Childhood Mental Health

Childhood Mental Health 

For your final assignment, you are tasked with developing a NIH-style funding proposal to implement a health education program designed to address your health topic. An outline of required components can be found here: General outline (more specific details can be found in link above):

I. Project summary (5 points)

II. Research Plan (in our case, program plan) (10 points total)

A. Specific Aims (1 point)

1. Significance (2 points)

2. Innovation (2 points)

3. Approach (this is the grittiest) (5 points)

III. Budget and Justification (create table and narrative description) (5 points)

**We will discuss this assignment in detail over the course of the semester

** Format: 5-7 pages, plus references (both in-text and as works cited page).

At least 15 references are required. Your text may be used as one of the 15 required references.

Please format your document to be 1-inch margins all around with 2.0 line spacing, 12-point font.