COVID19 Correlation Analysis

COVID19 Correlation Analysis 

i will upload the file here with the information.
questions below should be answered.
i will also provide links to help answer the questions.
the questions are:
1. See the graphs below, with log-transformed population density on the X-axis and logtransformed CDR on the Y-axis with a least squares line fit to the data.
Is the correlation positive or negative?

2. As the X-axis (population density) increases, what happens to the Y-axis (Crude Death Rate)?
3. What does the 0.449 mean? This is a log-log regression equation, so it has an easy
interpretation: For every 1% increase in population density, there is a 0.5% increase in the Crude
Death Rate for COVID19
4. Given what we just figured out, which states should emphasize social distancing the most?
(Hint: look at the graph with state name labels).
5. We have tested only one variable…what other variables do you think we should test?