Concepts of process hazard recognition and control

Objective: To demonstrate application of the concepts of process hazard recognition and control learned over the course of this semester


Task: Conduct a hazard analysis exercise for a product manufacturing step within Biopharma, Semiconductor, Food and Beverage, or Oil and Gas Industry


Deliverable: Power Point (or equivalent) Presentation with a Short Video Explanation

5 Slides

  • Slide 1 – Overview of the process being examined. What is it and how is it done?
  • Slide 2 – Process steps – What are the main process steps? What chemicals/materials/equipment are used?
  • Slide 3 – Using one of the hazard identification processes we learned in class, outline the main hazards associated with this process.
  • Slide 4 – For each hazard identified, what are the consequences of that hazard? For example, if a thermal hazard exists, there may be possibility for skin burns, heat exhaustion, or even fire or runaway chemical reaction.
  • Slide 5 – What controls would you recommend for each of your identified hazards?

You can either record a power point with voice-over, or simply include a YouTube video of your explanation of your slides, recording yourself as if you were presenting this live.  If you need help with either of these options, let me know.  I will also post some resources to help all of you with this.


Have fun with this! Choose something you are interested in learning more about. There are many resources available online about how things are made, including great videos and articles.