Conflict And Management And Team Dynamics

MT340: Unit 7 Assignment Details and Rubric This Assignment assesses the following Course Outcome. MT340-5: Develop creative and critical thinking in teams. Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items. Scenario: You, your spouse, and your two siblings and their spouses, need to get away as you all have extremely high pressure jobs. In order to really get away from technology, cell phones, etc., you rent an island home from Rene (who owns the island) that is only accessed by small plane 45 minutes away from the mainland for one month. The rent is prepaid. The small plane will come back in exactly one month to pick you up. You have all the groceries you need for one month which came on your flight over. The house is located on a steep cliff overlooking the ocean and receives water through a cistern (an open storage cement box open to the rain) on the roof, which is then filtered. After two days there, the six of you realize that the house has almost no water left, but you all agree you want to stay. The island has three other homes owned by Rene, which all happen to be vacant right now, but there is no town. You have a landline phone that communicates with the small landing strip station at which they only speak French, which none of you speaks. Checklist:  Explain why creative and critical thinking are important to the team.  Explain how you as a leader or group member will develop creative and critical thinking in the team of six (6).  Analyze what factors might affect creative and critical thinking in this team. How can the group avoid groupthink?  Identify some common fallacies in reasoning.  Summarize the tools you would use to enhance creative and critical thinking skills to resolve the problem.  How can you the team evaluate the viability of a proposed solution? Make sure your essay includes the following. ● Introduce your topic. ● Respond to the checklist items in this Assignment and provide support for your responses as appropriate. ● Provide a conclusion. ● Write your paper in a clear and articulate manner using Standard English. ● Ensure it is well-organized, logical, and unified, and that your work is original and insightful. ● Use APA formatting and citation style for your paper. ● Respond in a 2–3-page paper with a separate title and reference page. ● Provide at least two quality references in addition to the textbook, for a total of at least three. Submit your Assignment to the Unit 7 Assignment Dropbox. Submit by Tuesday 11:59 Eastern Time. 1              Unit 7 Assignment Grading Rubric Criteria: Points Possible: Points Earned Content and analysis based on the scenario:  Explain why creative and critical thinking are important to the team.  Explain as a leader or group member how to develop creative and critical thinking in the team of six (6).  Analyze what factors might affect creative and critical thinking in this team. Explain how the group can avoid groupthink.  Identify some common fallacies in reasoning.  Summarize some tools to be used to enhance creative and critical thinking skills to resolve the problem.  Explain how the team can evaluate the viability of a proposed solution. 45 Writing and Mechanics: Make sure the essay addresses the following: ● Introduce the topic. ● Respond to the checklist items and questions in this Assignment providing support where appropriate. ● Provide a conclusion. ● Respond in a 2–3-page essay with a separate title and reference page. ● Provide at least two quality references in addition to the textbook, for a total of at least three. ● Write the essay in a clear and articulate manner using Standard English. ● Ensure it is well-organized, logical, and unified, and that the work is original and insightful. ● Use APA formatting and proper citation of references where applicable. 35 Total Assignment Score: Total Points Possible: 80 Total Points Earned: 2