Information Security Management: Risk Assessment

Information Security Management

The student will be given a scenario where they must perform a risk assessment on some given hardware (student will be given hardware list with part numbers) and be given needed software components where risk should be assessed from an attack surface perspective and other security-relevant criteria. Students will be given value of data contained on this one computer system and must perform a qualitative analysis on the entirety of the assets and what risks need to be mitigated, accepted (too expensive to address), transferred (such as purchasing data breach protection), or avoidance (the risk is too high and avoided by senior mgmt.).


InfoTegrity is a new startup firm that has discovered an innovative way to encrypt data for protecting the confidentiality of clients’ data, yet the system containing the algorithms, initialization vectors, and keys needs to be secured to prevent unauthorized access to the data. A risk assessment must be performed to find all the risk that is present on the system. The system uses operating system Windows 10 build 1703 and has multiple C++ redistributables that are used for other software applications installed on the system used by the organization. The system is also freely accessible on the company network by employees on-site that need access to the system. By observing the supplied HW/SW list provided by local IT administrators and this information, perform a risk assessment based on the information given to you and provide guidance as to the best solution to assist in ensuring that confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system is kept at an acceptable level of risk. Use google and any other web browsing applications to research this scenario and write three paragraphs, the first to present the way you are going to organize your risk assessment (i.e. identify assets, valuate them, assign levels of risk, etc.). The second describing the risk elements and findings for the assessment for the system. The last paragraph providing guidance as to the best path forward to address the risk that is present and what needs to be addressed for each risk (for instance high risk items should be mitigated as oppose to low risk items that would be accepted by the organization).

Disruptive Technology – Clayton Christensen (OLED in digital display industry)


Main body

  1. The concept of disruptive technological innovation (600 words)

(This part should incorporate Clayton Christensen’s work on Disruption within the essay, but do not just cite Clayton Christensen’s work)

First, introduce what is disruptive technological innovation

Second, explain the characteristics of disruptive technological innovation: first, the existing market has low sensitive to disruptive innovation; second, disruptive innovation develops rapidly with low quality and high price in the primary stage; third, disruptive technological innovation applies to start-ups. (the words about three characteristics should be paraphrased)

Third, illustrate how disruptive technological innovation influence industry: first, disruptive technological innovation would disturb existing market; second, disruptive technological innovation would change the market landscape; third, the socio-emotional system would be evolving with the help of disruptive technological innovation. (the words about three influences should be paraphrased)

  1. disruptive technological innovation in the digital display industry (1200 words)

Currently, most of manufacturers still use LCD display.

First, introduce the LCD display and OLED display and their industry status. And advance an argument that shows that OLED technology either is or isn’t a disruptive innovation.

Second, OLED display disrupts the smart phone display

Third, OLED display disrupts the television display

Thus, OLED will disrupt the digital industry. It will surpass LCD in performance and occupy the high-end market.

  1. The limitations of OLED

First, the limitations of OLED (300 words)

Second, how to minimise the shortcomings (300 words)


Cite approximately 20 references

No figure or diagram in the essay, just use words to explain the essay.

Theory of Machine Learning

Theory of Machine Learning

1. Write in details about following with examples:

• Descriptive analytics

• Predictive analytics • Prescriptive analytics

2. Write theory and mathematics of following algorithms:

• Multivariate Feature Selection

• Random forests

• Neural Network

• Support vector machines

• Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization

Note: Cite referenced materials.

Use Dataset at :

Note: use Python as language

Descriptive analytics

1. Perform univariate data exploration and comment on results.

2. Perform bi-variate data exploration and comment on results.

3. Which attributes predict churn behavior? Discuss on finding.

Predictive analytics
4. Perform multivariate feature selection and comment on results

5. Build predictive models using Random Forests, Neural Network and Support Vector Machines. Discuss on performance of the models and compare the models.

Prescriptive analytics

6. Run mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization technique to optimize customer retention (or avoid churn). C

omment on results.

Technology in Healthcare (HIPAA)

In order to complete this you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the
questions in a Word document following the assignment template and then upload the
assignment for grading. Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research
to support your answers. The assignment must be a minimum of 2-full pages in length with a
minimum of 2 – outside sources

Question 1-

HHS and the FTC recently launched an investigation into a major pharmacy chain
for its information disposal practices. The regulators claimed that the pharmacy chain failed to
protect customers’ sensitive financial and medical information by disposing prescriptions and
labeled pill bottles in dumpsters that were accessible by the public. Based on the HIPAA
(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), what consequences should a
company face for failing to properly dispose of customer information? For HIPAA act, you may
check the website

Question 2-

Trust is an important part of the continued growth and development of the Internet.
This is particularly the case with respect to social networking. Media reports of disturbing
stories and case law alike have shown some of the consequences that can arise when
individuals create false social networking profiles. In a case in California, and individual
established a fake MySpace profile of his former church pastor. On the profile, he posted
content that suggested that the pastor used drugs and was homosexual. Can criminal charges
be brought against the party that created the fake profile?

Trends in Informatics

Trends in Informatics


This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO 6)
  • CO7: Examine the use of information systems to document interventions related to achieving nurse sensitive outcomes. (PO 7)


This is the week to really see where technology and healthcare are connecting. Select ONE of the following trends and discuss your understanding of this trend in healthcare and its potential impact on your practice as a nurse. What are the legal, privacy, and ethical considerations of this trend? (Everyone attempt to choose a different topic so that we will learn about the many advancements in technology).

  • Nanotechnology
  • Consumer health informatics (CHI)
  • Social media healthcare applications
  • Health-focused wearable technology
  • eHealth
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Simulation
  • Computerized provider order entry (CPOE)
  • Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA)
  • Creative measures in healthcare for use with 3D printers
  • Smart Pumps
  • Smart Rooms
  • Robotics in healthcare
  • Mobile technology in outpatient care
  • Web-based tools and software technology
  • Risk Management tools
  • Chatbots or Bots in healthcare
  • Telenursing
  • Telemedicine
  • Telepharmacy
  • Telerehabilitation
  • Teleconsultation
  • Telehospice

Telecommute Challenges

Class: Management Information Systems
For a discussion post
An Internet company in South Florida is receiving frequent requests from employees who want to telecommute. The company’s CTO wants to be flexible and accommodate as many employees as possible. At the same time, the CTO wants to achieve productivity goals and keep to a minimum any legal issues that may arise from this new work alternative. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, answer the following questions and support your answers with references:
-Provide three guidelines that telecommuters need to follow and why?
-Provide three guidelines that the company needs to follow to achieve both personal and organizational objectives and why?
-What are three examples of information technologies that could help this company monitor these telecommute

Management Information Systems- Security Breach

Hacking, Pishing, other security threat.

A three-page paper about two high-profile companies that faced security breaches in the last two months. Make sure to provide first a summary of the case and provide the URL link to the published articles. For each company, identify two vulnerabilities that enabled hackers to break into these companies’ systems and write a responsible action plan.
Submit an APA style formatted Word document

Technology in the classroom and social issues (Research Paper)

Focus on collecting articles, and dissertations about Technology in the classroom and social issues.

Compose a research question and subquestions, and design a plan for collecting and analyzing data for the research study using a particular methodology.

The goal of this assignment is to develop a draft of a full qualitative research proposal. The research proposal should be at least 15 pages (but not more than 25 pages), double-spaced, not including your title page, abstract, Appendix, and references page, and should contain the following sections:

A title page
Rationale/Problem Statement: Explain your topic. Make a case for why this topic is important to you or your specialization area, etc. State your Research Problem.
Research Questions: Conclude your discussion of your research topic by identifying specific research question(s) and possibly sub-questions.
Literature Review: a minimum of four pages on 5-7 articles or edited book chapters, plus at least two dissertations: Your literature review should justify your study. Information should be drawn from appropriate sources, such as professional journals, books, and dissertations. Information gathered from literature sources must be appropriately cited, following APA guidelines. Provide a synthesized literature review on your topic making the case for why this study will add knowledge that will “fill a hole in the literature.”
Research Methodology: Describe what research methodology you are proposing to answer your research questions and why it is an appropriate method. In addition, include the following as a description of your research plan:
Participant Selection: If applicable, describe the site of the data collection. Explain who your participants will be and what method you will use to select them. Be as specific as possible as if you were giving directions to someone on how to choose and obtain the participants. Include instructions on how to get informed consent from the participants.
Data Collection: Discuss how you will collect the data (interviews, observations, documents, etc.). Tell what sort of questions you will ask (for interviews) or what you will look for (for observations) and why that will help you answer your research questions. Include the interview protocol (if applicable) including how to conduct interviews for your study and what questions will be asked in an Appendix.
Data Analysis: Provide a description of how you plan to code and/or analyze the data.
Methods of achieving validity: No research project is perfect. But how are you assuring that your study is as valid as possible?
Potential Ethical Problems: Could your participants be harmed by your research, either in carrying it out or affecting society after it is finished? Who are the audiences for your research, and do they have “objective” concerns for the practical implications and policy recommendations that you make? Address these and other possibly relevant questions of ethics.
Limitations: No research covers everything. What are the obvious limitations to your study? What will not be “proven” though your study?
References Page: The references page should be formatted according to APA style.
Appendix of your data collection protocol.

Content includes all elements of the Research Proposal as indicated in the instructions.

Content includes at least 15 pages, not including the Title page, Abstract, and References page.

Writing and Organization Criteria Total: 1

The central theme/purpose of the paper is clear.

The structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow.

The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

The thoughts are clear and include appropriate beginning, development, and conclusion.

Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.

Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.

The paper uses words and language that are inclusive, clear, and unambiguous.

Spelling is correct.

The paper includes summary and analysis of appropriate resources.

Research Criteria Total: 3

The paper includes a summary and analysis or synthesis of at least 5-7 scholarly articles plus at least two dissertations.

Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc, and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include and

Research focuses on the most current information (past five to ten years) except when citing seminal works (e.g. Freud, Erickson, etc.).

Paper includes the appropriate number of references required by the assignment.

Style Criteria Total: 1

The paper is in the appropriate APA format used by the institution/program (e.g. the 6th edition).

The paper is double-spaced and in the appropriate length required by the assignment

The paper includes an APA style cover page.

The paper includes an Abstract that is formatted to support the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

The paper properly uses headings, font styles, and white space as outlined in the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

The paper includes an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

The paper addresses the topic of the paper with critical thought.

The paper concludes with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition) guidelines.

The paper includes a References Page that is completed according to the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

Performance of Face Recognition Software

Use some facial recognition software to perform a performance evaluation of said algorithm.
Examples of facial recognition software:

To do this you must:
– Explain how the facial recognition algorithm works.
– Use at least 30 images of the same user under different circumstances (photos from
years ago and current photos).
– Use at least 30 images of other users with the intention of faking the original face.
– Use different methods to fake a user (masks, paper photos, etc.).
– Document everything and explain how good or bad the system is against attacks and
how it could be improved.
– Explain the external factors that can influence facial recognition.
Evaluation elements:
– 10% Explanation of the facial recognition algorithm.
– 40% Analysis of the system performance through real images of several users.
– 20% Analysis of counterfeit methods and their application.
– 20% Documentation and explanation of the result of the attacks, as well as possible
improvements to prevent them.
– 10% Explanation of the factors that influence facial recognition.

– It must contain Introduction, body/development and conclusion.
– The deliverable is a Word file, font Georgia 11, spaced 1.5.
– Sources must be listed in bibliography

Logistics Technology and Processes (Questions and Answers)

Supply Chain Questions and Answers 

Below you will find multiple question sets. Please select four question sets from the following list and provide respective answers. Do not respond to all question sets.

Chapter 1

  1. Choose an industry and determine a typical supply chain structure for the selected industry. Discuss ways for a company to align its logistics processes with its business strategy in the industry.
  2. Discuss how logistics technologies can help companies to develop necessary supply chain capabilities.

Chapter 4

  1. Discuss relevant technology trends for business logistics. Select two technologies and elaborate how the selected technologies will enable business capabilities.
  2. Select a supply chain or logistics technology. Develop a specific plan for a company to: 1) apply this technology to the company’s supply chain operations; and 2) assess the performance of this technology.

Chapter 7

  1. Michael H. Hugos state, “Traditional pursuit of efficiency is now less profitable”. He also suggests that it is “time to get agile and reinvent traditional supply chain operations.” Do you agree with his statements? Please explain.
  2. Discuss the need for universal, easy, and inexpensive data connections between all parties in a supply chain. Explain why these connections will improve supply chain-wide and each firm’s performance and profitability.

Chapter 9

  1. Describe how one company can create responsive supply chains for large-scale customization and in doing so created a strong competitive advantage for itself.
  2. Your company intends to establish long-term alliances with its supply chain partners (contractors, customers, and/or suppliers, etc.). What logistics capabilities does it need to possess and how can it leverage these capabilities into the alliances?

Chapter 10

  1. Assess the profit potential inherent in the self-adjusting feedback loop and explore how it can be harnessed to drive your supply chain.
  2. Discuss why modern businesses need to know how to play the game of supply chain management. In a business network situation, how can businesses strengthen their existing supply chain alliances?

(Continue with another question set on the next page.)

Global and domestic oil & gas supply chains.

  1. The recent shale oil & gas exploration and production in the United States has begun to generate significant impacts on the domestic and global landscapes of the oil & gas industries. The increase of US domestic oil & gas has apparently improved the US independence of energy imports and mitigate dependence on foreign, especially the middle East, crude and natural gas imports. In the meantime, the surplus of global oil & gas production has resulted in the changes of global oil supply and demand. For instance, the average retail gasoline prices in the US have dropped to around $2.00 in late 2015 due to abundant oil supply from global and domestic sources.

Discuss the changes in oil & gas supply chain in US when domestic crude oils are utilized instead of foreign oils. What technologies are needed to keep domestic oil & gas production efficient and safe?