Create a high-level diagram in Microsoft

This week, you will create a high-level diagram in Microsoft® Visio® of the resilient aspects of the system provided by AWS. The diagram should cover the system architecture in the AWS environment. Specific AWS (e.g., AWS Availability Zones, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon CloudFront, etc.) that will provide reliability, availability, and continuity across the migrated environment need to be included. Also, ensure you include the following:

  • Costs
  • Specific AWS
  • Connectivity across multiple availability zones
  • At least one AWS that will support your design for fault tolerance (if one system were to fail)

Submit your diagram.

IT functional organizational model diagram (Block diagram)


  1. Create an IT functional organizational model diagram (Block diagram). Secondly, use the following tables to describe each core functional and at least three associated sub-functional areas. Define the services provided by each functional area and the total staffing complement for the IT Organization.


IT Functional Area Functional Area Descriptions Services Staff Complement
Enterprise Security      




IT Functional Area Functional Area Descriptions Services Total Staff Complement
Enterprise Applications      



IT Functional Area Functional Area Descriptions Services Total Staff Complement
Infrastructure & Operations      


IT Functional Area Functional Area Descriptions Services Total Staff Complement
Compute Services      


  1. IT Organization Staffing Matrix: use the following tables to outline the staffing needs for each of the IT organization by core functional areas. Define at least three IT Job Titles for each core functional area.



Enterprise Security
IT Job Title Years of Experience Education Requirements Certifications Functional Area


Enterprise Applications
IT Job Title Years of Experience Education Requirements Certifications Functional Area


Infrastructure & Operations
IT Job Title Years of Experience Education Requirements Certifications Functional Area


Compute Services
IT Job Title Years of Experience Education Requirements Certifications Functional Area



Reflection Paper – VI-SPDAT case study

Imagine that you are living in a post-Apocalyptic future version of Indianapolis. You have been tasked with creating a system to allocate resources in a manner similar to how VI-SPDAT assigns housing in order to assist in this transition. Specifically, you need to provide accommodations for the following resources: food, water, and housing.

  1. How would your system determine how and to whom these resources were assigned?
  2. What ideologies motivated the solutions you’ve proposed?
  3. Compare your solution to the VI-SPDAT case study. What ideological or practical similarities or differences are made apparent?

Brief summary of the software engineering tools used in development including IDE, frameworks, and software quality assurance tools.

Try to use AWS and Devops Concepts

The report should contain the following:

· Brief summary of the software engineering tools used in development including IDE, frameworks, and software quality assurance tools.

· Discussion of related software quality assurance theories and practices related to the project development

· Critical review of the software quality assurance tools and techniques used in the development and real practice experiences in the overall software development lifecycle.

· Discussion on future work if the project goes beyond the level defined in the coursework specification.

The Report should:

· Follow a logical Structure (Abstract, Preface, Main body, Conclusions, References )

· All sources should be acknowledged and fully referenced, including URLs etc. where appropriate

· Any quotations (from other sources) should be clearly marked as such, and referenced

· Be of publishable quality

The report should contain the following:

· Brief summary of the software engineering tools used in development including IDE, frameworks, and software quality assurance tools.

· Discussion of related software quality assurance theories and practices related to the project development

· Critical review of the software quality assurance tools and techniques used in the development and real practice experiences in the overall software development lifecycle.

· Discussion on future work if the project goes beyond the level defined in the coursework specification.

The Report should:

· Follow a logical Structure (Abstract, Preface, Main body, Conclusions, References )

· All sources should be acknowledged and fully referenced, including URLs etc. where appropriate

· Any quotations (from other sources) should be clearly marked as such, and referenced

· Be of publishable quality

Technology And Criminal Justices

Technology And Criminal Justices 

  1. Identify and describe at least 3 less-than-lethal options that are available to law enforcement.
  2. Identify and describe at least 1 new less-than-lethal or nonlethal technology that is currently under development.
  3. Make sure to include the following in your paper:
    • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using less-than-lethal weapons?
    • What are some of the concerns about the inappropriate use of less-than-lethal weapons, such as torture?
    • What use of force policies would you suggest to govern the use of less-than-lethal weapons?
  4. Include a title page, abstract, and separate reference page.

Cloud Computing And Digital Forensics

Answer below two questions.

1) Go  to the website: which focuses on civil rights issues and privacy. Pick a case. Using WORD, in your OWN WORDS, write an ORIGINAL brief essay of 300 words or more.

Summarize the case, Give your opinion of the decision and describe how the case deals with the material in this chapter( Graves text, Legislated Privacy Concerns.)

2) Cloud computing/cloud security:

Compare and evaluate in 500 words or more qualitative verses quantitative risk assessment.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) these quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list formats. It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post.

Cyber Research

Cyber Research 

In this module, you learned that random numbers (or, at least, pseudorandom numbers) are essential in cryptography, but it is extremely difficult even for powerful hardware and software to generate them. Go online and conduct research on random number generators. What are the different uses of these tools besides cryptography? How do they work? Explain your answer using your own words in 2-3 paragraphs.

IT leader in the digital transformation era

Paper Requirements:   Review the section on the IT leader in the digital transformation era.  Note how IT professionals and especially leaders must transform their thinking to adapt to the constantly changing organizational climate.  What are some methods or resources leaders can utilize to enhance their change attitude?

This assignment must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Sunday, April 12, 2020 (No Exceptions).  As per the syllabus, no late assignments will be accepted.

The paper should be one-page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the page length does not include the APA cover page or any references**

Please understand that Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero grade. Please review the Academic Dishonesty Policy outlined in the syllabus and in your student handbook.

Case study or story of an emerging  information technology

Choose a case study or story of an emerging  information technology. Find an article online or through the UMUC Library. Then do a brief analysis of the technology and its potential impact on business.

Your response should be 3-5 pages excluding title page and bibliography.

Be sure to cite and list the main source reference and any additional sources used in correct APA format.

Python regression

Problem 1:

Based on the Python regression example code that I explained in the video, apply the polynomial feature and fit the diabetes data set. Plot your new model and compare it with the linear model that I explained by finding the mean squared errors.

Problem 2:

One of the data sets that can be found in SKlearn in python is boston. You can load it using load_boston. Follow the steps we followed for the diabetes data set to fit this dataset using linear regression.

File Server Approach

Under what circumstances would you recommend that a file server approach, as opposed to a client/server approach, be used for a distributed information system application? What warnings would you give the prospective user of this file server approach? What factors would have to change for you to recommend the move to a client/server approach?

Technology and Audit

“Technology and Audit” Please respond to the following:

  • How important is the documentation of the database environment? Moreover, how do you think the advent of cloud computing has affected electronic data interchange (EDI)? Are you in favor of outsourcing the auditing activity, and why or why not?
  • How do computer-assisted audit solutions help the auditing process? How do different standards for professional performance of internal auditing help in maintaining the integrity of the process?

Mobile computing & Cloud computing:

Mobile computing:

We learned from our readings that the use of mobile devices in our society today has indeed become ubiquitous.  In addition, CTIA asserted that over 326 million mobile devices were in use within The United States as of December 2012 – an estimated growth of more than 100 percent penetration rate with users carrying more than one device with notable continues growth.  From this research, it’s evident that mobile computing has vastly accelerated in popularity over the last decade due to several factors noted by the authors in our chapter reading. In consideration with this revelation, identify and name these factors, and provide a brief discussion about them.

Cloud computing:


According to your readings, cloud computing represents one of the most significant paradigms shifts in information technology (IT) history, due to an extension of sharing an application-hosting provider that has been around for many years, and was common in highly regulated vertical industries like banks and health care institutions.  The author’s knowledge from their research continue to assert that, the impetus behind cloud computing lies on the idea that it provides economies of scale by spreading costs across many client organizations and pooling computing resources while matching client computing needs to consumption in a flexible, real-time version.

Identify the issues and risks that pose concern to organizations storing data in the cloud –  briefly support your discussion.

Windows And Linux Integration

Windows And Linux Integration

Based upon what you have learned thus far, in 500-7500  words:

  1. Explain how Windows and Linux can work together in diverse environments.
  2. Recommend a configuration for your corporation that best leverages the features of each operating system. Explain your recommendation.

Database Design And Table Structure

Good database design must be matched to good table structure. Normalization is a very important ingredient in database design.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Why are some table structures considered to be bad and others good?
  • How do you recognize the difference between good and bad table structures?
  • What effect does normalization have on creating good tables and why should you learn so many normalization rules?