Critical Thinking Video

Students: How to Write Your Paper:


Read the chapters in your textbook on: Sensation and Perception from Learning Unit #3


Eventually, when you start to write your paper, you will need to create two (2) groups of facts or items.

Group One:

The first group will be made up of “Critical Thinking Questions” (CTQ’s):

A.) Select five (5) different facts or items and type up one question (Critical Thinking Question “CTQ”) about each fact or item. The question should ask one of the following CTQ’s: “Who,” “What,” “Where,” “How,” “Why,” “When,” or “Which” about the fact or item you have selected. Type these questions in bold black ink followed by the correct answer to your question and type that answer in italicized black ink.

Group Two:

The second group will be made up of “Critical Thinking Descriptors” (CTD’s):

B.) Select five (5) different facts or items and type up one statement (Critical Thinking Descriptor “CTD”) about each fact or item. These descriptors should address one of the following CTD’s: “State,” “Describe,” “Explain,” “Define,” “Compare,” “Contrast,” and “List” about what you have selected. Type these questions in bold black ink followed by the correct answer to your question and type that answer in italicized black ink.


Begin each question or statement with one of the CTQ’s or CTD’s you have chosen from the list but never use the same CTQ or CTD more than once.


Write the CTQ’s first; number each of them 1 through 5 so they stand alone as separate one from another.


Write the CTD’s second; number each of them 6 through 10 so they stand alone as separate one from another.

See Below

SAMPLE: Your paper should look something like this (this is only an example):


Your Name:_______________________________________________


Course & Section #: Psychology 2301-___________________


1.) WHAT is the purpose for “Binocular Cues.”

They provide depth perception.

2.) HOW does sensation. . . .

Xxxx xx xxx x xxx x . . . . 


6.) DEFINE what is meant by “monocular cue.”

It is vision with the use of only one eye.

7.) STATE the purpose of . . . .

Xxxx xx xxx x xxx x . . . .