hand is to communicate the test results to your class. You want to do that in a way that will help students understand how their performance on the test compared with the performances of other students. Probably, the first step is to arrange the data by converting it from a casual listing of raw scores into something that immediately provides a little more information.

Display (in descending order) the test scores and complete the table below. (6 points)

Scores from Your Test (X) Score f (frequency) f(X)


(2 points each):


  1. Identify the median of the frequency distribution. Median =


  1. Identify the mode in the frequency distribution. Mode(s) =


  1. What is the range of this frequency distribution? Range =

On average, how much does each score in this distribution vary from the mean score?

The steps for calculating the average deviation (AD) of a frequency distribution is as follows:

  1. Determine the deviation scores for each score in the frequency distribution (in other words, how much does each individual score vary from the mean score?).
  2. Find the sum of the deviation scores.
  • Divide the sum of the deviation scores by the total number of scores to obtain the average deviation.

Complete the table below (10 points).

Scores from Your Test(X) Score f(frequency) Absolute Valueof (X−x)


  1. The sum of the absolute value of deviation scores = (2 points)
  2. The total number of scores in the frequency distribution =
  3. Therefore, average deviation (AD) = (2 points)

What is the standard deviation of this distribution?

The standard deviation is equal to the square root of the average squared deviations about the mean. More succintly, it is equal to the square root of the variance. So one way to calculate the standard deviation of a frequency distribution is to calculate the variance. Complete the table below as the first step in calculating the variance:

(10 points)

X f X−x (X−x)2


(2 points each)

  1. The sum of the squared values of deviation scores =
  2. Variance = Sum of the squared values of deviation scores ÷ total number of scores
  3. Therefore, variance =
  4. Standard deviation = √Variance =

Think about how you will communicate this data to the class.

(2 points each)

  1. What type of frequency distribution would you use?
  2. Which type of graph would you use to represent the data?
  3. Which measure of central tendency would you use to represent the data?
  4. Which measure of variability would you use to represent the data?

It may be meaningful to your students to reference a normal curve when communicating the results.  This may be accomplished by calculating z scores and T scores.

z scores

The formula for calculating z scores is as follows:

In the equation, x is the mean of the frequency distribution and S is the standard deviation of the frequency distribution.  Complete the table by calculating the z score.

(25 points)


X f X−x z = (X−x) ÷ S


T scores = 10z + 50

Complete the table by calculating the T score.

(25 points)

Score f (frequency) T