Biblical Integration Exercise

Biblical Integration Exercise

Biblical integration is more than just putting a Bible verse or other religious connection into a project. True integration of this type requires the author to address a topic with God’s character in mind. Looking at life situations, and the people involved in this manner should help direct leaders to a better solution than he or she might select on his or her own.

Read and respond to the Biblical Integration Case Study provided in the online classroom. You are required to answer the questions in a 900 word paper written in APA format. This assignment requires the use of six (6) scholarly sources. Limit your literature search to the last five (5) years and select only sources that are full text – PDF. Include a standard APA reference page.

As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography. The bibliography will be structured as follows: APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference) followed by summary of key points, evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s), where this fits into the assignment, and the library database in which you found the article. The annotated bibliography will be turned in with the associated paper.

Recall that graduate-level writing expects you to not form an opinion and then find evidence to support your position, but rather that you weigh the evidence and respond accordingly. This requires considering at least two views of a situation.


Racial ideas and gendered intimacies Thompson

Racial ideas and gendered intimacies Thompson

  • In “Racial ideas and gendered intimacies” Thompson writes about “the politics of intimacy.” What is meant by this expression and how have the politics of intimacy been exemplified in United States history, according to Thompson? Please explain Thompson’s view in your own words (no direct quotes). (7 points)



How is the plague personified

How is the plague personified

My general question is: how is the plague personified? And, is there some psychological or perhaps religious benefit to be gained from personifying the plague? Is this process something like the process that leads to the creation of fairy tales and myths? (If you want to look into this, what is Bruno Bettelheim’s explanation of the meaning of fairy tales.)

Do fairy tales only have meaning for children? More specifically, in the image of the 6th plague of Egypt visited upon the Pharaoh — What do you make of the fact that the Pharaoh is represented as a medieval king? Did this provide some kind of meaning for the people of 14-century Spain who made the image?

Racial Predisposition

Racial Predisposition

The aim of the study is to examine the direct link between race and violent criminal activity. In this study I plan to prove the direct and positive correlation between race and incidence of committing violent crimes. This will prove that race is the strongest indicator of tendency toward violent crimes

Quality Management Midterm

Quality Management Midterm

Open book (Sower) and your notes. You may discuss this exam ONLY WITH ME and no one else.
The prompt is the Recycling Quality case from your HBP course pack – just the case, not the excel data file that came with it.
The exam is a mixture of essay and file uploads. Just save as you complete it and don’t submit until all done.
Remember, you are using this to demonstrate to me what you know about Quality Management in the course so far. Channel Sower, do NOT use any other source. Answer only what the questions ask for, but be comprehensive and on target.

Emergency Operation Plan all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan-EOP

Emergency Operation Plan all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan-EOP 

Assignment: Emergency Operations Plan
Write an all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for the fictional location of Bobsville. Create only the “Basic Plan” section according to
the examples in CPG101 v2 Chapter 3 and Appendix C. (Annexes will be created in other assignments and future classes as you progress through the program.)
As the basis for your basic all-hazards EOP, use the description of the town, and the Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) you created in
EDMG101. If you have not taken EDMG101, use the sample provided here.
You are allowed to reference other sample EOPs as a reference to create yours but should be altering the details to fit to the specific location you are addressing. You will use this document and execute this plan in future classes so help yourself by being thorough.
The elements in your Basic EOP should be:
Basic Plan
Introductory Material
Table of Contents
Approval and Implementation Plan
Whose buy-in and support you need to ensure the effectiveness of the plan and how you propose to secure it.
How to share this plan with city/county officials, response organizations, and the public. Would there be opportunity for feedback?
Purpose, Scope, Situation Overview, and Assumptions
Situation Overview
Hazard Analysis Summary
Capability Assessment
Mitigation Overview
Planning Assumptions
Concept of Operations
Organization and Assignment Responsibilities
Direction, Control, and Coordination

Assessing Personal Communication Style

Assessing Personal Communication Style

Word Length: 1500 words (this can exclude your reference list)

Use the template linked below to assess your own communication style.  Then, reflect about the following:

  1. What are the positive aspects of your communication style?
  2. What are some examples of how your strengths have benefited you in your communication with others?  How do you think these strengths will be beneficial when working as a health practitioner?
  3. What can you do to strengthen these characteristics?  What can you do to develop new strengths that you will need as a health practitioner?
  4. What are some of the aspects of your dominant style that may be potential trouble spots in one-to-one and team work communication?
  5. What can you do to control or avoid those potential trouble spots?
  6. Which communication styles do you communicate with most effectively, and why?
  7. Which communication styles do you communicate with least effectively, and why?
  8. What specific challenges do you face, or need to be mindful of, in your everyday communication?
  9. What can you do to overcome these challenges now that you understand the importance of communication style?
  10. Why is an awareness of personal communication style vitally important when working in health care?  (Consider for example, issues of patient safety, team work, caring for vulnerable people who are sick, in pain or dying, breaking bad news and working with patients across the lifespan and from different cultural groups).

Write an essay comprising the following:

Title page with your name, student number, unit code, unit title, assignment number and title, submission date and your word count;

An Introduction, describing the context for the assignment (role of professional communication, your personal communication as a health professional, self-reflection as a component of professional practice; cite 2 – 3 key references here) and then clearly stating what you will be writing about;

Assessment of Personal Communication Style, reporting the results of your self-assessment in words, accompanied by an appropriate graph or table.  Remember to acknowledge the source of the assessment tool you have used;

 Reflection on Communication in Health Practice, comprising your reflection on the points listed above.  Use appropriate subheadings to provide structure and focus. DO NOT use the reflection questions above as subheadings;

Conclusion, demonstrating how you have addressed the key points of the assignment question;

APA formatted list of References, the sources you have cited in your essay.

Throughout your essay, it is essential to include APA-formatted in-text citations (references) to the academic literature to substantiate your analysis of your strengths and areas for development as a future health practitioner.  It is fine to use your text book as one of your sources but you are also expected to search for 5 – 10 peer reviewed, scholarly articles (not your Moodle learning guide, newspaper articles, Wikipedia or popular internet sources) to support your writing.


Marking Criteria Fail (0-9) Pass (10-12) Credit (13-14) Distinction (15-16) High Distinction (17-20) Mark
Self-assessment of communication style

·         Brief descriptive report

related to

·         Graph or table

No or inadequate description; instrument not referenced;

No or inadequate graph or table;

Description not related to graph or table

Basic description not linked or poorly linked to basic graph or table; instrument inaccurately referenced Sound description linked to labelled graph or table; instrument accurately referenced Detailed, succinct description well linked to accurately labelled graph or table; instrument accurately referenced, additional examples (references) used. Comprehensive, succinct description with detailed links to accurately labelled graph or table; instrument accurately referenced; additional references (examples) used.  



Reflection (analysis) on your own communication style

·         Strengths (points 1 & 2)

·         Limitations, challenges (points 4 & 8)

·         Interaction with other styles of communication (points 6 & 7)

Inadequate reflection on personal communication style with main points missed or not discussed Basic reflection on personal communication style, mainly  descriptive with little or no analysis Sound reflection on personal communication style with some analysis and examples Detailed reflection on personal communication style with good analysis that is well linked to examples Comprehensive reflection on personal communication style with critical analysis that is very well linked to examples  


Reflection (analysis) of any negative aspects of your communication style

·         Developing new strengths (point 3)

·         Improving and controlling ‘trouble spots’ (point 5)

·         Overcoming challenges (point 9)


Inadequate reflection on communication style development & improvement needs with main points missed, not discussed or wrongly identified Basic reflection on communication style development & improvement needs which is purely descriptive with little or no analysis Sound reflection on communication style development & improvement needs with some analysis and substantiation from practice examples (or personal experience) and/or the literature Detailed reflection on personal communication style development & improvement needs including examples from practice (or personal experience) that are well linked to relevant substantiating literature Comprehensive reflection on personal communication style development & improvement needs including examples from practice (or personal experience) that are very well linked to relevant substantiating literature  





Reflection (analysis) on why awareness of communication style is important when working in health care

(point 10)

Inadequate reflection on the importance of personal communication style in healthcare settings Basic reflection on the importance of personal communication style in healthcare settings Sound reflection on the importance of personal communication in style healthcare settings with some analysis and substantiation from practice examples and/or literature Detailed reflection on the importance of personal communication style in healthcare settings with good analysis including practice examples with links to substantiating literature Comprehensive reflection on the importance of personal communication style in healthcare settings with critical analysis that is very well linked to practice examples and substantiating literature  





Standard of academic writing and referencing

Note: remember that written communication is also a very important aspect of communication in health

Poorly written with many grammatical errors, no or inadequate referencing; poor structure,  introduction and/or conclusion Soundly written with basic referencing and or a number of referencing errors or gaps; adequate essay structure Well written and well supported with references, some referencing errors or gaps; sound essay structure, introduction, conclusion Very well written and strongly referenced, few or no referencing errors; good introduction, conclusion, sentence and paragraph structure Extremely well written and comprehensively and accurately referenced; very good introduction, conclusion, sentence and paragraph structure  






Marked by                                                                               Date                                                                                                                                                       TOTAL       /100


RANKL inhibitors Essay

RANKL inhibitors Essay

There has been a recent increase in the understanding of the role of bone remodeling that has opened possible therapeutic approaches that may yield new drugs for clinical use in the foreseeable future. RANKL inhibitors (e.g. the monoclonal antibody, denosumab). In a 2-page paper, explore the role of this class of medications in the management of osteoporosis. Discuss the current FDA approvals, if applicable, and the potential adverse events effects associated with this class of drugs. Additionally select a peer-reviewed research article (published within the last 5 years) related to this class of drugs and briefly summarize its findings.
Your paper should be double-spaced, with one-inch margins, 12 point “Times New Roman” font, and correctly follow APA formatting. Your thoughts and ideas should be supported by at least one scholarly research article on the topic. Please note all written assignments should contain in-text citations in accordance with APA format. A title and reference paper should be included as well. Save your assignment with the file name “Wk10Assign_YourLastName” as a Microsoft Word document and submit through the associated assignment link. please include a header

Utilitarianism Essay

Utilitarianism Essay

Explain the role Mill assigns religion/God. Evaluate his argument and whether it persuades the reader. Cite Mill’s Utility of Religion in your response, attached here.

Roles of Healthcare Professionals APRN RN

Roles of Healthcare Professionals APRN RN

This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more. Reflect on the roles of nurses, and other healthcare professionals as the roles of physicians in the healthcare system moves from one of working in silos to a more progressive value-based system. Write a paper that discusses in detail why a value-based system may improve health care in the U. S. and address the following questions:
How has current policy transformed the current practice of nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals?
What distinction can you make between physicians/healthcare providers working in a fee-for-service system and a value-based care system?
How do you view shared power between physicians and nurses in your healthcare system? How does it impact care?
Assignment Expectations
Length: 1500-2000 words in length
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment.
Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.
References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Public Figure Analysis Writing Assignment

Public Figure Analysis Writing Assignment

The assignment asks to provide a general analysis and evaluation of any speech. Two pages plus a works cited. I will leave the full rubric in the “Materials” section, this is just general information. I will also have a link to the speech that I want the paper to be about here in “Paper Details.” Can’t download the video from Youtube, but this is the link.


And if for some reason the link that I gave doesn’t work the video is called “Malcolm X’s Fiery Speech Addressing Police Brutality” on Youtube.
“This is to be a critique and an analysis not merely a description of the event. Be sure to take a stand, explain, and defend your views. Use appropriate terminology…

…In well-developed paragraphs, support your assessment of the speaker’s presentation and content using evidence from the speaking event that you are analyzing. Grammar and writing style are very important. Check them both carefully…

…citing examples and evidence from the observed speech to support your claims.”

Teacher wants the papers to cover 4 main ideas when analyzing the speech, again the full rubric is in the “Materials” tab but I’ll put a shortened list of it in here as well.

1. INTRO (Situation) – Name of the speaker. -Date of event. – Place of event. -Pretty much just set and setting

2. CONTENT ANALYSIS AND EVAL. – What was the speaker’s desired response? How do you know? – Was the introduction effective? Why or why not? – What types of support were used? How effective were the speaker’s choices?

3. DELIVERY – How comfortable did the speaker look? – How could the speakers delivery been improved? -Did the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience? How appropriate was it? – How appropriate was the speaker’s pitch/tone?

4. OVERALL – Explain your overall reaction to the speech and event. What, if anything, can you try to incorporate into your own speaking?





Developing Yourself as an Effective Human Resources or Learning and Development Practitioner

Developing Yourself as an Effective Human Resources or Learning and Development Practitioner

General Instructions:

  • Harvard style referencing
  • Activities 1 & 2

Report of approximately 1500 words.

  • Activity 3 No word count

written explanation from the candidate

Activity 1

(Note: The CIPD 2018 Profession Map can be accessed at:

Write a report in which you: (1.1)

  • briefly summarise the CIPD 2018 Profession Map (i.e. the values, core knowledge, core behaviours and specialist knowledge areas)
  • identify the specialist knowledge area(s) which you consider most relevant to your own (or other identified) HR/L&D role and comment on the relevance of the knowledge standard (at foundation or associate level) to your role.


Activity 2

With reference to your own (or other identified) HR/L&D role, outline how an HR/L&D practitioner should ensure the services they provide are timely and effective.  You should include:

  • understanding customer needs (include examples of 3 different customers and 1 need for each, and explain how you would prioritise conflicting needs)(2.1)
  • effective communication (include examples of 3 different communication methods and the advantages and disadvantages of each)(2.2)
  • effective service delivery (include delivering service on time, delivering service on budget, dealing with difficult customers, handling and resolving complaints).(2.3)

Activity 3

  • Undertake a self-assessment against selected areas of the CIPD 2018 Profession Map (at least one specialist knowledge area and one core behaviour area (both at either foundation or associate level)) and identify areas for your further development.(3.2)
  • Using a template,(attached), devise a plan to meet your development needs, including those identified above, and the achievement of your CIPD qualification. The plan should be for a minimum of 6 months. (3.4)
  • Discuss your plan with (or provide a written explanation for) your tutor, explaining why you believe CPD to be important and explaining at least 2 of the options you considered for meeting your development needs.(3.1-3.3)

Political Autobiography Assignment

Political Autobiography Assignment

Please answer the following questions in a five-page double-spaced paper. Pay attention to the composition of your essay at the sentence and paragraph level. Your essay should have a clear introductory paragraph, and clear transitions between paragraphs.
-Where did you learn your political ideas?
-What experiences shaped your political ideas?
-What questions/concerns shape your politics today?
-How will the world change since covid and who is the new superpower of the world?
-Who is really behind decisions making in the government?
-How does democracy work now with more than 7 billion people in the world?
-How do political ideologies react to climate change and what it people don’t agree with it, but something must happen.