Information Systems Engineering


Develop an E-R model to organize the following data of pharmacies including pharmacyID,
name, address, phone number, medicine inventory (including medicineID, medicine name,
medicine description, unit price, current inventory level, and minimum inventory level).

Information Systems Engineering

1. The following E-R model describes data about customers. Common data for all customers are
ID, Name, Address, and Contact including Phone and Emai. Special data for online customers
are LoginName and Password.
(a) Perform specialization to the E-R model to produce an E-R model with the superclass entity,
Customer, and a subclass entity, OnlineCustomer.
(b) Give at least one instance of the superclass and the subclass entity in part (a).

Impact of Technology on Society


View the Assignment 2 Overview to gain an understanding of the overall assignment requirements (Assignment 2.1 and 2.2), available topics for this assignment, and grading criteria.
To complete this assignment (Assignment 2.1):
Download the Assignment 2.1 Microsoft Word Sample A and Sample B to complete your speech outline.
Submit the completed Microsoft Word Template in the Blackboard submission area for this assignment.

What are the possible benefits of a computer program that can check proofs?

One of the highlights of mathematics in the 20th century was the realisation that proofs can be made completely precise and proofs can be checked exactly. This can be carried out to the level of putting a large amount of mathematics on computers and having the computer check the validity of proofs. You are required to write 1,600 words paper in which you discuss possible benefits of a computer program that can check proofs. Format your paper in MLA and cite at least 5 sources.

Mapping Cloud Security Controls To Existing Frameworks Or Regulations.

Download the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Controls Matrix spreadsheet. (A quick Internet search should give you the address of the most current version for download.) Under the “Scope Applicability” heading, select a category that is applicable to the organization for which you work. For example, if your organization handle personal medical data and uses the COBIT framework, you could choose either COBIT or HIPAA/HITECH. Once you select a category, choose row from “Control Domain” (that no other student has already selected!). Explain the control domain, how it maps to your chosen scope, and specifically what your organization does to implement the stated control.

Week 7 Designing A Database

Week 7 Designing a Database

Using the attached Database Diagram, answer the following questions!

1)  Identify the Primary Key in each table in the diagram.   List the Primary key in each table and describe why you think this field was selected to be the primary key.

2) The Orderline and BookAuthor tables have multiple primary keys, why is this the case?  What do we call this type of table?

3)  What would the Select statement look like if I needed all the orders for customerID 99999?

4)  What would the Select statement look like if I needed all the customers that live in zip code 34583?

Business Math

Please answer the following questions showing all of your work. Please circle your answers.

1. A buyer purchased 75 ginger jar lamps at a list price of $40 each. The trade discounts were 30%, 20%, and 5% with terms of 2/10, net 30. The lamps were shipped and billed on October 18 and were received October 22. The bill was paid on October 31. What amount was paid?

2. On June 10, the buyer for the Charm Stores placed an order for 24 dozen turtleneck tops costing $81 per dozen with AOK Inc. The vendor offered the terms of 8/10 EOM, ROG, FOB Store. What amount should be remitted if the shipment was received October 26 and paid on November 10?

3. An invoice for $2,300 has terms of 2/10–30X, net 60, FOB factory. The vendor prepaid the shipping charges of $34. The invoice was dated August 29 and was paid on September 24. How much should the vendor have received?

4. Jean’s Fashion placed an order for 12 dozen silk scarves that cost $120 per dozen with freight charges of $18. The terms negotiated on this purchase were 2/10–30X, n/60 EOM, FOB store, anticipation permitted. If the invoice is dated June 10, determine the payment to be made to the manufacturer on July 10

5. Annie’s on the Lake needs to purchase new sterling flatware. The owner finds three patterns she likes from two separate vendors. Which is the better deal? Show all work.

15 sets of Pattern A: List price $1400 each set 15 sets of Pattern B: List price $1600 for set. 15 sets of Pattern C: List price $1800 for set.

Vendor A:
Trade discounts from list price: 40%, less 25%.
Quantity discounts offered: none.
Cash discount: 2/10, n/30.
FOB: Factory/shipping charges are running 0.5% of final cost.

Vendor B: 

Trade discount from list price: 0%, less 20%, less 5%.
Quantity discount: 1% for orders over $10,000; 1.5% for orders over $15,000; and 2% for orders over $20,000. Cash discount: 2/10–60X, shipping is FOB store.

Footprinting Of A Network (Information Systems Homework Help)

There millions of websites – 2 or more students should not have the same website “choose wisely”

This hands-on guide demonstrates how to conduct “Foot printing of a network” The best way to ensure your infrastructure is secure is to understand the steps an intruder may use to footprint a recon a network.

This exercise is exploratory (no right or wrong answer)

What is Footprinting and is it important?

What are DNS Records and why are they needed?

Find any website and check the DNS records

2. Go to

Go through the text records (A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SRV, SOA, TXT, CAA) In a word document copy and paste the information (Blue Text) of all the Text Record information.

3. Conclusion, what was interesting or stood out to you after checking the DNS records?

Minimum 2 pages

Must be in APA

Safe Assign under 35%

Individual Project 3




Provide the overview of the paper, you can start by answering what is foot-printing and DNS records briefly. Also be sure to mention that you reviewed the records of a website.

When your done here make sure that the text is not in italics.


A more detailed explanation of footprinting

DNS Records

A more detailed explanation of what are DNS Records

Exercise Footprinting

Find a website and use to fill in the table









10 3600 600

604800 1800

TXT google-site-verification=H0OFMiuXPwkcxdMj1q6ZUwiCd3pevlToU0v_ZUGs64A


v=spf1 a -all


Trace Route

What is trace route and how is it used?


Exercise Trace Route

Using either the website or IP that you choose to investigate conduct a trace route and copy a few lines here. Please note that you may have to stop it. Use the link in the comments section to right of further information on how to conduct it.

Please explain what you have found in the trace, you may have to repeat this process such as the A records and traceroute to find other networks, do not get caught up in the Matrix just find something worth mentioning.


This exercise provided additional information of behind the scenes networking and presents other servers, domains and IP address that are connected to the initial website. The initial nameserver is connected to a Google server, after conducting a trace route IP the A record shows only in Brazil. Another IP located in Brazil indicated that the central server is most likely located there IP because all other states did not show a connection hence the red x mark.

SOX Usage In Microsoft

How the Microsoft applies the SOX standard to their current business model.


Write a research paper that is:

­ 10 pages minimal

­Includes 5+ scholarly resources

­APA format is mandatory.

Also a Presentation for 15 Slides (should not included start, End an questionnaire slide).

Planning & Developing A Project (Computer Science Homework Help)

There are various System Development Methodologies. These include but not limited to:

  • Waterfall
  • Agile
  • Dynamic Systems Development Method
  • Microsoft Solution Framework
  • Rapid Application Development

In your previous course work, you researched system development methodologies.

Create a memo (400–600 words) that proposes the system development methodology

that you would like your team to use. You must present your selection in a logical, clear,

and compelling manner. To justify your selection, compare and contrast the methodology of choice

with another methodology that is a viable alternative. This demonstrates that you have considered several options.

Remember that in your upcoming group discussion, the team will need to select one methodology.

If all proposals are written properly, the selection process will go smoothly.

APA,intext citation and references

Explore Technological Underpinnings Of The Internet And Web 2.0

In this module, you’re going to explore some of the technological underpinnings of the Internet and Web 2.0, and understand what is about current information tools that make them particularly potent facilitators of existing and potential social networks. Social networking itself is, of course, as old as humanity itself—but it is not until recent times that technologies specifically focused on the creation and expansion of social networks have come to prominent public attention—to the point where they, arguably, have fundamentally reshaped the information environment. How many of us would like to return to the Bad Old Days of a decade ago, when user concerns were of only minimal interest, most of the Internet still featured one-way information distribution, “friends” were people we actually knew, and dancing cat videos were few and far between. Well, perhaps the latter two aspects still have some merit—but going back from an Internet where users are equal if not more important as content providers and participants of interest to the old one-way channels and Information gods is unlikely to ring many chimes.

As source material for your exploration of Web 2.0 technologies we have identified the following sources as required readings. If you don’t really pay attention to this material, it’s really unlikely that you can write an acceptable paper on the topic below, let alone an exceptional one. We spend quite a lot of time trying to identify useful sources for you that bear on our topics for analysis; while we strongly encourage you to conduct your own further research and identify additional useful sources, this should be an add-on to the basic material rather than a substitute for it. Our Module 1 sources include:

Majchrzak, A., & More, P. H. B. (Apr 2011). Emergency! Web 2.0 to the rescue! Communications of the ACM. 54(4), 125-132. [EBSCOhost database at Trident library]

Hwang, J., Altmann, J., & Kim, K. (2009). The structural evolution of the Web 2.0 service network, Online Information Review, 33(6), 1040. [ProQuest database at Trident library]

Andriole, S.J. (2010). Business impact of Web 2.0 technologies, Communications of the ACM, 53(12), 67-79. [EBSCOhost database]

Netzley, M. A.& Rath, Akanksha (2012). Social Networks and the Desire to Save Face: A Case From Singapore. Business Communication Quarterly. 75(1), 96-107. [EBSCOhost database]

Erickson, L. B. (Jan/Feb 2011). Web 2.0 and Social Networking for the Enterprise. [Review of the book Web 2.0 and Social Networking for the Enterprise, by J. Bernal]. Research Technology Management. Arlington: 54(1), 67-68. [ProQuest database]

In addition, the optional readings expand on many of the central points; you may also want to do some independent research of your own to clarify any issues that concern you.

Case Assignment

When you have read through the articles and related material, please compose a 5- to 7-page paper in which you:

• Compare the impact of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0. Provide details on each and discuss how each has evolved from its forerunner Web interface. What do you see as the future of the Web in Web 3.0?

Assignment Expectations

You Will Be Particularly Assessed On

• Your ability to inform, comment, and analyze—simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.

• Your ability to apply the professional language and terminology of communications and information systems correctly and in context; you are expected to be familiar with this language and use it appropriately.

• Your effective and appropriate use of in-text citations to the assigned readings and other source material to support your arguments. Refer to Trident’s “Writing Style Guide” for guidance on APA formatting and style.

Physical Security (Information System )

Physical security provides various forms of deterrents. Using proper APA formatting address the following.

  1. What are some of the physical barriers provided by CCTV and chain link fences as it relates to discouraging criminal activities?
  2. Should the designs and features of physical barriers be considered when business owners are planning to install such systems at their businesses? Why or why not?
  3. From the reading material list and explain 4 types of fences.


Please write a minimum of two paragraphs on each question. Every paragraph must be indented, have at least four complete sentences, subtitled (centered bold), and a different in-text citation. Do not continuously cite at the end of each paragraph. You are required to write and cite according to APA 6th  Edition format. Your Safe-assign Score needs to be no more than 30%. Please ensure that you use the Individual Project Header for this and every IP assignment. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a low or zero grade.