Database management

Assignment#1.                Q1:

1. How would you use GROUPING SETS to produce the same results as the following GROUP BY CUBE?

SELECT state, productID, SUM(volume) FROM sales GROUP BY CUBE (state, productID) ORDER BY state, productID

2. How would you show the sub totals for each week, for each state, and for each product? (No other totals or grand totals are required.) Suppose the table structure is

TABLE sales (productID VARCHAR, state CHAR(2), week DATE, volume INT)

3. Discuss the utility of grouping and group_id functions

Q2: Describe below how this code will work:

SELECT dt, region, revenue,

count(*) OVER (twdw) AS moving_count,

avg(revenue) OVER (twdw) AS moving_average

FROM moving_average_data mad



‘7 days’::interval PRECEDING AND

‘0 days’::interval FOLLOWING

ORDER BY region, dt.                                                                                           Assignmemt#2.                         Chapter 12 – From the chapter reading, we learned that e-mail is a major area of focus for information governance (IG) efforts, and has become the most common business software application and the backbone of business communications today.  In addition, the authors provided details to support their position by providing 2013 survey results from 2,400 corporate e-mail users from a global perspective.  The results indicated that two-thirds of the respondents stated that e-mail was their favorite form of business communication which surpassed not only social media but also telephone and in-person contact.

Q1: With this detail in mind, briefly state why the e-Mail has become a critical component for IG implementation?                                                        Assignment#3.                                        Chapter 13 – According to Franks and Smallwood (2013), information has become the lifeblood of every business organization, and that an increasing volume of information today has increased and exchanged through the use of social networks and Web2.0 tools like blogs, microblogs, and wikis.  When looking at social media in the enterprise, there is a notable difference in functionality between e-mail and social media, and has been documented by research – “…that social media differ greatly from e-mail use due to its maturity and stability.” (Franks & Smallwood, 2013).

Q2: Please identify and clearly state what the difference is?

ERD Diagram Assignment

The goal of the projects throughout this semester is to implement a “prototype” database system application for a eCommerce social-network system called UCOnline where users can explore information about books/music/software, rate your purchase, identify purchase price and see ratings of their friends.

The project will require your teams (see attached for group member breakout) to complete the assignment. Below you will find the ERD deliverable requirements. Each assignment has a specific grading rubric (scheme) associated with the assignment.


You will work with book/music/media information, user information, ratings of books, and users’ social network

  • Each book has an id, title, publication date, publisher, ISBN, functional category, page count, price (publisher), and product description
  • There are 3 categories of book: fiction, non-fiction, and specialty
  • There are 2 categories of music: digital and media-based
  • An author can write one or more books.
  • A musician can be a solo artist, part of a group, or both
  • An author can also be associated with one or more publishers.
  • A musician/group/act can be associated with one or more music houses
  • An author’s book can have one or more editions.
  • A song and or album can have more than one version/edition (i.e. EP, LP, CD, DVD etc)
  • A publisher can have many authors and many books.
  • A record company can have many artists associated and many albums associated with it.
  • A record company can also be the publishing company (i.e. self-publishing)
  • Many ISBNs can also be associated with a given publisher but only one ISBN per form of medium (ie the ISBN is the PK no matter what).
  • An author can write many books.
  • An artist can write many songs, albums etc.

UCOnline needs to keep track of user ratings for each item sold in the online store (e.g., 1-5 and 1 for ‘Dislike’, to 5, for ‘Awesome!’).

A particular user rates a particular item at a given time.

A user CANNOT rate the same multiple times unless there are multiple editions of the item. Each edition can be rated separately.

Each user who submits a rating will be identified by a unique id and has a name, gender, age, and location. Nothing is anonymous.

There is also a social network between users. Users can send communication requests (i.e. instant messages/emails) to other users. Such requests can be accepted or ignored. Once accepted, the two users are considered ‘book buddies.’ If ignored, the user can send the request again. We want to add a store when the requests were sent (timestamp), the result of the requests and when the request was answered (timestamp).

Compare the features of the top personal online social networks

Compare the features of the top personal online social networks, and create a table listing the number of active members in the united states and worldwide, the number of years the sites have existed, the more popular features, and the amount of content, such as photos, news stories, and links, that is shared each month.

what types of advertisement are featured at each of this site? which sites are marketed toward younger and older users?

then, research the online social networks used for business. how does their content differ from that found on the personal online social networks?

how many companies use these sites as a recruiting tool?

how many native languages are supported?

how are professionals using these websites to find potential clients and business partners?

Discussion On Cloud Services And The SLA

Introduction less than 50 words and analysis 300 words

Attached the requirement file along with PDF book.

Chapter 3 and section 4.3 (98-102) page look

Risks and Challenges. Whole discussion should co related to this section.



We are going to explore the Web regarding cloud service level agreements (SLA).

Topic- cloud services and the SLA

A. Find an article on the Web that is no more than 4 years old that describes a poor experience with cloud services and SLAs.

B. Remember the article must contain two (2) elements to be considered in this assignment, e.g. cloud services and the SLA.  You must use your own words. Do not copy and paste any part of the article into the discussion.

C. Once you have found an appropriate article, tell the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS and correlate the pertinent elements to Erl, 2013, Chapter 3, Section 3.4.  Be selective in the article you choose to explain to the class.

D. Finally, summarize and provide your own recommendation on how to mitigate the problem(s) you described.

Here are the topics in Erl, 2013 that you must correlate your article towards.

· Reduced Operational Governance Control

· Limited Portability Between Cloud Providers

· Multi-Regional Compliance and Legal Issues

*Be sure to read Erl, 2013, Chapter 3, Section 3.4 before your Web search to avoid making a critical mistake in your discussion.

Keep your story as short as possible.  Do not exceed 450 words.  Provide a valid link (URL) to your article so that we may find and read it.

Chapter 3

Section 3.4 (Page no 98- 102)

3.4. Risks and Challenges

Several of the most critical cloud computing challenges pertaining mostly

to cloud consumers that use IT resources located in public clouds are

presented and examined.

Increased Security Vulnerabilities

The moving of business data to the cloud means that the responsibility

over data security becomes shared with the cloud provider. The remote

usage of IT resources requires an expansion of trust boundaries by the

cloud consumer to include the external cloud. It can be difficult to

establish a security architecture that spans such a trust boundary

without introducing vulnerabilities, unless cloud consumers and cloud

providers happen to support the same or compatible security

frameworks—which is unlikely with public clouds.

Another consequence of overlapping trust boundaries relates to the

cloud provider’s privileged access to cloud consumer data. The extent to

which the data is secure is now limited to the security controls and

policies applied by both the cloud consumer and cloud provider.

Furthermore, there can be overlapping trust boundaries from different

cloud consumers due to the fact that cloud-based IT resources are

commonly shared.

The overlapping of trust boundaries and the increased exposure of data

can provide malicious cloud consumers (human and automated) with

greater opportunities to attack IT resources and steal or damage business

data. Figure 3.9 illustrates a scenario whereby two organizations

accessing the same cloud service are required to extend their respective

trust boundaries to the cloud, resulting in overlapping trust boundaries.

It can be challenging for the cloud provider to offer security mechanisms

that accommodate the security requirements of both cloud service


Figure 3.9. The shaded area with diagonal lines indicates the overlap of two organizations’

trust boundaries.

Overlapping trust boundaries is a security threat that is discussed in

more detail in Chapter 6.

Reduced Operational Governance Control

Cloud consumers are usually allotted a level of governance control that is

lower than that over on-premise IT resources. This can introduce risks

associated with how the cloud provider operates its cloud, as well as the

external connections that are required for communication between the

cloud and the cloud consumer.

Consider the following examples:

• An unreliable cloud provider may not maintain the guarantees it makes

in the SLAs that were published for its cloud services. This can

jeopardize the quality of the cloud consumer solutions that rely on these

cloud services.

• Longer geographic distances between the cloud consumer and cloud

provider can require additional network hops that introduce fluctuating

latency and potential bandwidth constraints.

The latter scenario is illustrated in Figure 3.10.

Figure 3.10. An unreliable network connection compromises the quality of

communication between cloud consumer and cloud provider environments.

Legal contracts, when combined with SLAs, technology inspections, and

monitoring, can mitigate governance risks and issues. A cloud

governance system is established through SLAs, given the “as-a-service”

nature of cloud computing. A cloud consumer must keep track of the

actual service level being offered and the other warranties that are made

by the cloud provider.

Note that different cloud delivery models offer varying degrees of

operational control granted to cloud consumers, as further explained

in Chapter 4.

Limited Portability Between Cloud Providers

Due to a lack of established industry standards within the cloud

computing industry, public clouds are commonly proprietary to various

extents. For cloud consumers that have custom-built solutions with

dependencies on these proprietary environments, it can be challenging

to move from one cloud provider to another.

Portability is a measure used to determine the impact of moving cloud

consumer IT resources and data between clouds (Figure 3.11).

Figure 3.11. A cloud consumer’s application has a decreased level of portability when

assessing a potential migration from Cloud A to Cloud B, because the cloud provider of

Cloud B does not support the same security technologies as Cloud A.

Multi-Regional Compliance and Legal Issues

Third-party cloud providers will frequently establish data centers in

affordable or convenient geographical locations. Cloud consumers will

often not be aware of the physical location of their IT resources and data

when hosted by public clouds. For some organizations, this can pose

serious legal concerns pertaining to industry or government regulations

that specify data privacy and storage policies. For example, some UK

laws require personal data belonging to UK citizens to be kept within the

United Kingdom.

Another potential legal issue pertains to the accessibility and disclosure

of data. Countries have laws that require some types of data to be

disclosed to certain government agencies or to the subject of the data.

For example, a European cloud consumer’s data that is located in the

U.S. can be more easily accessed by government agencies (due to the U.S.

Patriot Act) when compared to data located in many European Union


Most regulatory frameworks recognize that cloud consumer

organizations are ultimately responsible for the security, integrity, and

storage of their own data, even when it is held by an external cloud


Summary of Key Points

• Cloud environments can introduce distinct security challenges, some of which

pertain to overlapping trust boundaries imposed by a cloud provider sharing IT

resources with multiple cloud consumers.

• A cloud consumer’s operational governance can be limited within cloud

environments due to the control exercised by a cloud provider over its platforms.

• The portability of cloud-based IT resources can be inhibited by dependencies

upon proprietary characteristics imposed by a cloud.

• The geographical location of data and IT resources can be out of a cloud

consumer’s control when hosted by a third-party cloud provider. This can

introduce various legal and regulatory compliance concerns.

Using Loops In Python

In Python, create a program in Jython IDE ( or online IDE ( that meets the following requirements:

  • Take two integers from the user. (Be sure to check for integer. If input is not an integer, shows an error message.
  • Save the lower number as x.
  • Save the largest integer as y.
  • Write a loop that counts from x to y by twos.
  • Print out the values of that loop using the Print function in Python.
  • Write another code section that adds x and y, and saves the value as Z.
  • Print out the values of Z using the Print function in Python.

For example: (integer inputs) 

Enter first number:


Enter second number:

Increment by 2 






sum is 16

For example: (non-integer input)

Enter first number:


Enter second number:


Not an integer value…Good Bye

Provide the code and take a screenshot of the output, then paste the screenshot(s) into a Microsoft® Word document.

Review Chapters 6 and 11 of Python for Everyone if you have additional questions on creating a program in Python.

Submit your document.


Topic :The Future of Blockchain

Topic :The Future of Blockchain

This week’s reading discussed the current state of blockchain technology and suggested what the technology may look like in the near future. The author provided several suggestions that would increase blockchain’s value to the enterprise. Create a new thread and choose whether you would consider interoperability or scalability to be more important to blockchain’s future. Explain your decision and use examples from . Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read or videos you watched from this week’s assigned activities. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, create a new thread, and choose whether you would consider interoperability or scalability to be more important to blockchain’s future. Explain your decision and use examples from . Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read or videos you watched from this week’s assigned activities. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should answer AT LEAST one of the questions posed in the thread and extend the conversation started with that thread. Make sure that you include the question in your comment so I can see what question you’re answering.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive AND ORIGINAL. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just a short answer.) Do not plagiarize!! Use your own words

PKI and Encryption at Work

PKI and Encryption at Work

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Develop a plan to deploy public key infrastructure (PKI) and encryption solutions to protect data and information.

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment, you play the role of chief information technology (IT) security officer for the Quality Medical Company (QMC). QMC is a publicly traded company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.


QMC is expanding its arena of work through an increase in the number of clients and products. The senior management of the company is highly concerned about complying with the multitude of legislative and regulatory laws and issues in place. The company has an internal compliance and risk management team to take care of all the compliance-related issues. The company needs to make important decisions about the bulk of resources they will need to meet the voluminous compliance requirements arising from the multidimensional challenge of expansion.


QMC will be required to conform to the following compliance issues:

  • Public-company regulations, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act
  • Regulations affecting financial companies, companies that make loans and charge interest, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
  • Regulations affecting healthcare privacy information, such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Intellectual Property Law that is important for information asset protection particularly for organizations in the pharmaceutical and technology industry
  • Regulations affecting the privacy of information, including personal identification information, such as personally identifiable information (PII) regularly collected from employees, customers, and end users
  • Corporate governance policies including disclosures to the board of directors and the auditors and the policies related to human resources, governance, harassment, code of conduct, and ethics


Compliance with regulatory requirements implies encrypting sensitive data at rest (DAR) and allowing access to role-holders in the enterprise who require the access. It also implies that sensitive data in motion (DIM) or data that is being communicated via e-mail, instant message (IM), or even Web e-mail must be suitably protected and sent only to the individuals who have a right to view it. The company is conscious about the loss they may face in terms of penalty and brand damage if they fail to abide by the compliance laws, especially in the online information transfer phase. Therefore, as a dedicated employee, your task is to develop a content monitoring strategy using PKI as a potential solution. You will need to determine a process or method to identify multiple data types, processes, and organizational policies. Incorporate them into a plan, and select a PKI solution that will effectively address the content management needs of your company.

You need to present your PKI solution in the form of a professional report to the senior management.

Required Resources


Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 1–2 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have identified specific data types related to the specific compliance regulatory requirements.
  • I have indicated a solution for sharing data beyond the borders of the organization.
  • I have appropriately selected and developed a PKI solution for content control.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.



1. List five common applications of the Internet.

2. In the Internet address, what is the type of domain and what is the host?

3. What symbol or character designates an e-mail address?

4. Name the three most common ways that a person accesses the Internet from home.

5. What do you call the company that provides an Internet connection to subscribers?

6. What piece of software is needed to access the World Wide Web?

7. What networking technology is gradually replacing ATM and SONET in the backbone?

8. What is the size of the packet used in ATM systems?

9. What piece of equipment is used in the transmission of ATM packets?

10. What are the main advantages of OTN over SONET?

11. What network topologies are common with SONET?

12. What are the designation and speed of the fastest SONET connection?

13. Name the equipment used to get data into and out of a SONET system.

14. What is the total number of bytes or octets in a SONET frame?

15. True or false? SONET can be used to carry packetized data.

16. What is the fastest current OTN data rate?

17. What is the maximum payload of an OTN frame?

18. What FEC is used in OTN?

19. What specifically does a router look for during packet transmission?

20. How does a router know where to send a packet?

21. What is the name of the basic input/output interfaces used in routers?

22. What is the name of the circuit that lets any input be connected to any output in a router?

23. Why is the line rate of an OTN packet higher than the actual data rate?

24. What is the name of the circuit used for serial-to-parallel conversion?

25. What is the name given to the fiber-optic network making up the Internet?

26. What WAN transmission media and protocols are used in the Internet?

27. Explain the process of packet switching.

28. What is the name of the equipment used to inspect every packet transmitted over the Internet?

29. What software protocol prepares packets for transmission over the Internet?

30. What software protocol actually transmits the packets?

31. What software makes sure that any packets transmitted out of sequence get reassembled correctly?

32. Is TCP actually called into play during a packet’s transmission from source to destination? Explain.

33. Name the two basic speeds of the Internet backbone.

34. What name is given to the format of an IP address?

35. How many different classes of IP addresses are there?

36. What devices are identified by IP addresses in classes A, B, and C?

37. In the IP address, identify the class, network ID, and host ID.

38. What is a mask?

39. What logical process is used with the mask and the IP address?

40. What is a subnet?

41. What are the two names given to clusters of disk drives used for massive storage?

42. What is the name given to external disk drives connected to a PC or server via the SCSI?

43. What is SCSI? What is its nickname?

44. Name the two kinds of large-scale storage system networked to PCs. What is the main difference between them?

45. In a SAN, what is the name of the interface and protocol used in connecting the disk drive systems to the servers?

46. What is the physical medium used in an FC system?

47. What are the speeds of transmission of an FC system?

48. Name the interface used to attach a server or disk system to the SAN.

49. How are servers and disk systems connected to one another in a SAN?

50. What is the name of the SAN interface used in place of FC?


1. What is the shortest time for transmitting 50 ATM packets at 2.5 Gbps?

2. How many bits does it take to represent an IPv4 address of

3. Convert the IPv4 address to binary and hexadecimal.

4. Logically AND the number 125 with 128, 0, 15, and 240. Express the result in decimal.

5. How many bits and octets are there in the IPv6 address of: 0123:2456:789A:BCDE:F987:6543:210A:EF75?

Assistive technology

1. Explain how categories of assistive technology are identified based upon the seven areas of human function.

2.Summarize the core components of collaboration and who should be involved to provide appropriate assistive technology supports and services.

Chapter 12

3. Describe the difference between gross and fine motor skills

4. List and describe some of the common motor difficulties for individuals with autism. Review the case studies on page 192 and identify their motor skills deficiencies

Chapter 13

5. Respond to Case Study 2: Teaching sexuality education through collaboration on page 208. Provide an example of how to implement collaboration strategies to use when working with the IEP team.

6. Idenitfy appropriate curricula for teaching sexuality

Information Security Governance

This week we discuss Information Security Governance.  Discuss ISG.  Discuss how ISG moves information security beyond technical decisions and makes security a strategic decision.  How and why does ISG move information security from the technical arena to the business arena.  Discuss why this is necessary.

Answer the question with a short paragraph, between 250 and 350 words.  Brevity is a virtue.  That is why you are limited to 350 words.  If you can’t present your hypothesis in 350 words or less then it is too complicated.   Remember that when you state a fact if you don’t provide a reference, it is not a fact but rather an opinion.

Information Security In A World Of Technology

Information Security in a World of Technology

Write  an essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to  completely answer all the questions for each number item. There should  be three sections, one for each item number below, as well the  introduction (heading is the title of the essay) and conclusion  paragraphs. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading  that allows your professor to know which item you are addressing in that  section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3)  citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the  APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do  not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria  for this assignment.

  1. The  textbook discusses several education methods. Discuss each method with  an example of how the method could be used in the organization. Then  discuss how you will evaluate the method and learning.
  2. Healthcare  continues to be a lucrative target for hackers with weaponized  ransomware, misconfigured cloud storage buckets, and phishing emails.  Discuss how an organization can protect patients’ information through:
    • Security mechanisms
    • Administrative and Personnel Issues
    • Level of access
    • Handling and Disposal of Confidential Information
  3. You  are providing education to staff on phishing and spam emails. Using the  different educational methods discussed in Chapter 12:
    • Provide examples of how each method can be used
    • How will the method and learning be evaluated?

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 500 words per essay prompt/section (1500 total for this assignment)

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. All APA Papers should include an introduction and conclusion.

References:  Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all  resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3)  scholarly sources to support your claims.

Advancements Blockchain On One Industry.

We have viewed how Blockchain has made a significant impact on businesses and industries.  Select one industry and highlight the advancements Blockchain has had on that single industry.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 3-5 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your response with the readings from the course and at least five peer-reviewed articles or scholarly journals to support your positions, claims, and observations.  The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clear with well-written, concise, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Analyzing And Visualizing Data

Analyzing And Visualizing Data

Key features of Data Visualization Interactivity are Events, Control, and Function. Write a two-page paper discussing the features with examples using the tool of your choice.

Technical Report with an Executive Summary

Technical Report with an Executive Summary

A report on a single historic innovation and the path from idea, through development to
commercial success. The particular product or service will be of your choosing, within the ICT or
Engineering technology sectors. You will develop the Emergence Roadmap to commercial
success of your chosen product or service, to reveal the critical factors that drove the success of
the innovation.
Your report will be inclusive of the following.
1. Original idea
2. Original business proposition
3. Preceding technologies leading to emergent technology
4. Historic trends and drivers
5. Identification of markets originally targeted
6. Emergence roadmap to commercial success
7. Critical factors that drove the success of the innovation
And a single page of executive summary of the whole report