American History in the second-half of the Nineteenth Century and early Twentieth Century

American History in the second-half of the Nineteenth Century and early Twentieth Century

For this discussion board I would like you to answer the following question:

Imagine you are tasked with delivering a single lecture based upon only ONE of the following Video Lessons for this Unit:

Lesson 3: Moving to the City

Lesson 4: A Dream Deferred

Lesson 5: Labor’s Struggles

Lesson 8: The Progressive Paradox

Lesson 9: The War to End All Wars

Which of these specific lessons do you believe to be the most important to teach a class about American History in the second-half of the Nineteenth Century and early Twentieth Century? Why do you believe this is the most critical information for students to learn?

Please make your initial post at least two (2) paragraphs long and include specific historical details, processes, and/or people to support your arguments.

Exhibition of World Art Essay

Exhibition of World Art Essay


Exhibition of World Art

Imagine you are a curator at your local city’s Museum of Art. You have been asked to organize a small exhibition of objects of art from the cultures of China, Japan, Africa, and the Americas; you will also showcase Islamic art.

Your exhibition should include representative objects that highlight significant and essential ideas of each culture. You may plan to include actual objects in your exhibition, or photographs or models of larger structures or sculptures.

Survey your course textbook and reliable internet websites to locate two art objects from each of the following five cultures: China, Japan, Africa, the Americas, and Islam, that you would like to include in your exhibition.

Your objects must date to the time period we are studying in this course (Prehistory -1300 CE). You will select a total of ten objects for display in your “Exhibition of World Art.” Then, write a “museum label “for each object within a Microsoft Word document.

The following should be on the “label” for each object:

A photograph of the object

Identifying information:

Name of the artist (if known—otherwise, attribute the culture)

Title of the work

Date of the work

Medium/materials used to create the work

Current location

A paragraph of 4-5 sentences describing why the object is representative of its culture and is culturally significant. Briefly explain why you have selected the object for display.

Finally, in a paragraph of 8-10 sentences, write a summarizing overview of your “Exhibition of World Art,” highlighting key similarities and distinctions between the objects you have curated.

Imagine that visitors to your exhibition will read this overview as they enter your “Exhibition of World Art,” and provide them with any information or context they may need to fully appreciate the objects on display.

Offer a citation of your sources for each image and the information provided as appropriate.

Orientation for Success in Higher Education Essay

Orientation for Success in Higher Education Essay

Orientation for Success in Higher Education

  1. Word limit for essay 750-900
  2. Introduction (around 150-200 words) You should include a hook, background and an outline.
  3. Skills Analysis (around 600 words)
  • Note-taking skills
  • Time management skills
  • Team work skills

For each skill, you should write about:

  • What the skill means/define it.
  • Why the skill is important to have as a student.
  • How confident you currently feel about the skill.
  • How you are going to develop/improve the skill
  1. Conclusion (around 150-200 words) You should summarise your essay
  2. Appendix (not included in the word count) Complete this table
                                                          Smart Goals
             Skill     Planned Action   Completion Date


Writing Analytical Essay

Writing Analytical Essay

Write an analytical essay on one of these subjects (You can choose to be for or against the statement):

-Are cell phones dangerous?

-Do cell phones create a barrier to social connections?

-Does a public school’s enforcement of school uniforms limit freedom of expression?

-Are students being tested too much?

-Can school violence be controlled with law enforcement cameras?

-Does class size affect learning outcomes?

Write a 5 paragraph essay that answers those questions:

-1st paragraph: introduction with clear three-point thesis statement placed as the last sentence, for example: Cell phones are dangerous because they distract drivers, create barriers to social connections, and lead to health problems.

-2nd supporting paragraph starting with clear topic sentence: Cell phones are dangerous because they distract drivers.

-3rd supporting paragraph starting with clear topic sentence: Cell phones are dangerous because they create barriers to social connections.

-4th supporting paragraph starting with clear topic sentence: Cell phones are dangerous because they lead to health problems.

-5th concluding paragraph: closing the essay

History of Western Culture

History of Western Culture


Choose one of the essay questions listed below and write a 1500-1750 word essay answering it. Essays must cite all the sources you consult, in Chicago Style, and include Footnotes and Bibliography.

• State your overall response to the essay question succinctly and clearly in the opening paragraph. This may mean you end up writing your introduction when you’ve finished the rest of the essay, or you might rewrite the introduction after writing the body

• Write simply and clearly: short sentences, simple language – you get a lot of marks for sophisticated thought, but not that many for a sophisticated writing style

• Have an argument, not just a set of ‘facts’

• Use evidence to demonstrate to your reader why your interpretations and arguments are right: you must convince your reader, tell us why we should think the same as you.

• Paragraphing: each paragraph should have a main point. When you have a new point, start a new paragraph

• Group related information / discussion / issues together. If you structure the essay well the discussion won’t jump around randomly between different points – what’s related goes together

• That said, there’s no perfect structure. Usually there are at least a few good options for structures

• Every footnote will have a page number, unless you’re citing a website.

• Use the spell check on your word processor – it’s not always correct but it will probably pick up some typos

• Make sure you answer all the parts of the essay question

Case study topic: The ties are off

Case study topic: The ties are off

Case study topic : The ties are off

It wasn’t a snap decision. In fact, Reid Johnson had thought about it on and off for the past decade. His home was ‘noisy and busy’ with four kids, the youngest in primary school and eldest in the final year of high school. Work was busy too. As Telstra’s director of customer service, Johnson had nine direct reports and a 250-strong customer service team to manage. An opportunity at work changed everything. Telstra was about to launch a programme giving men the chance to change the way they worked. The programme included working a four-day week and taking Fridays off. Basically, moving from full-time to part-time work. Johnson found that he was now able to take a more active role in parenting and sharing in taking kids to school, sports and social activities. He was able to create more space to support his wife, who was currently studying. Although his boss was a big supporter of the arrangement, Johnson admits there was an undercurrent of resentment in the workplace, the odd joke about men working part-time and the occasional ‘Oh thanks for turning up’ comment. He also had to overcome self-doubt, and believe that it was not going to impact his career and that he could make it work. Transitioning was important, so for three months he had someone in his team acting in his role on Fridays who would only ring him when absolutely necessary. Johnson only received four calls in 14 months.

(Taken from Nankervis et al 2020, page 196).

Task: Drawing cues from the above case study, discuss the benefits and problems flexible work arrangement would have for (a) the organisation, and (b) for the employees.

Case Brief Essay

Case Brief Essay

Case Brief Instructions

Attorneys and other legal professionals often communicate through the use of written documents. The written documents are sometimes submitted to courts, while other times used for communication between partners, clients, and even opposing counsel. The foundation for most of these documents will begin with the drafting of case briefs.

When an attorney is presented with a client, question, or factual scenario he/she will need to begin research to determine what law will apply to this situation. A seasoned attorney will spend time thinking about the issues, researching the law, and drafting documents that efficiently and effectively communicate their argument. However, before the attorney can draft a memo or brief to give to a partner or court, he/she will create case briefs.

Case briefs are a “cheat sheet” for an attorney to use when dealing with complex issues and multiple cases. A case brief is generally a single page document that the attorney can then reference when drafting other documents such as a memo, brief, or letter.

Your instructor will provide you with the citations to 2 cases during the course of the session. You will read these 2 cases and pull out the most important information. For Case Brief 3, your professor will provide you with a topic. You will then locate a case that deals with that topic from the jurisdiction of your choice.

The textbook explains the format that you will be using in detail. Further information will be provided in the announcement from your instructor. Make sure to pay close attention to all communication from your instructor. In addition, make sure to review the grading rubric for this assignment and focus on the sections that are worth the most points.

Case Brief 1 will be due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 2.

Case Brief 2 will be due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4.

Case Brief 3 will be due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.

Foundations of Criminal Law Research Report

Foundations of Criminal Law Research Report

*A theoretical look into law and why we need it.

*Louisiana Law and the rest of the United States. *Common law and Statutory (Roman) Law

*Civil law vs. Common law

*Adult vs. juvenile law

*State and federal law

*History and future of crime and punishment and how these different types of laws combine to make up our system of justice.

*What ethical codes have developed in the legal system over time and why.


Aviation Questions Answers

Aviation Questions Answers

Write and submit a short Research Essay on one of the following topics:
1. Compare and contrast the manner in which New Zealand aviation law deals with unruly passenger behaviour with the equivalent law in Australia, Singapore and the United States.
How does international aviation law address this issue, if at all? Give your opinion on best practice in this area.

2 Explain the tort of negligence and how it applies to the duties of care owed by air traffic controllers in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and the United States.
3 Explain the legal structures and processes of ICAO. Do they represent the most effective way to regulate international aviation? Consider alternative models or improvements to the
current model. Are there any constraints on revising the Chicago Convention? If so, explain.
4 Explain the limitations on airline liability for passenger injury established by the Warsaw Convention (as amended) and the Montreal Convention. How has this aspect of international
aviation law been incorporated into the laws of New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and the United States? Compare the method used to incorporate the Conventions and highlight any
differences of approach in interpretation.
5 Examine the impact on long-haul aviation of international and European legal instruments focused on limiting climate change by reducing carbon emissions. To what extent are any
developments in this area mirrored in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and the United States? What are the implications for the long-haul sector?
6 Explain the limitations on airline liability for cargo delay or damage established by the Warsaw Convention (as amended) and the Montreal Convention. How has this aspect of
international aviation law been incorporated into the laws of New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and the United States? Compare the method used to incorporate the Conventions and
highlight any differences of approach in interpretation.
7 What impact does environmental legislation in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and the United States have on the operation of airports? Choose at least one airport in each
country to illustrate your argument.
8 Explain the different goals of air accident investigators and aviation regulators. How is this reflected in international aviation law and the laws of New Zealand, Australia, Singapore
and the United States? Is there a role for just culture? If so, what?
9 Compare and contrast the regulatory frameworks which have been implemented at airports in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and the United States to deal with the COVID-19
pandemic. What implications do those regulatory frameworks have for the viability of the international aviation market.

Sociobiology natural environment human biological characteristics

Sociobiology natural environment human biological characteristics

Get access to the following three web-links and watch videos:

Based on the videos shown, discuss the following questions and write your essay assignment:

  1. The video shows Chinese classical music and dance, which are different from styles of American classical and contemporary music and dance. What are the differences?
  2. According to Marxist Historical Materialism, cultural differences between countries or ethnic groups are generated or determined by different levels of socioeconomic development in these countries. Explain what cause the differences between Chinese classical culture (as shown in these videos) and American classical and contemporary culture using Marxist Historical Materialism.
  3. According to sociobiology, natural environment and human biological characteristics affect the formation of culture. What are environmental differences between China and America and what are biological differences between the Chinese and Americans? How would these differences affect formations of Chinese culture and American culture?
  4. Think about other theories that could be used in explaining differences between Chinese culture and American culture.

Requirements for assignment:

Type your assignment, and double-spaced. Font size: 12. Write the essay by answering the questions one by one in paragraphs. Write as much as possible. The minimum page requirement is three.


Differences Chinese classical music American classical and contemporary music and dance.

Differences Chinese classical music American classical and contemporary music and dance.

Get access to the following three web-links and watch videos:

Based on the videos shown, discuss the following questions and write your essay assignment:

  1. The video shows Chinese classical music and dance, which are different from styles of American classical and contemporary music and dance. What are the differences?
  2. According to Marxist Historical Materialism, cultural differences between countries or ethnic groups are generated or determined by different levels of socioeconomic development in these countries. Explain what cause the differences between Chinese classical culture (as shown in these videos) and American classical and contemporary culture using Marxist Historical Materialism.
  3. According to sociobiology, natural environment and human biological characteristics affect the formation of culture. What are environmental differences between China and America and what are biological differences between the Chinese and Americans? How would these differences affect formations of Chinese culture and American culture?
  4. Think about other theories that could be used in explaining differences between Chinese culture and American culture.

Requirements for assignment:

Type your assignment, and double-spaced. Font size: 12. Write the essay by answering the questions one by one in paragraphs. Write as much as possible. The minimum page requirement is three.




Marxist Historical Materialism

Marxist Historical Materialism

Get access to the following three web-links and watch videos:

Based on the videos shown, discuss the following questions and write your essay assignment:

  1. The video shows Chinese classical music and dance, which are different from styles of American classical and contemporary music and dance. What are the differences?
  2. According to Marxist Historical Materialism, cultural differences between countries or ethnic groups are generated or determined by different levels of socioeconomic development in these countries. Explain what cause the differences between Chinese classical culture (as shown in these videos) and American classical and contemporary culture using Marxist Historical Materialism.
  3. According to sociobiology, natural environment and human biological characteristics affect the formation of culture. What are environmental differences between China and America and what are biological differences between the Chinese and Americans? How would these differences affect formations of Chinese culture and American culture?
  4. Think about other theories that could be used in explaining differences between Chinese culture and American culture.

Requirements for assignment:

Type your assignment, and double-spaced. Font size: 12. Write the essay by answering the questions one by one in paragraphs. Write as much as possible. The minimum page requirement is three.




Best College Personal Statements

Best College Personal Statements

Below are the requirements for the Statement; In 3-5 double spaced pages, please write a statement of purpose. Your statement should address the following:

How has your professional, volunteer and academic experience prepared you for graduate social work education and contributed to your decision to be a professional social worker?

Provide specific examples from your professional, volunteer or academic experience to explain your answer.

Make sure to describe your role and the organizational, community and social context for your experience.

What particular aspects or special fields of social work interest you most?

What contributions will you make to the school community and to your fellow students?

How do you plan to manage the rigorous demands of graduate course work and field education?

Best College Admission Essays

Best College Admission Essays

Below are the requirements for the Statement; In 3-5 double spaced pages, please write a statement of purpose. Your statement should address the following:

How has your professional, volunteer and academic experience prepared you for graduate social work education and contributed to your decision to be a professional social worker?

Provide specific examples from your professional, volunteer or academic experience to explain your answer.

Make sure to describe your role and the organizational, community and social context for your experience.

What particular aspects or special fields of social work interest you most?

What contributions will you make to the school community and to your fellow students?

How do you plan to manage the rigorous demands of graduate course work and field education?