Childhood Observation Assignment

One of the best ways to learn how children develop is by observing them in their natural environment. This assignment reinforces what you are reading in your textbook about childhood (Chapters 3, 4, 5 & 6).  Only one stage of childhood needs to be observed, either infancy, preschool, middle childhood or adolescence. Due to this being an online summer course, it will be your responsibility to locate the child you will be observing.

This child should NOT be a random child observation, but rather choose a specific child you already know or work with an adult who knows a child; sibling, cousin, niece, nephew, child of a friend or a teacher you might know who will let you into their classroom. This observation should take approximately one hour.

Confidentiality & Ethical Behavior

  • Respect children & adults in the environment at all times
  • Try not to interact with parents, be as non-intrusive observer as possible
  • Do not engage with the child purposively
  • Avoid using cell phones during the observation
  • Do NOT take pictures of the child.
  • Even as an observer, you are a role Dress appropriately. No revealing attire, violent images, etc.
  • Bring only what you’ll need for observing; a notebook, pen, etc.

Getting Started:

  • Plan ahead to observe the child
  • Set aside a specific date to observe the child
  • Spend the first 5 minutes getting acclimated to the surroundings before observing the child.
  • Read the chapter associated with the age of the child closely before observing, this will help to identify specific areas to highlight in the paper.
  • Design a simple checklist prior to observing to help you in gathering information

Child Observation Format (50 points)

Physical Description of Child (use as heading): Gather information about this child including name, date of birth, age (calculate in years and months – even a few months makes a difference), height, weight, eye and hair color. Describe distinguishing characteristics of the child, including whether the child is average, above average or below average in height and weight (refer to the textbook). Describe the child’s clothing and it’s appropriateness for play, physical movement and independent choices of clothing. Briefly include reasons why you selected him/her.   20 points


Description of Environment (use as heading): Using detail, describe the design and organization of the classroom, room and/or outdoor environment.  What is available to the child? How are the materials and equipment designed with this age group in mind?  Include FOUR materials or equipment that support gross motor and FOUR fine motor development for a total of 8 items. Be specific.                                               20 points

Description of Play (use as heading): Based upon what you have read in the text (p. 189 in edition 4), categorize what types of play you observe and describe in detail, what exactly your child is doing at the time. How often do you recognize either functional or constructive (bold these for easier reading) play throughout the hour you observe? Label, be specific and include detail of child’s actions and materials used.     20 points

Description of Identity (use as heading): Describe your child’s identity development (bold these levels for easier reading). Utilize the textbook to help relate THREE key terms in identity development the child is currently in. Describe exactly what your child is doing and saying in interactions with materials, peers, parents and/or teachers.                                                                                                                                    20 points

Summary (use as heading): Summarize (through your observations) this child’s development in each domain. What can you can infer from your observation?  Include evidence based on what you actually observed in each domain. Use detailed examples to describe each domain and utilize the textbook to help guide you through ideas. Physical, Cognitive, SocialEmotional/personality (bold these domains inside the paper for easier reading)                                                                                                                                                            20 points

Additional Criteria  – APA formatting (12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman, indent each paragraph 5 spaces)  Approximately 4-5 pages written (include a Title Page – see APA guideline for sample- and reference page), overall 7 pages total

Quality of writing

(-0.5 points for each error in grammar, spelling or formatting up to -10 points.)