Computer Crimes. Types of Computer Crimes. Cybercimes . Cyber Attacks

Computer Crimes. Types of Computer Crimes. Cybercimes . Cyber Attacks

You must be written in Microsoft Word in APA format (350 words per page).

The paper should be between 3500 to 5300 words excluding the title page content and the references page content.

The paper must be at least 10 pages double-spaced, 1″ margin all around, black 12 point font (Times New Roman or Arial) with correct citations of all utilized references/sources.

At a minimum include the following:

-Detailed description of the computer crimes

-Technology involved in the computer crimes

-Future trends in computer crimes

-Companies and forensics involved in detecting and solving computer crimes

-Regulatory issues surrounding the computer crimes

-Global implications for computer crimes

References (minimum of 10)