Endocrine Gland

Endocrine Gland

The (Pancreas)

The student must make a convincing argument as to why the gland chosen is the most important gland in the body

1. Overview of the normal gland function, including hormones produced by the gland and the action of these hormones in the body.

2. A description of the gland hypofunction and hyperfunction, clinical manifestation and common causes of dysfuntion.

3. Please be creative when presenting the gland.

Corona Virus Pandemic

Corona Virus Panademic

It suppose to be a Rhetorical Narrative essay

The paper should be 3 to 4 typed, double-spaced pages with standard 1″ margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.

Be sure to indent the first line of each essay paragraph 1/2 inch.

Be sure your name and the submission date is at the top of the first page.

Don’t forget to give your essay a title. The title should be a “mini thesis.”

That is, it should help the reader understand the main point of the essay. Check out the rubric that I’ll use when assessing the assignment. Also, check out these examples (used with permission):

Ernesto Miranda vs Arizona

Ernesto Miranda vs Arizona

Miranda rule

Once you’ve read Chapters 5 & 6, search the Web for information on Miranda v. Arizona. In at least 2 pages, please answer and include the following questions and information:

  • Who was Ernesto Miranda and why is his name linked to virtually every police interview or interrogation?
  • Research Ernesto Miranda’s personal history, including his family, criminal activity and ultimate fate.
  • Research the case itself.
  • What was the precise argument that led to the court’s decision?
  • Research and discuss challenges to the Miranda ruling.

There are some who say that the Miranda ruling has outlived its usefulness and should be replaced, along with the exclusionary rule. In addition, some argue that the Miranda ruling as well as the exclusionary rule should be tougher, not more lenient. Take a stand in this paper and explain the validity of your argument on whether the Miranda rule should be replaced, remain, or be tougher.


Piro and Tompiro Pueblos

Piro and Tompiro Pueblos

Write four pages, MLA format, 12 pt. font, 1” margins. You can use quotes, but do not fill your pages with quotes.

I want to hear your voice in your writing. Do not include my questions in your response.

You can simply label each section as Question #1, followed by your response, ‘Question #1 (write at least two pages)

The Piro and Tompiro Pueblos played an important role in establishing the greater El Paso-Juarez area. Their pueblos were originally south of Albuquerque near current day Socorro, NM, and Mountainair NM.

As you have read, they had a fairly large population compared to other pueblos, and they were a proud and distinct people.

How did Spanish colonization contribute to the loss of Piro and Tompiro lands and culture?

Why do you think Ysleta del Sur Tiguas were able to retain some of those things?

What happened to the Piro and Tompiro Pueblos after the Pueblo Revolt of 1680?

Are there Piro and Tompiro people alive today?

The uploaded file could help answer the question, may use any sources


Catholic Theology

Catholic Theology

Catholic Doctrine: God and/as Loving Conversation. We will explore the heart of Christian belief: the God who is “loving understanding” and calls us, in our interpersonal relations, to an imitation (mimesis) of and participation (koinonia) in God’s loving understanding. The experience ofGod’s grace is the experience of being lovingly understood, and we are called to lovingly understand ourselves and others. The Christian God
IS the eternal conversation of unlimited understanding speaking (Father) and lovingly listening (Holy Spirit) to God’s own word/logos (Jesus Christ), and God has lovingly spoken God’s mind in and through creation and human history in the mysterious “law of the cross,” in which good is intelligently and lovingly brought out of evil.
Thus, we will begin with Bishop Robert Barron’s rules for friendly conversation about faith and reason in Arguing Religion: A Bishop Speaks at Facebook and Google. This will guide our own class conversations and help us appropriate the methodological question of what (and why) we’re doing when we’re doing theology. It will also be helpful in understanding current social-political discourse, especially the struggle of
Americans to listen and speak in what Marshall Rosenberg calls “nonviolent communication” with others and, to quote colloquial parenting theory, “use our words.” Using our words does not mean parroting the right “word sounds” to gain approval from the group and scapegoat another, but using our words to express and seek correct understanding of and passion for truth and goodness.
After exploring what it means to reach (theological) understanding, we will try do so with respect to radical Catholic doctrines—radicalis, “of or relating to a root”—by reading Michael Himes’s The Mystery of Faith: An Introduction to Catholicism. On Himes’s understanding of the Catholic imagination, authentic human life is a process of “doing the truth in love.” We are to honestly say the truth we’ve understood and do what we
say. Our speaking should proceed from our understanding of the truth as the Son proceeds from the Father, and our acts of loving should proceed from our understanding of the truly good as the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and Son. The assessments in this course (see below) are an opportunity to join in this theological conversation of understanding and honestly speaking (e.g., writing) the truth about goodness, and do so persuasively-beautifully with love. People don’t tend to be united in conversation unless parties speak persuasivelybeautifully, and they can’t help but be united if they do.
At the end of each unit, you will write a 3–4 paged, double-spaced essay that will give you the opportunity to demonstrate learning outcomes 2–5: (2. clearly explain major themes in Catholic theology. 3. relate themes to one another in an orderly way. 4. creatively apply themes to some of [your] own life experiences. 5. formulate and justify [your] own theological positions persuasively.)
Each essay will include three sections.
Section 1: Reading Summation
• Clearly, thoroughly, and accurately explain a fundamental idea of your choice from the unit readings.
• Argue (give reasons/evidence) persuasively that the idea is important to Catholic theology.
• Coherently relate the fundamental idea to a wide range of other ideas in the unit readings.
Section 2: Lecture Summation

• Clearly, thoroughly, and accurately explain a fundamental idea of your choice from the unit lectures.
• Argue (give reasons/evidence) persuasively that the idea is important to Catholic theology.
• Coherently relate the fundamental idea to a wide range of other ideas in the unit lectures.
Section 3: Your own creative theological idea
• Clearly and thoroughly explain a fundamental theological idea/hypothesis of your own creation that complements unit readings and lectures.
• Argue (give reasons/evidence) persuasively that (1) the idea/hypothesis is important to Catholic theology and (2) it is true.
• Coherently relate your theological idea/hypothesis to a wide range of other ideas in the unit lectures and readings.
Readings so far: Arguing religion and Michael Himes’s The Mystery of Faith

Writing College Admission Essay and Personal Statement

Writing College Admission Essay and Personal Statement

Writing services available for:

  • Undergraduate Admission Essay
  • Collge Admission Essay
  • Masters Admission Essay
  • PhD Admission Essay
  • Undergraduate Personal Statement
  • Collge Personal Statement
  • Masters Personal Statement
  • PhD Personal Statement

How to Write College Admission Essay and Personal Statement

How to Write College Admission Essay and Personal Statement

Writing services available for:

  • Undergraduate Admission Essay
  • Collge Admission Essay
  • Masters Admission Essay
  • PhD Admission Essay
  • Undergraduate Personal Statement
  • Collge Personal Statement
  • Masters Personal Statement
  • PhD Personal Statement

Birth of Organized City Planning in the United States

Birth of Organized City Planning in the United States

Paper Instructions:

The memos are not to be summaries of the week’s readings; instead, they should contain your observations, comments, criticism, questions, and comparisons with other authors. Memos should include key excerpts from the readings to refer to and discuss, a list of discussion points or questions to ask the class regarding the readings, and some practical inquiry about the nature of how the planning history and theory topic relates to planning practice. Memos should contain your opinions and original thoughts – I want to know what your opinion is – even if it differs from mine.

If you don’t agree with the author, say so. You may cover all of the weeks readings, several of them, or just one. Rules for weekly memos (students who fail to follow these rules will receive no credit for that particular memo): No more than 50 words of text (total) may be quoted.

The citation guide The Chicago Manual of Style must be followed If you miss a class, the instructor will not allow you to turn in a memo for that week.

Students shall not cite Wikipedia Students shall not cite course lectures Students shall not simply summarize the weekly readings Students shall not plagiarize

The pages of memos shall be stapled. If you disagree with the author or the professor and present a good argument why you are correct, you may get extra credit.

If you disagree with the professor and present a good argument why you are correct – and change her mind (or at least make her question her own assumptions) about an issue – you will get extra credit.

Death Penalty and the 8th Amendment

Death Penalty and the 8th Amendment


Answer the following question in 2,750-3,300 words

“Should death penalty be outlawed throughout the U.S. and does it violate the 8th amendment ?”

APA format

6-10 sources