Community Assessment: Healthy People 2020

Community Assessment: Healthy People 2020 

Healthy People 2020 Presentation Begin by viewing the following links which explain the basics of HP2020: Select a Leading Health Indicator TOPIC area related to one of the weekly topics(violence and abuse; substance use; underserved populations).

Use the following link to see a list: Create a presentation for your peers that familiarizes them with these topics.

• Succinctly summarize the “Overview and Impact” information r/t the topic. This includes any information about the importance of monitoring this topic.

• List the specific health indicators under the topic. For example, see (there are 1 to 4 per topic area).

• Succinctly summarize overall progress made toward meeting objectives and compare progress to IL, if those data are available.

• Describe appropriate nursing interventions/best practices relevant to the topic and its associated indicators. (Best practices are based on best evidence, so use Systematic Reviews and/or Guidelines as sources when they are available (for example, look under the “Tools and Resource” tab first).

• Note that your presentation can be rendered as a ppt presentation or poster or some other creative way. But you will need to provide a short doc as a “handout” that highlights the information you have provided for your classmates.