Community Problem Strategy

Community Problem Strategy

Part 1: On your own, or with a partner(s), your task will be to explore and address a common social problem that often leads to crime, antisocial behaviour, or unsafe communities within a city near you.  It is very important that you choose a specific city and explore a problem in that particular community.  A prime example of a community problem that is very prominent today relates to the opioid crisis which includes, but is not limited to, needle exchange, needle disposal, and safe injection/consumption sites.  It could also be another common social problem, such as homelessness.

It is also very important that you explore the nature and extent of the social problem you choose from at least four unique and specific stakeholder perspectives that you feel are most important to consider in whatever strategy created. Each of these stakeholders will have different priorities and roles within the solution and it is important to identify them.  Examples of important stakeholders are:

  1. The client population (ex. drug addicted, homeless, etc.)
  2. The police (Chief, community police officers, etc.)
  3. The municipal government (ex. politicians, mayor, city councilors, etc.)
  4. Health Care providers (ex. EMT, ER, hospital administrators, etc.)
  5. Local business owners
  6. Concerned citizens (neighbourhood, residents, voters, etc.)
  7. Service providers (ex. Not-for-Profit organizations, shelters, mental health, etc.)
  8. Educators (elementary schools, high schools, researchers, counselors,etc.)

Part 2: You will develop a crime prevention strategy with short, medium, and long term goals that might be used to address the social problem you chose.  Although prevention should be your ultimate objective (address the root causes of the behaviour), there may also be enforcement and intervention tactics being used.  One of the most important elements is that you consider and respect all stakeholders’ perspectives and identify strategic partnerships and proactive initiatives that might be undertaken to make a safer and/or healthier community.   You are expected to use an evidence-based approach to this exercise (explore what works in other cities and countries around the world) and to reflect this research using proper APA formatting rules.   

Your strategy document (word format) must include the following:

  1. A) A general description of the nature and extent of the problem (minimum 250 words)
  2. B) An analysis of the problem from at least four unique stakeholders perspectives.   How does this problem affect them and the work they do? How does it affect their day-to-day activities or that of the clients they serve? (approximately 250 words per stakeholder)
  3. C) A suggested prevention strategy.  (approx. 250 – 500 words)

This does not have to be in formal essay format, although complete sentences, proper punctuation, grammar, and readability is important.  Feel free to use bullets where appropriate.  Proper APA format, including title page and reference page is expected.

Community Problem Strategy

Community Problem Strategy
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGeneral DescriptionAn excellent description explores the social issue with sufficient depth to understand the nature and extent of the problem.
5.0 ptsExcellent 4.0 ptsGood 3.0 ptsSatisfactory 2.0 ptsApproaching Minimum Standard 1.0 ptsUnsatisfactory 0.0 ptsNo Marks
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStakeholder AnalysisAn excellent analysis explores the social problem from at least four unique stakeholders perspectives and describes how this problem affects each stakeholder specifically. An excellent submission chooses the most important clients for the chosen social problem and identifies each stakeholders’ unique priorities and roles in the solution.
10.0 ptsExcellent 9.0 ptsVery Good 8.0 ptsGood 7.0 ptsSatisfactory 6.0 ptsMinimum Standard Met 4.0 ptsApproaching Minimum Standard 2.0 ptsUnsatisfactory 0.0 ptsNo Marks
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCrime Prevention StrategyAn excellent strategy includes short, medium, and long term goals that might be used to address the chosen social problem. One of the most important elements is that the strategy considers and respects all stakeholders’ perspectives by identifying strategic partnerships and proactive initiatives that might be undertaken to make a safer and/or healthier community. An excellent strategy uses an evidence-based approach to this exercise (explores what works in other cities and countries around the world) and reflects this research using proper APA formatting rules.
10.0 ptsExcellent 9.0 ptsVery Good 8.0 ptsGood 7.0 ptsSatisfactory 6.0 ptsMinimum Standard Met 4.0 ptsApproaching Minimum Standard 2.0 ptsUnsatisfactory 0.0 ptsNo Marks
10.0 pts
Total Points: 25.0