What are the differences between extreme programming and agile methodology?

Topic: What are the differences between extreme programming and agile methodology?

Paper details:


1 page. AT LEAST 3 references cited in APA. References cannot be books or websites. Journal Articles ONLY. Assignment is submitted through SafeAssign for plagiarism check.


References: Please do NOT just copy and paste the “APA” reference from what the search engine program produces. 90% of the time they will be in the wrong format because they are not using a transformation algorithm, just placeholders. Here are some examples:


Smith, J. (2012) The article title, Name of Journal, 24(11)


Name:  Last names have first letter only capitalized. First names are never used, only the first initial in upper-case followed by a period. Commas between names if multiple authors.


Year:  in parentheses. If more than one article by the same author in a given year, use a,b,c,etc. for each successive one.


Title:  ONLY the first letter of the first word is capitalized. The only exceptions are for acronyms or proper names.


Journal name: In italics. Capitalize the first letter of first word and all major words.


Volume: In italics and JUST the number.


Number or Issue: In parentheses, just the number, and next to the volume number.


Note that page numbers are optional and if used are in the form  p.123

Nursing informatics & health information (HI) technology

Nursing informatics & health information (HI) technology 

· Discussion Question 1:
Do you feel that nurses believe that there are ethical concerns related to nursing informatics?

· Discussion Question 2:
Discuss how the use of health information (HI) technology has influenced your current nursing practice. Give examples.

they are 2 separate questions a page each

Explain the four types of business models for blockchain networks

Remember to review the syllabus expectations for initial discussion posts and peer replies.

Discuss the following: 1. Explain the four types of business models for blockchain networks. 2. Explain how blockchain has the potential to change business models. You are required to cite this week’s assigned readings in your paper. You may also cite prior week’s reading assignments and external sources if you wish.

Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Question 1, Question 2, Conclusion, References.

Submit your paper as a Word attachment in the discussion forum. I provide feedback within the paper and will not grade your post unless you submit it as an attachment. Your response to the discussion prompt should contain a minimum of 500 words and it should be submitted no later than Tuesday before 11:59 pm EST.  Your response should be formatted in APA style and reference this week’s readings.

Material to be used:


From the Text

1. Chapter 4 of Blockchain for Business

From the Harvard Course Pack Link:  https://hbsp.harvard.edu/import/688391

2. Morkunas, V. J., Paschen, J., & Boon, E. (2019). How Blockchain technologies impact your business model. Business Horizons, 62, 295-306.

3. Bussgang, J. J., Berk, E. B., & Schwalb, N. (2019, January 15). AirFox (A): Embracing the Blockchain and an ICO. Harvard Business School.

Follow the following writing requirements for all of your discussion prompt responses :

Writing Requirements for all Assignments:

  • References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.
  • Always include a cover page and reference page with all submissions
  • Your paper must have headings in it. For discussion posts Introduction, Prompt/Question, and Conclusion will suffice as headings.
  • Provide the EXACT web link for all online sources – do not provide just the home page, but the EXACT LINK – I check all sources
  • No abbreviations, no contractions – write formally
  • Write in the third person formal voice (no first or second person pronouns)
  • Write MORE than the minimum requirement of the word count assigned
  • As always, the word count is ONLY for the BODY of the paper – the cover page, reference page, and / or Appendix (if included) do not count towards the word count for the paper
  • Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces
  • Refer to the example APA paper in the getting started folder under the content tab if you need an example. Also, a power is provided under the information tab that addresses APA format.
  • Use double-spacing / zero point line spacing, a running header, page numbers, and left justify the margins.

Enterprise IT Strategy Plan

Assignment Content .

Resource:Enterprise IT Strategy Plan Grading Guide 


  Baltzan, P., and Phillips, A. (2015). Business Driven Information Systems (5th ed).

  Week 1 through 5 articles and videos

  Week 1 through 5 individual homework assignments

  It is recommended students search the Internet for an Information Technology (IT) Strategy Plan template.

Scenario: You are an entrepreneur in the process of researching a business development idea. You have come to the stage in your research of creating a high-level Information Technology (IT) strategy for your new enterprise. This plan is a high-level strategic planning document that will inform more detailed operational plans for the individual components. Considerin the business intelligence plan how the enterprise will use information technology, selected data, and data analytics to develop competitive intelligence, identify market trends and opportunities, and measure enterprise performance.

Synthesize the individual assignment deliverables from Weeks 1 through 5 and create a broad high-level Information Technology (IT) Strategy plan for your chosen business organization in a minimum of 3,150 words which includes the following:

  An executive summary that includes your chosen enterprise, industry sector, product, intended market with an overview of the business focus, corporate culture, ethical framework, and discussion of how the IT value chain will support enterprise innovation and competitive advantage

  A technology governance plan for managing the selection, acquisition, management, use, and security of business information systems

  A systems acquisition plan that includes steps to initiate, analyze, design, acquire, implement, and maintain business information systems

  An outline in the data collection plan of the data requirements, data collection, and management process

  An information systems risk management plan that includes the process of identifying, analyzing, and mitigating information systems risk, including a brief summary of the disaster recovery and business resumption planning process

Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references from the University of Phoenix Library.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.

Advance Search Functionality With Angular 7

Advance Search Functionality With Angular 7

i am looking to have advance search functionality on Angular. Search  can have either a key  or value.it should be like a multi search functionality  .If we select a key ,all values reg that key should take from json and need to filter.

Wi-Fi Networks

Familiarize yourself with how Wi-Fi Networks work. You are probably using Wi-Fi in your home on many devices. Maybe you are even using your cell phone to manage the devices. Maybe you have a security system, video doorbell, or smart thermostat that you can control. In the not too distant future, more people will be managing home devices from a smart phone or by using voice commands to turn lights on and off, regulate temperature, monitor a security system, turn on the oven, and check the contents of a smart fridge. The future will allow users to save electricity when not in use, or when you’re not home. These technologies are already available and termed as a “smart home”.

https://youtu.be/G1dpY7acH-E (opens in a new window)

https://youtu.be/37R6RSJgRn8 (opens in a new window)

Do you know the importance of keeping your home network secure? With all of the “smart home” devices, you should desire to lock down your home network. Read the article on how to create a more secure home network:  https://www.bullguard.com/blog/2018/11/how-to-lock-down-your-router (opens in a new window)


View the following videos to assist  you in completing the discussion board.
Look in your Assignments – Module 5 – Chapter 6 Content for: CUT 7e CH06 Section 6.7 Watch and Learn Lesson: Setting Up a Home Network and CUT 7e CH06 Section 6.7 Video: How Do I Set Up a Wireless Home Network?


  • As you watch the videos, document key facts about Wi-Fi and Security.
  • If you have sat up a home network, identify key factors you may have done or not done. Would you have done it different now?
  • What is your experience with smart home devices. Was it a positive experience?
  • Review the article on locking down home networks. Is your home network locked down?
  • What steps have you taken at home to ensure your network is secure?
  • What will you update on your home network to ensure you are more secure?


Create a thread on this discussion board with the following:

  1. Give an explanation of Wi-Fi
  2. Give an overview of how to set up secure Wi-Fi in your home.
  3. Have you or someone you know sat up a smart home? Discuss your experience with setting up a smart home.
  4. Discuss your experience with a smart home.
  5. What tips would you give others who are interested in a secure network and smart home devices?

Building A Simple Web Client And A Multithreaded Web Server

  •   To understand client-server communication via sockets.
  •   To gain exposure to the basic operations of a Web server and client.
  •   To explore basic structures of HTTP messages.

Due: April 14, 2020 11:59pm Project Description 

In this project, you will be developing a multithreaded Web server and a simple web client. The Web server and Web client communicate using a text-based protocol called HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).

Requirements for the Web server 

  •   The server is able to handle multiple requests concurrently. This means the implementation is multithreaded. In the main thread, the server listens to a specified port, e.g., 8080. Upon receiving an HTTP request, the server sets up a TCP connection to the requesting client and serves the request in a separate thread. After sending the response back to the client, it closes the connection.
  •   The server is assumed to work with HTTP GET messages. If the requested file exists, the server responds with “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” together with the requested page to the client, otherwise it sends a corresponding error message, e.g., “HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found” or “HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request”.
  •   If running the server program using command line, the syntax should be: server_code_name [<port_number>]
    where the optional <port_number> is the port on which the server is listening to connections from
    clients. If the port number is not entered, the default port 8080 is used.
  •   You can test your Web server implementation on your local machine using a Web browser, e.g.,
    Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome. You need to specify the used port number within the URL, for example,
    If omitting the port number portion, i.e., 8080, the browser will use the default port 80.
  •   The server should response with a default page when users do not enter a specific page in the URL,
    for example,
    It should also work when the request includes a path to the requested file, for example,
  •   You should display/log the request and header lines of request messages on the server for the purpose of debugging.
    Requirements for the simple Web client

    •   The client is able to connect to the server via a socket and to request a page on the server.
    •   Upon receipt of the response message from the server, the client extracts and displays/logs the
      message status, and then retrieves the page content from the message body.


 If running the client program using command line, the syntax should be:
client_code_name <server_IPaddress/name> [<port_number>] [<requested_file_name>]

where the <server_IPaddress/name> is the IP address or name of the Web server, e.g., or localhost for the server running on the local machine. The optional <port_number> is the port on which the server is listening to connections from clients. If the port number is not entered, the default port 8080 is used. The optional <requested_file_name> is the name of the requested file, which may include the path to the file. If the file name is not entered, the default file “index.htm” is used.


  •   This is an individual project.
  •   You can use the programming language of your choice. (You may get more help with Java or Python.)
  •   You may use the skeleton code for the server provided in the textbook’s companion website for reference. You may also want to refer to the textbook, chapter 2, section 2.2.3, for more details on HTTP message format and section 2.7, for socket programming.
  •   The source codes should be well documented to make it easier for the TA to follow.
    Submission Guidelines

    •   Submit a single zipped file with the naming convention <your_UTA_id>_<your_name>.zip which consists of:
       Source codes of the Web server and client,
       Any additional files required to run your codes,
       A readme file with instructions on how to compile and run your codes. You must mention the IDE as well as any packages that are required to run the codes.
    •   Do NOT include any runnable executable (binary) program.
    •   Make sure your name and your SAU ID are also listed in the readme file and in comments at the
      beginning of your source files.
    •   Upload the zipped file via Canvas. Please strictly follow the naming convention of the zipped file and the subject title.
    •   Late submission will be accepted with a 10-point deduction for each extra day.
      Additional Requirements/Instructions

      •   Complete documentation and instructions for running the codes are recommended, otherwise you may be asked to come give the TA a demo if he is not able to run your programs from the instructions provided.
      •   If you are using any code from some external source or book, you MUST mention it explicitly in the codes as well as the readme file. Otherwise, it will be considered plagiarism and your project will not be evaluated.
      •   You can discuss with other classmates on steps/algorithms to implement the project. However, the source codes must be written yourself.

Turing Machine 

Turing Machine

No Programming, just draw the machine’s states out like in the notes and my video example for the Quiz Review

Machine one

Construct a Turing Machine (all on paper, no programming/source code needed) that computes the function

f(n) = n mod 3

In other words, for you non-math majors: sd
It will halt successfully if the number is divisible by 3.
11 (good)
1001 (good)
1101 (bad)

It will go to a reject state with bad input.
There’s a pattern you can figure out to set up your states.

Machine two

Construct a machine that accepts if the input string {S = x^n y^n } and rejects anything else.
In other words it accepts if there are a certain number of x’s followed by the same amount of y’s.
xx (bad)
xxyy (good)
xxxyyyy (bad)
xxxxxyyyyy (good)
You can write other symbols if you would like, but the only accept strings are x’s followed by same amount of y’s.

Define the purpose of Pig and Hive and your understanding of the process and what it is used for in a Big Data environment.

Import a table into the Hadoop ecosystem through the use of Pig and Hive. Define the purpose of Pig and Hive and your understanding of the process and what it is used for in a Big Data environment. Be sure to include all supporting screenshots as necessary. 

Step 1 – Reading

  1. Read Chapter 5: MapReduce Details for Multimachine Clusters (in “Pro Hadoop”; books 24×7).


Step 2 – Task 3 – Processing data using Pig and Hive

  1. Hive

**Please ensure that all services are running properly as needed in the Cloudera Manager before starting this task**

  1. Open a terminal window and type the following:

$ nano employees                         (This will open a text editor with the filename of employees)


Enter the following table structure:

Mary, 7038121129, VA, 42000

Tim, 3145558989, TX, 86000

Bob, 3429091122, MN, 75500

Manisha, 7096664242, WV, 94200

Aditya, 2021119765, CA, 39000

Xinwuei, 4129098787, OH, 57600


Press CTRL+X and follow the prompts to save changes. Then enter the following commands:

$ hadoop fs –put employees

$ hive


  1. Please enter the following commands in Hive:

Ø  CREATE database databasename;                        (Where databasename can be ANY name)

Ø  SHOW databases;

Ø  CREATE table tablename (colname1 datatype, colname2 datatype, colname3, datatype, . . .) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’ ;                            (Where tablename can be ANY name, the datatype must be appropriate to the column data, and column name must reflect column contents)

Ø  DESCRIBE tablename                           (where tablename is the name of the table you have just create)

Ø  LOAD DATA INPATH ‘employees’ INTO TABLE tablename;       (this will load the data into the table)

Ø  SELECT * FROM tablename;                 (this will show the contents of the table with tablename)

Ø  SELECT count(*) FROM tablename;       (this will count the number of rows in the table with tablename)


  1. Please discuss the process you have just completed and upload your results with related screenshots as needed.
  2. Pig
  3. In a terminal, use nano to create two text files named “file1” and “file2” with the following values respectively:


10,30,0                  5,1,10

0,5,10                    10,5,0

10,20,10                20,20,20


CTRL+X and follow the prompts. Then type the following:

$ hadoop fs –put file1

$ hadoop fs –put file2

$ pig

  1. In pig, enter the following commands:

Ø  A = LOAD ‘/user/cloudera/file1’ using PigStorage (‘,’) as (a1:int,a2:int,a3:int);

Ø  Dump a;

Ø  B = LOAD ‘/user/cloudera/file2’ using PigStorage (‘,’) as (b1:int,b2:int,b3:int);

Ø  Dump b;

Ø  Describe a;

Ø  Describe b;

Ø  C = UNION a,b;

Ø  Dump c;

Ø  SPLIT c INTO d IF $0==0, e IF $0==10;

Ø  Dump d;

Ø  Dump e;

Ø  F = filter c by $1 > 5;

Ø  Dump f;

Ø  Illustrate f;

Ø  G = GROUP c by $2;

Ø  Dump g;

  1. Please discuss the operations you have done using Pig and the resultant logical operations that you have done.


Step 3 – Task 3 – Report


Write a report (4-6 pages) includes:

  • Following APA standards cover page and table of content,
  • Short research report on other components of Hadoop platform: Hive and Pig.
  • Create a file and loading data in the file; include a document on your understanding of the process and purpose, along with supporting screen shots.
  • Use Hive and Pig and generate the result, along with supporting screen shots.


Regulating New Information Technologies  

Attached PPT for:  Regulating New Information Technologies

Attachment Has links for New Information Technologies.

Mention questions in while responding to each question.

* APA Format

* Plagiarism free


Q1. Why do new technologies require regulation,  What factors do they have in common that drive government regulator’s motivations? (try to provide 3 reasons, base them in literature as much as possible.  This point should apply to all new emerging technologies)

Q2. What do you think is a new technology that presents a significant regulatory challenge, and what do you think should be done?

Quality Assurance and Patient Protection in Health Care Informatics

Topic: Quality Assurance and Patient Protection in Health Care Informatics 

Deliverable Length: 10-12 pages; min. 7 scholarly academic/professional sources published in the last 5 yrs.

Assignment Details

Assignment Description

You have been asked by your health care organization to provide a detailed report on the benefits of implementing a new health information technology system to comply with the current mandates. Develop a report of 10–12 pages detailing how information technology systems can be used to analyze organizational data for a health care organization. This should include types of systems where data may be retrieved and how IT and various applications can be used to aggregate and analyze the data to understand issues, identify root causes, and document progress related to implemented changes, patient progress, quality assurance, and compliance. Make sure to address the following questions:

  • With plenty of data stored on computer systems, data should not be a problem, but access to the data and      sharing of information may have implications under federal regulations. What precautions might you suggest when handling health care data? Be sure to apply current trends in health care from proven sources and models.
  • Consider the support capabilities of a typical health care operation and where employees may access data of      various types related to patient needs. What might be accessed, and what controls may be needed to protect patient data?
  • From a departmental perspective, consider the role of the health information manager (HIM). What qualifications and experience would be needed for your specific health care setting? What functions and role would the HIM have in regard to this organization’s medical records?
  • As technology advances, what compliance issues and regulations do health care managers at this organization need to be on top of? Consider the impact of falling behind the technology curve not only in terms of productivity but regulatory compliance. What role do the Affordable Care and Patient Protection Acts have on the implementation and use of technology and electronic health records (EHRs) at this setting?

Getting Started with Node

Getting Started with Node
So, in this section, you learned that:
– Node is a runtime environment for executing JS code.
– Essentially, Node is a C++ program that embeds Chrome’s v8 engine, the fastest
JS engine in the world.
– We use Node to build fast and scalable networking applications. It’s a perfect
choice for building RESTful services.
– Node applications are single-threaded. That means a single thread is used to
serve all clients.
– Node applications are asynchronous or non-blocking by default. That means
when the application involves I/O operations (eg accessing the file system or the
network), the thread doesn’t wait (or block) for the result of the operation. It is
released to serve other clients.
– This architecture makes Node ideal for building I/O-intensive applications.
– You should avoid using Node for CPU-intensive applications, such as a video
encoding service. Because while executing these operations, other clients have
to wait for the single thread to finish its job and be ready to serve them.
– In Node, we don’t have browser environment objects such as window or the
document object. Instead, we have other objects that are not available in
browsers, such as objects for working with the file system, network, operating
system, etc.
So, in this section, you learned that:
– Node is a runtime environment for executing JS code.
– Essentially, Node is a C++ program that embeds Chrome’s v8 engine, the fastest
JS engine in the world.
– We use Node to build fast and scalable networking applications. It’s a perfect
choice for building RESTful services.
– Node applications are single-threaded. That means a single thread is used to
serve all clients.
– Node applications are asynchronous or non-blocking by default. That means
when the application involves I/O operations (eg accessing the file system or the
network), the thread doesn’t wait (or block) for the result of the operation. It is
released to serve other clients.
– This architecture makes Node ideal for building I/O-intensive applications.
– You should avoid using Node for CPU-intensive applications, such as a video
encoding service. Because while executing these operations, other clients have
to wait for the single thread to finish its job and be ready to serve them.
– In Node, we don’t have browser environment objects such as window or the
document object. Instead, we have other objects that are not available in
browsers, such as objects for working with the file system, network, operating
system, etc.

Create A Step-By-Step IT Security Policy For Handling User Accounts/Rights For A Student Who Is Leaving Prematurely (Drops, Is Expelled, And So On)

Create a step-by-step IT security policy for handling user accounts/rights for a student who is leaving prematurely (drops, is expelled, and so on).

You will need to consider specialized student scenarios, such as a student who works as an assistant to a faculty member or as a lab assistant in a computer lab and may have access to resources most students do not.

Write your answer using a WORD document. Do your own work. Submit here. Note your Safe Assign score. Score must be less than 25 for full credit.

Cloud Computing Implementation

Chosen Organization: Apple, write a one-page paper describing the organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation. What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing? Did they meet their objectives for fall short?

This paper should be written in third-person. The third-person point of view belongs to the person (or people) being talked about. The third-person pronouns include he, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves (Not I, we, us, our).

The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.  The Title and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirement. There should be at least one scholarly source listed on the reference page.  Each reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must be cited in text. APA requirements for this class include:

  • A title page
  • 12-point Time New Roman font
  • Your paper should be typed and double-spaced with 1″ margins on all sides
  • The first sentence of each paragraph should be indented one tab space
  • All papers should contain the page number, flush right, in the header of every page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word-processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner; do not type page numbers manually.
  • APA 7th edition in-text citations
  • Reference page

Should the information be Encrypted?

“Encrypt everything to ensure your information!” is a typical exhortation from information protection and security groups nowadays. In any case, there are parcel of worries about the information encryption. By and by, I am against encoding everything, except touchy information ought to consistently be Encrypted with the exception of when it is being processed*, for example utilized by an application, which requires plaintext information


Should the information be Encrypted? Assuming this is the case, what information ought to be Encrypted?


Strong user passwords or credit card data in a database in plain content is a major issue. It seems like normal that you’d encrypt that data yet very regularly it’s left all the way open or feebly Encrypted. Weak encryption isn’t much superior to no encryption. To the naked eye you can’t peruse the information, however on the off chance that the assailant can download the Encrypted information, they have a lot of time to split the encryption later on. A few organizations don’t utilize any sort of encryption when sending classified information over open and non-made sure about systems. This implies a snooper on that hotspot can block all decoded transmitted information, including passwords. There is then a likelihood that the snooper can utilize those caught accreditations to sign into the organization’s business frameworks, distributed storage or intranets. To prevent exposure of delicate corporate information to unapproved individuals in current situation, information should be made secured.


Difficulties with complete information encryption:


Probably the greatest test with automated encryption is the capacity and recovery of the mystery key which must be utilized to open the information. That solitary key must be a worth comprehensible by your product yet ought to be difficult to get to by any other individual. When utilizing solid encryption, this is the weak point.