Communication Ethics

Communication Ethics

Respond to each of the following three prompts:
1.) Describe and explain the idea of “dialogue” as discussed in Buber and CEL. How does
dialogue aid our understanding of the relationship between communication and ethics?
2.) Over the course of the semester, we have moved between micro and macro contexts of
ethics: interpersonal communication to public discourse. Throughout the theoretical literature on
ethics, thinkers propose a range of metaphors for understanding the product of ethical thinking.
Such metaphors include: neighbor, stranger, friend, alien, and a host of others. Which of these
metaphors (or another of your choosing) best represent your approach to ethics? Please
thoroughly explain your choice and include reference to relevant scholarly support for your ideas.
3.) As you consider our semester’s study of communication ethics, we have discussed many
complex and often abstract ideas. What three practical lessons will you take away from this
class? How will you implement them in your life? (The more concrete your explanation the
better.) Please make this response distinct from response two.