Conduct SWOT Analysis On Self

Assignments should be typewritten (1-inch margins/12 pt. font/double-spaced), grammatically correct, and of college quality.  At the top of each assignment include the date, your name, and the topic. MLA format

*Conduct SWOT Analysis on Self (5 pages) Analyze your strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats/barriers to your professional development.

First, consider the following:

Strengths What sets you apart (knowledge, skills, certifications, education)?

What do you excel in? What do others see as your strengths? What achievements are you most proud of?

Weaknesses What tasks do you avoid because you don’t feel confident doing them? What do others see as your weaknesses?

What are your negative work habits (late, disorganized, temper, stress, etc.)?

Personality traits that will hold you back. Knowledge, skills, or abilities you lack?

Opportunities What connections do you have that could help you?

Can you fill a need others can’t?

Also, what supports do you have for reaching your goals?

This might include supportive people (e.g., mentors, supervisors, faculty, family, etc.), character strengths, financial resources etc.

Threats What obstacles/barriers do you face in your current path?

What is the competition like? Are there financial, chronological, or geographical obstacles?

*Then, discuss the following in your written response.

• What terms did you list based on the prompt questions you considered above? • What did you learn from this exercise? What surprised you?

• What would you like to improve?

• What goals or ideas do you have to grow professionally?