I need Essay done ASAP by Gold Writer Paltinum Writer

I need Essay done ASAP by Gold Writer Paltinum Writer

I need this done ASAP. The item we choose to promote for AT&T is a faster router. There is a link attached with the guidelines to this checkpoint. Ignore the “assign to a group member” and answer all the following questions.

Evolution of Social Media and Comparison of Facebook Twitter LinkedIn and YouTube

Evolution of Social Media and Comparison of Facebook Twitter LinkedIn and YouTube

Social Media continues to revolutionize the way that we communicate with one another.   For many companies, it is becoming the medium of choice in the way that they advertise to consumers in existing and new markets.

Create and post an initial thread that addresses the following questions or issues:

  • How did social media begin, and why has it become popular so quickly?
  • Compare and contrast Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, briefly describe how and why subscribers use them (no citations from the text).
  • Explain the use of “#hashtag” in social media platforms.  Why do people us “hashtags” and how does “#hashtag” tags work?
  • How would a business use “#hashtagging” to advance consumer awareness of products and services?
  • How does a business measure the effectiveness of their social media advertising effort?

“Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies …” 1 Tim 5:13 (ESV).

Is social media becoming a form of “gossiping” today?  How do Christian men and women use social media as a business tool, while stopping short of gossiping?

Help Write Short LinkedIn Article Create LinkedIn Profile

Help Write Short LinkedIn Article Create LinkedIn Profile

Scenario: You have been asked to write a short LinkedIn article [750-word

BlogPost + images] that explains the Contemporary definition of marketing

from the e-book. Specifically, that organisations need to listen to and learn

from the market, that they produce value by adapting to the market and that at

times co-producing value with channel partners and customers may be

required. Students should provide an example or examples to provide context

to their content. Examples can be either positive [e.g. using an organisation

that successfully implemented the points covered in the contemporary

definition of marketing] or negative [e.g. a cautionary tale of an organisation

that failed to adhere to the points covered in the contemporary definition of

marketing]. Students should endeavour to capture and maintain a reader’s

attention through an interesting and well written BlogPost – images are

RetaiililninggManaangaegmemenetn,8te,/e8/e  The McGrraaw-H-HilillCl Comopmapnaiensi,eAs,llArliglhritgs hretserevseedr.ved. encouraged..

Assessment 1 Instructions and Marking Guide (print from Blackboard)

Title [3 mark]

Try to gain the reader’s attention with a compelling/creative title.

Lead paragraph [2 marks] tell them what you are going to tell themA one or two sentence lead in that sums up your Blog post and encourages the reader to read on.

Main Body [10 marks] then you tell themBriefly explain the overarching ‘giga-concept’ of this unit ‘the Marketing Concept’. Then explain the Contemporary definition of marketing from the e-book. Specifically, that organisations need to listen to and learn from the market, that they produce value by adapting to the market and that at times co-producing value with channel partners and customers may be required. Students should provide an example or examples to provide context to their content. Examples can be either positive [e.g. using an organisation that successfully implemented the points covered in the contemporary definition of marketing] or negative [e.g. a cautionary tale of an organisation that failed to adhere to the points covered in the contemporary definition of marketing]. Students should demonstrate that they have studied and understand the unit material up to the end of 1:1 Marketing definition chapter of themarketingconcept [e-book].

Note- the examples may be a product, an organisation or both [however providing examples is critical].Note- Formal referencing is not required however identifying sources will add to the credibility of your work. They will usually be incorporated into your blog by the inclusion of links. These sources may include credible websites, magazine articles, newspaper articles, YouTube videos, books etc. rather than just academic journal articles or texts. Mostly they will relate to your example.

Note- The e-book themarketingconcept and the lecture slides should be focus of your initial research and effort- only after fully exploring the relevant material here should you put effort into researching elsewhereNote- Blogs posts are less formal than usual academic work (first person is Ok) however quality writing is still required. You must put your points in your own words- simply ‘cutting & pasting’ will see you caught for plagiarism [academic misconduct].

This will all take some research, thought and analysis.

Assessment 1 Instructions and Marking Guide (print from Blackboard) cont…

Conclusions [2 marks] tell them what you told themThis should draw together all the main points from the main body. It should link your presented information and provide conclusions and/or final observations for the reader.

Presentation [3 marks]

Blog style format (i.e.easy layout to read- eye scannable).Title (very large), Lead-in paragraph (not as large), Headings (a little smaller) Text (11 point font, 1.25 spacing) Font (your choice but easily legible)Images (minimum 1) must be used- more is OK [if necessary credit where you got the image from].Format Word documentCreativity will gain marksNote- in life presentation matters, so ensure your work has been proof read, to pick up minor errors and typos before submission.Note- Look at the video clip on writing a blog post placed on Blackboard to provide overall blogging tips. This is just a starting point. You will need to experiment and play around to try to improve the look and creativity- this is mainly up to you.

Word Limit [marks may be deducted]

Word limit 750+/-10% OK Note- images don’t count.Over this limit marks may be deducted; naturally, those noticeably under this will probably gain fewer marks as it is hard to gain marks for what you have not written.

Overall Grade [out of 20 marks]


Types of Intermediaries Supply Chain Marketing Channel Launch Brewing Company

Types of Intermediaries Supply Chain Marketing Channel Launch Brewing Company

Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case

Getting Beer into Hands

One step through the front door of Side Launch Brewing company, located on Mountain Road, just east of Blue Mountain resort in Collingwood, Ontario, will bring an assault to the senses. Immediately you are struck by the towering, shiny, metallic fermentation tanks in plain sight from the reception area and the din of the filling, canning, and packaging station, over the nonstop drone of a forklift relocating pallets of packaged beer. And then there’s the nose—perhaps the strongest indicator that you are now in a brewery. “It’s the wort boiling,” assures brewer Michael Hancock, as if to say, “What you’re smelling right now is normal.” For him and fellow beer aficionados, the sharp aroma is pure joy; to others it might be most diplomatically described as “a little strong.”

When building the brewery, Michael and founder Garnet Pratt wanted, among other things, to create a total integration of operations and administration into an open, living, breathing, exposed, and natural environment. In doing so, they reveal the central exchange area of the Side Launch supply chain. “Those two white pipes up there,” says Michael, pointing almost to the full height of the 26-foot ceiling of the facility, “are where the barley malt comes into the brewhouse.” His pointed finger then traces the extensive fixture across the ceiling until it reaches an elbow joint that directs the grains downward into one of four cavernous steel tanks from which the brewing process begins. Toward the end of Michael’s brewery tour, you find yourself in a 5 degree Celsius loading room where the meticulously crafted and packaged beer awaits its departure to any number of retailers scattered around Ontario and beyond, as far east as New Brunswick and as far west as British Columbia.

Several cans are pulled off each production run and steered to the tasting room and lab, where they undergo quality assurance testing. Several others are directed right to the front of the building, only metres from where their journey began, to a glass-faced refrigerator where they await purchase by locals, some of whom go out of their way to experience the brewery while picking up a supply of their favourite Side Launch flavour. To witness the meticulously sourced raw materials being converted into award-winning beer through state-of-the art-equipment—all envisioned by Michael—is to see engineering, machinery, entrepreneurship, and processes performing in a symphony of industrial precision. It is a supply chain within a supply chain.

An invisible, complex layer of regulations and taxation is placed overtop of the elegant process that brings grains, hops, yeast, and water, along with the packaging components, into the brewery, producing glossy, attractive cans containing the award-winning brew that is Side Launch. This layer, far too complicated to get into in any detail here, is there to ensure that every drop going out the door not only adheres to health and safety standards and legal guidelines but is also part of a physical accounting process from which tax revenue can be generated for provincial and federal coffers.

Side Launch Brewing Company, over the course of its first few years, has been the maker of its own largest challenge—keeping up with demand. “LCBO [Liquor Control Board of Ontario] is the main [off-premises] retailer of alcohol in Ontario,” explains VP Sales and Marketing Chuck Galea, “and you deal with them and their limited locations and limited shelf space in a fairly predictable manner. Our on-premises partners—bars, pubs, and restaurants—are different. They provide us with more opportunities to get our beer into customers’ hands due to the sheer number of them in the province.” That intensifying distribution, it turns out, continues to create a growing appetite for what comes out of the little craft brewery that could, on Mountain Road, Collingwood.


1.      How would you classify the types of intermediaries identified by Chuck for the Side Launch Brewing Company?

2.      Given that provincial governments will place taxes on alcohol before it gets to the consumer, they become part of the marketing channel . Therefore, the alcohol marketing channel takes on more of an agency structure. Explain how governments would be considered agents in this structure.

3.      What are some of the inputs to production that Michael must manage within his supply chain?

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Prezi Vimeo Video

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Prezi Vimeo Video

Assignment Steps

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, Prezi, or Vimeo video, etc. which illustrates one traditional media option (print, TV, radio, billboard, etc.) and one new (social media) media option for your brand and brand strategy for a product or service of your choice. The presentation should be a minimum of 7-10 slides or, if Prezi or Vimeo video, an 8-minute minimum.

Note: Prezi presentations cannot be uploaded to the classroom. Please provide your instructor with the link to the presentation on the web. Prezi will provide you with a URL link to the presentation.

Discuss in a minimum 700 words the differences between the traditional media option and the new media option in terms of audience, reach, channel and content. A table of differences may be used to concisely illustrate the differences but you must include a discussion of insights/concerns/issues between the media options.

Your deliverable should include an actual marketing piece for the selected traditional media and for the selected new social media option . This can be actual copy, visuals, radio text, layout sketches, storyboard, etc. (possibly including slogans, logos, etc.) to illustrate how you would incorporate your creative recommendations into the two media branding or product strategies.

Note: Charts/graphs/tables in your Microsoft Word write-up do not count towards the word count.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Statement of Purpose for Medical College ***** APA STYLE ****

Statement of Purpose for Medical College ***** APA STYLE ****

*****. APA STYLE   ****

**** plagiarism free *****

*** maximum 1000 words  *** not less than 950words

1– Follow the attached guide line for analysis

2– Answer the attached 3 questions

Finish it soon and message me if there is something that is not clear

Help answer Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Question

Help answer Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Question

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is the act of unifying your company’s marketing message across channels. Per the Data and Marketing Association:

“Integrated marketing is an approach to creating a unified and seamless experience for consumers to interact with the brand/enterprise; it attempts to meld all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and social media, through their respective mix of tactics, methods, channels, media, and activities, so that all work together as a unified force. It is a process designed to ensure that all messaging and communications strategies are consistent across all channels and are centered on the customer.”

Choose a marketing campaign. It can be a magazine article, billboard, tv commercial, radio commercial, bench, ad on social media, etc.

Explain the marketing campaign to include the following:

  • Name of the advertising company,
  • A description of the product or service being promoted,
  • The target audience,
  • The goal of the campaign
  • Do you think it was effective? Why or why not?

Submit substantive  responses to the questions above and submit at least one substantive response to a classmate.

Case Study of Amazon Go Venturing into traditional Retail Sources

Case Study of Amazon Go Venturing into traditional Retail Sources

Sources of Case Study: Harvard Business Review, Ivey Cases and The Case Center

Thoroughly read the case and prepare a case analysis report. Please ensure that while writing the case analysis, the following questions are incorporated as a part of the report:

  • Were Amazon’s diversifications through Amazon Go and Amazon Elements appropriate, given the company resources and capabilities? Were such diversifications risky strategic moves?
  • Can Amazon Go reproduce its online retail success in offline retail segments? Will it be able to become one of the biggest offline players?
  • As the first mover in the shopping technology, will Amazon Go be able to succeed in the long term?
  • How can Amazon Go avoid failures like the diaper brand it introduced in 2014 and make Amazon Elements successful? How should Amazon Go differentiate Amazon Elements from the products of other suppliers, that it sells through its platform?
  • Could Amazon’s offline retail marketing concept be developed globally?
  • Was Jeff Bezos the right person to lead the company in facing the challenges of new offline retail ventures?

You may like to organize your report as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Company Background
  • Discussion Questions – Please name the sections appropriately
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

Word Limit: 1250 to 1500 words; use external academic and relevant non-academic references to support your answers.

You may like to explore the following resources for learning how to analyze a case and write a Case Analysis:



Social Demography

Social Demography

Write a 500 word critique of the following article.

Demographic Trends in the United States: A Review of Research in the 2000s by Andrew J. Cherlin, in Journal of Marriage and Family June 201

Amazon’s Diversifications Through Amazon Go

Amazon Diversification Through Amazon Go


Please find below the guidelines for the assignment.

Case: Amazon Go – Venturing into traditional retail

Sources of Case Study: Harvard Business Review, Ivey Cases and The Case Center

Thoroughly read the case and prepare a case analysis report. Please ensure that while writing the case analysis, the following questions are incorporated as a part of the report:

  • Were Amazon’s diversifications through Amazon Go and Amazon Elements appropriate, given the company resources and capabilities? Were such diversifications risky strategic moves?
  • Can Amazon Go reproduce its online retail success in offline retail segments? Will it be able to become one of the biggest offline players?
  • As the first mover in the shopping technology, will Amazon Go be able to succeed in the long term?
  • How can Amazon Go avoid failures like the diaper brand it introduced in 2014 and make Amazon Elements successful? How should Amazon Go differentiate Amazon Elements from the products of other suppliers, that it sells through its platform?
  • Could Amazon’s offline retail marketing concept be developed globally?
  • Was Jeff Bezos the right person to lead the company in facing the challenges of new offline retail ventures?


  • Introduction
  • Company Background
  • Discussion Questions – Please name the sections appropriately
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

Word Limit: 1400 words; use external academic and relevant non-academic references to support your answers.

You may like to explore the following resources for learning how to analyze a case and write a Case Analysis:




Write my thesis statement Thesis statement Nike differentiaton strategy

Thesis statement Nike differentiaton strategy

Write 1 page thesis on the topic strategic management. Strategic Management Strategic Management Q1: Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors. This is evident when it paid millions of dollars to popular and successful sports icons such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Serena Williams to promote the sales of its products. The company focused on producing high quality shoes and other sports wear whose sales were promoted through “guerilla” marketing. This proactive approach resulted into increased 1998 revenues of $9.6 billion. Nike cements its business-level strategy with corporate strategy (diversification) to serve its customers better and increase its market share, thus higher revenue.

Focused differentiation: Nike also pursues focused differentiation strategy where it focuses on serving the sports segment by providing the best sports products than other players in the segment. Nike serves two major market segments: footwear and apparel market segments.

Q2: How Nike’s business level strategies changed the nature of industry competition

Nike utilized its competencies in design and marketing to penetrate new market segments. The company’s business-level strategies changed competition in the industry in that the company significantly reduced the threat of competition through acquisitions. The company resorted to purchasing other footwear companies that offered substitute products, for example, the company acquired Converse, Hurley International as well as Official Starter among others. Nike has made its products unique from those of competitors and relied on innovation for new product development. This has enabled the company to venture new markets. The company has used its competitive advantage over other competitors to stay on top of the market.