Research Proposal Topic in International Trade and International Direct Investment

Research Proposal Topic in International Trade and International Direct Investment


Dissertation Title
1.        Topic selection basis:

(1) explain the background, theoretical and practical significance of the topic

(2) summarize of literature review

2、 Research content and preliminary scheme

























3、 Specific schedule (contents, methods, main measures, completion time, etc. of each stage of dissertation work)


























4、 Bibliography of main references
















The regulation of Drug Pricing addressed to the Catalent Pharma Solution

The regulation of Drug Pricing addressed to the Catalent Pharma Solution

It is a continuation paper, so I have attached my previous paper with my professors corrections
that need to be made in red. The topic is the continuation of the paper I have attached called
describe the problem. So If possible I need you to make the changes accordingly to his
comments that are in red and then also write the next part of the paper which is called policy
analysis. Thanks! if you have any questions please let me know. Oh and I will also have the
attached PDF of the book for chapter 4.

Positioning Statement and Motto

Positioning Statement and Motto

Cause and Effects of Stress on 11th graders in High School

Use the provided information, as well as your own research, to assess one (1) of the stated brands (Tesla, SmoothieKing, Suave, or Nintendo) by completing the questions below with an ORIGINAL response to each. At the end of the worksheet, be sure to develop a new ORIGINAL positioning statement and motto for the brand you selected. Submit the completed template in the Week 4 assignment submission link.

1. Target Customers/Users
Who are the target customers for the company/brand? Make sure you tell why you selected each item that you did. (NOTE: DO NOT say “ANY, ALL, EVERYONE” you cannot target everyone, you must be specific)
Age Bracket: [Insert response-at least one to two good sentences)
Gender: [Insert response-at least one to two good sentences)
Income Bracket: [Insert response-at least one to two good sentences)
Education Level: [Insert response-at least one to two good sentences)
Lifestyle: [Insert response-at least one to two good sentences)
Psychographics (Interest, Hobbies, Past-times): [Insert response-at least one to two good sentences)
Values (What the customer values overall in life): [Insert response-at least one to two good sentences) –
Other items you would segment up on (optional): [Insert response]

How does the company currently reach its customers/users? Look at the methods and media the company is currently using to reach the customers/users. What methods and media should the company use to currently reach the customers/users identified above? Why have you decided up on this suggestion?
[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

What would grab the customers/users’ attention? Why do you think this will capture their attention?
[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

What do these target customers’ value from the business and its products? Why do you think they value these items?
[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

2. Competitors
Who are the brand’s competitors? Provide at least 3 competitors and tell why you selected each competitor.
Competitor 1: [Insert response] (Identify Competitor and provide at least a good sentence or two discussing why you chose business as a leading competitor.)
Competitor 2: [Insert response] [Insert response] (Identify Competitor and provide at least a good sentence or two discussing why you chose business as a leading competitor.)
Competitor 3: [Insert response] [Insert response] (Identify Competitor and provide at least a good sentence or two discussing why you chose business as a leading competitor.)

What product category does the brand fit into? Why have you placed this brand into the product category that you did?
[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

What frame of reference (frame of mind) will customers use in making a choice to use/purchase this brand/service? What other brands/companies might customers compare this brand to (other than the top three identified above)?
[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

3. USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Creation
What is the brand’s uniqueness? What makes the brand stand out with the customers? Why do you think this is a key uniqueness for this business?
[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

What is the competitive advantage of the brand? What makes the brand stand out above its leading competitors? How is it different from other competing brands? Why do you consider this a competitive advantage?
[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions

What attributes or benefits does the brand have that dominate competitors? What makes the business’s products stand out above the competing products? Why do you think they dominate?
[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions

Using your analysis in the three questions above, create a new USP (Unique Selling Proposition for your business? Why have you decided upon this particular USP?
Newly Created Unique Selling Proposition: [Insert response]
Defense/Justification of USP (Why have you created this): [Insert response-at least two good sentences)
4. Positioning Statement & Motto
Develop a new positioning statement and motto for the brand you selected. Below is an example of BMW’s positioning statement and motto. Discuss why you created the items that you did?
• BMW Positioning statement: The brand for discerning customers of sports cars (target customers) who want an exhilarating experience (USP).
• BMW Motto: BMW is the ultimate driving machine.
Newly Created Positioning Statement: [Insert response]
Defense/Justification of Positioning Statement Creation (Why have you created this): [Insert response-at least two good sentences)
Newly Created Motto: [Insert response]
Defense/ Justification of Motto Creation (Why have you created this): [Insert response-jvzat least two good sentences)

Meteorology and Air Quality Studies

Meteorology and Air Quality Studies

I will attach a template containing the proposal technical requirements it should fall under and an example. The following are ideas are example purposes for research I’d like to participate in:

Learn about typical and anomalous air quality and meteorology in large city market (Mexico City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
Take into consideration any other pandemics or societal impact air quality (smoke, dusk, ozone, etc.) has
Work with raw data to get a feel for time alignment issues, make hourly averaged data, and use of Excel data base functions for making Diel averages (24 hour averages).
Doing a case study for diagnosing and understanding specific events.
Learn about and work with data from the sonic anemometer, low cost air quality sensor SPS30, photoacustic instrument, and the BAM1020 instrument used for PM measurements in cities to regulate air quality.
Use HYSPLIT back trajectory analysis and Google Earth to determine likely source regions for windblown dust.
Use remote sensing with the Cimel and MFRSR sunphotometer and spectral irradiance for obtaining column aerosol optical depth (AOD), with an eye towards satellite remote sensing of AOD.
Use Python to make wind roses and air pollution roses.

Also working with the National Park Service to improve data is another idea I’d like to do.

Counterintelligence Operations

Counterintelligence Operations


– Research and analyze two operations that utilized national security or miltary counterintelligence (either offensive or defensive functions).
– What were the specific challenges to counterintelligence for each operation?
– Compare and contrast how counterintelligence measures changed over the particular time periods of the operations.
– Example time periods may include early American history to WWI, WWI to WWII, WWII, the Cold War, the post-Cold War/pre-9/11 era, post-9/11, etc.
– Put the operation and the lessons learned within the context of how it may have influenced the development of the current U.S. National Counterintelligence Strategy of 2016 (

Technical Requirements:

– (5) pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
– (5) scholarly and credible references are to be used books, (peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.).
– Times New Roman, 12 point, double space.
– Chicago Style

Jim Brock was an accountant with Hubbard Inc a large corporation with stock that was publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange

Jim Brock was an accountant with Hubbard Inc a large corporation with stock that was publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange

Ethics Case Studies 

150 Points

Report on Two Ethics Case Studies (Using Prezi)

Referring to the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9, each team will be creating a ‘Prezi’ evaluating two independent ethical situations.

Case 1: Retainer Fees as Sales (Chapter 9)

Bunch o’ Balloons markets balloon arrangements to companies that want to thank clients and employees. Bunch o’ Balloons has a unique style that has put it in high demand. Consequently, Bunch o’ Balloons has asked clients to establish an account. Clients are asked to pay a retainer fee equal to about three months of purchases. The fee will be used to cover the cost of arrangements delivered and will be reevaluated at the end of each month. At the end of the current month, Bunch o’ Balloons has $43,900 of retainer fees in its possession. The controller is eager to show this amount as sales because “it represents certain sales for the company.”


Use the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9 to complete the following requirements:

  1. Recognize an ethical dilemma: What ethical dilemma(s) do you face?
  2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:
    1. Who may benefit from using the second appraisal? Who may be harmed?
    2. How are they likely to benefit or be harmed?
    3. What rights or claims may be violated?
    4. What specific interests are in conflict?
    5. What are your responsibilities and obligations?
  3. List alternatives and evaluate the impact of each on those affected: What are your options in dealing with the ethical dilemma(s) you identified in (1) above
  4. Select the best alternative: Among the alternatives, which one would you select?

Case 2: Inside Information (Chapter 11)

Jim Brock was an accountant with Hubbard Inc., a large corporation with stock that was publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. One of Jim’s duties was to manage the corporate reporting department, which was responsible for developing and issuing Hubbard’s annual report. At the end of 2017, Hubbard closed its accounting records and initial calculations indicated a very profitable year. In fact, the net income exceeded the amount that had been projected during the year by the financial analysts who followed Hubbard’s stock.

Jim was pleased with the company’s financial performance. In January 2018, he suggested that his father buy Hubbard’s stock because he was sure the stock price would increase when the company announced its 2017 results. Jim’s father followed that advice and bought a block of stock at $25 per share.

On February 15, 2018, Hubbard announced its 2017 results and issued the annual report. The company received favorable press coverage about its performance, and the stock price on the stock exchange increased to $32 per share.


Use the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9 to complete the following requirements:

  1. Recognize an ethical dilemma: What ethical dilemma(s) do you face?
  2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:
    1. Who may benefit from Jim’s action? Who may be harmed?
    2. How are they likely to benefit or be harmed?
    3. What rights or claims may be violated?
    4. What specific interests are in conflict?
    5. What are your responsibilities and obligations?
  3. List alternatives and evaluate the impact of each on those affected: What are your options in dealing with the ethical dilemma(s) you identified in (1) above?
  4. Select the best alternative: Among the alternatives, which one would you select?


Each team will create a Prezi to present their final project. If you have not already done so, sign up for a ‘Basic’ free account at . Click ‘Get Started,’ then choose the ‘Basic’ tab at the top. On the next screen (the one that asks you to tell more about yourself) select ‘Student.’

  • Collaboration:

You are able to collaborate as a team on the same Prezi. One person from the team will need to be the ‘owner’ and set up the initial Prezi presentation. There are several ways to add collaborators.

From the dashboard, hover over the presentation you created. Click the three dots. On the next page, to the right there is a blue ‘Add Collaborators’ button.


From the dashboard, click the down arrow on the presentation. A menu pops up; choose ‘add collaborators.’


Once in the presentation, in the upper right-hand corner is a collaboration icon. Click on it and then click ‘Total collaborators’ to add the members of your team.

*Make sure to give them editing rights.

  • Help resources for starting a new presentation, adding content, etc.:

  • Sharing:

Once the presentation is complete, you will need to create a sharable link. You will need to upload this link to the assignment drop box in Blackboard for grading. Follow the same steps described under Collaboration above and select option for ‘create new link.’

Additional Instructions:

  • You can either do a separate Prezi for each case OR present both cases in one Prezi.
  • Each team member must upload the link to the Prezi. (If you don’t upload the link; you don’t get a grade for it.)
  • This is designed to be a team project. Any member who does not contribute to the project is to not have their name on the presentation. Each team member will evaluate their other team members by using the text submission box when uploading the report.


Evaluation Criteria for: Team Project – Case Studies
Team Project

Part II – 150 points


135 to 150 Points


105 to 134 Points


104 Points or lower

Content (80%)

120 points

Presentation addresses all required elements. Analysis is clear and draws on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research. Presentation addresses most of the required elements. Analysis is somewhat clear and draws on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research. Overall presentation lacks clarity. Two or more of the required elements are not addressed. Analysis does not draw on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research.
Creativity, design and use of graphics (10%)


15 points

The Prezi is interesting and easy to read/follow. The Prezi is somewhat interesting and easy to read/follow. The Prezi lacks clarity and is not easy to read or follow. Lacks overall organization.
Grammar, Spelling (10%)

15 points

Clearly uses proper grammar and spelling. Has more than three errors in spelling or grammar. Has more than four errors in spelling or grammar.


Color Perception Activity

Color Perception Activity

Use the uploaded file to answer this question. “After you have read the chapter on color, describe and explain the information contained in the graph on page 202 (Figure 9.6. Reflectance Curves).

What is a reflectance curve? Why does white paper look white, black paper look black, a tomato look red, green pigment look green, and blue pigment look blue?

Use the information in the graph to answer this question.”

Color Perception Activity

Color Perception Activity

Use the uploaded file to answer this question. “After you have read the chapter on color, describe and explain the information contained in the graph on page 202 (Figure 9.6. Reflectance Curves).

What is a reflectance curve? Why does white paper look white, black paper look black, a tomato look red, green pigment look green, and blue pigment look blue?

Use the information in the graph to answer this question.”

Technology and Healthcare Costs

Technology and Healthcare Costs

Write and essay of approximately 500 words in which you respond to the reading “Technology and Healthcare Costs” by Krishna Kumar.

It must contain a clear, organising idea that is a manageable and logical thesis statement.


8 Steps of Ethical Dilemma

8 Steps of Ethical Dilemma


Responding to an Ethical Dilemma Case Study


Students are required to demonstrate active participation in this course through participation in class and responding to case studies and questions posted on OWL. Read the following case scenario, answer the questions that will guide you to complete the 8 steps in Ethical Dilemma Decision-Making.

Case Scenario

You are a social worker practicing in a community based family resource agency that provides social work services, social support, parenting programs, parent peer support group programs and day programs for children The agency also provides over night care (also known as respite) for children living with their parents or for children in the care of the local children’s aid society to give respite for birth parents, foster parents and kin families.

You are working with a young mother, Shawna, age 19 and her toddler, William, age 18 months. After meeting with Shawna two times you have gathered information to complete an assessment and you begin to develop a plan for how the agency can help. Shawna tells you that she wants to learn to be a better parent than her parents were to her and so that William will be a happy child. She also talks about feeling stressed and alone. She explains that she cannot rely on her mother for help with looking after William and she has few friends. She asks to be able to use the respite services of your agency and to have William stay overnight two nights a week. You explain to her that the agency’s policy is to keep overnight respite to one time per month. You also explain that frequent use of overnight respite can be detrimental to a young child’s development and needs for continuity of care by his parent. After explaining to Shawna that the agency does not provide respite for families not attending programs at the agency and respite is usually provided once a month, Shawna tells you that she is interested in day programs for William, parenting program for herself, and participation in a mother’s group once a week.

Shawna and William attend the agency programs the next week. Although William’s play program and her mother’s group are scheduled for one day a week, Shawna is at the agency each day being in the playroom. Often, she drops into your office without an appointment for a chat. On a few occasions, you had to end the conversation because you had appointments with other clients.

Later that week, Shawna calls and reports she is experiencing an emergency and she needs to have William stay that night in the respite program. You agree and arrange for overnight care. William seems to do well overnight and Shawna picks him up and attends the mother’s group program the next day. A few days later, Shawna again calls to request respite because she has an emergency. You advise her that it is against agency policy to provide respite more than one time per month. Shawna is upset, asks you why you will not help her and says that you are just like her mother; never able to help. Without your knowledge, Shawna speaks to the social work manager responsible for the respite program and asks for respite for William. The manager approves her request and William stays that night. You are not consulted.

You learn of the situation the next working day and you want to talk to Shawna about concerns that she is overusing the respite program. You call Shawna to arrange a meeting with her for the next time she and William are at the agency. Before you meet with Shawna you meet with your supervisor about the situation and to explore options. You are aware that Shawna has few supports in her life at this time and she may tend to view the agency as her only source of support. Shawna and William arrive for the scheduled appointment. Shawna brings you a small bouquet of flowers and a scented candle.



  1. Identify the ethical issues in this case scenario.


  1. Identify the personal values that impact this situation.


  1. Discuss two variables that influence this situation.


  1. Get feedback from others- discuss this case situation with some of your classmates and identify two points from those discussions.


  1. Appraise the ethics and values in this situation by identifying what is the top priority and/or which ethic is most important to the situation.


  1. Develop two alternative solutions to address the ethical issues and outline the pros and cons of each.





Question # Grade value assigned
1  Ethical Issues 1
2  Personal Values 1
3  Two variables 1
4   Feedback & consultation 2
5   Priorities 1
6   Two alternative solutions 2
Writing skills and organization of material 2


Texas Revolution battles heroes weapons of war

Texas Revolution battles heroes weapons of war

The Texas Revolution (subtopics include battles, heroes, weapons of war)


The first paper will cover the time period of early Texas through the Texas Revolution. Choose a topic from the following list (Again remember to narrow the scope of the topic even further. The narrower the focus the better the paper).

The essay should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation. Make sure your thesis is narrow and focuses on one particular aspect of a topic. This is a short paper so make sure the topic is small enough to fit. The essay will not be just a report presenting information, but will be an essay that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of the information you have gathered.

You must use three sources to develop your essay, one source should be the textbook, (other sources may include books, journals, etc). NO WEBSITES WILL BE ALLOWED. RUBRIC :

INTRODUCTION: Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion or position. Topic is original and manageable in a short research paper. /15

BODY: Body of the essay focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues and refuting arguments in opposition to the thesis. /20

USE OF SOURCES: Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments. Quotes, summarizes, and paraphrases accurately and effectively–appropriately introducing and explaining each quote. /25

UNDERSTANDING OF SOURCES: Shows a clear understanding of the sources; has evaluated each source and used it appropriately. Uses a wide variety of sources reflecting significant research. /10

FORMATTING: Uses MLA format correctly; includes a Works Cited list; is free of errors. /15

CRITICAL THINKING: Introduces the topic in an interesting way; shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure. /15

Did racial equality continue to improve throughout the South and the US during the late 1800s and early 1900s

Did racial equality continue to improve throughout the South and the US during the late 1800s and early 1900s

The 14th and 15th amendments highlighted the legislative progress regarding racially equality made during Reconstruction. Did racial equality continue to improve throughout the South and the U.S. during the late 1800s and early 1900s? Please provide various examples from your text to support your case.

Respond in 300 words

Cite all sources

Organisation Behaviour Essay

Organisation Behaviour Essay

Think like a manager. Recommendation is to make to Sam, but it has to be more than what he can do, recommend what an organisation can do. Avoid providing recommendations on Leadership as it is not a short-term implementation.

The structure should be as follows:






The 2 topics can be chosen from: Personality, Emotions, Motivation & Engagement, Groups & Teams, Culture & Structure, Organisation Change and Stress Management.

Harvard in-text citation is part of the word count and would be great if you could include 1-2 diagrams/ visual concept in the body.

Please label it eg. Fig 1 Sternburg’s love triangle.

You can name whatever company Sam is in, eg. ABC company.

Feel free to come up with your own ideas for recommendation but has to base on/ with reference to literature best practice.

Please please have at least 10 citations within the body, best source of reference would be from journals and articles like peer-reviewed articles.