Management of Technology


  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Course Learning Outcomes-Covered 

  • Employ the skills for managing peoples and other complex issues in technology based organizations. (Lo 2.5)
  • Ability to collect and synthesize data, facts and figures to evaluate risk for new product development and use of information technology as a tactical resource ( Lo 2.6 , 2.7 & 2.8 )


Assignment                                                                                  Marks: 10                                                          

Abstract from ‘Smart or Crazy? What Steve Jobs Did with the First iPod Prototype’ by Henry Jay, 2 March, 2016.

“Steve Jobs announced the first iPod as a Mac-compactible product with 5GB hard drive that put 1,000 songs in your pocket. But before the event, something happened behind closed doors between Steve Jobs and Apple’s Engineers who produced the iPod.

When engineers working on the very first iPod completed the prototype, they presented their work to Steve Jobs for his approval. Jobs played with the device, scrutinized it, weighed it in his hands, and promptly rejected it. It was too big.

The engineers explained that they had to reinvent inventing to create the iPod and that it was simply impossible to make it any smaller. Jobs was quiet for a moment. Finally, he stood, walked over to an aquarium, and dropped the iPod in the tank. After it touched bottom, bubbles floated to the top.

“Those are air bubbles,” he snapped. “That means there’s space in there. Make it smaller.”

And that was how the tiny size of the first versions of iPod came into existence. All thanks to the Genius Steve Jobs.”


On the basis of the given abstract, your research, knowledge and experience answer the following in the Question and Answer format with minimum of 180 words.

Question 1- Assess the role Steve Jobs played as a leader in management and innovation of technology as he walked the engineers of Apple Inc. through the ‘challenges of technical team work’ while developing IPod. (2.5 Marks)

Question 2- Measure the innovative performance in the development of IPod with the help of variables such as- Response Time, New Product or Service and Quality etc. (Use a minimum of 5 variables) (5 Marks)

Questions 3- Place yourself in the boots of Steve Jobs and shed light on what steps you would have taken in leading the technological teams along with managing R&D and innovation during the development of IPod. (2.5 Marks)

NOTE: It is mandatory for the students to mention their references and sources.

Use of Technology to Support Teamwork


Role of virtual modalities in promoting interprofessional collaboration

Role of virtual modalities in promoting improved patient safety.

Using technologies to build teamwork and interprofessional collaboration

Improving patient safety using current and emerging technologies

Benefits and limitations of employing technology in interprofessional collaborations

Legal and ethical implications of using social media in interprofessional collaborations.


  • Each paper should be started on a new page, be single-spaced, and be at least 500 words.
  • At the top of each paper, restate the question/prompt, then provide your answer.
  • Proofread your papers carefully. Pay attention to organization and provide headings where appropriate.  Use paragraphs and commas.
  • You will be graded 50% on the quality of your answers, and 50% on how your answer is presented in terms of organization, conciseness, grammar, spelling, etc.
  • It should go without saying that your papers should be exclusively your own work – do not paraphrase videos/articles too closely. Use your own words.
  • You may use quotes from videos/articles, but be sure to use quotation marks and provide attribution. g. “Today, America’s capital markets are the envy of the world.” (The Numbers Game, pg. 2)

Paper assignments:

In a one-page, single-spaced paper:

  1. Discuss the culture at AIG, and how it compares to the culture that you learned about at Enron.
  2. Discuss how AIG’s move into originating and selling Credit Default Swaps led to their eventual financial troubles.
  3. Thinking back on other people we have studied, who does Hank Greenberg remind you of, and why?


  1. Read the article, “All I Want In Life is an Unfair Advantage”,from Fortune magazine on August 8, 2005, which you can find at:

Robots in Manufacturing Industries

Robots in Manufacturing Industries, Instructions 

Discuss how robots have contributed to positive development, and its impact in the manufacturing sector (2,200 words).

Information Security Strategy Development

Assignment Brief
As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit an
Information Security Strategy Development assignment. Please refer to your Student
Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on
preparing and submitting assignments.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the module, you should be able to:
1) Evaluate the basic external and internal threats to electronic assets and
countermeasures to thwart such threats by utilising relevant standards and best
practice guidelines.
2) Analyse the legalities of computer forensics phases and the impact of the legal
requirements on the overall information security policy.
3) Critically assess the boundaries between the different service models (SaaS, PaaS,
IaaS) and operational translations (i.e. cloud computing) and to identify the associated
4) Critically investigate a company information security strategy to provide consultation
and coaching through reporting and communication.
5) Assess, compare and judge computer media for evidentiary purposes and/or root
cause analysis.
6) Apply relevant standards, best practices and legal requirements for information security
to develop information security policies.
7) Lifelong Learning: Manage employability, utilising the skills of personal development
and planning in different contexts to contribute to society and the workplace.
Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the module
name, the submission deadline and a word count; the appendices if relevant; and a
reference list in Arden University (AU) Harvard format. You should address all the elements
of the assignment task listed below. Please note that tutors will use the assessment criteria
set out below in assessing your work.
Maximum word count: 2,500 words
Please note that exceeding the word count will result in a reduction in grade proportionate to
the number of words used in excess of the permitted limit.
You must not include your name in your submission because Arden University operates
anonymous marking, which means that markers should not be aware of the identity of the
student. However, please do not forget to include your STU number.

This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for the module.
Using your current or previous workplace1 as the case study, please answer the
1) Critically analyse the different types of software acquisition models and try to relate that
to those systems you are using at your workplace. [LO3]
(10 marks)
2) Do you have a handbook that describes the policies, processes, and procedures in
place? Evaluate the security strategy in that handbook for network activity monitoring,
for instance? What are the issues missing in the handbook? You need to discuss the
legal issues raised by this handbook as many companies consider a handbook as part
of the contract. [LO4]
(20 marks)
3) What is the information security strategic plan in place and how it is implemented?
[LO4, LO6]
(10 marks)
4) Analyse the external and internal threats to information systems in your workplace and
show how your security strategy should protect against those threats. Report your risk
assessment methodology in a flowchart-like figure. You can have a look at Stoneburner
(2002) work to understand how you should relate all the activities together. Please do
not copy the work from (Stoneburner, 2002) as you need to compile your own risk
assessment methodology as part of your security strategy plan. You also need to
discuss how you are going to manage the identified risks. [LO1, LO5]
(20 marks)
5) Critically analyse the access control strategy? If you are to rewrite that part of your
security plan, what would you change? Why? What sort of a strategy you will use here?
proactive or reactive? Justify your answer. [LO4, LO6]
(20 marks)
6) What do you recommend for a proper incident management strategy? How would you
implement it? Hint: Stakeholders and role responsibilities. [LO4, LO6, LO7]
(10 marks)
7) Compile a brief security strategy that suits the business requirements as well as the
security requirements of this workplace. [LO4, LO6, LO7]
(10 marks)

Information Security Strategy Development

Assignment Brief
As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit an
Information Security Strategy Development assignment. Please refer to your Student
Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on
preparing and submitting assignments.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the module, you should be able to:
1) Evaluate the basic external and internal threats to electronic assets and
countermeasures to thwart such threats by utilising relevant standards and best
practice guidelines.
2) Analyse the legalities of computer forensics phases and the impact of the legal
requirements on the overall information security policy.
3) Critically assess the boundaries between the different service models (SaaS, PaaS,
IaaS) and operational translations (i.e. cloud computing) and to identify the associated
4) Critically investigate a company information security strategy to provide consultation
and coaching through reporting and communication.
5) Assess, compare and judge computer media for evidentiary purposes and/or root
cause analysis.
6) Apply relevant standards, best practices and legal requirements for information security
to develop information security policies.
7) Lifelong Learning: Manage employability, utilising the skills of personal development
and planning in different contexts to contribute to society and the workplace.
Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the module
name, the word count; the appendices if relevant; and a reference list in Arden University
(AU) Harvard format. You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed
below. Please note that tutors will use the assessment criteria set out below in assessing
your work.
Maximum word count: 2,500 words

Assignment Task: Part 2
This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for the module.
1) A Denial of Service attack (DoS) represents one of the most widespread types of
cyber-threats to businesses of all sizes. DoS prevents users of an online IT system
from accessing vital services for an extended period of time, creating both financial and
reputational losses for the affected company. Many DoS attacks have blocked websites
of private, public and government organisations from serving their clients, customers
and partners for hours or even days. Addressing corporate vulnerability to DoS attacks
is now becoming more and more critical due to the growing adoption of cloud-based
architectures and information sharing platforms. As such, a consideration of DoS
related risks should be placed at the core of any information security strategy.
Critically analyse the most typical scenarios leading to the increased exposure to DoS
attacks. Suggest specific counter-measures which could be incorporated to the
corporate information security strategy. These should include:
a) infrastructures to minimise the likelihood of the occurrence of such an event
(preventive approach)
b) mechanisms to mitigate the issues created by the occurrence of such an event
(the reactive approach)
c) policies which recognise this threat as an overall business risk rather than merely
technical risk.
(70 marks)
(LOs 1, 4, 5, 6 & 7)
2) Using WinHex or a similar tool, try to load your operating system swap file for digital
forensics investigation. Report your findings about:
a) Recovered deleted files
b) Extracting used passwords
(30 marks)

Social Media and Technology

The final course assignment is to reflect on the film/novel you were assigned this week and tie this to last week’s readings as well as current technological issues in this society as they relate to the film/novel.

This is a reflective essay statement where you are to use personal with additional facts and reference to specific aspects in the novel/film and to critical assess our participation including where we are heading.assigned a fitting novel that depicts in rather obvious terms what our complicity could well result in, especially if one considers the world today.

Please as you ponder this week, think of today’s current social media and Internet power and what is already being compiled with our own help.

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to critically analyze the role of social media and technology in crimes of the powerful.

Students will be able to synthesize last weeks readings to critical asses their own everyday life choices and decision-making in relation to crimes of the powerful.

Recommended Task: The Feed on Amazon and The novel The Circle

Consider your own consent and consumption of current social media and technology and how that plays into the ongoing fusion centers’ data collection.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Future Technology

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Future Technology

-Scientific paper.

-Use scientific source/notation.

-Harvard Style.

-lead to a conclusion

*[IMPORTANT, the last paragraph (that agrees that AI will have a beneficial impact )]

-in every paragraph, every sentence that is from a scientific source should be marked with an index in the end of that specific sentence and in the bottom of the essay should the source listed.

-100% written from scratch

-it should be separated in paragraphs to indicate points that AI role will be beneficial in the future using sources

Technological and Environmental Hazards/Risks

Communities differ dramatically regarding their risk of environmental hazards and the extent to
which they are impacted by disasters. Using the FEMA Federal Disaster Information website,
determine a high risk/hazard area in your state or region.
In an essay of 1,000-1,250 words, answer the following questions:
What hazards exist in your state or region? Categorize these hazards as meteorological,
hydrological, geophysical, and technological hazards; you may also have a category for human caused disasters.
What is the extent of damage caused by these disasters? What mitigation programs have taken place? What are the estimated costs of these projects?
Access the “Disaster Declarations by Year” page of the FEMA website (located at, select one of the presidential disaster declarations, and
use it as a case study in your state or region:
What were the lessons learned from that disaster with respect to hazard warning, emergency
notification, and evacuation?
Did demographic, geographic, or economic factors have a role in response problems?
What disaster myths were present? Were these myths found to be accurate in later reports?
What lessons learned from this community can be generalized to all communities with similar
hazards and demographics?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the
Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to
become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Which Automotive Technology Will WIn?

Which Automotive Technology Will WIn?

In the envisioned transition away from gasoline-powered cars, Nissan’s CEO Carlos Ghosn firmly believes the next technological paradigm will be electric motors. Mr. Ghosn calls hybrids a “halfway technology” and suggests they will be a temporary phenomenon at best. A number of startup companies, including Tesla Motors in the United States and BYD in China, share Ghosn’s belief in this future scenario.

One of the biggest remaining impediments to large-scale adoption of electric vehicles, however, is the lack of appropriate infrastructure: There are few stations on the roads where drivers can recharge their car’s battery when necessary. With the mileage range of electric of electric vehicles currently limited to some 200 miles, many consider a lack of recharging stations a serious problem (so called “range anxiety”). Tesla Motors and others, however, are working hard to develop a network of superfast charging stations.

Nissan’s Mr. Ghosn believes electric cars will account for 10 percent of global auto sales over the next decade. In contrast, Toyota is convinced gasoline-electric hybrids will become the next dominant technology. These different predictions have significant influence on what technology they decide to back and how much money Nissan and Toyota invest in that technology. Nissan’s fully electric vehicle, the Leaf (an acronym for Leading, Environmentally friendly, Affordable, Family car), built at a plant in Smyrna, Tennessee, was introduced in 2010 in Japan and in 2011 in Europe, the U.S., and Canada. As of 2013, the Nissan Leaf is the best-sellling all-electric car, with global sales of some 100,000 units.

Toyota is expanding its R&D investments in hybrid technology. Toyota has already sold some 4 million of its popular Prius cars since they were first introduces in 1997. By 2020, Toyota plans to offer hybrid technology in all its vehicles. Eventually, the investments made by Nissan and Toyota will yield different returns, depending on which predictions prove more accurate.

An alternative outcome is that neither hybrids nor electric cars will become that next paradigm. To add even more uncertainty to the mix, Honda and BMW are betting on cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells. In sum, many alternative technologies are competing to become the winner in setting a new standard for propelling cars. This situation is depicted in Exhibit MC12.1, where the new technologies represent a swarm of new entries vying for dominance. Only time will tell which this standard battle.